View Full Version : Barrel difference?

04-13-2015, 09:21 PM
First post. Long time shooter. Relatively new to Kahr. Have a CM9 and a CT9.
I find I really like the CT9 qualities, full grip, full barrel, accuracy is acceptable for me. But always looking for better.

How much more accurate would the poly barrels be in the TP9 or the T9 be?

04-13-2015, 09:31 PM
The difference being the polygonal rifling? I don't think I could notice. I think the difference is that you get a bit more velocity out of the polygonal rifling. Others will weigh in soon.

04-13-2015, 10:41 PM
I have a CW9 and a T9. Last Thursday I shot them side by side for the first time and there was a marginal difference at 7yards but a noticeable difference in accuracy 15, and 20 yards. The T9 is inherently more accurate, but I can't say that is due to the rifling, for me the grip and trigger make the difference.

04-13-2015, 10:49 PM
Also, not sure if you are looking for a new gun or just a replacement barrel, but I found that the barrel lug on the two guns is a different width. I am unsure if this is due to the polymer vs steel frames, the full vs compact size, or both. I'd be interested to find out, a K series frame with a T series slide would be an interesting combo if they are interchangeable in the same caliber.

04-14-2015, 04:48 AM
In most cases the gun is far more accurate than the shooter. The poly barrel is a bit easier to clean and will give you a bit more velocity. Kahr doesn't recommend shooting lead bullets from a poly barrel. How accurate does a gun have to be from 7 yards and in. You didn't purchase a target pistol. You purchased a down and dirty self defense concealed carry pistol. In a self defense situation minute of pie plate is more than accurate. Do you really want to put all of your rounds through the same hole when shooting a perp? :confused:

04-14-2015, 05:47 AM
In most cases the gun is far more accurate than the shooter. The poly barrel is a bit easier to clean and will give you a bit more velocity.
This and longer life are the usual reasons for choosing a polygonal barrel. Especially the easier to clean part.

Kahr doesn't recommend shooting lead bullets from a poly barrel.
Where did you see this? I don't recall seeing this in the manuals.

I recall that a few years ago a forum member testing velocity from Kahr barrels and found virtually no difference. A bit of a surprise for many of us expecting a small increase. I doubt one barrel is more accurate than the other

marshal kane
04-14-2015, 09:38 AM
In most cases the gun is far more accurate than the shooter. The poly barrel is a bit easier to clean and will give you a bit more velocity. Kahr doesn't recommend shooting lead bullets from a poly barrel.
Agree for most shooters. Agree since there is no rifling per se, just a series of interlocking spiral flats. Don't believe I read this in the Kahr manual but it's likely found in the Glock manual.

marshal kane
04-14-2015, 09:52 AM
. . . How much more accurate would the poly barrels be in the TP9 or the T9 be?
IMO, this would only be a concern if you were testing barrels in some kind of fixture. In real life situations where the pistol is in your hands, most of us couldn't tell the difference. Finally, the term "accuracy" encompasses three basic parts: the shooter's ability, the quality of the firearm, the quality of the ammunition and any one of these parts could prove disasterous when testing for accuracy.

04-14-2015, 09:58 AM
Do NOT EVER use lead bullets in a poly barrel. They lead up real easy (within just a few shots) and may blow the barrel. I have seen this happen. I have heard of folks using "hard" lead and have gotten away with it a few times. However, that being said, they are throwing the dice.

In terms of accuracy? I have shot many land and groove barrels and poly barrels of the same type of gun (e.g. CW vs P series). Accuracy is the same. As someone already stated, the advantage of a poly barrel is the increased velocity which equates to more "knock down" energy. This is particularly useful in a CCW that has a smaller caliber (e.g. .380). In essence, you are maximizing the knock down potential of that cartridge using the poly barrel. Kahr, making CCW's use poly barrels for that reason.

Someone also stated that most handguns are typically more accurate than the shooter. That is so true! I have actually discovered serious accuracy out of a $50 Jennings .25ACP. CCW's do not require "match grade" accuracy. However, I have found the Kahr pistols (regardless of barrel type) to be quite accurate. Much better than I would have ever expected. My PM9 is incredible.

Anyway...., just my 2 cents! :)

04-14-2015, 10:19 AM
Some gum makers say don't use lead, some say clean the barrel if you use lead in a polygonal barrel. Kahr says this;

"Kahr Arms does not endorse any particular brand of ammunition. However, not every brand of ammunition produces the same results. Please check the markings on the barrel hood of your firearm to determine the proper caliber. Kahr suggests a visit to a pistol range to test fire different brands of ammunition in the proper caliber. Kahr do not recommend steel case, reloads or un-jacketed ammunition. The Kahr pistol is rated to +P."

Therefore I stand corrected. The Kahr web site says NO! I put hundreds of rounds of lead through a HK, but it isn't my favorite ammo. HK just says "clean after use".

A few people have tested the velocity between the two barrels, poly Vs conventional, and found them to be about the same, with the conventional barrel often besting the polygonal barrel's velocity. This against popular lore. Some polygonal may deliver higher velocity, while some may not.

04-14-2015, 10:48 PM
Some gum makers say don't use lead, some say clean the barrel if you use lead in a polygonal barrel. Kahr says this;

Therefore I stand corrected. The Kahr web site says NO! I put hundreds of rounds of lead through a HK, but it isn't my favorite ammo. HK just says "clean after use".

A few people have tested the velocity between the two barrels, poly Vs conventional, and found them to be about the same, with the conventional barrel often besting the polygonal barrel's velocity. This against popular lore. Some polygonal may deliver higher velocity, while some may not.

Kahr used to say clean after use. That is what my manuals say.

04-15-2015, 05:08 AM

And......Velocity change is nil. More round to round and barrel to barrel variation ... there are documented tests you can find online about this.