View Full Version : CM9 Question/Problem

03-04-2015, 03:03 PM
I bought a CM9 sometime back thinking I would carry it but I haven't even got around to shooting it yet because I can't seem to get away from carrying a revolver. I 'll drag it out once in awhile and cycle some snap caps through it and I have taken it apart to lube it thinking that one day I'll try carrying it. Anyway, I had it out recently and noticed that when you rack the slide and the trigger is reset, there is bigger gap between slide and frame towards the front of the gun than there is after you pull the trigger. Noticing this, I racked the slide and watched as I pulled the trigger and you can see this gap close after you pull the trigger. Wondering if this is normal, I tried this on a CT9 and another CM9 and neither one had this issue. Both of those guns had a consistent gap between slide and frame at all times. I would think that if the slide was moving downward when firing that accuracy may be affected, although maybe not by much. Has anyone here ever noticed this on their CM9 or do you think my gun has an issue?