View Full Version : Beretta Model 1934/35, .32 acp

03-04-2015, 03:35 AM
Got his little pocket rocket at closing time on Sunday. Gu brought 2 of them into the gunshow right before closing time. The .32 looked @ 80% overall and the .380 was butt fugly with no finish and grips that were worn smooth. Guy had been trying to get 2 for the .32 and 350 for the fugly .380.

I checked them both out cause I wanted both,but I wasn't giving over 2 for the pair. He said the .32 worked fine, but the mag catch did not work with the replacement mag he got for it. He said, "ya gotta stick your pinky under the mag to keep it in while shooting." Well, that was not good on a pocket SD gun. So, I offered 75 for the .32 and still a bill on the .380. He walked it a bit more and came back as they were asking the crowed to leave. He would take a bill for he .32 and still wanted full price for the .380. Told him Ihad to go and it would cost me 20 bucks ormore just to get the right mag for the .32, so 80 bucks take it or leave it. Show was closing. He took it.

Gun worked fine like he said with his "pinky under the mag trick." but a few passes with my file on the mag base plate got it right and the mag catch locked up right. D@mn gun shoots .32s like crap through a goose. Carried it all day today.

http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/thumb2_71-346.jpg (http://www.bersaforum.com/images/1/1/8/71-346.jpg)

03-04-2015, 04:52 AM
That was certainly a good price on a classic Beretta. Nice find. It's a bit large for my pockets and I shy away from single action for CC, but that's me. Enjoy your new Beretta.

03-05-2015, 05:53 PM
Beautiful little gun! The WW2 ace R. S. Tuck claimed one from a German bomber he shot down during the Battle of Britain.

Higgy Baby
03-05-2015, 06:49 PM
$80 would definitely be a good deal. That is a forever keeper.

03-07-2015, 12:54 AM
$80 would definitely be a good deal. That is a forever keeper.

Yes, it would be. However, I let a gun trading buddy look at it. He said he had been trying to get one like it off a friend of his for years. I swap stuff with him often. He just couldn't put it down after he started playing with it. I was hoping to bait him with it for something good. He just doesn't do many handguns, mostly nice rifles. He has a Ruger .45 convertible Blackhawk Ihave tried to get off him for a while and a Browning 1910 model .380. Called him yesterday about the Beretta. He said he would not swap the Ruger, but he would really thjink hard about swapping the Browning. That was what I was hoping for. I come across the Berettas preety often at the shows, but not the Brownngs. The Ruger I can go out and buy anytime.

One of these IIRC. I have only seen it once and it was in great shape.

03-07-2015, 10:02 AM
I saw one of those Berettas in a gun counter a short while back. It was a really nice gun...better than I expected...and in very good condition. This particular seller has a reputation for being really proud of his stuff...he wanted close to $400 IIRC. Needless to say I didn't get it. ;) Hope you get that 1910.

03-08-2015, 12:09 PM
I'm a fan of the Colt 1903 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colt_Model_1903_Pocket_Hammerless . my great uncle had one and while I was living out of town he turned it in to one of those police give us your gun programs back in the 70's. guns were supposed to be destroyed, I'm sure it's in some cops collection.
the Browning/Colt/FN pistols of this style could be easily updated in alloy or alloy/polymer. surprised no gun company has thought about it.

03-08-2015, 02:17 PM
Nice deal.

03-08-2015, 08:04 PM
I'm a fan of the Colt 1903 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colt_Model_1903_Pocket_Hammerless . my great uncle had one and while I was living out of town he turned it in to one of those police give us your gun programs back in the 70's. guns were supposed to be destroyed, I'm sure it's in some cops collection.
the Browning/Colt/FN pistols of this style could be easily updated in alloy or alloy/polymer. surprised no gun company has thought about it.
Rumor has it that Colt will be doing a limited run of Model 1903 pocket pistols:

03-08-2015, 10:03 PM
thanks for the news. after the way over priced first run is sold, maybe they'll make some for commoners. don't hold your breath with Colt, that company could screw up a steel ball. wish Colt would stop trying to live off it's name and get serious about designing and building guns again. or just get out of the way and let Armscor do it. alloy (16oz.?) 1903 would be sweet. .32 or .380 could benefit from the 4" barrel. for that to be a "pocket pistol", you'd have to find some 1903 pants. lucky you can put a cellphone in your pocket these days.
Now, the interesting question is what Colt will do with the tooling for these once the limited run sells out. Seems like a pretty big waste to me to put in the money to tool up and then stop…perhaps we will see the gun added to Colt’s standard product list down the road? - See more at: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2015/01/23/colt-producing-new-model-1903-pistols/#sthash.xSAlvltw.dpuf

03-19-2015, 02:32 AM
The Browning 1910 .380 has not turned up yet that I was wanting to swap for this gun. However, 2 more rifles have been dummped on me by the guy that wants the beretta. I still have the 10/22 he left here a month ago. He keeps telling me to treat them as if they were mine. He wants the Beretta. He just doesn't want to give up the Brownng for it. I know he has no use for the 3 rifles he left here. He has a nice collection Rem 600s, 700s, and Winch Mod 70s and not many handguns.