View Full Version : One Holster Clip or Two for a CM40?

04-07-2015, 02:46 PM
For those of you who have a CM/PM 40, is an ultra thin one clip holster sufficient for iwb carry, or would you recommend a slightly larger two clip set up? I'm currently considering either the Offside by Alabama Holster (http://www.alabamaholster.com/product/the-offside/) (I like the offset clip design for maximum thinness), or the Tuck 2.0 by Alien Gear (http://aliengearholsters.com/holsters/kahr-cm-40.html). My work environment is office casual, so tuckability is essential. I have an n82tactical for my SR40c. It's a very nice holster, but I've found the gun to be too big and bulky to carry comfortably. I'm hoping that the single stack CM40 will be a bit more manageable in that regard.

04-07-2015, 03:45 PM
Perhaps the best of both worlds, hybrid design but with one clip is the Theis Single-clip tuckable holster.


I have the very similar non-tuckable EZ-Clip for my PM45 and it's extremely comfortable in the 3:30 position for me. For AIWB, I find it a bit too bulky with the leather backing.

For AIWB for my PM40, I really love Kusiak Leather holster. I have the regular holster for my PM40 but the tuckable for my PM45. Very comfortable. Incidentally, if you need a holster fast, the two I ordered from them arrived in just days as they had them in stock.

This is the tuckable Kusiak for my PM45:


In the two-clip design, I also have a Concealment Solutions Micro Mamba CE (tuckable) and a UBG Striker (non-tuckable). I love them both and for 10-12 hours plus carry I may opt for them. But the convenience and comfort of the Kusiak and Theis holsters has me reaching for them first.

Concealment Solutions:


04-07-2015, 09:49 PM
Thanks for the response - nice looking holsters. I'm partial to the off set clip to keep the rig as absolutely thin as possible. I've also been looking at Remora's Tuckable Holster (http://www.remoraholsterstore.com/tuckable-holster-s/4189.htm). Has anyone used it (especially if you have a CM/PM 40)? I really like the idea of not having any clip that shows at all, but would like to make sure that the holster will stay put. I have a Remora iwb for my CW380 and it works great, but the 380 is obviously smaller than the CM40.

04-08-2015, 11:36 AM
I use a regular Remora holster, and tuck in over it sometimes. I usually carry at about 11:00 for easy access. It slows down drawing the weapon some, but not a lot. The holster seems to stay in place fine. If I think I may need quick access to it I'll undo a button to allow me to reach in and pull my CM45 out, or in a T-shirt I would just pull the shirttail out and draw. I don't tend to go anywhere late, or that is "dangerous" so I have no problems. Most times I just leave my shirt untucked, unless I dress up for some occasion. I'm retired so no boss and dress codes to deal with.

04-09-2015, 03:00 AM
A single-clip IWB holster is definitely sufficient to carry your Kahr.

I say this with confidence, because I have carried a 16-round service pistol in this holster (http://www.4cornersconcealment.com/navigator/), every day for three months. Alabama Holster is a perfectly good choice, though I prefer the robust clip on the holster I use. I am not a fan of J-clips, which places the weight of the gun on the waistband, rather than on the gun belt. The exposed upturned end of J-clips tend to snag the cover garment and catch on things. That would not be my first choice.

I have owned numerous tuckable holsters and they simply do not work for me in tuckable mode. Stuffing 8 inches of shirt tail behind a 2" clip creates bunching. The resulting blousing effect can get hooked on things. In theory, and in photos, a tuckable holster is fine. But in practice, when one is constantly on the move, bending, reaching, etc, I am forever conscious of the holster. A cover garment works best for me.

Let us know what you buy and how it's working for you.

04-09-2015, 08:04 AM
I have a comptac ctac(c clips) and a remora
I use them both and like them a lot (very comfy)
Like the 2 clips because it won't shift too much

04-09-2015, 09:51 AM
I have owned numerous tuckable holsters and they simply do not work for me in tuckable mode. Stuffing 8 inches of shirt tail behind a 2" clip creates bunching. The resulting blousing effect can get hooked on things. In theory, and in photos, a tuckable holster is fine. But in practice, when one is constantly on the move, bending, reaching, etc, I am forever conscious of the holster. A cover garment works best for me.

That's what I'm concerned about. . . in fact, that's part of the problem I ran into with my n82tactical. Even though it's a tuckable holster, the SR40c simply prints too much. I'm wondering if I'll have the same problem with the CM40 in the tuckable Remora. After searching the forums here, I ran across this interesting thread: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?10107-New-Holster-for-my-CM9

"Belt to keep it on the waist, pants over the whole assembly = no clips showing."

04-09-2015, 11:03 AM
That's what I'm concerned about. . . in fact, that's part of the problem I ran into with my n82tactical. Even though it's a tuckable holster, the SR40c simply prints too much. I'm wondering if I'll have the same problem with the CM40 in the tuckable Remora. After searching the forums here, I ran across this interesting thread: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?10107-New-Holster-for-my-CM9

"Belt to keep it on the waist, pants over the whole assembly = no clips showing."

Tuck-able has never worked for me either. When I need to tuck, that's when I move to pocket carry (and I try to keep that as a last resort = I greatly prefer belt carry).

04-09-2015, 12:49 PM
I prefer outside carry, but I carry front pocket...................when I need to IWB, I use a High Noon Centerfold. They have many tuckable types. I really dislike IWB carry, for comfort reasons, but these tuckables work well. I can move around quite a bit, without having to worry about printing. I actually wear it at about 2 o'clock. I think that you'll always have some " blousing" when carrying IWB. The blousing is what helps the conceal. They are reasonably priced for leather.

05-04-2015, 04:06 PM
For those of you who have a CM/PM 40, could it be effectively concealed in this back pocket holster (http://www.alabamaholster.com/product/back-pocket-holster/)? I back pocket carry my CW380 in an Uncle George's wallet holster every day and LOVE it! I know back pocket carry isn't for everyone, but it definitely works for me. I don't like carrying in my front pocket, but I'm concerned about the concealability of my CM40 in a back pocket due to it's slightly larger height & thickness. Has anybody tried it? I imagine the top of the holster would stick out of the top of most jeans, what do you think?

05-04-2015, 08:19 PM
I have a single clip PJ Kydex holster for my CM9. Small & light prints very little. I have a CW45, single offset clip, leather Wild Bill holster, tuckable. Prints more because the pistol's grip is longer. Worn as tuckable, it bunches the shirt. My double clip hybrid holster bunches the tucked in shirt much less,and does not shift. I wear office casual clothes and stand most of the day. I every day front pocket carry my CM9. DeSantis holster does not shift does not print. Hand in the pocket= quicker easier more natural draw for me. Wear pleated pants and gun belt for best effect. Compared to the SR40 the CM series will disappear no matter how it is worn.

05-12-2015, 12:22 PM
I decided to go with the Cloak Tuck 2.0 by Alien Gear. I'll post a follow-up review after I receive it. In the meantime, I picked up a Sticky Holster. It works surprising well. It is very similar to the Remora IWB, but seems to be a bit thinner (I am only able to compare it with the Remora I have for my CW380). I stuck it in the waistband of my shorts this morning before going on a three mile walk. It stayed put - no shifting or slipping at all.