View Full Version : Un-Preparedness in the house!

03-08-2015, 04:36 PM
When we have unexpected visitors it's almost always one of the neighbors. Last evening before late, the door sounded so I looked out the extra large peephole and saw a man in a tee shirt but not could tell if it was my neighbor, so I hollered who is it. He hollered back with a mexican name I didn't know while thinking my guns are down the hall not in my hand. I finally got out of him the street name and he was off a few so he left. Of course THEN I carried my handgun around for an hour or so.

I've wanted to stash a handgun next to the door but was out voted, wife to me. She looked sheepish last night but I didn't push it. We're old enough that our grandkids are familiar with guns and would'nt think much about it but we're also old enough that out of towners occasionally stop by to see if we're still kickin. Some would think that's great but others not so much.

If up to me, I'd stash the handgun next to the door and mount a shotgun scabbard within a couple steps. But I read a lot of SHTF books and may be overreacting.

I used to carry ALWAYS including in the house at night but my hips don't allow that anymore. If I ever find myself in a Bawwanna-mobile (heaven forbid) it'll likely have gun mounts.

03-08-2015, 04:54 PM
When we have unexpected visitors it's almost always one of the neighbors. Last evening before late, the door sounded so I looked out the extra large peephole and saw a man in a tee shirt but not could tell if it was my neighbor, so I hollered who is it. He hollered back with a mexican name I didn't know while thinking my guns are down the hall not in my hand. I finally got out of him the street name and he was off a few so he left. Of course THEN I carried my handgun around for an hour or so.

I've wanted to stash a handgun next to the door but was out voted, wife to me. She looked sheepish last night but I didn't push it. We're old enough that our grandkids are familiar with guns and would'nt think much about it but we're also old enough that out of towners occasionally stop by to see if we're still kickin. Some would think that's great but others not so much.

If up to me, I'd stash the handgun next to the door and mount a shotgun scabbard within a couple steps. But I read a lot of SHTF books and may be overreacting.

I used to carry ALWAYS including in the house at night but my hips don't allow that anymore. If I ever find myself in a Bawwanna-mobile (heaven forbid) it'll likely have gun mounts.

We live in a quiet, somewhat upscale residential neighborhood. I don't, and won't, carry in the home nor routinely check/answer the door with a gun in my hand. But there is always one available in two locations within three steps of the door.

03-08-2015, 05:05 PM
We're talking about the same, itxi. There is some give after yesterday and we have made progress. Our house used to be in an upscale crime free area, but after 37 years and the housing bust we've seen a lot of forecloses and now some who got cheap loans live near. Neighborhood sometimes has strangers walking the streets now but I'm not about to follow any of them!!

03-08-2015, 05:25 PM
I carry anytime I'm awake. When asleep I can reach easily it.

No reason not to, and a million to carry.

03-08-2015, 05:35 PM
I carry anytime I'm awake. When asleep I can reach easily it.

No reason not to, and a million to carry.

I carry at home too. Especially during the day on weekdays. Most of the trouble in our neighborhood happens when the bad guys think we are at work or school. So I stay geared up until bedtime where a nightstand gun awaits. The EDC then becomes the backup.

03-08-2015, 05:48 PM
Carry has been a way of life for me for 50 years. I don't leave home without a firearm at hand. Have non-resident carry permits for my u&c vacation destinations even if I'm already covered. But I refuse to cave to the level of paranoid Condition Orange to Red which would require me to on-body carry 24/7 at home. Perhaps if I lived in Detroit or some such.....

03-08-2015, 05:53 PM
I don't leave home without a firearm at hand. Have additional carry permits for my u&c vacation destinations. But I refuse to cave to the level of paranoid Condition Orange to Red which would require me to on-body carry 24/7 at home. Perhaps if I lived in Detroit or some such.....

I never really thought of it as a burden. Honestly I really don't expect to find any trouble outside the home either. But isn't being prepared the point?

03-08-2015, 06:05 PM
I never really thought of it as a burden. Honestly I really don't expect to find any trouble outside the home either. But isn't being prepared the point?

Perhaps, but iwb holsters or pocket carry really bogs down my sweat pants and gun belts defeat their purpose. Prepared is one thing. Wearin' a gun in the shower is a total 'nother.

03-08-2015, 06:24 PM
Yep, we've all defined our own lines of preparedness. As it should be. Old Lincoln is simply re-evaluating his. In my case I'd rather carry in the house vs. stashing guns around...visitors, nieces, nephews, etc.

03-08-2015, 06:54 PM
I pocket carry my CM9. So if I am wearing pants, I am armed. If I need something really small and light I still have my Kel-Tec .32. I felt more secure with my CW 380, but I gave that to my Daughter.

03-08-2015, 06:54 PM
On a similar note, yesterday morning about 5:30 am the new folks across the street heard someone trying to jimmy the back door to their house.
They have a 7 month old boy and thanks to him they were up and heard it right away. She yelled but they continued to attempt entry. She yelled a second time and turned on some lights and they left.

4 or 5 deputies that we saw showed up and they did a K9 track but didn't find them. Heard today that someone said there were two of them.

We've had very little crime of any kind in our neighborhood for over 20 years. Kind of out in the country on mostly acre or larger lots.
The scary part of this deal was them not bailing the minute she yelled the first time. Seems they were intent on getting in.
Also 5:30 am is a bit late in the night to be doing this in my book.

I haven't even met the people yet but will soon.

I carry most of the time, even more now and a couple always near by and perhaps a little nearer now too.

Old Lincoln, maybe you could get one of them picture frame deals to hang right by the door, easy access.

I wouldn't care the least what any visitors think, not one bit.

03-08-2015, 07:14 PM
.45 in my pocket or under the pillow.

To paraphrase Jocko: Shoot the fokkers like they stole from you!

03-08-2015, 09:49 PM
I carry anytime I'm awake. When asleep I can reach easily it.

No reason not to, and a million to carry.

thank you! a Kel-Tec P-32 in the shirt pocket (11oz. loaded with 11 rounds of 73gr. .32acp) is a much better weapon than that .50 cal., pearlhandled bazooka in the sock drawer.
(revolver next to the bed. 3am, I don't want to be jerking around with safeties or wondering if a round is chambered. wife prefers the revolver to, shoots skeet with her double barrel, doesn't like a pump. girls? go figure. )

03-08-2015, 11:15 PM
I have two entries to my home. Almost always I keep a 642 J frame or the P380 in a pocket while lounging near the primary door. Near the second entry I keep the "house gun" a J frame sized, three inch barreled Rossi and a decent tactical flashlight...

Just in case of something going bump in the night.

A buddy of mine (former competive power lifter) who could bare knuckled smash most "bumpers" into their next life, keeps am interesting kit with him. It is a fanny pack, with a model 36 J frame, speed loader, two tactical flashlights and a pocket for his cell phone. Easy to carry and stash near him while watching TV. Extremely easy to put on if jumping (buck naked) out of bed at 2am...

I use to laugh about his "Bat-Belt" and he used to tell me to "laugh now, but one day soon you'll be old enough to understand it". Ahhhh the words of the prophet...

03-09-2015, 09:40 AM
I keep firearms strategically placed in the house, and the wife also knows where they are. I don't carry around the house, but when there's a knock on the door, I have one on hand. The rest stay locked up. I try to place them, so if someone did break in when I am not home, they won't find them, but yet, I can get to them quickly.

03-09-2015, 10:21 AM
I have guns hidden along the path from my front door to my armory. I don't like to have one on me unless I'm working outside. It's tough to go anywhere in my house and be more than a 4 or 5 steps from a gun. I suppose if I ever have grandchildren that I'll have to rethink that, but it works great for now.

03-09-2015, 10:33 AM
I carry almost 100%.

03-09-2015, 10:33 AM
I have guns hidden along the path from my front door to my armory. I don't like to have one on me unless I'm working outside. It's tough to go anywhere in my house and be more than a 4 or 5 steps from a gun. I suppose if I ever have grandchildren that I'll have to rethink that, but it works great for now.

That's where I am at. Young'ens stopping by and I need not worry about them finding my stash.

03-09-2015, 11:11 AM
I'm never without my P380. It goes where I go or I ain't goin'. When someone knocks on my door after dark the first thing I do is light them up with my flood lights. One A-hole claimed he had car trouble and wanted to use my phone. I told him that I'd call 911 for him and see if the cops couldn't help. When I looked out the peep hole all that I saw was a vapor trial in my driveway. :)

03-09-2015, 11:52 AM
We've had similar scams...guys claiming to be from the cable company, etc.