View Full Version : 1911 8 rnd mags for CW45
03-06-2015, 03:57 PM
I would like some recommendations for 8 round 1911 mags for my CW45. I have read that works with no mods, but I would like to hear that from someone here. I would like to shoot this for the new IDPA CCP div but need to have 8 round mags.
03-06-2015, 06:51 PM
Not exactly true, kind of hit or miss. Some do work with little or no modification, others require some tweaking.
GB and a few others are up to snuff on the CW45.
Wilson 8 rd mags run fine without modification in my PM45 but the officer size Wilson mags do not. Has to be just spring tension in the mag, everything else is the same, follower etc. Haven't bothered to try and figure it out yet.
Pushing the follower down on each they feel the same to me.
You can make em work but it isn't a given that they will work without tweaking.
03-07-2015, 06:00 AM
Wilson Combat 47D, may or may not need a little filing, sanding, polishing to clear slide. One of mine needed a little more than the other one. ymmv.
03-07-2015, 07:53 AM
Thanks for the help. I would really like to use the CW in the matches.
03-07-2015, 08:59 AM
I use 1911 mags (Officer's/Compact size) in my CW45 for a close to flush fit. I haven't tried any full size 1911 mags, but the mods that might be needed to make them fit/function should be the same. You can see what I found necessary in this thread: (post #9 in particular).
As Bawanna said "...kind of hit or miss. Some do work with little or no modification, others require some tweaking."
In addition to the Wilsons posted above, some folks report that ACT-MAG magazines work without modification:
03-07-2015, 09:09 AM
Thanks Greg, that is what I was reading elsewhere but want the opinion of the experts here. I will probably try the ACT-MAG first and see how they function.
03-07-2015, 09:48 AM
DLB, I recall reading somewhere that Kimber Kim-Pro mags work without modification. Your thread got me thinking and remembering that I have one of those somewhere. So I dug it out and gave it a try. Now it's just one example but it works: cycles fine and locks the slide back with no modification (using the stock metal follower). I tried all the 1911 mags I have and the Sig 8 rounders worked OK too.
Good idea running that IDPA.
03-09-2015, 05:13 AM
Thanks for the information on the Kimber and Sig mags.
03-09-2015, 04:53 PM
Thanks for the information on the Kimber and Sig mags.
I believe I'm the one that posted on the Kimber mags. I found that a Kimber Officer's (7-round) works perfectly in my CW45 without any modification. I did install the follower and spring from the Kahr mag into the Kimber mag as that's the only way it will lock back the slide after the last round. My purpose in using the Kimber mag was to get a flush fit baseplate for better concealment and less printing. It runs 230 gr. ball perfectly, and my main carry ammo, which is Speer Gold Dot 230 gr. JHP. I was using Gold Dot 200 gr. +P JHP and was experiencing stovepipes on occasion (always the 4th round in the mag, for some reason) but when I switched to standard pressure 230 gr. JHP Gold Dots, it has run without any problems at all.
mr surveyor
03-09-2015, 11:03 PM
aren't the Kimber "factory" mags made by Chip McCormick? I have 7 of the Shooting Star mags with my old '97-'98 model Kimber Stainless Compact and had the itch a couple years ago to buy a CW45. Ended up instead getting in on the failure of the Springer XDS45 and sold it a month after getting it back from the "recall". Started to immediately convert the cash into ordering a CW45, but over the years I've found that trying to convert one failure of a firearm into another generally results in getting one of the 1% lemons from the replacement manufacturer. Always been bad juju for me. Took the cash and bought a new chrono, new digital scale, and other reloading needs. Now I've got the itch to get the CW45 again.
mr surveyor
03-12-2015, 03:48 PM
hhmmmm ... I'm not sure if it's my uncanny ability to kill a thread with a single post, or I'm still invisible ;)
03-12-2015, 04:45 PM
I see you. 😛
Even though I have a PM45 on the way, I'm considering a CW45 or P45 just for the possibility of being able to run the Kimber mags in it.
If reliable, that's two more rounds for carry than the PM45. Enticing.
03-21-2015, 08:24 AM
I use Chip McCormick shooting star 8 round 1911 standard size mags with no issues.No mods were needed,feeds great and holds slide back on empty mag,I swap mags between my 1911 and cw.I do carry the cw with standard mag and keep a 1911 mag for a back up mag.Good luck and happy shooting.
03-21-2015, 09:40 AM
The 6 round MecGar Officer's mag fits nice & flush in mine, but does anyone make a 7 rounder that will do the same?
03-21-2015, 11:38 AM
The 6 round MecGar Officer's mag fits nice & flush in mine, but does anyone make a 7 rounder that will do the same?
The first Officer's/Compact magazine I used for a flush fit in my CW45 was a 7 round Metalform. It feeds, but will not lock the slide back with any consistency.
This was a nylon follower version, but I think that style follower has been discontinued. The version with a metal follower should work just as well, but you may need to bend the front of the follower down a bit.
There are some links at the bottom of this post to more 7 round options:
While not quite a flush fit, here's another option:
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