02-25-2015, 05:55 PM
I don't beleeve a word of it, no more than I beleeve them lecktronic ear muffs keep yur ears warm. But that was a nuther story I alreddy tole you bout. Now I been reeding 'bout you fellers buyin' CW9 Kahrs for $300, butt I have my doubts and I kneed a nuther car myself. Pleeze notise it is speled C-A-R and not K-A-H-R!!!!! No wunder kids can't spel wurds no more. Git you a dickshunary and lern how to use it. That is whut I do when I don't no how to spel a wurd. Butt I don't have to use it very offen. (No brag, just fact.) I will say it is hard to find a dickshunary nowadays. I found mine at the local Salvashun Army store when I was lookin' for some knew furniture and a mattress. Butt why due thay call it a Army? I didn't see no uniforms or guns, and I don't no why thay wud even kneed a army in the furst place. You can git rilly gud furniture their at a gud prise, butt they don't sel cars unfortunly. A wurd of coshun tho bout usin' a dickshunary. It is dang hard to look up a wurd when you don't no how to spel it in the furst place! Oh yeah, don't worry bout my salvashun. I done got it. Butt I have got bit a couple times handlin' them rattlesnakes.
Anyways, bak to my problim. I kud not find any kind of good c-a-r for $300 so I called the smartist man I no, Rudell “Nubbin” Pennybaker. I alreddy tole you bout how Rudell got the nickname Nubbin, butt that is a nuther story. Anyways, Rudell tole me he kud not find no CW9 car for $300, but he did find a brand knew Mazda CX9 for $30,000. Now that is redickilus. Even Johny Karson don't make that kind of money. Anyways, now I'm a wonderin' if them CW9 cars you been buyin' are brand knew. I don't thank so. If not then you bin skrewed.
One thang I allmost foregot to menshun. Rudell tole me his wife, Hattie, just maid a lot of money kinda like he did win he had his lawn mower axident. Butt that is a nuther story for a nuther time. I got ta go now cuz my wiffe Effie just sed I kneed to go carry sum more sugar up the mountin. I make my livin' carryin' 100 pound saks of sugar thru the woods of north Georgia for Rudell. I can carry 100# on each sholder. (No brag. Just fact.) I don't no why Rudell kneeds so much sugar, butt he has a veery gud bizzness.
Anyways, bak to my problim. I kud not find any kind of good c-a-r for $300 so I called the smartist man I no, Rudell “Nubbin” Pennybaker. I alreddy tole you bout how Rudell got the nickname Nubbin, butt that is a nuther story. Anyways, Rudell tole me he kud not find no CW9 car for $300, but he did find a brand knew Mazda CX9 for $30,000. Now that is redickilus. Even Johny Karson don't make that kind of money. Anyways, now I'm a wonderin' if them CW9 cars you been buyin' are brand knew. I don't thank so. If not then you bin skrewed.
One thang I allmost foregot to menshun. Rudell tole me his wife, Hattie, just maid a lot of money kinda like he did win he had his lawn mower axident. Butt that is a nuther story for a nuther time. I got ta go now cuz my wiffe Effie just sed I kneed to go carry sum more sugar up the mountin. I make my livin' carryin' 100 pound saks of sugar thru the woods of north Georgia for Rudell. I can carry 100# on each sholder. (No brag. Just fact.) I don't no why Rudell kneeds so much sugar, butt he has a veery gud bizzness.