View Full Version : The return of the Kahr CW380

gun papa
03-05-2015, 09:41 PM
Well the turnaround time on when I sent the pistol back to Kahr, and when it was returned was about a week. When we last left this issue, I had at least one light strike per magazine, and the gun hardly ever locked open on the last round. These problems were addressed with the pistol when I sent it.

The note that was returned with the pistol stated that they had reworked the slide and replaced the recoil springs. They also reported that the gun ran right for the 29 rounds.

I took the gun out today with 50 rds of PPU. The first 6 rds, the slide locked open after the last shot. Not so for the rest of the box. The remaining 7 magazines the slide did not stay back. 3 nose dives on the second round. The good news, no light strikes.

I am glad that there were no light strikes. BUT.......Here is the issue I have. There is no way that Kahr ran 29 rounds through this gun with the slide locking back every time. No way. Do I send the gun back to Kahr and make them make their gun run as it is supposed to?

03-05-2015, 10:04 PM
Short answer is yes, but I'd try some other ammo first and maybe let someone else shoot it too, just to eliminate other possibilities. I'm suspicious of the mag when the slide doesn't lock back, but I assume they tested it out with the same mag.

gun papa
03-05-2015, 11:47 PM
I have tried all kinds of ammo for the past 800+ rounds. I have been shooting handguns for almost 30 years. I have been an instructor both civilian and LEO for 17 years. Pretty sure it ain't me.

Or, the guy at Kahr who was able to get the gun to lock open every time on every mag has some magic nobody else possesses. I hate being lied to. It bugs me.

03-06-2015, 12:07 AM
I would definitely let someone else shoot it before sending it in again.


03-06-2015, 04:00 AM
The OP has 30 years of experience shooting & would have to shoot his own gun in the event he would encounter a SD situation. The described problems with his gun are all too familiar. The gun needs to go back again & when it comes back hopefully it will function reliably if not I personally would get a different gun.

03-06-2015, 04:13 AM
If you really like the CW380 I'd send it back. Otherwise, it's time to move on. I know that people say "send it back, Kahr will make it right" but that's not always true.

03-06-2015, 08:34 AM
Try some different mags?

03-06-2015, 10:09 AM
I'm not an instructor or a LEO, but I shot full sized semi-autos for about 25 years. Then I got my first micro 380 (a Ruger LCP) and when I got it to the range it was stove piping not feeding, etc. It wasn't the gun. Probably not the OPs problem, but it doesn't hurt to have somebody else shoot it.

03-06-2015, 01:09 PM
I've been an LEO for almost 26 years (retired for a year then got talked into working for a tiny town nearby), been a firearms instructor a while, too, and was often the guy the firearms guys sent their problem children to in order to get them able to qualify even before I was an official instructor (either I have a knack for teaching or they were all just glorified hole-counters, take your pick :p ). I notice that often if I've been doing a lot of work with full-size or even compact duty pieces, I can have trouble with micro-mini guns like my CW 380 (or my P3AT before that ... etc.). TOTALLY different grip strategy. The whole 70/30 support hand/firing hand thing for regular weapons is out the window. With these micro-minis your firing hand has to provide almost all the support for the weapon. You have to do your best to let the slide recoil and the frame barely move.

Some of the more stable two-handed grips for duty pistols (like the firing thumb over the base of the support thumb, support thumb along the slide) takes vital support away from the backstrap of the grip when firing. This problem is exacerbated if you have big hands.

You may know all of this and if so, I apologize for wasting your time, my friend, but before you go through the ordeal of sending it back and waiting for a return, try shooting it one-handed, gripping it like a rattle snake about to bite you. If THAT doesn't fix it, then it's either the weapon's mechanics or it just doesn't fit you and it's time to look at another piece.

03-06-2015, 01:48 PM
One thing I try, which doesn't seem to be taught much at all, is use my weak hand (left) index finger on the front of the trigger guard to help prevent muzzle flip and to get just a little more control of that firecracker in your hands. It's a little easier to do this with such a small gun as the CW380.

03-06-2015, 08:29 PM
I agree with some of the other posters,I would have someone else who is experienced shoot it to rule out your grip as the problem.
If the problem persists then I would keep sending it back on thier dime until they give you the functioning gun that you paid for

03-06-2015, 09:35 PM
" With these micro-minis your firing hand has to provide almost all the support for the weapon."
if you ever need to use a .380, the first 3 or 4 shots are probably going to be one handed and no use of the sights. with that in mind, train that way. pull the target in to 2-3 yards, draw and shoot. (if the range won't let you use a holster, pick the gun up from the bench and shoot. zoom your eyes in where you want the bullet it to go, point with the gun and fire. keep practicing until you can put the bullets in a paper plate from 5 to 10 feet. I can get away with practicing with a BB pistol in my backyard- very helpful and cheap.
(if a bad guy is out 15-20 yards, you got time to finish your coffee and get the shotgun, hehehehehe.)

03-07-2015, 05:25 AM
I notice that often if I've been doing a lot of work with full-size or even compact duty pieces, I can have trouble with micro-mini guns like my CW 380 (or my P3AT before that ... etc.). TOTALLY different grip strategy.

This is true. I have an LCP that functions well and never had a feed failure. Started a range session by firing 50 rounds from my Shield 9mm. Picked up the LCP and had a feed jam in the first magazine.

03-07-2015, 08:47 AM
Send it back!

03-10-2015, 08:52 PM
I have tried all kinds of ammo for the past 800+ rounds. I have been shooting handguns for almost 30 years. I have been an instructor both civilian and LEO for 17 years. Pretty sure it ain't me.

Or, the guy at Kahr who was able to get the gun to lock open every time on every mag has some magic nobody else possesses. I hate being lied to. It bugs me.

Its the CW380 that's at fault, not you, Gun Papa.
I know you gripped it hard and you've used your 30 years experience.

I had similar problems with Kahr - my P380 was returned several times (by my wonderful dealer) - you can search my posts and see the intense frustration and eventual sorrow of returning it. (And the sorrow was worsened by the onslaught of Kahr zealots blaming me, disbelieving my years in the military, and the capability of my local gun
Get rid of your CW380 if you haven't already done so.
I tried 2 other brands and ended up retaining a Glock G42 which has been 100% reliable from day one (well over 1,000 rounds)
Sorry you had to go through the hassle - although its a great-looking gun which looks well built, it's not something you can trust to protect you and yours.

03-11-2015, 11:56 AM
Its the CW380 that's at fault, not you, Gun Papa.
I know you gripped it hard and you've used your 30 years experience.

I had similar problems with Kahr - my P380 was returned several times (by my wonderful dealer) - you can search my posts and see the intense frustration and eventual sorrow of returning it. (And the sorrow was worsened by the onslaught of Kahr zealots blaming me, disbelieving my years in the military, and the capability of my local gun
Get rid of your CW380 if you haven't already done so.
I tried 2 other brands and ended up retaining a Glock G42 which has been 100% reliable from day one (well over 1,000 rounds)
Sorry you had to go through the hassle - although its a great-looking gun which looks well built, it's not something you can trust to protect you and yours.

I know you said you returned your CW380 due to reoccurring issues and picked up a G42.

Did you consider the CM9 which is smaller than the G42 in I believe all dimensions? Just curious.

03-11-2015, 02:52 PM
There are some things in life I have no control over and just have to accept as they are. The weather comes to mind.

There are other things I do have control of. Guns are one of them. I don't allow things I have control over to aggravate me. If this gun doesn't work for you, get one that does. Or, if you're married to it, keep sending the Kahr back until it works as it should. In making your decision, ask yourself if you can ever trust your life to this gun.

03-15-2015, 07:46 AM
I too had to send my P380 back to Kahr which took a month to get back. They did a "complete parts upgrade" according the repair order and they replaced my 2 mags, as well. My first trip to the range had no light strikes but with one mag the slide wouldn't lock open on the last round.
Second range report! I went to the range yesterday to break in my new M&P Shield 9 and put another 60 rounds through the P380, including the mag I had trouble with. Everything worked flawlessly, even the mag. I had a feeling that the slide not locking open may have been caused by my grip so I focused on on making sure I wasn't touching the slide lock. I put 50 rounds of Remington practice ammo and 10 rounds of my Federal Hydra-Shok ammo and no issues.
Here are a couple of things I did after getting the gun back. I read a sticky about polishing the feed ramp so I took some light sandpaper to the ramp and front edge of the barrel. Then I took polishing compound and a Dremmel to the ramp and entry to the barrel. I then cleaned and oiled the gun but used gun grease lightly on the rails and slide contact points. So far so good. I finally feel comfortable carrying it now.
i know it can be really frustrating. Good luck with your yours!

03-15-2015, 08:35 PM
I've got mine running pretty well now but I was so frustrated with my first one that I passed it on.

I trust my micro desert eagle more than the CW380.

03-15-2015, 11:52 PM
My P380 started out rough - lots of stove pipes and FTFs. 100gr flat nosed were terrible. Standard pressure XTPs were better. I froglubed it, then stripped the slide down and removed all the excess lube (micro fiber cloth, Q-tips and toothpicks for the ejector hole.)

It has been Much better.

Now, if I get FTFs or stove pipes, I cinch up on my grip, at which point everything runs flawlessly.

So, at this stage of the game, I'm blaming grip. Need more range time to work it out.