View Full Version : I went to the Dark Side- I am not here to gloat.

gun papa
04-09-2015, 02:23 PM
Well Gents, after a lot of patience with the P380 and CW380, and after much study, I bought a Glock 42. I like the .380acp cartridge, and have been loading it for at least 20 years.

I will keep the CW380 and hope that Kahr silently redesigns the frail striker, or an aftermarket striker comes about. I may send the CW back to Kahr again regarding the gun not locking the slide back, even after I believe that it was impossible that they corrected this issue, only for it to continue to fail to lock back once returned. I do like the CW380 concept.

The Glock 42 that I bought has all of the silent rumored upgrades, i.e frame, magazine, slide lock lever, per the article on looserounds.com. I know that the Glock 42 is almost a whole inch longer, and that negates at least one concealment option that is a benefit with the CW380.

I took the Glock out and shot it with everything I could get my hands on, and I had no issues, including Hydra-Shok (not pictured) and handloads. THE SLIDE EVEN LOCKED BACK EVERY TIME! I like it. I am not going to try to influence the Wife to trade her P380 for a Glock 42, but she will shoot them side by side and make her own choice.

This came down mainly to the broken striker issue for me. It really bothers me. I cant get back into the fight with a broken gun.

The G42 really likes PDX1 and also the HPR which seems to have great penetration upwards of 14inches and is priced super reasonably at Sportsmans Warehouse. In tests I have watched the round penetrates excellent for a .380, but does not expand well through 4 layers of thick Denim. Good to know if you may have to shoot someone from Canada. Who wears jean jackets anymore anyhow?

I took out the serial number but left the lettered prefix just in case someone is curious.
http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y131/gunpapa/G42%201_zpsib9clb5l.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/gunpapa/media/G42%201_zpsib9clb5l.jpg.html)

Let me know if Kahr fixes its strikers. papa

04-09-2015, 02:35 PM
I honestly can't blame you, for I too bought a Glock 42 last month in response to the frustration I've had with my P380. I'm hoping the MagGuts kits I installed in the Kahr magazines help improve the reliability. The G42 has been nearly perfect except for some issues with the slide locking back prematurely, which I fixed after some minor tuning of the slide stop.

04-09-2015, 02:49 PM
I went to the dark side as well, kind of, and bought a used, like new G23 with an extra LW 40-9 conversion barrel and night sights. Lot of firepower in such small 40. So as I sit, I've got the G23 tucked IWB at 4 oclock and the Kahr CW-380 + extra mag in my back pocket, an extra 13 round glock mag and 7 round Kahr mag in my front pocket.... for a total of 27 rounds of .40 and 22 rounds of .380, or 49 rounds overall (for those who can't add ;^) ). Would be another 4 rounds if I used 9mm rather than .40.

Thing is, no one in my family notices I'm carrying anything, period.

Figure I probably end up using the Kahr with summer clothes, and carry the G23 whenever practical.

The G23 came with a King Tuc by Galco IWB holster, which is pretty comfortable, and I had already ordered an Alien Gear IWB tuckable holster for my G17, which is also about as comfortable. The Galco is probably better, but the Alien Gear is very versatile, as I can switch the shell on it for a CW-380 shell (which I bought as an accessory).

I like the combo very much.

gun papa
04-09-2015, 03:16 PM
I honestly can't blame you, for I too bought a Glock 42 last month in response to the frustration I've had with my P380. I'm hoping the MagGuts kits I installed in the Kahr magazines help improve the reliability. The G42 has been nearly perfect except for some issues with the slide locking back prematurely, which I fixed after some minor tuning of the slide stop.

Please explain the tuning.

04-09-2015, 03:17 PM
I understand your frustration. I bought a P938 and have been carrying it along alternating with the occasional P380 carry. I've put about 400 round through the 380 since its third striker replacement and was trusting it. Today I got a few light strikes with three different types of ammo. Once, the trigger didn't reset! I be starting a new thread, but I'd like you guys to check my cam...

04-09-2015, 04:25 PM
Please explain the tuning.

Basically, it involves additional filing of the tab that engages the follower and pinching the slide stop thumbpiece so that it can't move side-to-side. It took a little trial and error before getting it so that the slide stop still engages the follower, yet bullets won't bump the tab and cause it to lock open with rounds still in the mag.

04-09-2015, 04:30 PM
I will keep the CW380 and hope that Kahr silently redesigns the frail striker, or an aftermarket striker comes about. I may send the CW back to Kahr again regarding the gun not locking the slide back, even after I believe that it was impossible that they corrected this issue, only for it to continue to fail to lock back once returned. I do like the CW380 concept

With all the negative posts, I keep waiting for something to go seriously wrong with my CW380 or P380 and it never does. No issue with my strikers and the CW is one I got from Kentucky Gun Co when they were having the crazy sale. I was sorta expecting maybe it was from a bad batch because they were almost giving them away- under 240 at the time- but no issues.

I'm a Glock fan and the 42 seems like a fine weapon, so congrats. Since you're keeping the CW380, and you've got the G42 to carry, why not keep sending the CW380 back? Insist they pay the freight, since its never been right. What's there to lose?

04-09-2015, 06:39 PM
The CW/P380 is still more pocketable than the G42 and has the same amount of firepower (or lack thereof, depending on your perspective), so I want to keep mine for those hot summer days when I am wearing shorts. The G42 weighs a few more ounces and is noticeably longer, so it's not quite as easy to deep conceal.

gun papa
04-09-2015, 07:46 PM
The CW/P380 is still more pocketable than the G42 and has the same amount of firepower (or lack thereof, depending on your perspective), so I want to keep mine for those hot summer days when I am wearing shorts. The G42 weighs a few more ounces and is noticeably longer, so it's not quite as easy to deep conceal.
Agree with all of this. This is partially why I am keeping CW 380

04-09-2015, 08:09 PM
Very hard to beat a Glock. The 43 will sell like crazy

04-09-2015, 09:46 PM
I was looking at the G42 in the store the other day, It was nice. I still ain't buying one. ;)

gun papa
04-09-2015, 10:55 PM
Very hard to beat a Glock. The 43 will sell like crazy

The G42 may go to the Wife when the G43 is worked out.

04-10-2015, 03:23 AM
Never been a fan of ugly guns, but Let me help all of you out with proper cleaning of Glocks!


04-10-2015, 08:00 AM
The possibility of a broken gun is the main reason that I carry two of them and both of them have KAHR stamped on them. No dark side for old Muggsy. And I'm not dressing like Ashley just to clean a gun, unless I absolutely have to. :)

04-10-2015, 08:11 AM
She was cleaning a gun? I didn't notice.

gun papa
04-10-2015, 02:54 PM
Well that didn't take long. Started her out with a .22lr to warm up, then to her DEFENSIVE Gun, the Kahr P380 which FAILED TO FIRE on the second round. I gave her the G42, and she proceeds to put 6 in the TBOX. She ditched the Kahr after the first magazine.

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y131/gunpapa/20150410_120700_zpse8knq8hy.jpg (http://s4.photobucket.com/user/gunpapa/media/20150410_120700_zpse8knq8hy.jpg.html)

04-10-2015, 03:16 PM
Run for your lives, looks like a big rock avalanche coming your way. Hope you get out in time.

04-10-2015, 03:18 PM
Prototypes are on the way for a striker, and spacer, that I don't think you could ever break. Stay tuned.

04-10-2015, 03:30 PM
Never been a fan of ugly guns, but Let me help all of you out with proper cleaning of Glocks!


Huh....I've always just tossed mine in the dishwasher. Unloaded, of course....hate replacing dishwashers and unSafeAction isn't to be trusted.

gun papa
04-10-2015, 03:35 PM
Prototypes are on the way for a striker, and spacer, that I don't think you could ever break. Stay tuned.
Man, I hope that is true.

04-10-2015, 03:36 PM
Huh....I've always just tossed mine in the dishwasher. Unloaded, of course....hate replacing dishwashers and unSafeAction isn't to be trusted.

Plus her mammory glands are too big!

04-10-2015, 04:08 PM
Run for your lives, looks like a big rock avalanche coming your way. Hope you get out in time.

That made me look at the photo again. You're right! I hope they all got out okay. :)

04-10-2015, 06:09 PM
So...I guess maybe I went to the gray side? :rolleyes: Have an lcp that's very easy to carry and been reliable out of the box.