View Full Version : SW40VE, just another Sigma .40 cal
03-04-2015, 02:22 AM
Got this gun Suday at the gunshow. Owner had been walking it all day with a sign for 325. Told him a reality check would show it sold for less than 3 at most places and the local Academy Sports too. He said he had heard that all day. I offered 2 and he said he alreday had that, so I bumped it another 20. He said he was alrday downt to 250 on and could live with 225. Sold. Like new and in the box, 2 mags, and papers.
Took the gun outside and fired it right outta the box. The guns are boringly reliable, although they have a heavy trigger pull. This one proved to be the same. I have one already like it and have had several others. Just fired it at a can. Shoot to P.O.A. like the others. Like I said, boringly reliable and accurate if ya can control the trigger. Not as fancy as the M&P models or even the SD models. But it will go bang every time. (
03-04-2015, 06:46 AM
I have worked on these and you can lighten the 12 lbs trigger to 5.5 lbs quite easily. There are two springs that make the trigger pull heavy. You just remove them. The trigger pull is designed in as a "safety". Once the trigger is lightened it shoots very accurate and smooth. Here's directions
03-04-2015, 10:48 AM has a video that shows what's going on with the spring. the Apex kit doesn't mess with this, it's just Wolff striker spring, etc. if you do any of this, never admit it, even under oath, you know nothing!
I shoot with an SD9VE owner and we trade guns for a few magazines, he likes my Kahr and I like his S&W. I kid him and ask if he brought his Glock, hehehehe.
(some gun co.'s will sue another co. for stealing designs, see Glock vs S&W or Kahr vs Diamondback. other co.'s will charge for being copied, see Kel-Tec/ Ruger (P3at/LCP) or Colt/ Sig (P238/Mustang).
long story short, the Sigma or SD can be made very Glocky for cheap. good shooters. the lighter you make the trigger, the more apt you are to Glock yourself--- . good luck.
03-04-2015, 02:57 PM
You got a good deal there!
03-04-2015, 06:57 PM
I have worked on these and you can lighten the 12 lbs trigger to 5.5 lbs quite easily. There are two springs that make the trigger pull heavy. You just remove them. The trigger pull is designed in as a "safety". Once the trigger is lightened it shoots very accurate and smooth. Here's directions has a video that shows what's going on with the spring. the Apex kit doesn't mess with this, it's just Wolff striker spring, etc. if you do any of this, never admit it, even under oath, you know nothing!
I shoot with an SD9VE owner and we trade guns for a few magazines, he likes my Kahr and I like his S&W. I kid him and ask if he brought his Glock, hehehehe.
(some gun co.'s will sue another co. for stealing designs, see Glock vs S&W or Kahr vs Diamondback. other co.'s will charge for being copied, see Kel-Tec/ Ruger (P3at/LCP) or Colt/ Sig (P238/Mustang).
long story short, the Sigma or SD can be made very Glocky for cheap. good shooters. the lighter you make the trigger, the more apt you are to Glock yourself--- . good luck.
is the SW trigger internals the same as the SD, i have a SD40 & would like to do the same thing here.
03-04-2015, 08:19 PM
I bought a Sigma 9mm about the time they came out. Other than being one of the pistols stolen in 2010, I never had any problems with it - except I hated the trigger. Since the guns were new, I called S&W to see if anything could be done. They supplied a shipping label but not to them. It was sent to a company in Texas to resolve the trigger issue. When it came back, the trigger was much lighter and also shorter, if I remember correctly. It became a very nice shooter, but since I was moving to smaller pistols and to 45 cal, I never replaced it after the burglary. I really don't know what was done to improve the trigger, but I understand that S&W stopped the service after a few months.
03-05-2015, 05:49 AM
I have heard of the trigger mods on hese guns, but have not tied it. The one that I got as a gift I can't sell or trade. But, I have done that with all the others. I like the guns and had several in both cals. Might try it sometime. I just have alot of other guns with better triggers to shoot, even a Gluck. The Kahr has the best trigger so far for a DAO only. I have had and stillhave one Taurus 24/7 in .45 cal that is a decocker, SA/DA that has a great SA trigger. Kinda touchy that way, but I can set it for DA using the decocker/safety.
03-07-2015, 07:17 AM
If you decide to do the trigger job, it is easily reversible. Just save the two springs. It really does make a huge difference.
03-07-2015, 08:06 AM
If you haven't already checked. Apex Tactical makes a Trigger and spring kit for these. It will reduce the trigger weight down to about 5.5. I have put their kits in 2 out of 3 of my M&P's and they work great and are well documented.
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