View Full Version : Another win for the good guys.

04-05-2015, 05:49 PM

Higgy Baby
04-05-2015, 05:54 PM
Good news. Now thats change I can live with.

04-05-2015, 08:16 PM
I hope you are right. It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings. Hear any music? I can't believe they will give up this easy.

04-06-2015, 06:09 AM
Give up easily? They lost their case before the supreme court twice.

04-06-2015, 08:16 AM
You are correct. It will come up again. Remember Ovomit hasn't appointed a new justice yet, which could easily happen before his term is over. On top of that remember the decision they made on Ovomitcare? I sincerely hope you are right. Forgive my pessimism but until this clown is out of office I will remain skeptical. In the words of that renowned philosopher Alfred E. Newman: "Never underestimate your enemy." (I could possibly have that name wrong.)

04-06-2015, 02:47 PM
Remember Ovomit hasn't appointed a new justice yet, which could easily happen before his term is over.

I agree that we must continue to be vigilant. I don't expect, however, that the current, republican-controlled Senate would confirm the nomination. You can breathe easy on this one for now.

04-07-2015, 01:16 PM
The only supreme court members that are likely to step down are liberal members. Even if Obummer replaces one liberal with another it's a zero net gain.

04-17-2015, 04:46 PM
if they keep taking photos of that one old hag on the supreme courst who sleeps in pictures taking and drinks when ever she can and continues to slump in her chair like a decaying turd, well she needs to go, liberal or not, She is milking the payroll system now, u have to wind her up in the morning to keep her going thru the day, She belongs in assisted care. Just sayin

04-17-2015, 05:22 PM
I agree that we must continue to be vigilant. I don't expect, however, that the current, republican-controlled Senate would confirm the nomination. You can breathe easy on this one for now.

No No The formally FAT Al Sharpton is going on a Hunger strike till that Radical is voted in..... Hope he goes Ethiopian and dies a skinny.