View Full Version : Some Ruger Autos, P Series, MKIIs, LC9

02-19-2015, 01:54 AM
Well, I'm an old school guy like I said before. So, only one plastic gun in this bunch. The old "built like a tank" P series.

A KP-90 in .45 acp. Had it for years. Works great. If It it ever breaks, I can use it for a boat anchor. Well, if i had a boat.

http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/thumb2_0131-60.jpg (http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/0131-60.jpg)

And it's little brother KP-89 in 9 mil. Real easy shooting pistola.

http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/thumb2_010-58.jpg (http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/010-58.jpg)

A stainless 7 3/8" tapered Target model MKII in .22 LR.

http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/thumb2_113-59.jpg (http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/113-59.jpg)

Another stainless 5.5" Bull Target model MKII in .22 LR

http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/thumb2_019-66.jpg (http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/019-66.jpg)

A standard blue 4" MKII in .22 LR. Wife uses it mostly. She killed a boar javelina in the yard with it that was fighting with the dogs.

http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/thumb2_027-70.jpg (http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/027-70.jpg)

And this little gun. An LC9. I been carrying it for about a year. Giving it to my son. It is a DA only. Now that I have the Kahr CW45, I won't be using it much. But, I might look into the newer LC9s that has a SA trigger.

http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/thumb2_28-156.jpg (http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/28-156.jpg)

02-19-2015, 09:45 AM
All those Ruger's, and no wheel gun???????????????????????????????

02-19-2015, 10:02 AM
I think wheelguns were covered yesterday, some nice ones too.

02-19-2015, 10:31 AM
I always like the looks of the tapered barrel Ruger MK series pistols. I also like the way the MK series pistols shoot.

02-19-2015, 02:14 PM
Used to have a MkI 4", but traded that off. Wish I still had it. Only semi-Rugers in the safe now are the SR45 & LCP. Gave my SR9 to the oldest son.

Hope this pic shows right side up:


02-19-2015, 03:12 PM
I never could get on board with the Ruger autos except for the MK22's of course which I love. I have the 5.5" Bull just like Pancho, great shooter.

Amend that. I gave that to my youngest son before he left for basic for his birthday. I gotta quit giving stuff away, makes me happy to give but sad to not be mine no more. Still in my safe so guess I get visiting priveleges.

02-19-2015, 04:02 PM
I never could get on board with the Ruger autos except for the MK22's of course which I love. I have the 5.5" Bull just like Pancho, great shooter.

Amend that. I gave that to my youngest son before he left for basic for his birthday. I gotta quit giving stuff away, makes me happy to give but sad to not be mine no more. Still in my safe so guess I get visiting priveleges.

You need to rectify that situation with another of your own Brother Bawanna. I recommend finding a MKII Government Target Model.

I like Ruger semiautos.
Government Target Model and a P90
Ist Gen LCP with custom sights
6 7/8" Heavy Taper barrels
Parkerized 5.5" MKII {my tribute to the MKIIs made for the Navy SEALS)
1953 Standard
4" MKII 22/45
5.5" MKII Target upper on a MKIII 22/45 lower

02-19-2015, 04:05 PM
I recently got a P94 because it was available fairly cheap and everyone says they're tanks. At first it was "meh." But I've really warmed up to it and it's my favorite "standard capacity" 9mm now. It's even not that bad to carry IWB.

I'd consider a P90 if the price was right and was a decock-only, but it's hard to reconcile a big heavy gun that only holds 7+1, when I have a svelte sexy Colt 1911.

02-19-2015, 04:22 PM
Very nice collection, Greg.

02-19-2015, 04:29 PM
"You need to rectify that situation with another of your own Brother Bawanna. I recommend finding a MKII Government Target Model."

Now I'm totally on board with this idea and a fine idea it is too. I don't know why I don't think of all the smart stuff you think of. This is great. I feel so much better. Probably ain't gonna happen but I feel better thinking about it.

And that Government Target Model is sweet too.

02-19-2015, 04:49 PM
"You need to rectify that situation with another of your own Brother Bawanna. I recommend finding a MKII Government Target Model."

Now I'm totally on board with this idea and a fine idea it is too. I don't know why I don't think of all the smart stuff you think of. This is great. I feel so much better. Probably ain't gonna happen but I feel better thinking about it.

And that Government Target Model is sweet too.
L:DL Boss, I don't know about any smart stuff,...just putting a burr under your saddle...a Volquartsen Scorpion would be nice as well:cool:

Darn, I forgot to post my Ruger clone:
10" AMT Lightning

ThanK you kindly!


02-19-2015, 06:59 PM
You are very welcome , Greg, and that AMT is pretty sweet also.

02-19-2015, 07:49 PM
I used to have a P345. You guy are right - they are tanks. I never had any problems with it, except it was too large and heavy. AS I've said before,I like light pistols, so it got sold.

02-19-2015, 08:05 PM
Always liked the P345. Never did pick one up though, and I can't justify another full-size .45 unfortunately.

Besides my LCP (which I'd trade for a CW380 in a split second) I have an SP101 2.25" and GP100 3". Great wheel guns! Ruger makes a fine revolver...

02-20-2015, 12:56 AM
All those Ruger's, and no wheel gun???????????????????????????????

Guess ya missed the other thread? S&W thread too.

02-20-2015, 01:43 AM
Looks like ya got a MK hangup Greg. I had to cut back. Sold a couple of 6 7/8" tapered bull bareled guns last yar. One was a Liberty model. Also another 4" MkI. They were all blue. I never used them. Well, I never use the stainless ones either. Never had a 22/45......yet.

02-20-2015, 07:02 AM
I like just about everything about my P345 except the trigger. It's not horrible, but there are much better triggers out there.

02-20-2015, 10:39 AM
Guess ya missed the other thread? S&W thread too.

Yeah, I missed it................................................ ..........

02-22-2015, 07:35 AM
How about an all alloy MkIII 22/45?


02-22-2015, 10:28 AM
How about an all alloy MkIII 22/45?

Wow, that is very nice. Are you saying that the grip frame on that is alloy instead of polymer? If so, where did you get it?

02-22-2015, 12:03 PM
I was looking at Ruger 22/45's yesterday but they didn't have the version with the removable grips panels.

I thought GB was right, I gave my heavy barrel MkII to my son, only right I should get a replacement. Wife isn't totally on board with the idea.

02-22-2015, 01:20 PM
Wow, that is very nice. Are you saying that the grip frame on that is alloy instead of polymer? If so, where did you get it?
It is a full Volquartsen frame and innards. The gun feels very different with the addition of an allow frame. Pricey, but there are a lot of ways to justify gun stuff.


02-22-2015, 02:11 PM
Thanks, 340pd. That is a little pricey, but obviously well worth it.

02-23-2015, 02:16 AM
I was gonna ask the same thing, but that explains it.