View Full Version : Single stack Kahrs and the double wide 320. Your thoughts?

04-05-2015, 07:03 PM
The single stack striker activated Kahrs fits in with our needs as we see them. There aren't any
plans on changing what seems to fit in with our family circumstance or activity level.

That said, The double stack striker fired 320 would seem to offer some serious competition.

It is understood that this is a Kahr Forum, but if there are any first hand comments about the 320,
I'd appreciate hearing what you have to offer.



04-05-2015, 07:15 PM
The single stack striker activated Kahrs fits in with our needs as we see them. There aren't any
plans on changing what seems to fit in with our family circumstance or activity level.

That said, The double stack striker fired 320 would seem to offer some serious competition.

It is understood that this is a Kahr Forum, but if there are any first hand comments about the 320,
I'd appreciate hearing what you have to offer.



Don't know what a 320 is - Sig P320?
No matter - I'm having trouble understanding how a double stack anything is serious competition for a Kahr?
If you want a double stack sub-compact?
Look at HK P2000SK Light LEM V1.

Forgive me if I'm curt.
I'm brand sensitive - LOL!

04-05-2015, 07:46 PM
I have a P320 compact and it's a nice shooter. It's more of a "house gun" for me. It's not too bad a transition from the Kahr trigger. It's thicker/heavier but could certainly be carried. I just like the Kahr trigger & size better for carry, maybe because I'm an "old" revolver shooter.

04-05-2015, 08:21 PM
Only competition is the Sig P290. PM9-sized.

04-05-2015, 09:22 PM
The Sig P320 subcompact looks pretty nice to me. 1.1in wide and 12+1 9mm. But it's 24oz before you start loading all those bullets in there.

Higgy Baby
04-05-2015, 09:41 PM
The only striker fired gun I own is the CT 380....and I've only had it about 3 weeks or so.

All the rest of my guns are da/sa hammer fired. To me....they just shoot too much better than striker guns-all inclusive.
I mainly carry a Bersa 380 Plus or a Bersa 9 UC. Excellent triggers.

The CT 380 is intended for pocket carry, mainly in the summer.

04-05-2015, 09:43 PM
If I was going to carry a compact double-stack, it would probably be a CZ PCR. Decocker and nice double action pull for the first round. Single action after that. I like having a hammer too.

But, I don't carry a double-stack. I carry a Kahr.

04-06-2015, 08:52 AM
Hum, close mind folks abound . I have a cm9 but it see's little carry time over the last few years in favore of a tp40 kahr .
Wonder if b4uqzme will jump and knotch the weight if it too at 22.2oz !!

Saltydog . What you carry depends on your lifestyle as far as physical size goes . When working a cm9 or cw9 was all I wanted , snubby for 20 years before that and it seems I was always working so a double stack would have been a no deal option for me .

Now I find the larger commander size tp40 works well as my days of hard physical work are behind me . Or did work well till hand surgery . Tried a m&p for a while as my wife has 2 of them . Even bought a 40 full size and found I could CC it just like my tp40 . 2:00 canted to the rear and set high . Driving and sitting worked with it well to but it still hurt some and my daughter liked it and had no house gun . Sge CC's my old cw9 too .

I bought a sig P320 full size 4.75" barrel model . I ordered a garrett silent thunder fusion holster and will see if up front is still possible but 3:30 4:00 will be fine too . If your wanting a sig p320 go for it . Its very nice handgun , more than accurate enough and comes in 4 variations in size . Full size grip length is also used on the carry model , the compact is 1-40 cal round shorter or 2-9mm shorter . The 3 larger models also have 3 different circumferences, mine is a medium . My very average sized hand fits the full size grip length fully with only the mag hangs below .

The compact can use a x-grip adaptor with full size mags too. Both the carry and compact use the 3.9" barrel . That length can be carried with little effort . Then the SC model has a the smaller thinner 1.10 wide grip and the same 1.06 wide slide as the others but shorter 3.6" barrel and ONLY 2.8oz heavier than a tp or ct kahr 9 or 40 cal . and .10 wider or less . Comes with 12 round mags and can upgrade to 15 rounders with X-grip fillers too. Buy a wider holster like garrett holster ,STF and your good to go. I personal hate skinny holsters and use a comp-tac neutral even for my kahrs small or large but they don't have a p320 kydex body for it yet for the railed pistols . My wifes SC fits a m&p body from comp-tac well .

Trigger pull is different from other strikers. Take up is 5.5lbs with an extra 1 1/2lb of pressure with small amount of movement to fire . Short reset but with enough movement that you can pre-stage the trigger while sights are settling on target . 200 rounds thru mine and take up has settled to 5lb take up and trigger pull is 6.5lb now but more controllable than my 5lb kahrs buy far . Heaviest carry trigger I have but still very nice and will leave it alone . My 9 year old grandson ran a mag thru it yesterday shooting 155gr underwoods . Shot it very well at 7 yards and had a big ole smile on his face , Kids are great . no fear .

So what do you think . Enough info ??

04-06-2015, 09:15 AM
I too prefer sa/da firearms..............................I agree that the HK P2000SK is a fine firearm, and I've always liked Sigs............................never handled a 320, but it sounds like I may not like the trigger. I'll have to check one out the next time I'm at a GS..........................

04-06-2015, 09:43 AM
Humm, don't like it , never touch it , Humm Sound like guys talking about kahrs !!

04-06-2015, 10:24 AM
Wonder if b4uqzme will jump and knotch the weight if it too at 22.2oz !!

Well, Heck! That makes ALL the difference! :)

Seriously, I always thought, if I'd go for a doublestack 9mm, it would be a CZ RAMI with a decocker. My logic is that I'm really only interested in subcompact 9mms because anything larger and I already have .40's. But the Sig P320 in a subcompact sounds like a better option for me should I ever move forward. I don't mind the striker system...in fact I guess I prefer it. DA/SA was always a compromise IMHO.

04-06-2015, 10:31 AM
And if OP is asking "should Kahr make a double-stack?". I say more power to 'em if they do. But it's no big deal to me if they don't because there ARE good options already available. Kahr already does what it does extremely well IMHO.

04-06-2015, 01:24 PM
b4uqzme The p250sc would be better deal for the die hard double action trigger puller as that's what it has . Trigger pull is lighter and closer to our kahrs . What the hay , they both work well .

And yes they should have made a double stack , 10 years ago ! I know lots of people pitch a fit when the word taurus is mentioned but with a model 85 I carried for 20 years and a couple of really good tcp's I have to give them a honest chance . My wife also has a pt111g2 she carry's once in a while really seems to be a very good pistol for the small amount of money , priced like a cm , cw ,ct pistol . Short striker 4 1/2lbs trigger pull , 20 oz weight , 1" wide , 12 round cap and used p226 mags but no filler like from x grip . But with a 16 to 20 rounds as back up at a small high cap option . Made in a 9mm and 40 version. I ran 400 rounds thru it ands a shooter and easy to like .
That's the pistol kahr should have made .

04-06-2015, 02:53 PM
b4uqzme The p250sc would be better deal for the die hard double action trigger puller as that's what it has . Trigger pull is lighter and closer to our kahrs . What the hay , they both work well...

Thanks for the reminder. The P250 has been on and off my radar for a long time. But I'm surprised that the trigger is better than the striker fired Sigs. I may have to move double-stack nines up on my priority list. And I thank OP for that. :o My wallet thanks you too. :rolleyes:

04-06-2015, 03:26 PM
And if OP is asking "should Kahr make a double-stack?". I say more power to 'em if they do. But it's no big deal to me if they don't because there ARE good options already available. Kahr already does what it does extremely well IMHO.

MY 21 cents is that u wll definitely see a double stack kahr, naturally it will be in a 9mm and not those elephgant size 45's. but it will happen and probably 50 years later they will introudce the 45 in a double stack and then the colonel will be happy.

Kahr has milked the singles tacks as far as they can go IMO, sdure theyt can offer different color frames etc, and dessert tan slides but its the same gun. The Gen 2 is going to be a nice weapon but no doubt it wont be a big seller as it will ot be cheap to buy fully dressed, but t does show some nice innovation on kahrs parts. Patience is golden my friend.

04-06-2015, 03:30 PM
Well, Heck! That makes ALL the difference! :)

Seriously, I always thought, if I'd go for a doublestack 9mm, it would be a CZ RAMI with a decocker. My logic is that I'm really only interested in subcompact 9mms because anything larger and I already have .40's. But the Sig P320 in a subcompact sounds like a better option for me should I ever move forward. I don't mind the striker system...in fact I guess I prefer it. DA/SA was always a compromise IMHO.

IMO what I think kahr needs t work on if possable is an easier gun to had rack. Most nd I do mean most women and some ol men like ol jocko find these small kahrs a rel b!tch to hand rack. Hate to say to compare but layt any GLOCK next to a kahr ad see which one a woman can handle better, anyone damn foll can pull the trigger once the gu is loaded but getting to that first stage is very hard for many females. If their first impression is not a good one then u have lost her. Just my 21 cents.. and what the hell do I know, I call Muggsy my friend so that outta beur first clue.

04-06-2015, 05:21 PM
I've been called a lot worse things than yer friend, Jocko. I'll take that as a compliment. :)

04-06-2015, 05:54 PM
So my curiosity was piqued and I happened to stop in a LGS today to check out the P320sc. First, that trigger is nice and something you could easily get used to but hardluk1 is correct: it ain't nothing like a Kahr trigger. Second, despite only being 0.1 inch wider than my MK9 and only being 22.2oz (did I get it right this time?), the Sig FEELS way bigger and even heavier. And to me feel is everything. My MK has nothing to worry about. Unless I stumble across a PMJ9 ;). I will queue up behind Jocko and wait for an easy-to-rack, double-stack Kahr PMD9. But I'm not holding my breath.

04-06-2015, 06:35 PM
I see no reason for a double stack Kahr, but then I also don't see the reason for hi-cap pistols either. I have fifteen pistols and only one has more than an eight round mag. That would be my 14 round HK USP 40 which I use for a HDW as it's too big to carry. Most know that I favor a 45, and if I'm not carrying a Kahr, it would usually be an HK45c, compact 1911, or a S&W CS45, all six, seven, or eight rounds, and all under 25 ozs.

04-07-2015, 07:52 AM
No , the triggers on the p250 is not better than a kahr but lighter than on the p320 and would feel more normal to a kahr guy a smooth 6.5lb or less double action .

O'Dell I went 28 years CC'n before carry'n anything bigger than my kahr tp40 but one day you may be retired , older , broke down a bit more , can't run with a damd anymore , slower at changing mags and suddenly a softer shooting still lighter high cap does not seem so bad !!

After reading the real life cop story were he shot a BG from his car 14 times with 37 shoots fired and the BG still lived long enough to get to the hospital. Sort adjusted my thinking on what makes a better cc at this point of my life . So never say never . I did for years .


04-07-2015, 01:38 PM
I see no reason for a double stack Kahr, but then I also don't see the reason for hi-cap pistols either. I have fifteen pistols and only one has more than an eight round mag. That would be my 14 round HK USP 40 which I use for a HDW as it's too big to carry. Most know that I favor a 45, and if I'm not carrying a Kahr, it would usually be an HK45c, compact 1911, or a S&W CS45, all six, seven, or eight rounds, and all under 25 ozs.

I onlyt agree wit you because they would have to be more bukly to carry, but from a business standpoint it makes damn good sense for kahr to pursue this path to. They have perfected their single stack to the point of redundancy, . Just like their models with the xternal safety, some will not owe it but again some will indeed buy it, so why not offer both and appease both sides...I still bet we sill see a double stack kahr sooner tha later... Just sayin

04-07-2015, 03:39 PM
Well, if Kahr decides to go double stack, then Justin Moon needs to pay attention to what Ruger has done with their SR series. My SR45 grip feels as slim as my CW45, and no doubt the SR9 would too with the CW9.

A "CW9+" double stack utilizing a 10-12 round magazine with roughly the same dimensions as the CW9 (only slightly wider) would be a hot seller, IMO.

And have a steel flush-fitting base plate.

Just a thought.

04-07-2015, 04:39 PM
Just my opinion, i HAD a P230 Compact. Sold it shortly after acquiring my Kahr CM9. I personally like the feel of my CM9 better. Accuracy for me turned out to be a draw between the two...

04-07-2015, 05:33 PM
If sig can make a p250 sub compact double stack that's only 1.10 wide so can kahr , atleast for a 9mm and 40 . never did under stand why the current kahr 45 has to be wider if a 1911 can be under and inch so can a kahr but I won't hold my breath waiting for ether one . I like my cm9 but would far rather carry a CW or TP I have . CM9 get more backup carry and mowing the yard carry than anything for the last few years .

What the cw9 double stack could have been -

04-07-2015, 06:43 PM
What the cw9 double stack could have been -

If that Millennium was what a CW9 could have been, then I would have never owned my first Kahr, let along eight. I bought my first Kahr, a CW9, after a disastrous episode with Taurus. My compact 24/7 45 worked fine, so I ended up buying two more Taurus 45's. The first, a Millennium, had 69 FTF's or FTE's out of the first 200 rounds. The second, a PT45?, wasn't much better. Both went back to Taurus and were returned after about six weeks. Neither was any better. I sold all three and vowed "never again". Then I bought the CW9 and never had another problem.

04-08-2015, 06:57 AM
o' dell You pore boy you . and That ain't the orginial mo-len-e-um and like some kahr whiners I don't care about your point of view of it much . But you messed the point any how . Kahr could have made a nice small double stack we could carry . With 12 brands of firearms and to many handguns with 47 years shooting I have never had a bad firearm !! 3 Taurus's included . CC a 85ss for 20 years . But I am smart enough not to buy a few models yet not a narrow minded about brands ether . hehehe

04-08-2015, 06:45 PM
o' dell You pore boy you . and That ain't the orginial mo-len-e-um and like some kahr whiners I don't care about your point of view of it much . But you messed the point any how . Kahr could have made a nice small double stack we could carry . With 12 brands of firearms and to many handguns with 47 years shooting I have never had a bad firearm !! 3 Taurus's included . CC a 85ss for 20 years . But I am smart enough not to buy a few models yet not a narrow minded about brands ether . hehehe

I've got you in years shooting, brands and probably total number of guns too, not that that matters one whit. I didn't miss anything. Kahr has made their reputation for over twenty years building small, easy to carry, and dependable single stack pistols and they basically control that market. Why should they venture into markets that are outside their niche and compete with everyone else?

As far a Taurus is concerned, two bad guns out of three was enough to lose my trust. I don't think you'll find that I'm alone in that opinion - oh, I forgot, you don't care about my opinion or probable anyone else's if it disagrees with yours. Carry your Tauruses in good health. I'll stick to pistols that have never failed me, like Kahrs, SIG's, HK's and S&W's.

04-08-2015, 06:50 PM
Glock ventured out of their niche.

04-08-2015, 09:12 PM
Sorta, but Glock is much larger than Kahr, and they ventured out of an arena where they had tons of competition into one where they had much less. Their entry into the single stack area was just a toe into the water for them, and that toe can be quickly withdrawn if it doesn't work.

04-09-2015, 08:15 AM
o'dell If you have more brands and guns it just shows you have learn little thru the years . And again you miss the point , Photo is for a SIZE comparison . You keep drifting to your Taurus rant . WAKE UP. Only showed the damd photo for size comparison to a small double stack . I don't care if you have own some crap guns , really I don't !! I have met too many people that say the same about most brands over the last 10 years from s&w to sig to kahrs to rugers to fn's and it don't mean crap to me . Got my first kahr from a brand whiner that sounds like YOU its been great for years . Just like my 3 few Taurus's .

Kahr could make a small and lite double stack if theres of enough demand so people have to contact them and ask . But they do singles well enough it may not be worth it to them . Only time will tell .

04-09-2015, 09:49 AM
^^^ I'm totally OK with one-on-one debates in this forum. I've been the culprit of many of those. But name calling?????