View Full Version : New PM9 owner, optimal SD ammo choices

03-05-2015, 11:05 PM
I just purchased my PM9 last month and shot for first time last week. Up til then, I have been carrying Speer Gold Dot 124 +P gor my G19. I see that Speer offers a short barrel version of this for 3" barrel firearms but it seems no one has it in stock. Upon looking for other short barrel options, Hornady Critical Defense 115gr. came up of which is available locally and apparently Critical Duty isn't optimized" for shorter barreled guns.

Aside from these 2 offerings, what other SD loads are ideally suited for this type of gun? And what should I expect differences to be if I were to use either Critical Duty or regular non SB GoldDot? Thanks!

03-05-2015, 11:35 PM
I went with Critical Defense but it had less to do with optimal ballistics than it had with New Jersey 's ridiculous law against JHP's. I'm there semi-frequently, hence the change.

On YouTube, ShootingTheBull410 conducted a 9mm "Ammo Quest" specifically through short barrel. Very well done vids, I'd suggest you check them out.

As per their test, Critical Duty over penetrated due to lack of expansion. Critical Duty performed well, albeit at the lower barometer of acceptable level.

03-05-2015, 11:35 PM
Thank you will def check out!

03-05-2015, 11:43 PM
Even though I'm pretty much married to my ammo choice, out of aggravating necessity, I still enjoy watching their videos. Good luck!

03-06-2015, 07:44 AM
Fed HST............................................... .....................

03-06-2015, 12:48 PM
Both the Fed HST and Hornady Critical Defense are good SD rounds. You might also try the Speer Gold Dots. Another fine choice.

03-06-2015, 12:49 PM
No gold dot short barrels locally or online :(

03-06-2015, 12:54 PM
I currently have Federal 124 gr +P+ Hydra-Shoks in all my various 9x19 pistols. BUT, really, ammo choice is mostly a "feel good" issue. At best it's an answer to a specific problem (usually having to do with less or more penetration depending upon circumstances). The latest FBI data, compiled from decades of shootings has found that essentially there is no real difference between duty-style calibers in terminal performance, handgun "stopping power" is a myth ... AND for that matter, at a friend's latest FBI Firearms Instructor re-certification, the trainer (a respected ballistics expert in our part o'the woods) told him that insofar as wounding, there's not even enough difference between JHP and FMJ to matter. JHPs, though, ricochet less and (assuming they hit in the first place) are less likely to "over penetrate" -- though given the ratio of misses to hits some argue [not me] that is a moot point as well).

I use the hot rounds because those were my old duty rounds when my old dept issued 9mm Luger ammo. I know it shoots to point-of-aim, and I have a good idea what it does when it gets there (i.e. what it'll go through and what it won't). NOTHING wrong with any of the other rounds mentioned or your current choice. Remember, we're not blocks of gel. We have skin (quite tough skin, in fact), fat (some of us more'n others :p), connective tissue, muscle, maybe bone, space, perhaps some organ tissue and/or arterial walls, space, more stuff, muscle, space, etc. Even expanded bullets from a handgun have not been shown to wound outside of their direct path. Now, get that velocity up to around 2,200 fps or so and you actually have hydrostatic shock doing some damage. Below that threshold, however, there is not enough. Close means no more than far away insofar as that destructive velocity threshold. Heavier, "harder-hitting" rounds are better at smashing bone and arguably at creating additional projectiles from said bone than, say, "mouse-gun" calibers, but even "the big boys" only really damage what's in their direct path. ___Caveat: with brain hits there can certainly be a difference because you're talking about essentially tightly contained gelatin (lots o'water in the ol' noggin) and water, as we all know, doth not compress, ergo, more energy equals more pressure which is greatly magnified by the brain tissue.___

Simple answer: Get what shoots well in your weapon and what you can afford to buy a lot of. Carry well. :)

03-06-2015, 07:57 PM
Federal HST 147 grain, if you can find it, is also a good one to consider with the 3" barrel.

03-06-2015, 08:32 PM
I prefer bonded bullets and really like the Gold Dots... Short Barrel, where available. I carry the 124-grain +P Gold Dot Short Barrel in my PM9 and P9.

Wynn :)

03-06-2015, 11:46 PM
Golden Saber all the way.


03-07-2015, 06:09 AM

03-07-2015, 07:06 AM
Wow, never considered 147gr. Thanksfor the vid, definitely a contender should I be able to find

03-07-2015, 08:29 AM
I carry the Fed HST's in 147 gr........................work well, and have seen the damage comparisons.

03-07-2015, 10:46 AM
I think that ammo ballistics is a little bit like splitting hairs. What cycles through my gun and what I shoot well is more important to me. That said, I choose Golden Saber because they come 25/box instead of 20. :o

03-07-2015, 11:15 AM
I don't buy into the short barrel loads. I bet they are VERY close to whatever the +P version of whatever manufacturer's load is. The perp is not going to want any round in him and isn't going to be asking if that is the correct round or not.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-07-2015, 12:11 PM
I think that ammo ballistics is a little bit like splitting hairs. What cycles through my gun and what I shoot well is more important to me. That said, I choose Golden Saber because they come 25/box instead of 20. :o

I buy my Gold Dot and HST in 50 round boxes when they are available. I do like the GS 25 rounders also, and the 147's feed fine in my Kahrs.

03-07-2015, 01:40 PM
I picked up a box of Hornady Critical Defense 115 gr. FTX. to try out.............................I noticed that they are a bit shorter than my HST's.............................I think they may feed a bit smoother.

03-07-2015, 04:03 PM
I think that ammo ballistics is a little bit like splitting hairs. What cycles through my gun and what I shoot well is more important to me. That said, I choose Golden Saber because they come 25/box instead of 20. :o

There are all kinds of hollow point choices here that come in 25 round, or even 50 rounds per box. http://www.sgammo.com/catalog/pistol-ammunition/9mm-9x19

03-07-2015, 05:18 PM
^^^ OK, I gotta start ordering my ammo online...

Ron AZ
03-08-2015, 11:29 PM
In my PM9, I shot the Critical Defense 115's and the Fed HST 124 gr (std, not +P) both out of it multiple times. 1st, in my PM9, never had any ammo fail to function perfectly. But I felt the recoil with the HST's was much more noticeable in this size gun than the Critical Defense. And i was somewhat more accurate with Crit. Defense too, so carrying that for now.