View Full Version : New Kahr CW380 owner from MA

03-14-2015, 07:52 PM
Hello y'all! Just picked up a CW380 a few weeks ago. (These little guys are hard as hell to find here in MA!!) Not my first gun, but have always wanted a Kahr since getting my license. Was a bit skeptical about buying one because of some negative experiences from other members. Took it to the range a couple days ago after prepping it thanks to the sticky in the new members forum. Bought a box of 50 Winchester black box flat nose. Ran a lot better than I expected. 3 FTF out of 50. The slide stayed locked back after every last round. Accuracy was just ok, but then again not used to the gun. So far loving this little gun, hoping the next range trip is even better!

03-18-2015, 11:39 PM
Welcome to the forum from deep south Texas. Glad you enjoyed your new pistola.

Bill K
03-19-2015, 08:18 AM
Welcome to Kahr Talk!

Will your CW380 be for primary CC?

03-19-2015, 08:58 AM
Hello y'all! Just picked up a CW380 a few weeks ago... Accuracy was just ok, but then again not used to the gun...

Yeah, it can take a while to master the trigger. It helps if you've had plenty of trigger time with DA revolvers. I found dry firing worthwhile practice. Focus on a spot on the wall and try to keep the front sight from moving.


03-25-2015, 08:18 AM
Welcome to Kahr Talk!

Will your CW380 be for primary CC?

Thank you! And yes definitely! I also own a S&W M&P9c, but found it way too big to conceal carry (even though its marketed as a "compact") I am going on a road trip this summer with the family, and wanted something easily concealable and comfortable to carry. CW380 definitely fit the bill!

03-25-2015, 08:21 AM
Yeah, it can take a while to master the trigger. It helps if you've had plenty of trigger time with DA revolvers. I found dry firing worthwhile practice. Focus on a spot on the wall and try to keep the front sight from moving.


Great advice! No experience with revolvers (not yet at least)