View Full Version : XDs comparisons?

03-26-2015, 08:57 PM
Wanted to know what folks thoughts in terms of comparing the XDs to Kahr's CM/PM line.

I own a Springfield XD 9mm subcompact; it's a good gun and usually rests on my nightstand. I carry it from time to time on the belt (it's too large for the pocket); my CM9 is at least 90% of the time on me. I can't imagine trading my CM9 for an XDs 9mm. Just wouldn't do it.

I shot an XDs .45 some time ago and wasn't terribly impressed, though I wanted to be. The recoil seemed excessive and I had several jams. Granted, this was a range rental and the XDs was brand new at the time so things may have changed (I know there was a recall some time back). Compared to my PM45 the PM wins for shootability and concealability. Reliability I can't say for sure... my PM45 is back at the factory learning how to play nice with hollowpoints, so I'll call it a wash.

What's your experience been between the two?

03-26-2015, 10:33 PM
My wife has an XDs. It is a nice gun and I don't see anything to complain about. The magazines are works of art compared to Kahr. But, it isn't the type of trigger I like to carry.

03-27-2015, 02:38 PM
Shot a buddy's XDs (post-recall, not a "fixed" one) before I got my CM9 and I really liked it. I almost bought one, but I was on a stainless kick at the time and couldn't find any in bi-tone for a reasonable price. In the end, I'm glad I didn't as I really like my CM9. It's a bit smaller and more pocketable (even though I rarely pocket carry it). The CM9 has a better trigger. It's also a good bit less expensive.

03-27-2015, 02:48 PM
Own the XDs45 and CM9, carry the CM a lot more than the XDs.
If my CM goes down I won't hesitate to carry the XDs.
Both have been flawless.

03-27-2015, 03:04 PM
When I bought my CM45 the salesman tried to sell me an XDs...you're kidding right? :D Seriously, I knew the .45 would make it into my carry rotation so I was not interested in adding a "different" gun. Price wouldn't have been an issue but the Springer would have been over $100 more.

03-27-2015, 03:54 PM
My son has the XDS45, we shot it both prior to and after the recall. I like it just fine but certainly not enough better to switch from my PM45. The recoil seemed more noticeable on the XDS.
The overall feel in hand just didn't work for me as well as the Kahr.
If needed I'd certainly have no issue picking up one, it isn't a bad gun, just like my PM 45 better.

03-27-2015, 04:38 PM
My son just bought a XDS .45 a couple of months back at a gun show. I like it just fine and I can shoot nice tight groups with it. As far as I know he hasn't had any hiccups with it. He was considering a CM45, but had some feeding issues with a CW40 he owns and I think that tipped the scales towards the Springfield. I'll probably be adding a CM or PM45 to my carry collection in the future.

03-27-2015, 06:08 PM
I own both in 9mm (XDS & CM9). The CM9 is my EDC and the XDS lives in my bed side table. Never had a malfunction with either one. The CM9 is easier to conceal. Both are great guns, I just prefer the CMS.

03-27-2015, 09:59 PM
I think the XD-S, size-wise, is between the P/CW45 and the PM/CM45... making it closer to a "covert (http://gunnerforum.com/semi-auto-pistols/4450-kahr-p9-covert.html#post52384)" size P/CW45
I posted the following in June of last year and it still pretty much sums up my thoughts on the XD-S/Kahr comparison, except that I carry the XD-S a lot more frequently now.

Iv'e got a CM40 and the .45 XD-S . The Springfield is 10x the quality of the Kahr.
That's a post recall XD-S correct?;)

To be fair, my CW45 (which I'll reference below) had to go back for an issue that required frame replacement to fix.

I also own an XD-S (.45ACP). I've actually owned two; the current one is a replacement that SA sent to correct a mistake that occurred when the original gun was back there for a cosmetic issue.
I don't own a CM40, but did own a CM9 and currently own the aforementioned CW45 and a CW9.

My thoughts about the "10x better quality" thing go like this:

I do think the XD-S comes with better accessories, but it also costs more.
Hard to factor in the costs here, because I believe for the money you also get better sights on the XD-S. Final take: the extra magazine, mag pouch, and holster you get with the XD-S are better that what you get with the "C" series Kahrs. 10x better,?...not for me...I'm not a big fan of plastic holsters.

The OEM front sight on the XD-S is more than 10x better that the OEM sight on Kahr "C" series pistols. Overall, I think the fiber optic sights on the XD-S are better than the "C" series sight set. That's a moot point for me as I've changed out the sights on my XD-S and Kahrs for tritium sights.

The XD-S is quicker to disassemble...I'd even say easier. 10x?...not to me.

The trigger on my CW45 (and Cw9) was more than 10x better than the post recall trigger on my XD-S. The XD-S trigger can be "fixed" so, I'll call that a wash as well.

The quality of the materials used on both pistols seem about the same to me. I'd give the XD-S a slight edge in the cosmetic finish of parts. No 10x edge here for either brand.

Ergonomics: the XD-S has two back straps; I like the larger one. The pistol points and shoots well for me. The CW45 fits me perfectly. I'm giving the CW45 the edge here (a subjective thing).

Accuracy and reliability: I'm satisfied with both on all accounts.

Bottom line; I agree the OEM front sight on the XD-S is "10x the quality of the Kahr" "C" series OEM front sight.

The CW45 is my preferred choice for carry, but I'm not disarmed if I have to carry the XD-S:)

As the XD-S is about the size of what a "Covert" CW45 would be, I wonder if I'll find the slightly shorter length CM45 worth having.

A couple more photos:

BTW, Springfield recently introduced a +1 extended magazine (http://store.springfield-armory.com/shop/pc/XD-S-45ACP-6-RND-MID-MAGAZINE-123p881.htm) for the .45 XD-S which when used makes the XD-S just about the size of the P/CW45

03-28-2015, 04:48 PM
Appreciate all the feedback. After sending my PM45 back to the factory to get reliable with hollowpoints, I was having a hint of not so much buyer's remorse as buyer's second-guessing. Hearing everyone's experiences makes me feel that much better about my purchase.

For the record, Kahr got my PM45 back to me in less than a week. The polished the feed ramp and test-fired 35 rounds. I've hand cycled some HPs and all seems well. I'll post a range report when I can get out there and go shooting.

04-09-2015, 10:14 PM
Hello new guy here and carry a CW45 and love it. First Kahr purchase CM9 now belongs to my wife. As a new owner of the XDs 9 I feel I made a mistake on the purchase. The only advantage I have with the XDs over the Kahr is I can shoot it faster. Shoot better groups with the CM9. Regret the purchase now I'm thinking about selling the XDs and buying a CM9. Kahr's aren't perfect but their great lil guns.

04-10-2015, 10:10 AM
Have an XDs .45 and a CM9. Love them both, both fine weapons...