View Full Version : Why Buy a Kahr?
04-14-2015, 03:08 AM
Why should I buy a Kahr when other companies offer a some what similar product with a life time warranty? I've been eyeballing a CM9 and CM45 for a while now, and was just about to buy one before being turned off when their lack of long term support for their product was brought to my attention. It seems that if anything goes wrong after five years, It'd be cheaper for me to toss the $300 gun in the trash and buy new vs paying $60 per hour + shipping... I guess I'm hoping to hear something that will make me feel better about purchasing one of their firearms..
04-14-2015, 04:23 AM
Not too long ago my wife and I bought new windows with a life time warranty. Two years later the company went out of business and so went the life time warranty. I bought a Kahr because it's one of the finest concealed carry pistols made. It's light, thin, well manufactured and accurate. It has one of the best double action trigger pulls that I've ever experienced. With proper care it will probably last you two life times. You should live so long. One of our members has run over 32,000 rounds through his PMJ9 and it's still going strong. Other that that I can't think of a single reason that you should buy a Kahr.
04-14-2015, 05:59 AM
Life is sometimes not a sure thing. Buy the gun that best suits your needs. If a long warranty is a personal "must have" then use another brand.
04-14-2015, 06:02 AM
18791 Do you know RUGER has no warranty ?? Most not be any good ?? Better not buy a ruger ether . They simple fix any problem that show up if a manufacturing issue . I had some questions about some wear on a Kahr barrel lug . Did not feel like something was wrong , just wondered it its some thing to be concern with over time . CS guy and I talked , sent photos in and got a call asking to send it in . They sent a shipping label and it was gone 1 week and 3 days . My pistol was given a new barrel and recoil spring and test fired . That was on a 6.5 years old kahr .
I won't tell you to buy a Kahr , don't . Go get something with a all encompassing life time warranty if that's what make you feel good . By the way , how do you deal or blow off with your warranty analogy with every other major item you will own as darn few things have a life time warranties , like autos , homes , spouse !! . Good luck
04-14-2015, 07:02 AM
I guess it depends on your definition of similar. I've never come across anything close. Heck, the most Kahr-like trigger I've found is on a revolver. :) It boils down to what features you find valuable. If it's the warranty then by all means go with it. I have a hard time empathizing with your question because the warranty means little to me. Of the 5 Kahr products in my signature, 4 were purchased used with no warranty. I was more interested in the gun.
Posts like yours make me chuckle a bit. When you come on a branded forum like this, more careful wording is prudent. TIFWIW. Thanks.
Bill K
04-14-2015, 07:40 AM
Can't say concerning the CM45 but for me the CM/PM/9 are the near perfect pistol for pocket carry. Any more size or weight would be to much, any less would be to little. I do understand though how a better warranty would weigh into a persons buying decision. There are several gun manufactures that have life time warranties that stay with the gun not just the original owner. Might want to check them out.
04-14-2015, 08:57 AM
If you do get a firearm with a warranty, don't change a thing, otherwise the warranty is invalid..........................................
Ken L
04-14-2015, 09:02 AM
I paid big money for my truck. Never even considered that it doesn't have a lifetime warranty. I bought the truck because it fills my needs. Same thing with my Kahr, and everything else that I own.
Oh, my house is out of warranty, too. Never really had a warranty on my house.
04-14-2015, 09:08 AM
I bought my CM9 based on the small size and small price. My main carry is a Glock 19 but it began hurting my back and I carried it less and less. The Kahr filled the role for everyday carry with it's light weight. A gun in hand is better than one at home. I didn't really concern myself with the warranty. Yes, it is pretty lame but for the price it is disposable. Plus, if you do get a Kahr you get to hang out here with all of us cool Kahr owners.
I would not make my buying decision based upon lifetime warranty or not. If you are going to have an issue with ANY gun you buy, it will more than likely be, within the first few months of ownership. That is.... assuming the gun has a reasonable number of shots put through it.. Your buying decision would be better placed on what your specific needs are. What are you going to use the gun for? If it is for concealed carry, The Kahr is a great choice. But, there are other choices as well. It really depends on what meets your specific needs. I love my PM9 but occasionally carry a revolver. Like others have said, the other gun companies range from no warranty to lifetime warranty. I have had experience with Kahr and know they stand behind their products. Your gun choice should be all about what you need. Good luck in your search.
04-14-2015, 09:46 AM
In my limited experience, reputable gun manufacturers stand behind their products regardless of warranty. Kahr, Glock, Ruger, Taurus have all serviced guns without charge, and never asked for warranty related information or even if I was the original owner. I would put the legal warranty terms toward the bottom of the list of my priorities in choosing a handgun.
04-14-2015, 10:59 AM
I think if you are going to have problems, they will show up fairly soon. Otherwise springs wear out, and they are inexpensive to replace. As far as the CM45 goes, I really like mine. It's easy to conceal, and 6 shots should be plenty for most situations. It fits my small hands really well, and with the magazine pad, I can get all 4 fingers on the grip.
04-14-2015, 12:27 PM
I bought my pm9 because I liked the size,look and feel. And it turns out Kahrs are pretty damn good pistols. I guess I got lucky!
04-14-2015, 01:53 PM
Why should I buy a Kahr when other companies offer a some what similar product with a life time warranty? I've been eyeballing a CM9 and CM45 for a while now, and was just about to buy one before being turned off when their lack of long term support for their product was brought to my attention. It seems that if anything goes wrong after five years, It'd be cheaper for me to toss the $300 gun in the trash and buy new vs paying $60 per hour + shipping... I guess I'm hoping to hear something that will make me feel better about purchasing one of their firearms..
well here we are in 2015, why can't we get a gun on a plan like a cellphone? as much as we trade them, might as well just rent them. 2 year contract is about up on the Kahr, eh, trade it for a Glock or an M&P. I just sold a couple of Kahrs for half of current MSRP, the best I could have got on a trade in is half of "used"("used" being some gun store formula). I'm happy, the new owners are happy. why would you pay close to full MSRP on something that will be "used" as soon as they swipe your card? buy only guns that are throwawys or spend the bucks and buy guns that are collectible(or hold their value). if you want good service after the sale, go around to different forums and inquire. Hi-Point has a lifetime, transferable warranty. see if anybody else does.
04-14-2015, 02:19 PM
I was test driving a Subaru once and asked the salesman, "Why is the warranty only three years, when Hyundai's is ten?" He said Hyundai had to do that to get you to buy the car, not because the car lasts longer. There's no question that Subarus are designed and built better than Hyundais, and they last longer.
Hi-Point has a lifetime warranty. So perhaps your best bet.
04-14-2015, 03:54 PM
Buy the CM9 and CM45. You'll be glad you did. If you shoot it and have no problems in the first year you wont havd any problems later.
Big Sexy
04-14-2015, 04:58 PM
Why should I buy a Kahr when other companies offer a some what similar product with a life time warranty? I've been eyeballing a CM9 and CM45 for a while now, and was just about to buy one before being turned off when their lack of long term support for their product was brought to my attention. It seems that if anything goes wrong after five years, It'd be cheaper for me to toss the $300 gun in the trash and buy new vs paying $60 per hour + shipping... I guess I'm hoping to hear something that will make me feel better about purchasing one of their firearms..
I can't tell you why you should buy a Kahr, but I can tell you why I bought 3 of them. For me, it all started when I was looking for a CCW for my wife. I took her to the gun store with me, and she handled every pocket sized 9mm in the store. We left with the CW9, and it has performed flawlessly for her. She shoots it very well too! I liked the Kahr triggers, size, and ergonomics, so I ended up buying an MK40. I couldn't believe how well it shot, especially given how tiny it is! So, I had to have another one and bought a K9. I prefer all-metal guns in general, and I like the all-steel Kahrs better than the polymer frame Kahrs. Meanwhile, my wife's CW9 keeps running without a hitch. I like the low bore axis Kahrs have. I like their compact dimensions that make them perfect for concealment. I love the smooth triggers. Some don't like the amount of travel, but that's the tradeoff with a DAO pistol with no external manual safety and no extra "safety" lever in the center of the trigger (which I'm not a fan of). Best of all, they shoot great, or at least that has been my experience with them. I don't like "cocked and locked" SA mode of carry; ideally, I want a simple "point and shoot" DAO pistol, and Kahr fits that bill, in a perfect form factor for concealment.
I wish all products came with a no-questions-asked, unconditional transferrable lifetime warranty, but they don't, and I wish all companies had world class customer service. I have no idea whether Kahr has good CS or not, and I honestly didn't pay much attention to their warranty. If I like a product really well, I'm willing to take a risk that it will serve me well. Conversely, if I don't like a product, the best warranty in the world won't sway me to buy it. Some people place more value on warranties than I do. To me, the best warranty is the one I never have to use. So far, that's been the case with my Kahrs (knock on wood).
04-14-2015, 05:03 PM
Hi-Point has a lifetime warranty. So perhaps your best bet.
so Bill says his works. it's just not the gun you would wear on open carry day, hehehehehe. $199MSRP, see them for $160.
now if ya buy a $3K Wilson Combat, they send a limo to take the gun for repairs. those things need a tuneup every 10-15K rounds.
04-14-2015, 06:53 PM
I'm sure that everyone is going to run out and get a Highpoint..................this is how the ammo thing got started:)
04-14-2015, 06:55 PM
I'm sure that everyone is going to run out and get a Highpoint..................this is how the ammo thing got started:)
What? No popcorn? :D
04-14-2015, 07:16 PM
I'm sure that everyone is going to run out and get a Highpoint..................this is how the ammo thing got started:)
They're cheap enough. I have a JCP 40 in the bedroom. Besides being heavy and ugly, it's a good shooter. For $140 new, I like it, it just doesn't fit in my pocket!
Not my cup of tea but methinks Hi-Point be akin to Yugo's and Trebant's 'cept they actually, reliably work.
04-14-2015, 09:37 PM
Not too long ago my wife and I bought new windows with a life time warranty. Two years later the company went out of business and so went the life time warranty. I bought a Kahr because it's one of the finest concealed carry pistols made. It's light, thin, well manufactured and accurate. It has one of the best double action trigger pulls that I've ever experienced. With proper care it will probably last you two life times. You should live so long. One of our members has run over 32,000 rounds through his PMJ9 and it's still going strong. Other that that I can't think of a single reason that you should buy a Kahr.
I paid big money for my truck. Never even considered that it doesn't have a lifetime warranty. I bought the truck because it fills my needs. Same thing with my Kahr, and everything else that I own.
Oh, my house is out of warranty, too. Never really had a warranty on my house.
Any house with a warranty around here is quickly and cheaply built and getting warranty service takes weeks.
I got a used PM45 and love it. First time out every third round failed to load. 30 minutes of polishing with a toothbrush and Colgate took care of it. I could have sent it up north but the info on these forums told me what to do, except I don't have a Dremel so a friend said toothpaste would do. Warranties really aren't guarantees. From what I've read here CS is variable but they will fix your problem if you need them to.
04-15-2015, 05:09 AM
To address a few comments, if Hi Point is able to do it and stay in business, why not Kahr if in fact they are well made and should last passed 5 years? Why not buy a Hi Point? Because they do not manufacture a lightweight pocket sized firearm with good aftermarket support.
No, car companies do not offer lifetime warranties, but if any of them did, like many firearm companies do, it would be something to consider my purchase decision.
Yes, I know that chances are if I purchased a Kahr it would run just fine for 5+ years, but what is it does not? I know of no firearm manufacture that has a 100% reliability rate on the projected life cycle of each component.
Ruger does not have an expressed written warranty, but I've read several stories of them servicing and even offering replacement firearms at deep discounts to it's customers years and many rounds after the purchase. I'm not to much of a fan of their semi autos pistols however...
In my limited experience, reputable gun manufacturers stand behind their products regardless of warranty. Kahr, Glock, Ruger, Taurus have all serviced guns without charge, and never asked for warranty related information or even if I was the original owner. I would put the legal warranty terms toward the bottom of the list of my priorities in choosing a handgun.
Yea, I was hoping to hear about stories of Kahr standing behind their warranty after the 5 years, or as you just stated, not even asking for warranty info. You seem to be the only person to even hint at it.
I wish all products came with a no-questions-asked, unconditional transferable lifetime warranty, but they don't, and I wish all companies had world class customer service. I have no idea whether Kahr has good CS or not, and I honestly didn't pay much attention to their warranty. If I like a product really well, I'm willing to take a risk that it will serve me well. Conversely, if I don't like a product, the best warranty in the world won't sway me to buy it. Some people place more value on warranties than I do. To me, the best warranty is the one I never have to use. So far, that's been the case with my Kahrs (knock on wood).
I agree, but I still like the peace of mind of knowing that if during normal usage a component breaks that should not have, within the timeframe and usage, Kahr will stand by their product or at least attempt to make it right, and not just tell me to kick rocks. Kind of like how I know chances are I prob. will never need to defend myself with a firearm, but it's nice to know that I'm covered if the improvable were to happen.
04-15-2015, 08:58 AM
Not my cup of tea but methinks Hi-Point be akin to Yugo's and Trebant's 'cept they actually, reliably work.
04-15-2015, 09:50 AM
If you want to trust your life to a Hi-point over a Kahr then more power to you. I will trust mine to a PM9 and not have any reservations about it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
04-15-2015, 09:55 AM
If you want to trust your life to a Hi-point over a Kahr then more power to you. I will trust mine to a PM9 and not have any reservations about it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do you own a Hi Point? Ever shot one? Why don't you like them, because of the cost? People that give them a chance are usually impressed with the accuracy and reliability.
04-15-2015, 10:06 AM
Just to be clear here Kahr does in fact honor their warranty and if your gun has issues they will fix it or replace it.
I've told my MK9 that spent 2 months on the bottom of Puget Sound story so I won't play that story again.
I've heard of many folks well taken care of. And we've all heard of many that didn't feel they were taken care of but I don't think that's a Kahr specific thing, happens with them all.
Warranties don't terribly impress me. A good example was a friend that bought a Dodge truck, good warranty and a nice truck but it spent so much time in the shop that he spent more time in loaners than he did his own truck.
Went back to his Chevrolets.
So even if a company is fixing for free, if it's in the shop all the time I'd rather have something that works.
I've had no issues at all with my 3 Kahrs but helping friends and others with issues Kahr has always taken care of it.
I've also had good service from Ruger, haven't dealt with others, just no issues that needed addressed.
04-15-2015, 10:09 AM
187911 . Guess you can go buy another brand of that floats your need for a warranty . BUY
04-15-2015, 10:41 AM
I can understand wanting the security of a lifetime warranty. However, there are many good cases made here that seem to override such a desire. If you can't accept those points made then go with your own thoughts and doubts about the lack of a lifetime warranty. Go with what's important to you and you might rest easier. That's what I did, and ended up with both a CW9 and CM9. I feel good about my choice.
04-15-2015, 10:48 AM
I bought my CM40 because of three things; weight , size and caliber. I never even looked at the warranty, didn't even look at the reviews. It was what I wanted. After I got it and saw the one year, original purchaser warranty, I was a little upset. But, after seeing how simple it is, and after shooting it with no failures, I really don't care anymore.
04-15-2015, 10:51 AM
I laugh when I hear of folks saying they heard that Kahrs are only good for 3 to 5000 rounds.
I've often thought how manly it would be to completely wear out a gun, any gun, shoot it till it's just not worth anything, not even the parts bin.
Haven't come remotely close to date and doubt it would ever happen with a Kahr or any other now days.
04-15-2015, 10:56 AM
I laugh when I hear of folks saying they heard that Kahrs are only good for 3 to 5000 rounds.
I've often thought how manly it would be to completely wear out a gun, any gun, shoot it till it's just not worth anything, not even the parts bin.
Haven't come remotely close to date and doubt it would ever happen with a Kahr or any other now days.
I wish I could afford to shoot that much! At this rate, by the time I die, my Kahr will have 1000 rounds through it, maybe. My family will be able to sell it as slightly used!
04-15-2015, 11:03 AM
Yup, time and money for ammo doesn't help the effort at all. Except for a box or two of carry ammo in each, my guns usually get a steady diet of reloads and even that's tough on the bank anymore.
04-15-2015, 11:36 AM
I try to put about 500 rounds a month down range, around 250 every 2 weeks or so. At .20 a round for new brass 9mm, I'm spending about as much on ammo per month as I used to spend on beer and cigs. Gun smoke is so much better!
04-15-2015, 12:01 PM
I try to put about 500 rounds a month down range, around 250 every 2 weeks or so. At .20 a round for new brass 9mm, I'm spending about as much on ammo per month as I used to spend on beer and cigs. Gun smoke is so much better!
It's been so long since I quit smoking and drinking, the savings have been lost in time, not to mention my income!
04-15-2015, 02:19 PM
^^^^^ precisely this right here. Gettin off the backy was tough. Here at the price of a pack it's almost like a crack habit anyhow. Don't know how anyone can afford to buy em.
Never had much of a drinking habit, just occasionally so I don't lose my acquired taste for cheap scotch.
04-15-2015, 02:31 PM
I try to put about 500 rounds a month down range, around 250 every 2 weeks or so. At .20 a round for new brass 9mm, I'm spending about as much on ammo per month as I used to spend on beer and cigs. Gun smoke is so much better!
Never was much of a drinker, but I do like a Stoli on the rocks occasionally.............quit the cigs a year and 3 months ago, but the wife spends that money, so I STILL have to come up with ammo did that work?:p I try to shoot about 200 rds. a month, in different calibers.
04-15-2015, 03:04 PM
My grandfather in Spokane passed away a couple months ago, and while going through his house with my dad we found an old bottle of Dewars "Ne Plus Ultra". Well I do like a taste of scotch myself every once in a while, so I just had to try it. After opening it, I started Googling and found that it is a very rare, early 60's vintage and an unopened bottle goes for upwards of $300 when you can find one. I didn't get a lot of memories or time with my gramps, but I did get his Remington 870 HD shotgun, some tools, and this bottle of excellent scotch. It is now my "very special occasion" bottle. Cheers!
04-15-2015, 03:26 PM
^^^^ that's really cool right there. Cheers!
04-15-2015, 03:33 PM
The bottle alone might be worth something when it's dry. Wish I was there for just a wee dram.
I'm not a real connisier so even a wee dram would probably be a waste on me but a pleasant thought none the less.
Grandpa's rock, always remember that.
04-15-2015, 03:55 PM
Well if you make those grips for my T9 I will be sure to bring it with me, that will certainly qualify as a special occasion in my book!
04-15-2015, 04:33 PM
Now that right there is what we call an incentive. I'm buried for a bit but don't let me forget the T9. As I said I'm pretty much done on kahr grips but I'd like to do a T just cause it's there.
Scotch or no scotch.
04-15-2015, 04:41 PM
Even if it's just modifying the current grips to my preference, I would consider it a great honor to meet you and have you work on the gun. Let me know when your plate clears up some and we'll make it happen.
04-15-2015, 04:41 PM
I like the "...for all occasions" written on the box. Now that's a wise distiller right there...just sayin'. :cool:
04-15-2015, 05:36 PM
Even if it's just modifying the current grips to my preference, I would consider it a great honor to meet you and have you work on the gun. Let me know when your plate clears up some and we'll make it happen.
Modifying the current grips is totally doable and most likely could be done with the grips alone. Could do them and then meet up to deliver them.
I'll let ya know when the plate comes out of the dish washer. Ok, ok, I am the dishwasher but I wash em in the order I want to wash em, I'm my own man ya know?
04-15-2015, 05:53 PM
Ehh you'd need the whole gun, just to make sure it all fits properly :D I wouldn't dream of denying you the opportunity to fondle a T9 again and put some rounds down range. I imagine it would help with fitting and shaping as well, since I want the lower rear part of the grips bobbed a bit as well as the grips thinned some and the checkering smoothed out.
04-15-2015, 05:54 PM
mY g43 CAME IN TODAY AT MY LOCal dealer. I pick it up tomorrow.
Ban him Ceasar!!!! just sayin I'm gonna call it my G43J9..
04-15-2015, 06:41 PM
mY g43 CAME IN TODAY AT MY LOCal dealer. I pick it up tomorrow.
Ban him Ceasar!!!! just sayin I'm gonna call it my G43J9.. BLUNT
Fixed it fer ya.
Get the plank.
I laugh when I hear of folks saying they heard that Kahrs are only good for 3 to 5000 rounds.
I've often thought how manly it would be to completely wear out a gun, any gun, shoot it till it's just not worth anything, not even the parts bin.
Haven't come remotely close to date and doubt it would ever happen with a Kahr or any other now days.
I agree with you Bawanna!
As an ex gun dealer, I can truthfully say, I have never seen a worn out gun. I saw an old colt peacemaker found in a field after 100 years. Pretty rusty but not worn out. I have had folks tell me there .22LR barrels were shot out because there was no rifling left inside the barrel. After cleaning the lead out of the barrel, the rifling magically reappeared! Never could figure out how folks could believe that lead will wear out steel. ;) Only thing I have seen that could be considered wear is throat erosion, typically found on older military rifles that have had the crap shot out of them. We are talking way more than 50K rounds. Other issues include barrels that have been literally burned out by very high speed cartridges. (e.g. .257 Weatherby at 4K ft/minute). I do not consider that normal wear whereas, you need to reload to get those velocities.
Bottom line is.... as a rule, guns do not wear out. If there is a problem with a gun, it will typically fail in the early stages of use. If something does break on a gun later in life and, the gun has been properly taken care of, the MFG will usually take care of the problem regardless of the warranty status. An example with Kahr is a crack on edge of guide rod hole on the muzzle of an MK9. Does not hurt the function of the gun and is not a safety issue but, Kahr replaces the slide, no questions asked. I have had similar experiences with other manufacturer's as well. Including Ruger who does not have ANY warranty. Ruger, replaced a complete stock on a high end gun that was broke in shipping. They knew it was broke in shipping and still replaced the wood with an even better grade all the while knowing It was broke in shipping. There several reasons why gun manufacturer's do not want or have a limited warranty. None of them are because they produce a bad product.
Two points....
Most guns will work for your (and probably someone else's) lifetime (properly maintained of course)
Warranty does not necessarily determine a good or bad manufacturer
Sorry for the long post! Sometimes I get carried away! :rolleyes:
04-18-2015, 01:33 AM
I too want a gun to have a lifetime warranty. I want that peace of mind knowing should something happen Kahr will fix it. Heck I want everything I buy to have a lifetime warranty. But thats not going to happen. One of my Kahrs I bought used. So I know that there is no warranty coverage for me because I am not the original owner. I do however have faith that if there was truly something wrong (such as a manufacturing defect of some kind) Kahr would care enough to work with me to fix it. Regardless if I thought Kahr was a crap company and made a crap product I wouldnt own one and wouldnt matter if they offered an infinity warranty. I dont worry about it. :)
04-18-2015, 12:49 PM
I've bought three Kahrs because they are good guns and are great carry pistols.
Quit cigarettes in 1976 when one of my sons said it made him sick. Used to drink a very moderate amount of whiskey & vodka two or three times a week, but cut way back on that last summer to help with the weight reduction. Maybe a couple drinks every two weeks is all nowadays.
Last year the local likker store had a pretty good sale, so I bought the bottles in the picture below - even though I never drink scotch, tequila, or Crown.
The DIL has finished about half the Crown during several family dinners (boy, that woman gets loud with a couple drinks under her belt!), son helped me drink the Knob Creek, gave the JD to my cop nephew in appreciation for bringing his delicious BBQ to our football tailgates, and the tequila & scotch are still sittin' unopened in the pantry.
04-18-2015, 01:49 PM
What exactly is their warranty?
04-18-2015, 04:09 PM
What exactly is their warranty?
Just took this pic of the back of the Kahr owner's manual that came with the CT380 I bought 4 months ago:
04-18-2015, 04:36 PM
I've heard that Glenlivit is quite good, don't recollect I ever had a chance to try it myself but it has a good rep.
04-18-2015, 05:03 PM
I've heard that Glenlivit is quite good, don't recollect I ever had a chance to try it myself but it has a good rep.
i can confirm...yep, it's good.
04-18-2015, 09:45 PM
A warranty is insurance.
Insure yourself against that which you cannot afford to lose.
Don't buy the warranty on a dishwasher, or a pistol. If that item goes down or requires repair/replacement, it's on you.
Do insure what you cannot afford to lose: Your house, car, ability to earn a living (disability insurance), life.
A pistol ranks WAY low on the list. Get a pistol that you deem to have the best fit with your needs, treat it well, then as one noted member here so succinctly puts it: Shoot it like you stole it.
Then, if at some point in the future it requires service, deal with it. And yes, that may very well require you to pony up some cash if fixing that problem in your life means something significant to you.
04-19-2015, 09:07 AM
Yea, I was hoping to hear about stories of Kahr standing behind their warranty after the 5 years, or as you just stated, not even asking for warranty info.
That's what happened with my P380, which I bought used. Kahr serviced it free one time - I believe it just needed new recoil springs, but, whatever, they took care of it. Another time one of the original mags that came with it started acting up, they swapped it out. I never spoke to anyone, just very brief email exchanges with "Jay" where I described the problem and he responded with "send it in" arrangements both times. I don't know what else they could have done, maybe commiserated or something, but I don't care about having my hand held. I also have a CW380 still under warranty, but it hasn't needed anything yet.
04-25-2015, 07:04 PM
Insure yourself against that which you cannot afford to lose.
Do insure what you cannot afford to lose: Your house, car, ability to earn a living (disability insurance), life.
Well said.... I thought my marriage came with a lifetime warranty too. Turned out it didn't... I'm gonna miss her but at least I still have my guns....
04-25-2015, 09:46 PM
You & my oldest son both..... only he doesn't miss his ex at all. His 2nd wife gave him a nice Benelli shotgun for Christmas.
I choose to carry a Kahr, a CW40 because of a combination of factors, design, DOA trigger, features and that I could order replacement parts w/o having to send in the whole pistol and then of course, price & made in the USA. I choose a CW40 to replace a M&P shield as my EDC because I have tremendous faith in the caliber, that I could easily shoot the 40 just as well as a 9mm but the DOA trigger was the deal maker for me. I'm a proponent of DOA triggers on a self defense carry gun. My next gun will be a Kahr 380, just not too sure which model, CW/CT/P, my current 380 is a no lazer M&P bodyguard.
04-25-2015, 11:28 PM
Why should I buy a Kahr when other companies offer a some what similar product with a life time warranty? I've been eyeballing a CM9 and CM45 for a while now, and was just about to buy one before being turned off when their lack of long term support for their product was brought to my attention. It seems that if anything goes wrong after five years, It'd be cheaper for me to toss the $300 gun in the trash and buy new vs paying $60 per hour + shipping... I guess I'm hoping to hear something that will make me feel better about purchasing one of their firearms..
Buy a Kahr pistol. If anything ever goes wrong within 5 years, they will fix it. After that, all parts, except the frame, are available from Kahr, if you ever need to replace any worn or broken part. Precisely machined Kahr pistols will require little or no fitting when replacing parts. You buy the genuine factory parts, replace the bad ones with them, and the gun is back in business with little or no fitting. You will not have to send your gun via overnight freight on your own for costly "non-warranty" repair.
I buy Kahr pistols because they make all parts, except the frame, available to end users. Most other gun companies don't.
Buy a Kahr pistol. If anything ever goes wrong within 5 years, they will fix it. After that, all parts, except the frame, are available from Kahr, if you ever need to replace any worn or broken part. Precisely machined Kahr pistols will require little or no fitting when replacing parts. You buy the genuine factory parts, replace the bad ones with them, and the gun is back in business with little or no fitting. You will not have to send your gun via overnight freight on your own for costly "non-warranty" repair.
I buy Kahr pistols because they make all parts, except the frame, available to end users. Most other gun companies don't.
^^^^ That, and my post above are the reason's why I switched over to Kahr... Beside's, in all my years I never had to send a firearm back to the manuafactuer. So offering me a lifetime warranty? Meh, I rather order what part I need & fix it myself.
Big Sexy
04-26-2015, 03:13 PM
For me, among all the other compelling reasons I bought my Kahrs... at the time, I didn't already have one. I'm just enough of a gun nut that this alone is a valid enough reason. Whenever I see a firearm that is nicely made and has features I like, I want one. It's as simple as that.:D
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