View Full Version : Glock 43 Single Stack Nine
03-18-2015, 07:58 PM
Well, after all these years, Glock looks like it is finally coming out with a single stack nine. Might be some competition for the Kahr. I will certainly be interested in checking one out because I am a Glock fan. My EDC is a Glock 26.
03-18-2015, 08:04 PM
Good for the Glock fans...especially if Glock is already your carry platform. It's just not for me. My carry choice is a DA revolver or Kahr.
03-18-2015, 08:50 PM
I've already got a single stack micro I'm happy with.
It's a 40 S&W though, but I'm OK with that.
03-18-2015, 09:11 PM
I thought Ruger already came out with the single stack 9mm "Glock", the . trigger might be better, have to let a Glock shooter comment on that. 17oz., $450 msrp.
Longitude Zero
03-18-2015, 10:43 PM
Too little too late except for the kool aid drinking lick boots.
03-19-2015, 12:15 AM
Well, why not? Just about everybody else makes one!!!!!!!!
03-19-2015, 08:17 AM
Too big for only 6+1 rounds. Makes no sense to me. The CW9 is smaller and holds more rounds.
Longitude Zero
03-19-2015, 10:26 AM
Too big for only 6+1 rounds. Makes no sense to me. The CW9 is smaller and holds more rounds.
IMHO the Kahr is also a far better quality weapon.
03-19-2015, 12:16 PM
Eh... I'll gladly stick to my 7+1 Kahr which is a tack driver. Plus it's thinner and much better looking. ;)
03-19-2015, 12:41 PM
here we go, are we talking cute guns, designer guns, target guns or combat guns? in a combat situation the sights never come into play until maybe the 3rd or 4th shot. speed wins over tack driving. big wins over small. a single stack 9mm is a compromise at best, a double stack .45 would be better, if you could figure out how to carry it.
one time somebody posted a picture of a Glock21 with 30 round magazine and bayonet, I liked that. hehehehe.
03-19-2015, 01:49 PM
The Glock 43 9MM Single Stack is almost a Kahr, but not quite. There are a lot of single stack 9s that are almost a Kahr, but not quite. Whatever trips yer trigger.
Longitude Zero
03-19-2015, 01:49 PM
here we go, are we talking cute guns, designer guns, target guns or combat guns? in a combat situation the sights never come into play until maybe the 3rd or 4th shot. speed wins over tack driving. big wins over small. a single stack 9mm is a compromise at best, a double stack .45 would be better, if you could figure out how to carry it.
one time somebody posted a picture of a Glock21 with 30 round magazine and bayonet, I liked that. hehehehe.
You are speaking of generalities. Having been there done that, more than once, accuracy beats speed! Skeeter Skelton is well known for saying, "There is an inherent lack of lethality in a fast noise." Accuracy requires sights unless at arms length and closer. A bigger hole is better but a 9mm to the head ALWAYS beats a 44 to the foot. My experiences are based upon personal exposure.
03-19-2015, 02:03 PM
Bigger = better? Not with today's SD ammo. Ellifritz study ( - .380 got a one-shot-stop 44% of the cases; .45ACP got 39%. 9mm got 34%. Carry what makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
They say the average gunfight is about 6 rounds. What do you plan to do with the other 23 rounds in your G21?
03-19-2015, 02:42 PM
Bigger = better? Not with today's SD ammo. Ellifritz study ( - .380 got a one-shot-stop 44% of the cases; .45ACP got 39%. 9mm got 34%. Carry what makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
They say the average gunfight is about 6 rounds. What do you plan to do with the other 23 rounds in your G21?
I always heard it was about 2 or 3. Good point regardless. I think a single stack 9mm makes a lot of sense. Now the Glockers who could never carry one before can catch up to the rest of us who've been doing it for years. :rolleyes:
03-19-2015, 02:52 PM
Looks more like competition for the S&W Shield than a Kahr....Too big to pocket carry and if you belt carry you might as well go with a double stack....It will sell though because it says Glock on the side.....
Longitude Zero
03-19-2015, 04:03 PM
Bigger = better? Not with today's SD ammo. Ellifritz study ( - .380 got a one-shot-stop 44% of the cases; .45ACP got 39%. 9mm got 34%. Carry what makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
They say the average gunfight is about 6 rounds. What do you plan to do with the other 23 rounds in your G21?
Study? Not quite a scientific study per se. That is the observation of a non-scientific study of what data he wanted to use. It is NOT the be all end all dispositive but the observations of one average dude. Average gunfight for civilians maybe. For an officer those numbers are way off base and not anywhere near reality. You have on foot in ice water and one foot in boiling water. On average you should be comfortable but we all know how crazy that sounds.
03-19-2015, 04:15 PM
I only have one Glock, a G19 gen 2 I carried as my duty gun for 16 years. I love it so maybe you can say that I love Glock. Like many others, I prefer to carry a single-stack for ease of carry and versatility, enter Kahr.
What's giving me a laugh now is all my Glock fanboy buddies who used to give me grief over the low capacity in my weapon of choice, and perhaps due to Glock's lack of a single stack 9mm, they really beat the higher capacity drum.
Now they're all salivating at the prospect of a G43 in all it's low capacity glory. People are funny.
I have a like/dislike relationship with Glock. Reliable, durable, accurate, low maintenance, and inexpensive....excellent appliance arms. Dislikes have always been the too fat for my smaller hands double stack grip, the less than optimal grip angle that requires the user to adapt, and the lack of an external safety for what is functionally a short pull single action trigger. The latter dislike is fixable The grip angle I can live with after all these years. Fat grip on my G27 continues to present shootability problems.
I'll check out the G43 after the frenzy dies down. Being quite happy with my now six year old PM9 and two other 9mm Kahrs, and having just picked up two good carry 1911's in nine, I'm in no rush, though.
03-19-2015, 09:27 PM
I will definitely check one out; however, I doubt I will get one to replace my G26 or my Kahr P9 Covert. It really can't do anything my Glock 26 can't do. I rather have the 10 round magazines in the G26. I will just have to wait and see before I make any final decision.
03-20-2015, 05:15 AM
With any brand firearm, when a new model comes out, wait a year. You don't want to be an unpaid beta-tester.
03-20-2015, 06:54 AM
All this G43 chatter makes me want a CM9.
03-20-2015, 08:57 AM
All this G43 chatter makes me want a CM9.
Ditto, well said. Thinner, lighter and probably a better trigger.
03-20-2015, 09:09 AM
All this G43 chatter makes me want a CM9.
I'd trade a CM9 for a
Thunder Pro Ultra Compact 45ACP Matte Black Finish (
Longitude Zero
03-20-2015, 09:26 AM
All this G43 chatter makes me want a CM9.
03-20-2015, 09:39 AM
Bigger = better? Not with today's SD ammo. Ellifritz study ( - .380 got a one-shot-stop 44% of the cases; .45ACP got 39%. 9mm got 34%. Carry what makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
They say the average gunfight is about 6 rounds. What do you plan to do with the other 23 rounds in your G21?
Although a great study it is outdated. A month ago, I spent a day with the boys at ATK, and the ammo they are now manufacturing shows the .380 to be well behind the new production of customized larger caliber ammo they are producing. Literally everything they shot at the gel penetrated to the exact same depth with the expansion being nearly the same based on the development of the actual bullet itself (clad vs. bonded etc.). The things they did with some new 9mm was astonishing. All done to keep the lawyers at bay.
The random .380 (from back up guns) we provided. was no where near its bigger brothers.
A very eye opening day for everyone at the demonstration.
If I had to guess, there will be a resurgence of 9mm as the preferred carry caliber for LE in the near future.
03-20-2015, 09:48 AM
Bigger = better? Not with today's SD ammo. Ellifritz study ( - .380 got a one-shot-stop 44% of the cases; .45ACP got 39%. 9mm got 34%. Carry what makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
They say the average gunfight is about 6 rounds. What do you plan to do with the other 23 rounds in your G21?
You have to put things into perspective, regardless of studies..............................6 .45 holes are always better than 6 .380 holes.:p
03-20-2015, 10:04 AM
I'd trade a CM9 for a
Thunder Pro Ultra Compact 45ACP Matte Black Finish (
I happen to have one of those. I'm very fond of it.
03-20-2015, 10:24 AM
You have to put things into perspective, regardless of studies..............................6 .45 holes are always better than 6 .380 holes.:p
Agreed, but it depends on where the holes are. Most agree that CNS hits are best for immediate incapacitation. Short of that, shots which cause rapid blood loss and shock are next-best. The rest are just annoying and can't be depended upon to stop an assailant quickly enough to avoid being killed yourself. To to all that, shot placement is critical, no matter what caliber. One well-placed 380 is better than 6 missed .45s.
Personally I find a .45 easy to control in both slow fire and stress fire (well, a simulated level anyway), and since studies show that most engagements involve fewer than 5 shots, I feel comfortable with 5+1 .45 rounds vs. a larger number of 9mm, but for some reason, some people simply find the 9mm and especially the 380 to control.
03-20-2015, 10:24 AM
You have to put things into perspective, regardless of studies..............................6 .45 holes are always better than 6 .380 holes.:p
Maybe in theory but not necessarily in practice. If I can put 6 .380 holes within a 2" circle right between your eyes vs 6 .45 holes within a 10" circle scattered around your head or chest, which is better?
It's all about how well you can shoot the caliber you have and shot placement. The older I get and more arthritis I have in my hands the less enjoyable a .45 becomes. .380's are a breeze to carry, especially the G42 or CM9. Geez even my heavy MK9 was easier to carry than my G26 but I shot the G26 much better.
Now having the G42 which is about as small and light as I would want to go and a G26 which is still an EDC, I see no reason why I would need the G43. So now the G42 will replace the MK9. However, after all the bugs are worked out I will still probably check it out.
03-20-2015, 12:35 PM
I'm a Glock fan and have a G19 and G23. I've been enjoying my Kahr CM9 for the past several months. The 43 is a 6+1 so no advantage over the CM9. It looks to be a bit larger so no advantage. The MSRP is $580 so definitely no advantage. For the friends in Kali it will not be compliant. I'm sure way down the road I'll pick one up used but for now I'm good with my Kahr.
03-20-2015, 01:13 PM
The advantages are 1.) the name, 2.) the alleged reliability that people associate with the name, and 3.) if you like that sort of trigger.
I've recently gone to a Ruger P90 and P94 (both DC models) for my full-size pistols, and now I'm thinking CM9 to accompany my PM45 for carry guns. Simple, two calibers, two manuals of arms that I like.
Not that I don't like a short striker-fired trigger, but for a carry gun I'd prefer the Kahr trigger. No safety to forget, no Glock leg.
Longitude Zero
03-20-2015, 03:52 PM
No safety to forget, no Glock leg.
I have seen way more idiots with 1911 leg than Glock leg.
True idiots, that be understandable. Cocked and unlocked 70 series and earlier with a pinned grip safety and broken half cock notch be a sure fire path to destruction. But that requires a fair lot more concentrated stupid than "accidentally" doing oneself in with a Glock.
03-20-2015, 04:34 PM
Speaking of idiots, I have it on good authority that Mr. PMJ9 just bought a Glock 43. The next thing you know he'll tell me that he voted for Obama and plans to vote for Hillary. The man has gone daft I tell you. Daft! That what comes of riding a Harley. :)
03-20-2015, 05:39 PM
Maybe in theory but not necessarily in practice. If I can put 6 .380 holes within a 2" circle right between your eyes vs 6 .45 holes within a 10" circle scattered around your head or chest, which is better?
It's all about how well you can shoot the caliber you have and shot placement. The older I get and more arthritis I have in my hands the less enjoyable a .45 becomes. .380's are a breeze to carry, especially the G42 or CM9. Geez even my heavy MK9 was easier to carry than my G26 but I shot the G26 much better.
Now having the G42 which is about as small and light as I would want to go and a G26 which is still an EDC, I see no reason why I would need the G43. So now the G42 will replace the MK9. However, after all the bugs are worked out I will still probably check it out.
Actually, they would both be good............but you probably wouldn't be able to put 6 .380 holes in a 2" circle, right between my eyes, and it's way more likely that someone CAN put 6 .45 holes within a 10" circle on your head and chest. 6 .45 holes ANYWHERE on your body, are not good, and not just an annoyance. They don't call them flying plates for nothing. I like the .45 odds a lot better.:)
03-20-2015, 05:54 PM
Although a great study it is outdated. A month ago, I spent a day with the boys at ATK, and the ammo they are now manufacturing shows the .380 to be well behind the new production of customized larger caliber ammo they are producing. Literally everything they shot at the gel penetrated to the exact same depth with the expansion being nearly the same based on the development of the actual bullet itself (clad vs. bonded etc.). The things they did with some new 9mm was astonishing. All done to keep the lawyers at bay.
The random .380 (from back up guns) we provided. was no where near its bigger brothers.
A very eye opening day for everyone at the demonstration.
If I had to guess, there will be a resurgence of 9mm as the preferred carry caliber for LE in the near future.
We're seeing a lot of the 9mm bandwagon stuff round these parts the last year or two. All back to shot placement and capacity. I of course am not on board with it. I just laugh. Some are long time SWAT and patrol officers that want to give up their 1911's etc and go to Glock or mostly M&P 9's.
Our department I'm sure will never go back to 9's and probably won't make another weapons transition in my career. I've been through 2 which is more than enough. Beretta 9's to Beretta 40's to Glock 21's.
Incidently I sold my G21 last week so I'm Glockless at the moment. Anybody that hates me cause I had one, we can now kiss right on the smackers and make up. Nice thing about Glocks is I don't suffer seller remorse very bad at all.
I don't hate em of course, just don't love em either. No style, gotta have style ya know?
03-20-2015, 08:18 PM
Anyone been able to determine the slide width as compared to the G26?
03-20-2015, 10:46 PM
Here is another link to the G43:
03-20-2015, 11:03 PM
Here is another link to the G43:
Very smart marketing move - register "single stack 9" as an Internet URL with search engine optimization (SEO) built into the URL itself.
03-21-2015, 09:28 AM
Competition is a good thing. It makes every manufacturer strive to do better
Anyone been able to determine the slide width as compared to the G26?
It doesn't compare slide width, directly, but you can see a comparison of frame thickness at this site.
03-21-2015, 10:09 AM
For me, a double stack Kahr would be a bigger deal than a single stack Glock. There are plenty of good single stack nines to choose from but there are no double stacks with a "Kahr" trigger. Maybe a couple that are close...:)...and we've threaded on that before. But the same can be argued for the Glock: if you are looking for a single stack nine with a "Glock" trigger, then I say it's about time. And that's coming from a guy who really, really does not like Glocks. :o
Just curious, are any of you concerned that Kahr will lose sales volume to this new Glock? IMHO the market is big enough for both of them. And Kahr is differentiated enough to hold its own.
03-21-2015, 10:21 AM
Just curious, are any of you concerned that Kahr will lose sales volume to this new Glock? IMHO the market is big enough for both of them. And Kahr is differentiated enough to hold its own.
I have no such concern. Likely, some will buy the Glock over the Kahr because they like the Glock trigger or because of the Glock name which is more familiar to the general public than the Kahr name; however, many will still buy the Kahr, particularly the PM sized models because of the Kahr trigger, the smaller size and the same round capacity. In other words, in my opinion, Kahr has nothing to worry about.
Ron AZ
03-21-2015, 04:46 PM
Bigger = better? Not with today's SD ammo. Ellifritz study ( - .380 got a one-shot-stop 44% of the cases; .45ACP got 39%. 9mm got 34%. Carry what makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
Actually in the Ellfritz study the .22 Long Rifle had the least shots required to stop 1.38 and most one shot kills 62%. However, "stop" is not defined whether it is voluntarily choosing to flee or incapacitated. Read the article on under Archives: June 2014 for a different take and interpretation of the Ellfritz study
03-22-2015, 09:21 AM now .50GI isn't .50AE, but it should do the job. the other good news from Guncrafters is that they make a conversion kit for the Glock21 that shoots the .50GI huh? .50cal., 275gr. JHP, 875fps, Energy (foot pounds): 467, Efficacy ( (energy x area):92
Longitude Zero
03-22-2015, 10:38 AM
In other words, in my opinion, Kahr has nothing to worry about.
03-22-2015, 04:52 PM
Marketing is probably geared towards G26 and G19 owners. Single stack option and same manual of arms on what they are used to. I owned Glocks as a new gun owner and slowly sold them all off as I found options that fit my grip and mechanics better.
I do wish I kept my G19 though. One of those pieces that should be in everyone's collection. I'll be getting another for sure.
Longitude Zero
03-22-2015, 05:23 PM
I do wish I kept my G19 though. One of those pieces that should be in everyone's collection.
I've had a 19 for years. My other favorite is the G30.
03-22-2015, 05:48 PM
After 35 years of shooting, I bought my first Glock at a gun show today - a NiB Gen 3 G26. It felt good in my hands and the guy had a pretty nice price on it. I thought I might leave with a CM9 but I couldn't get over the trigger (I think the CM45 trigger is much nicer). The M&P 9s pro looked nice but didn't feel right and I wasn't jiving with any of the bigger Glocks. I also didn't see a single Walther PPK in any finish, or any Mini-14s for that matter (two guns which are out-done by others but still I wouldn't mind owning someday).
Anyway, I'm way off on a tangent in a single-stack 9mm thread, sorry!
03-22-2015, 06:09 PM
I thought I might leave with a CM9 but I couldn't get over the trigger (I think the CM45 trigger is much nicer).
I will follow that tangent! My experience is most Kahr triggers are about the same, except for comparing new ones to worn in triggers. About half of my Kahrs that were new felt a bit gritty and stiffer than they did after some rounds. Now, they all feel about the same.
When my wife was shopping for a pistol, we handled a CW9 that felt gritty to slide as well as the trigger. I knew it probably just needed cleaning, lube and some rounds. She ended up with an XDs.
03-22-2015, 07:17 PM
I will follow that tangent! My experience is most Kahr triggers are about the same, except for comparing new ones to worn in triggers. About half of my Kahrs that were new felt a bit gritty and stiffer than they did after some rounds. Now, they all feel about the same....
Yeah. I was wondering about that too. Every Kahr trigger I've tried has felt pretty much the same. :confused:
03-22-2015, 07:32 PM
Yeah. I was wondering about that too. Every Kahr trigger I've tried has felt pretty much the same. :confused:
That might be it. Could have just been bone dry. But it sure was gritty and long...?
Three Kahrs...all the same clean, non stacking, revolver like trigger. A big thing I really like about all. Forget anything previous wrt my checking out the new G43....don't know what the hell I was thinlin'.
03-23-2015, 10:49 AM
Gaston Glock may have invented the internals of the glock pistol, but the outside design/look was "heavily influenced" by a design of the notorious John Dillinger. I refer to the "gun" Dillinger carved from a block of soap and colored with shoe polish for his famous escape from Crown Point jail. hey, the guards bought it.
03-24-2015, 11:58 AM
Well my curiosity got to me...just put my name on waiting list for one. The Law Enforcement branch of a LGS here will be selling them for 411 bucks with night sights and I think 3 mags. Seems like a good price. He said within 90 days if not sooner he will be getting them.
03-24-2015, 12:04 PM
My nephew (a LEO) just ordered a Glock 43 from GT's in Austin to gift to his his wife who recently received her Texas CHL.
I ask what their deal is.
03-24-2015, 12:05 PM
Well my curiosity got to me...just put my name on waiting list for one. The Law Enforcement branch of a LGS here will be selling them for 411 bucks with night sights and I think 3 mags. Seems like a good price. He said within 90 days if not sooner he will be getting them.
Very nice. There are far worse things than trying out a new model!
...Even if her name isn't Claudia...
Longitude Zero
03-24-2015, 03:03 PM
Locally LEO Blue Label is $398 with 3 mags.
03-24-2015, 05:43 PM
Every Kahr trigger I've tried has felt pretty much the same. :confused:
I can't say the same. I've pulled about 20 triggers on various Kahrs. About half were the same and the rest were all over the map.
I've pulled triggers on about 50 Glocks and every one felt the same.
03-24-2015, 08:02 PM
Co-worker is dying to get his hands on one. It will be blue label so the price makes it even more attractive. I'll have to try his when he gets it.
Comparable in size to a P9....the P9 has be out for over 15 years.
Yeah. I was wondering about that too. Every Kahr trigger I've tried has felt pretty much the same. :confused:
All my Kahrs have worked triggers. Internal polishing and spring/bar changes can do wonders
Looks more like competition for the S&W Shield than a Kahr....Too big to pocket carry and if you belt carry you might as well go with a double stack....It will sell though because it says Glock on the side.....
I prefer a P9 to a Glock 43, but adding the Shield in there is an insult to Glock and Kahr; the Shield started off as a $500 gun, now $350, when the Glock 43 is available to everyone the Shield will likely be offered for $250.
03-24-2015, 09:02 PM
I prefer a P9 to a Glock 43, but adding the Shield in there is an insult to Glock and Kahr; the Shield started off as a $500 gun, now $350, when the Glock 43 is available to everyone the Shield will likely be offered for $250.
I have a P9, CW9 and a Shield. Nothing negative at all about the Shield.
03-25-2015, 08:25 AM
The glock will sell to newbes that know no better and to glock guys . To most of us its only one of a number of like size handguns , most at lower prices and more rounds .
03-25-2015, 10:06 AM
The glock will sell to newbes that know no better and to glock guys . To most of us its only one of a number of like size handguns , most at lower prices and more rounds .
And to anyone whose hands fit the Glock best.
03-25-2015, 07:51 PM
The glock will sell to newbes that know no better and to glock guys . To most of us its only one of a number of like size handguns , most at lower prices and more rounds .
And to anyone who simply likes a Glock.
I have a Glock 19. Works fine and is very easy to rack. That being said I'm thinking about trading it towards an M&P 9mm as I already have a Shield 9mm and I like the idea of having my 2 9mms with similar grip angle and take-down. I need to handle one and see how easy it is to rack the slide.
03-25-2015, 08:55 PM
this is funny--
03-31-2015, 03:46 PM
Interview with Glock engineer about the G43
03-31-2015, 05:10 PM
Interview with Glock engineer about the G43
LMAO thats great!
Bill K
03-31-2015, 05:44 PM
Both funny videos but I personally don't care for the vulgarity in the 43 vs R51 video even if bleeped.
03-31-2015, 06:38 PM
Interview with Glock engineer about the G43
Thats hysterical. So, so true too.
04-03-2015, 02:42 PM
10mm! Bahahahahaha! thanks. (now, as to people offended by the ever rude YankeeMarshal--- Argo!)
04-05-2015, 11:08 AM
Here's a size comparison I found on the interweb. I love my Glocks and my Kahrs, but I can't see this replacing either my G26 or Cm9 and I don't really have a use for anything in between.
04-05-2015, 12:04 PM
thanks, that clears up a lot. so the CM9 is the smallest, the LC9s has the best trigger, the G19 is the most shootable, and the Desert Eagle would be the gun to have in a fight.
very interesting. ah, if anybody has a 1988 or earlier S&W K-frame,.38spl., 3" barrel that they want to sell, please pm me. thank you.
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