View Full Version : Ultra Carry 2

04-12-2015, 10:55 AM
Anyone here own a Kimber Ultra Carry 2? Want to know how you like it, dependability, etc..............................

04-12-2015, 11:39 AM
My friend has the Ultra CRIMSON Carry 2, same gun with laser grips. (3" barrel) He is looking for something else for CC now. It won't feed HP's at all, after 500 rounds or so, and it's butt heavy, and wants to fall out of his pants, holster and all, He has a IWB Kydex retention holster with only one large clip, and that doesn't seem enough to keep it in place. He's polished the feed ramp until it's mirror smooth, but still won't feed HP ammo reliably. They tell him to run another 300 or 400 rounds thru it and then try the HP again.
He really likes the feel of the gun, and the way it shoots, but he getting frustrated with the negatives of it, and the weight. He's looking for something smaller now, like the Baretta Nano, He has to have a safety on his gun, so he wasn't looking at Kahrs. I told him to look at the Mass. or CA spec ones, with a safety and loaded chamber indicator. He likes my CM45 fine, but it doesn't have a safety.

Make sure you get a good holster for it, that won't let the gun slip out. And be prepared for a long break in before you can carry HP ammo. Possibly 800 rounds or more.

04-12-2015, 03:50 PM
I have had one as well as other 3" 1911's I have gotten rid of all my 3 inch models, to be fair to Kimber I think it is more of issue of 1911's using 3 inch that likes to jam. Beautiful guns but I think the mechanics of how they work don't like 3 inch barrel. I also had same holster issues. My replacement for it was a XDm compact 45.

04-12-2015, 04:04 PM
I have an early/original Kimber UC. Runs 100%. My preferred carry configuration is the lw 3.5"/Officer's but my wife really likes the 3" UC so we keep it, we shoot it, and she carries it.

04-12-2015, 06:30 PM
I've had an UC II for four or five years. When I first got it I Bought a second standard mag and that was a mistake. The pistol would not go completely into battery with seven rounds in either mag. Six rounds would usually work and five always did. I dissembled the mags and cleaned them with no improvement. The two mags were also unreliable in my SIG C3 and STI Escort which had never had a problem before. I junked the two [sub]standard mags and bought two KemPro Tech mags and the gun has been perfect ever since.

I was a bit put out with Kimber for supplying a "junk" mag with a relatively expensive pistol, especially since they had a good one, but I got over it.

04-12-2015, 07:46 PM
I stay away from any 1911 with a barrel less than 4". I read an article a few years back on the timing of the 3 inchers, everything has to be perfect, the timing is so critical, just one slightly weak spring can wreck everything.
I prefer the CCO style, commander slide on an officer frame, best of both worlds. If you carry IWB, you will never notice the extra length. I use and recommend the Milt Sparks, VMII or Nexus for IWB carry of 1911's.

I EDC a 1911 everyday, and with the right rig, you'll be good to go, good holster, and a good belt are required.

Live Long and Prosper.


04-13-2015, 01:01 PM
I have owned one since they came out (internal extractor). A delight to shoot, reliable with anything I have purchased or handloaded. Oddly enough, it points better than my Ed Brown Kobra Carry.

It is best if you use magazines with a rounded follower due to the potential to chip the alloy feed ramp. Other than that I have absolutely no regrets wuth that purchase.


04-13-2015, 01:44 PM
About 50/50 on the opinions..............................the reason I ask, is I had a chance to get one on a trade, supposedly a half a box of ammo through it, but after finding out that it didn't have night sights, and debating what I would have traded, I turned it down. It was tempting, but I have noticed, at least in my area, that people are wanting to get rid of them, for whatever reason. Lots of the CDP models floating around. I went with a 4" barrel on my 1911, and it functions like a watch. I'd hate to get a finicky model.............I like to putz around, but I'm not a gunsmith, and I like all of my firearms to function properly.

04-13-2015, 05:18 PM
...I like to putz around, but I'm not a gunsmith, and I like all of my firearms to function properly.
I hear ya'.

04-13-2015, 06:54 PM
About 50/50 on the opinions..............................the reason I ask, is I had a chance to get one on a trade, supposedly a half a box of ammo through it, but after finding out that it didn't have night sights, and debating what I would have traded, I turned it down. It was tempting, but I have noticed, at least in my area, that people are wanting to get rid of them, for whatever reason. Lots of the CDP models floating around. I went with a 4" barrel on my 1911, and it functions like a watch. I'd hate to get a finicky model.............I like to putz around, but I'm not a gunsmith, and I like all of my firearms to function properly.

Four inch is a wise choice. As noted, I prefer 3.5 inch 1911s for their my preference balance. At least in lightweights. But I am a competent amateur 1911 'smith so any bit of needed fine tuning is not a big deal. Despite my positive experience with wife preferred Kimber UC, I would not recommend a three inch barreled .45 1911 to anyone.

04-13-2015, 09:40 PM
My SIG C3 4.25 inch is my favorite 1911 and also, IMO, my prettiest pistol. It's easily as accurate as any 5 inch I've shot and better balanced to boot.

04-14-2015, 09:09 AM
I like this one too...............

04-14-2015, 12:40 PM
I have owned one since they came out (internal safety). A delight to shoot, reliable with anything I have purchased or handloaded. Oddly enough, it points better than my Ed Brown Kobra Carry.

It is best if you use magazines with a rounded follower due to the potential to chip the alloy feed ramp. Other than that I have absolutely no regrets wuth that purchase.


I used to have the same gun. I used kimber mags. Accurate, easy to control and beautiful. Kimpro finish is only slightly more durable than wall paint. I sold it because I'm not a big 1911 guy and I didn't want a CC sized safe queen. I wasn't about jack up the finish on a $1200 pistol.

04-14-2015, 07:09 PM
Ok....if we are going to talk about LONGER than 3" there are lot's of awesome 1911's.

http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv276/jeepster09/IMG_20140501_164421_158_zpsa41620e4.jpg (http://s691.photobucket.com/user/jeepster09/media/IMG_20140501_164421_158_zpsa41620e4.jpg.html)

04-15-2015, 01:27 PM
I used to have the same gun. I used kimber mags. Accurate, easy to control and beautiful. Kimpro finish is only slightly more durable than wall paint. I sold it because I'm not a big 1911 guy and I didn't want a CC sized safe queen. I wasn't about jack up the finish on a $1200 pistol.

The Kimber finish is very durable. I carry mine regularly carry at while at work as a range officer and instructor. It has been in and out of a leather holster thousands of times and still looks looks like new.

04-15-2015, 01:48 PM
The Kimber finish is very durable. I carry mine regularly carry at while at work as a range officer and instructor. It has been in and out of a leather holster thousands of times and still looks looks like new.

I put mine in a galco leather holster 5 times and rubbed the finish off the side edge of the trigger guard. I never carried it, I was only trying to break in the leather. Maybe the QC for the finish is lacking- but I have read many of complaints about the Kimpro coating.