View Full Version : Finally, found some Win 231...Are things easing up?

Bob T
02-08-2015, 11:53 AM
Win 231 has been my go to powder for over 25 years...been looking for some time for more, as I was down to my last 1/4 pound. At the local gun show today, one of those small bullet manufactures had 231 in 4 lb containers, for $85, which in these parts, is a pretty fair price. Turns out he was waiting on this order of 231 for over two years, and it just got delivered. While waiting he had to switch over production to another powder, and said it was easier to just sell the 231, rather than change his production line back. Could have got more, he had at least 8 of them, but 4lbs will last me quite a while.

Also picked up a pound of Bullseye, and saw several other vendors with pistol powders, so maybe the production pipeline is filling up again? Or maybe the hoarders are done?


02-08-2015, 12:04 PM
Or maybe the hoarders a done?

Or maxed-out their credit cards.

My impression, of late, has also been that things are slowly returning to normal. Inventory of guns and ammo have improved significantly.

02-08-2015, 04:49 PM
I've seen a good supply of powders and primers at local dealers. Powders are bout $21-22 for most, primers $30 per 1000. Even saw some Clays which has been almost non-existant. I'm still working on my supply of Clays which predates the "big scare".

02-08-2015, 06:24 PM
This is good news. There is hope, and maybe .22 ammo will come down to reasonable prices and availability again. I do like 231.

marshal kane
04-21-2015, 09:37 AM
Not good news out West. Powder is still scarce for pistol and shotgun applications. Rifle powders a bit easier to find. Price gouging going on here for the little powder that shows up at the local gun stores. I still have some W231 but am using Hodgdon powders first only because I have more of it.

Bob T
05-31-2015, 07:41 AM
Yesterday GAT Guns (https://www.gatguns.com/) in East Dundee, IL has/had a full shelf of Accurate No. 5 and No. 7. Limit one pound of each type per person, so I got 2lbs each, as the wife was with me. Also got some Remington Golden Bullet .22LR.

My wife and I take a ride out every two weeks or so to Cabelas, and then GAT Guns, and then lunch, checking for powder and/or .22LR. And this is the first time in the last few years, I've seen pistol powder at a LGS. Also Cabelas was fully stocked in pistol primers, which is unusual. They've usually had some, but never fully stocked shelves.

Maybe things are easing up a bit after all.
