View Full Version : Advice on Galloway springs set.

04-06-2015, 03:44 PM
I've ordered the reduced power spring set for my CM40. It's the striker spring and the blocker spring. I want the trigger to be easier and smoother, but I don't want the safety block to be weaker. Would it be ok to replace the striker spring but keep the blocker spring as it is? It seems to me that reducing the force for the trigger pull shouldn't compromise the safety feature. Oh, and it seems I have paid more that I needed to for this mod! Oh well.

04-06-2015, 05:13 PM
Not a problem. I installed the 5# striker spring without changing the striker block spring and the gun functions just fine.

04-06-2015, 05:20 PM
Thanks, I figured it would be fine. Maybe not the full reduction, but I really doubt I'll notice!

04-06-2015, 08:04 PM
I ran the striker spring by itself and felt it was worth it to buy the block spring. I'm glad I did. You can always try it and put the stock one back if you don't like it.

04-07-2015, 01:17 PM
I've ordered the reduced power spring set for my CM40. It's the striker spring and the blocker spring. I want the trigger to be easier and smoother, but I don't want the safety block to be weaker. Would it be ok to replace the striker spring but keep the blocker spring as it is? It seems to me that reducing the force for the trigger pull shouldn't compromise the safety feature. Oh, and it seems I have paid more that I needed to for this mod! Oh well.

if one ordered thius 5# striker spring from wolfs, don't think it comes with the little bity striker block sprig. Or at lease it never did come that way. I question why they would even include that little spring. My bet is that is standard in the 5# striker package,it is just a new exact replacement spring, which as muggsy stated, I would avoid changing. That little bastard should never wear out, although it is ic eto have a spare around in case u loose the one in there now. So IMO just replace the striker spring and ur good to go....

Striker Springs

Striker Springs - Reduced Power - W. C. Wolff Company offers reduced power striker springs (firing pin springs) for Kahr pistols rated at 5 pounds. The factory striker spring is 6 pounds. This spring will help improve the trigger pull.
Warning: This spring is for competition use only - not for duty use.

Fits All Kahr Models, Except .380 Caliber models

SKU Description Price ($) Add to cart
32320 KAHR RP STRIKER SPRING 5 LB Pak of 1 3.49

32321 KAHR RP STRIKER SPRING 5 LB Pak of 3 7.49

32322 KAHR RP STRIKER SPRING 5 LB Pak of 10 15.99

the wolffs gunsprngs site does not show this little bity striker black spring, and wolffs makes all of kahrs springs, so Ihae no clue what gallaway is doing but if it was me I would order from wolffs any springs for your kahr..

04-07-2015, 01:31 PM
Thanks, I figured it would be fine. Maybe not the full reduction, but I really doubt I'll notice!

thaty striker block spring has nadda to do with # reeduction, so IMO ur good to go. My 21 cents, order your kahr stuff from wolffs gunsprings, . they make kahrs springs, they are the best IMO. U will feel a reduction but remember ur factory spring is between 6-7.5# , so if u happen to get a 6# in ur new gun ad shoot it a few hundred rounds, u more than likely have a 5# trigger anyhow, but also installing a new 5# striker springer in a few hundred rounds it will then be closer to 4# than 5. Its not a hairy trigger as the travel distance never changes, but IMO it will help ones accuracy to. I am 71 and my eyes are not as good as they use dto be, but that 5# striker spring I feel helped me. I can now at 7 yards keep every shot in that big FBI bowling pin silhouette target, whih for me is pretty good. I recently went to my eye doctor and had new glassed made and I told im I wante dto be able to see two knots going at it from 50 yards. . Wow when I got my new lenses I was amazed. I could see two knats going at it at 50 yards, but later on I found out it was two goats going at it at 50 yards, but I could see um where as before Icould not, now I just have to figure out what two knats look like at 50 yards going at it. Any help from u guys with photos would be alot of help. Just sayin

04-07-2015, 02:09 PM
Two gnats going at it at 50 yards looks just like Jocko and one of his sheep going at it at 100 yards, only bigger. :)

04-07-2015, 02:45 PM
Wolf spring at Midway, is something like $3.49. I paid $20+$6.95 shipping from Galloway! Oh well, live and learn. I'm not sure if I'll feel any difference. I bought their "better than all else" grip overlay too. Guess I just wanted to get rid of $40 for some reason. Guess I should have asked first. I'm hoping it will help me with my muzzle dive problem. Probably more operator problem than trigger function. Last time at the range, held a nice group at about 25ft, but about 5" low.

04-07-2015, 03:12 PM
...meet Mr. and Mrs. Knat. Too close for ya?

04-07-2015, 03:13 PM
Wolf spring at Midway, is something like $3.49. I paid $20+$6.95 shipping from Galloway! Oh well, live and learn. I'm not sure if I'll feel any difference. I bought their "better than all else" grip overlay too. Guess I just wanted to get rid of $40 for some reason. Guess I should have asked first. I'm hoping it will help me with my muzzle dive problem. Probably more operator problem than trigger function. Last time at the range, held a nice group at about 25ft, but about 5" low.

get a half dozen snap caps and throw them in with 30 live rounds and let someone load ur magazine.It wil show u why ur shootig low. trust me on that..I am the voice of experience.

04-07-2015, 03:18 PM
get a half dozen snap caps and throw them in with 30 live rounds and let someone load ur magazine.It wil show u why ur shootig low. trust me on that..I am the voice of experience.

What? Anticipation?

04-07-2015, 03:26 PM
Wolf spring at Midway, is something like $3.49. I paid $20+$6.95 shipping from Galloway! Oh well, live and learn. I'm not sure if I'll feel any difference. I bought their "better than all else" grip overlay too. Guess I just wanted to get rid of $40 for some reason. Guess I should have asked first. I'm hoping it will help me with my muzzle dive problem. Probably more operator problem than trigger function. Last time at the range, held a nice group at about 25ft, but about 5" low.

I was thinking the same thing as Jocko about the safety spring being just a new standard power spring.
Did you test the feel the striker block by pushing it in after you installed the new one? Did you feel any difference? Or maybe notice less coils?

Don't feel too bad about the buying Traction grips @$10.50 since you already were paying shipping for the springs...
But FYI, If you need any in the future get them directly from Don off his website for $10.79 shipped here http://tractiongrips.com/index.html.
They really make a big improvement for such little $. I have been buying Traction grips for all my poly guns since he started selling them years ago (That is my CM9w/traction grips pic on the Galloway website)

04-07-2015, 03:29 PM
What? Anticipation?


04-07-2015, 03:29 PM
I was thinking the same thing as Jocko about the safety spring being just a new standard power spring.
Did you test the feel the striker block by pushing it in after you installed the new one? Did you feel any difference? Or maybe notice less coils?

Don't feel too bad about the buying Traction grips @$10.50 since you already were paying shipping for the springs...
But FYI, If you need any in the future get them directly from Don off his website for $10.79 shipped here http://tractiongrips.com/index.html.
They really make a big improvement for such little $. I have been buying Traction grips for all my poly guns since he started selling them years ago (That is my CM9w/traction grips pic on the Galloway website)

Haven't got them yet. Maybe tomorrow, definitely Friday if not tomorrow.

04-07-2015, 03:31 PM
...meet Mr. and Mrs. Knat. Too close for ya?

fellow members, I give u Mr. and Mrs. Muggsy. Just sayin.

04-07-2015, 03:39 PM
Haven't got them yet. Maybe tomorrow, definitely Friday if not tomorrow.

Oh OK sorry thought you had them already. I would like to hear when you get them if you see or feel a difference from the stock safety block spring.

04-07-2015, 03:41 PM
Oh OK sorry thought you had them already. I would like to hear when you get them if you see or feel a difference from the stock safety block spring.

I'll check it out and report back.

EDIT: Thursday if not tomorrow! I thought it was Wednesday today:o

04-08-2015, 11:52 AM
I got my springs set and installed the striker spring, and I can definitely tell the difference, much better. As far as the blocker spring, it is identical to the original. Same number of coils, same length, and felt the same. All I can figure is they are trying to justify the $20.

BTW, I do like overlay too! I've spent $40 with less satisfaction.

04-08-2015, 12:52 PM
Thanks for letting us know about the block spring. I was afraid that would be the case.

Glad you like your Traction grips! I am a big fan of them. Just curious did you get the newer 1 piece wrap around style that covers the front strap, or the old style that are 2 separate side panels?

04-08-2015, 01:07 PM
Thanks for letting us know about the block spring. I was afraid that would be the case.

Glad you like your Traction grips! I am a big fan of them. Just curious did you get the newer 1 piece wrap around style that covers the front strap, or the old style that are 2 separate side panels?

The new wrap around. And it comes with a little separate piece that's supposed to go on the bottom of the trigger guard right in from of the grip. I really see no use for it, I didn't put that on.

04-08-2015, 01:23 PM
The new wrap around. And it comes with a little separate piece that's supposed to go on the bottom of the trigger guard right in from of the grip. I really see no use for it, I didn't put that on.

Good! Glad you got the new style...I don't use that small piece under the trigger guard either.

04-08-2015, 01:27 PM
Good! Glad you got the new style...I don't use that small piece under the trigger guard either.

It's not only useless, it would look odd too!