View Full Version : Where's the spek?

07-08-2010, 10:44 AM
The other forums I frequent (including my own artsy-fartsy one) has a reputation (spek) feature. Do you have it disabled, or is it not available with your particular software package? It makes me a sad panda. I keep trying to use my spekker and can't. :(

07-08-2010, 10:56 AM
What the heck is a specker? Can we miss it if we dont know what it is? Does it bite?

07-08-2010, 11:11 AM
it can bite at times.

If you like someone's post, you give them reputation (or spek). If you dislike it (or just wanna be a turd), you give them negative reputation. (The administrators can set it up two ways: either the person knows who left the spek, or it can be anonymous)

It's silly and childish really, but can be fun. I've found myself trying to spek someone SO many times on here and not being able to say things like "I agree" or "yeah! me too!". I just miss that feature.

I see that you use vBulletin, the same as the other forums I frequent (and run). It's in the administrative section.

07-08-2010, 11:31 AM
I had a reputation once. Seems like we've talked about that here before, kind of give a person credibility so to speak. Seems like it would be a hard thing to do.
Like any forum (I'm guessing on this since this is the only forum I look at) you have to sort out the truth and the BS. While the BS is sometimes entertaining it usually won't help you fix your sick gun.
One thing I like about things here is we get some of both which is probably why this forum stays so lively. Staying strickly on topic with no deviation leads to boredom and short threads. Here we've gone 20 pages just on the topic of greasing Deitrich up and tossing him over a penitentary fence. What can be better than that.
It would be nice to tag folks sometimes, let them know you love them or your not happy with them or you want to rip their head off and use it as a door stop. I know I'd like to know myself if anyone hates me or my style (like that could happen). Well maybe that wouldnt work either, they tell me that all the time and it seems to go right over my head and splatters all over Jocko's shiney Harley and ticks him off to no end.

Ok bye

07-08-2010, 01:33 PM
Now Bawann you know we never get off track here at Kahrtalk, it's strickly business and if you don't believe it go back and read The Notch thread cause that one stayed on track straight and true....:rolleyes:....I didn't know what a spek was either so don't worry about it or your reputation cause you are ok by me....Now some people say I frequently get off track cause I have ADD but....Oh look, theres a butterfly, how neat...Now where was I???...Was I finished???...:roll:

07-08-2010, 01:35 PM
see, I would've spekked the above post, cause it made me chuckle.

07-08-2010, 01:45 PM
So the ADD Getsome gets the very first official spek and from a lady to boot. Gosh darn it I'm so jealous!
If you get enough speks to you advance to like turbo bucket spek or something? Be nice to have room for advancement or take things to the next level, a goal so to speak.
I think around here our version of your spek is hit reply and enter you da man! or Your Rock, or in the "turd" category you suck!

We used to see alot of +1's or + whatever but then everyone got accused of scenting and purposely trying to build up their post count which apparently is very important to some. Actually they mostly accused me of scenting which gave me a guilt complex which nearly drove me to the leather couch. If I hadn't taken a magazine picture of Dr Phil to the range with the dept MP5 I'd probably be in a padded forum as we speak. Maybe I should be there anyhow.

07-08-2010, 01:55 PM
Now Bawann you know we never get off track here at Kahrtalk, it's strickly business and if you don't believe it go back and read The Notch thread cause that one stayed on track straight and true....:rolleyes:....I didn't know what a spek was either so don't worry about it or your reputation cause you are ok by me....Now some people say I frequently get off track cause I have ADD but....Oh look, theres a butterfly, how neat...Now where was I???...Was I finished???...:roll:

Your spek in my book too. I'm not totally warm and fuzzy with the thought that I just said a good thing yet but I meant to if you get the direction of my flow.

Here boy, Notch hey notch get your backside over here. Did Notch fall in the "GAP". Oh my!:eek::eek::eek:

07-08-2010, 02:07 PM
If you get enough speks to you advance to like turbo bucket spek or something?.

the more spek you get, the bigger YOUR spekker is. admins and mods can really bring down the hammer and turn someone from green (good) to red (bad) really quick.

07-08-2010, 02:07 PM
Thank you TD2K for my first spek!!! I never had one before but I love it and will treasure it forever....:)

07-08-2010, 02:10 PM
this will have to work for now.


stole it from another forum

07-08-2010, 02:20 PM
the more spek you get, the bigger YOUR spekker is. admins and mods can really bring down the hammer and turn someone from green (good) to red (bad) really quick.

The mods have control of everyones spekker? Do we want to give them that power? What if they are really anti spekkers and it's all a ruse to take away our spekker rights.
Do you think George Washington has a big spekker?

Getsome, try not to get too swelled up a head, with your ADD and all you might wake up in the morning and think it was all a dream. Wish I could lay one of them Spek symbols on ya too but we just don't got the mental technology to do such things yet. Wonder how ADD compares to my dimentia. They say it's different than Ahlzeimers but I can't remember who said that or why or why I care.
Right now I'm trying to focus on the heartbreak of psoriasis, whatever that might be.

07-08-2010, 02:23 PM
no, the mods don't control spekkers. theirs is usually bigger, but not as big as the admin's.

07-08-2010, 02:31 PM
no, the mods don't control spekkers. theirs is usually bigger, but not as big as the admin's.

WHAT!:eek: We got mods and admins around here? How do you know all this secret stuff? Who controls our speks? If everyone gives you speks and you are A #1 good guy, admin can puncture you innertube and turn you into F # 37 bad dude, with the flip of the spek switch?

Ya think BIG BROTHER is watchin us right this very second? If I was to say the muslim monkey sucks and take away his spek would Clint Eastwood and the Secret Service repel out of helichoppers and rain on my parade? Shhh, I'm under my desk.

07-08-2010, 02:32 PM
WHAT!:eek: We got mods and admins around here? How do you know all this secret stuff? Who controls our speks? If everyone gives you speks and you are A #1 good guy, admin can puncture you innertube and turn you into F # 37 bad dude, with the flip of the spek switch?

yes. you can spend MONTHS getting a good reputation rating and then a cranky admin can swoop in and crush your hopes and dreams and turn you "red" again

I just figured you had at least 1 admin and maybe a mod or two.

I had a board of my own, and I'm a junkie (admin) at a couple of others. I know stuff. ;)

07-08-2010, 02:35 PM
I don't know about George Washington but I do know that our current President IS A GINORMOUS SPEKKER....Now about the condition our condition is in, I'm thinking about writing down all the medications advertised during 1 night of TV and having my doctor write prescriptions for all of them no matter what they are designed to cure and see what happens....Either they will cure everything thats wrong with me or my innards will explode and I'll grow another head out my hind end and have a huge spekker but if it lasts more than 4 hours I gotta take something else to cure that problem...:p

07-08-2010, 02:52 PM
You guys crack me up. Take the simplest thing and look where it leads you! I sure agree about the president though...


I did not enable the reputation system as I have seen it go badly on other forums. I will revisit this as membership grows. My philosophy so far has been to keep it simple as long as our membership remains relatively small compared to other forums. For comparison, you can see how things are different at XDTalk given they have larger membership there with a far broader range of subjects. I have advocated adding more subforums, using membership post requirements for various areas, and paid membership perks there. I think numbers of members drive that, and will change features here as warranted.



07-08-2010, 02:57 PM


07-08-2010, 03:15 PM
You guys crack me up. Take the simplest thing and look where it leads you! I sure agree about the president though...


I did not enable the reputation system as I have seen it go badly on other forums. I will revisit this as membership grows. My philosophy so far has been to keep it simple as long as our membership remains relatively small compared to other forums. For comparison, you can see how things are different at XDTalk given they have larger membership there with a far broader range of subjects. I have advocated adding more subforums, using membership post requirements for various areas, and paid membership perks there. I think numbers of members drive that, and will change features here as warranted.



Well sweet Mary and Joseph, I thought JohnH was a Mod, now I find out he's admin. Man this internet stuff is like industrial espionage. I think whatever we're doing we're doing ok. This is the only forum I look at, nothing to compare it too, I'm finding that theres forums for everything I guess but I'm not gonna go lookin for em.
If I ever earned one of them spekkers an it did anything for 4 hours I'd just pull the life support.
In my mind we don't have a president right now and we're sorely lacking in several other high level positions if you ask me too. If theres anyone besides me who can take civil rights back 150 years its the muslim monkey. I'll just sit here and wait for the henchmen. My spekker turning RED:eek::eek::eek:

John, we never heard back on the loan of your hemi to go coyote chasing. You still pondering that?

07-08-2010, 03:39 PM
I have to agree with Bawanna I like it the way it is... not that I have much to compare it to, as this is the only forum I belong to as well. Why fix something that isn't broken, and runs smooth as it is. Good Call John

07-08-2010, 03:56 PM
I have to agree with Bawanna I like it the way it is... not that I have much to compare it to, as this is the only forum I belong to as well. Why fix something that isn't broken, and runs smooth as it is. Good Call John

Well drop my skivvies and call me daddy, someone agreed with me. I'm with ya though JoeMB and JohnH. Seems like it would just provide mud to throw at one another.
I see some good things about it, some sort of credability scale to help new members see who has a good rep (which of course could all be BS) but many bad possibilities too, unfairness, people thinking they got a good rep that don't, people that do have a good rep that don't got spekkers.
I do think that since at least one person agreed with me I should get one of them spekkers though. A turkey feather in the cap so to speak. And Getsome got one, the first one, actually the only one ever here.:19: I don't want one now.:der: Should only be one and he got it, he deserved it and he's got the one and only. I'm ok with that,:mad: he's the better man:lie: and I don't want to detract or tarnish his esteemed accomplishment. I concede. I'd kneel in your presence but the washing machine ate my prayer rug. You da man!

07-08-2010, 04:08 PM
Well drop my skivvies and call me daddy, someone agreed with me. I'm with ya though JoeMB and JohnH. Seems like it would just provide mud to throw at one another.
I see some good things about it, some sort of credability scale to help new members see who has a good rep (which of course could all be BS) but many bad possibilities too, unfairness, people thinking they got a good rep that don't, people that do have a good rep that don't got spekkers.
I do think that since at least one person agreed with me I should get one of them spekkers though. A turkey feather in the cap so to speak. And Getsome got one, the first one, actually the only one ever here.:19: I don't want one now.:der: Should only be one and he got it, he deserved it and he's got the one and only. I'm ok with that,:mad: he's the better man:lie: and I don't want to detract or tarnish his esteemed accomplishment. I concede. I'd kneel in your presence but the washing machine ate my prayer rug. You da man!

I agree with you as well Bawanna. It doesn't take long for members to find out for themselves who's good and bad. After all, it didn't take John long to get rid of a couple of troublemakers about 2 weeks ago.:19:
Not too mention your record: 2 bad guys 0, 1 pending.

07-08-2010, 04:09 PM
:music:Just a side note: Previous post was not a scenting post.....but this one is.

07-08-2010, 04:15 PM
What were y`all talking about? I`m sorry,I was looking at my foot.

07-08-2010, 04:20 PM
What were y`all talking about? I`m sorry,I was looking at my foot.

Somebody was talking about toe nail fungus... maybe that's why you were looking at your foot?:der:

07-08-2010, 04:22 PM
I agree with you as well Bawanna. It doesn't take long for members to find out for themselves who's good and bad. After all, it didn't take John long to get rid of a couple of troublemakers about 2 weeks ago.:19:
Not too mention your record: 2 bad guys 0, 1 pending.

Don't be talking this kind of stuff no mo! We got espionage spies, admins, Mods, all kind of secret agent spy scope stuff around here. There's secret stuff we don't even know about around here. I don't want to get tagged a secret informant, or more scarey a RAT!
I'm just cruising, no wake, nice and smooth. I'm glad TD2K let it all out of the sack, heck there might be WMD's involved and we might find out Ann Nicole didn't marry for love. (that would break my heart).
TD2K, by the way, we gotta come up with a name for ya, TD2K is like E2D2 in that flying monster movie that the kids liked so much, I cried almost worse the Ole Yeller myself, call me emotional.:faint2:

07-08-2010, 05:29 PM
The other forums I frequent (including my own artsy-fartsy one) has a reputation (spek) feature. Do you have it disabled, or is it not available with your particular software package? It makes me a sad panda. I keep trying to use my spekker and can't. :(

Don't they have little blue pills to help people with that condition? :ohmy:

07-08-2010, 05:41 PM
Don't they have little blue pills to help people with that condition? :ohmy:

That did it, now my chiefs gonna be wondering why I'm laughin my backside off at my serious job! What am I gonna tell him if he ask. Well chief it's like this 3 1/2 hours of my 8 hours shift today I spent on Kahrtalk. He'd probably ask for the website address. He spends more time surfing than me. I don't surf, I just hang out with my pals, and ryoung.

07-08-2010, 09:12 PM
Don't be talking this kind of stuff no mo! We got espionage spies, admins, Mods, all kind of secret agent spy scope stuff around here. There's secret stuff we don't even know about around here. I don't want to get tagged a secret informant, or more scarey a RAT!
I'm just cruising, no wake, nice and smooth. I'm glad TD2K let it all out of the sack, heck there might be WMD's involved and we might find out Ann Nicole didn't marry for love. (that would break my heart).
TD2K, by the way, we gotta come up with a name for ya, TD2K is like E2D2 in that flying monster movie that the kids liked so much, I cried almost worse the Ole Yeller myself, call me emotional.:faint2:

I think you're being far too modest. You need to use your talents to help mankind. For example, we need to know what happened to Jimmy Hoffa? Who killed JFK and Marilyn Monroe? What is the New World Order and who is behind it? Where is Osama Bin Laden? Does Obama have a legitimate birth certificate? Is Pelosi really a wax dummy? Is Harry Reid alive? When can we expect Barney Frank to retire? Please great Bawanna give us your wisdom.:spider:

07-09-2010, 02:32 AM
What did the constipated fly say?

"I `speck not."

07-09-2010, 06:28 AM
wow. Didn't mean to open such a large can of worms. Guess I should just keep my spek to myself for now.

(no, I didn't say that I spek myself......)

07-09-2010, 09:00 AM

I wouldn't worry too much about your spek thread. The boys are just having fun, mixing things up a bit, trying to get a rise out of you. We all don't take things too seriously around here, except of course the exception to the rule is when we are talking firearms.
I kind of found this thread to be rather entertaining myself.

07-09-2010, 09:49 AM
it can bite at times.

If you like someone's post, you give them reputation (or spek). If you dislike it (or just wanna be a turd), you give them negative reputation. (The administrators can set it up two ways: either the person knows who left the spek, or it can be anonymous)

It's silly and childish really, but can be fun. I've found myself trying to spek someone SO many times on here and not being able to say things like "I agree" or "yeah! me too!". I just miss that feature.

I see that you use vBulletin, the same as the other forums I frequent (and run). It's in the administrative section.

I certainly agree with the silly and childish part.

07-10-2010, 08:57 AM
I think you're being far too modest. You need to use your talents to help mankind. For example, we need to know what happened to Jimmy Hoffa? Who killed JFK and Marilyn Monroe? What is the New World Order and who is behind it? Where is Osama Bin Laden? Does Obama have a legitimate birth certificate? Is Pelosi really a wax dummy? Is Harry Reid alive? When can we expect Barney Frank to retire? Please great Bawanna give us your wisdom.:spider:

Lemme see if I can answer these, (I like my speker just fine, if I need approval I just lick my eyebrows). Jimmy Hoffa got retired, not killed and buried, the mob set up a witness protection like program for him, so after some plastic surgery he's kickin' it in Key West. JFK and Marylin Monroe were killed by the Chinese Communists for their part in the New World Order (they threatened to expose it for what it is if they couldn't get a nice party membership out of it). Bin Laden has shaved his beard, unwrapped the towel and is kickin' it in Key West (best place in the world to hide, he's got the money and laughs everytime he sees the news of him being in some cave) with a Cuban or four. The New World order is a Chinese Communist plot to take over the world, and make them profit by it. Odumma has not a legal birth certificate, Harry Reid is a puppet, Pelosi is an anamatronics dummy. Barney Fwanks will retire when Hitler Clinton pulls her weenie out. I think that should cover it.:cool:

07-10-2010, 08:58 AM
P.S. Keep this place like it is John, we like it here. And since I got you on the line, can we use the Hemi? We'll take good care of her, even let you drive if you wanna.

07-10-2010, 09:39 AM
I am sorry guys, but the HEMI is always kept close at hand should I need to hop in for a speedy escape. You never know when the forces of evil may strike! :D

07-10-2010, 09:50 AM
Ok, fine. We'll use my truck, it's not as fast, but I can handle it like a fighter jet. Just gotta strap a couple of chairs in the back and git 'er done. Though I think he's worried about the blood and scratchin the paint...

07-10-2010, 11:42 AM
Were I he, I certainly would be. Nothing like stump jumping a hemi to make scratches and door dings.
But it never hurts to ask.

07-10-2010, 01:30 PM
We tried. Maybe some more alcohol will loosen him up. Have a drink me... I'd be more worried about the sideways tree stump whacks than I would stump jumping.

07-10-2010, 01:41 PM
Hey Bawanna, speaking of spekers, ever since you passed Jocko, he's been downright quiet. Does he still live here?

07-10-2010, 01:44 PM
He pops up from time to time. I think he's still nursing those wheel chair marks that got left on his backside.

07-10-2010, 01:54 PM
Jocko's good to go and I think he might even be starting to not hate me so much. He's on a series of road trips astride that beautiful Harley of his. If memory serves he should be headed for Bransom Missouri about now and if he's trying to keep that secret you didn't hear that from me. I'm not positive on the itinerary. He did instruct me to attempt to keep order around here in his absence like that's gonna happen. My beagle don't even do what I say. Just trying to keep things lively till the king returns.
Hard to do though, all I can think of is that Angel and Dietrichs pepper on the tongue. You think I need a phsycological evaluation. Nice angel.
He claims no animosity for me running him over and I'm sure that it wouldn't take much for him to run right back over me if I get drawn away which I wll be after next week for about a month. Alls fair in love and post count.

07-11-2010, 12:56 PM
Sounds like Jocko is in my neck of the woods. I'm hurt he didn't let me know he was visiting.

07-11-2010, 08:03 PM
Sounds like Jocko is in my neck of the woods. I'm hurt he didn't let me know he was visiting.

Maybe he wanted to surprise you?