View Full Version : The winning picture of Mohammed the Prophet...

05-04-2015, 11:33 AM
... from the "Draw Mohammed" art contest in Garland, Texas that provoked two moron "jihadists" to attempt shooting the place up yesterday:


BTW - the winning artist is a former Muslim.

The radical idjits slightly wounded one police officer, but were promptly shot to death by the Garland PD SWAT team which had been hired for security by the event organizer.
It's my guess that incompetent martyred jihadists get the fat virgins & Rosie O'Donnell?

05-04-2015, 12:05 PM
that thing sounds like a setup to shoot some stupid "jihadists", or just Texas humor. geez, hadn't had enough coffeey and read this, "two moron "jihadists", hehehehe, read it as two mormon "jihadists".

05-04-2015, 12:26 PM
Thanks for posting. Inspired me to change my avatar. Just googled and came up with a great interview of Bosch Fawstin. Not only can he draw, but he can really explain himself. He knows exactly what he's doing and why and has the guts to be out in the open about it. Wish I could say that about any of our "leaders".

'They say Islam, we say anything but Islam, leaving the troubling impression that the enemy's religion is something other than Islam. There is no "Political Islam" or "Totalitarian Islam" that is distinguishable from Islam itself. Islam is normatively political and totalitarian. We have evaded the true meaning of Islam in the name of respect for religion. But we cannot avoid the consequences of doing so. Mohammed was a Muslim and his religion was Islam; he was not an Islamist practicing Islamism. He was a Muslim who practiced Islam and engaged in its violent Jihad, forcing Islam into a world it failed to get into on merit. And any Muslim who is peace-loving and tolerant is by implication condemning their violent, intolerant "prophet" and the means by which their religion was spread. How Islam spread tells us exactly what Islam means. When the moral standard for an entire culture is a bad guy who crossed the line as a way of life, it explains why his most devout followers are the most violent among Muslims. We can try our best to stay clear of Islam, but Muslims have proven that they will never keep Islam to themselves unless they are forced to. It is a faith that sanctions any evil against those who are not part of it. Our not calling this evil by its name, Islam, is sanctioning it and leaving ourselves at the mercy of those who will stop at nothing to bury all we hold dear.'

Dangerous cartoon. Dangerous talk. I hope he stays alive.

05-04-2015, 05:36 PM
NO! This is the winning drawing!

05-04-2015, 06:25 PM
... from the "Draw Mohammed" art contest in Garland, Texas that provoked two moron "jihadists" to attempt shooting the place up yesterday:


BTW - the winning artist is a former Muslim.

The radical idjits slightly wounded one police officer, but were promptly shot to death by the Garland PD SWAT team which had been hired for security by the event organizer.
It's my guess that incompetent martyred jihadists get the fat virgins & Rosie O'Donnell?

Heard on the 2 latest news reports the bad guys were sent to the hereafter by one off duty street cop sitting in a patrol car at the entrance. Note to self, Texas police know how to shoot.

05-04-2015, 07:48 PM
Heard on the 2 latest news reports the bad guys were sent to the hereafter by one off duty street cop sitting in a patrol car at the entrance. Note to self, Texas police know how to shoot.
Well, a few months ago an Austin cop fired one shot from his Glock at a nut case 105 yards (measured) away who was shooting up the exterior of the police headquarters with his AR (or AK - don't remember) rifle. Drilled him square through the heart so the perp was DRT. All while the officer, a mounted policeman, was holding two horses by the reins with his other hand.
Wild Bill didn't have anything on this Austin LEO.

05-04-2015, 08:15 PM
Also, I believe both perps were wearing body armor at the time as well. The policeman almost had to use head shots to neutralize them.

05-04-2015, 08:49 PM
Yeah I heard that too. I thought of a certain moderator "shoot him in the face" expression when I heard that.

05-04-2015, 09:04 PM
I think that is cruel and unusual punishment for a couple of art critics and I'm all for it. :)

05-04-2015, 09:31 PM
I think that is cruel and unusual punishment for a couple of art critics and I'm all for it. :)

Me too. Count me in.

05-04-2015, 09:43 PM
NO! This is the winning drawing!
Now THAT'S funny!

05-04-2015, 09:50 PM
Heard on the 2 latest news reports the bad guys were sent to the hereafter by one off duty street cop sitting in a patrol car at the entrance. Note to self, Texas police know how to shoot.

Yes... Yes they do.

The stupid thing is these two assclowns came to TEXAS to do that? New York, New Jersey okay? Massachusetts, DC... yeah maybe.

Bringing that stuff to Texas was a sure way to be a line in a Pat Travers song "...When I get you in my sights...Boom-Boom, out go the lights..."


05-04-2015, 10:24 PM
Yes... Yes they do.

The stupid thing is these two assclowns came to TEXAS to do that? New York, New Jersey okay? Massachusetts, DC... yeah maybe.

Bringing that stuff to Texas was a sure way to be a line in a Pat Travers song "...When I get you in my sights...Boom-Boom, out go the lights..."


Assclowns .. Exactly!

They come all geared up with assault rifles and in body armor, drive 1,100 miles to bring their vengeance. They are ready!

And a diligent Texas cop does his job by delivering them to the next world with headshots from his duty pistol. Perfect!

Please bear in mind too that in a different similar situation, it could well have been a legally armed and prepared citizen who stepped up.


Longitude Zero
05-05-2015, 07:57 AM
I even had some, but used it toilet paper imprinted with Allahs likeness.

05-05-2015, 08:03 AM
The Garland officer that took them down is 60 years old and a 38 year vet of the dept. He was working off duty security. It's reported he recently transferred from motorcycle duty to a cruiser. BAMF in my book. I'm proud of him!

05-05-2015, 08:17 AM
Pamela Geller should be hailed as a hero as well and a champion of 1st Amendment Rights. The two gunman who tried to enter the event and kill the attendee's of the event because they were "offended" by the subject. This is the most violent form of attempting to thwart our 1st Amendment rights. When they burn a flag or place a cross in a bottle of urine, do Christians shoot the peretrators? She showed the true evil we face by hosting this event and showing to the world what lengths these people will go just because they don't like the subject matter. The liberals have also attacked her as being a anti-islam and right wing crazy who provoked them into this action. It's unbelievable in this country that a person holding an event, regardless of the subject be construed as provoking a violent response just for hosting it. I also hope they eventually announce the name of the brave Texas police officer who single-handedly took out two gunman with automatice rifles and body armor with his service pistol. They may not fearing reprisals from other muslims out for revenge.

What us citizens need to realize is ISIS is HERE, NOW and we must be ready for any event of violence from these nuts.

Big Sexy
05-05-2015, 10:36 AM
NO! This is the winning drawing!

Haha! That's awesome!

Longitude Zero
05-05-2015, 11:10 AM
The Garland officer that took them down is 60 years old and a 38 year vet of the dept. He was working off duty security. It's reported he recently transferred from motorcycle duty to a cruiser. BAMF in my book. I'm proud of him!

Never screw with an old man. We will just kill you and walk on Whistling Dixie!

05-05-2015, 11:36 AM
Yes... Yes they do.

The stupid thing is these two assclowns came to TEXAS to do that? New York, New Jersey okay? Massachusetts, DC... yeah maybe.

Bringing that stuff to Texas was a sure way to be a line in a Pat Travers song "...When I get you in my sights...Boom-Boom, out go the lights..."


Pat Travers? ah you mean, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3CJA0lUltg Walter Jacobs da man.

05-05-2015, 12:10 PM
just saw this. geez this is some funny stuff.
what would Rick Perry do? hehehehehe.

05-05-2015, 05:26 PM
just saw this. geez this is some funny stuff.
what would Rick Perry do? hehehehehe.

The best part is the comments of the Fluffington post readers! Now that's some scary sheet!

05-06-2015, 08:46 AM
well, I know you Fox news/700 club fans get a kick out of Jon Stewart. instead of little stupid plots and plans like shooting cartoonists why don't the muslims do something positive, like having the taliban come to places where they are needed, ah, Ferguson could use some a dat. no more koolaid red haired(wig) big fat beasties be roamin around, have all dat covered up, an no mo pork bbq................. git dey lives straight............

05-06-2015, 09:24 AM
Pamela Geller should be hailed as a hero as well and a champion of 1st Amendment Rights. The two gunman who tried to enter the event and kill the attendee's of the event because they were "offended" by the subject. This is the most violent form of attempting to thwart our 1st Amendment rights. When they burn a flag or place a cross in a bottle of urine, do Christians shoot the peretrators? She showed the true evil we face by hosting this event and showing to the world what lengths these people will go just because they don't like the subject matter. The liberals have also attacked her as being a anti-islam and right wing crazy who provoked them into this action. It's unbelievable in this country that a person holding an event, regardless of the subject be construed as provoking a violent response just for hosting it. I also hope they eventually announce the name of the brave Texas police officer who single-handedly took out two gunman with automatice rifles and body armor with his service pistol. They may not fearing reprisals from other muslims out for revenge.

What us citizens need to realize is ISIS is HERE, NOW and we must be ready for any event of violence from these nuts.

I don't think she should be hailed as a hero. If you are brutally honest, the "provoking" argument has some validity and she got the result she was after. Anyone who invites or incites violence is a bit misguided IMHO.

But she did expose those "nuts" for how violent they can be and hopefully some good can come from that. Overall, this is a bad deal...people died...and the spinners can spin this event any way they want. I'm not sure what this does to make our society safer nor how this benefits our 1A or 2A rights.

I'm still thinking about the consequences of this event but I'm just not happy that we've sunk this low.

05-06-2015, 09:42 AM
Watching that made me realize that, sadly, Stewart is a coward.

He has no problem attacking those he knows are too decent to react violently - Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly, Fox News, etc ad nauseum - in the most "offensive" terms. But when fellow satirists with more courage like Geller's organization or Charlie Hebdo take on dangerous targets truly worthy of contempt, and are attacked, he doesn't even have the guts publicly to stand up for them. Instead Stewart ridicules and mocks the cartoonists who are defending HIS right to speak, while essentially saying to Muslims "I'm with you, I know they're vile and offensive, and they shouldn't provoke you and hurt your feelings, but its still not ok to shoot them."

I guess he't trying to be "funny" and relevant without becoming a target, but how mealy mouthed can you get?

05-06-2015, 09:45 AM
^^^ You are correct on that one Slowburn. It's good to remember that Stewart is a comedian and his motive is to get a laugh. And his credentials to comment on politics = zero.

05-06-2015, 10:30 AM
I don't think she should be hailed as a hero. If you are brutally honest, the "provoking" argument has some validity and she got the result she was after. Anyone who invites or incites violence is a bit misguided IMHO. I've read your other posts. You're a serious, thoughtful guy. I want to respect that with an attempt at a serious response:
I disagree. Its easy to be provocative when there's no danger. Geller's heroism, and that of others like the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, is to speak out when its not safe. Out of fear of the consequences others pretend that Islam is an ideology with which freedom can coexist. But Geller is like the little boy in our midst who shouts "but the Emperor HAS no clothes!" and is ready to deal with the consequences of waking us up. Even if you think she's wrong (I don't), she's certainly courageous. Hero in my book.

But she did expose those "nuts" for how violent they can be and hopefully some good can come from that. Overall, this is a bad deal...people died...and the spinners can spin this event any way they want. I'm not sure what this does to make our society safer nor how this benefits our 1A or 2A rights. I'm still thinking about the consequences of this event but I'm just not happy that we've sunk this low.
I don't think its a bad deal at all, except for the one officer who suffered an ankle injury. The people who died demonstrated what they were willing to do. One of them, at least, has been trying to join the jihad for a long time. I'm just glad they chose to do it in Garland at an event where the good guys were prepared. The loss of their lives is a net gain. Which brings up:

Benefit to our 2A rights. I've heard more than one commentator point out that this incident dispels the "myth of the gun free zone." They point out what could have happened, and what did happen in Paris where even the police were disarmed. The more people who learn this lesson the better off we are.

As to the 1A, I can't do that subject justice here. Briefly the right to speak our minds is inalienable, but if its not exercised in the face of threats, the protection for it withers and dies. Beyond that, this post is probably already too long.

05-06-2015, 11:09 AM
^^^ all very well said and I do agree Slowburn. I'm just concerned with the method. That event could have turned out drastically, tragically worse. Good guys lives were on the line too and the violence was invited... even expected...

Just trying to look at the entire chess board if you know what I mean.


05-06-2015, 01:21 PM
^^^ all very well said and I do agree Slowburn. I'm just concerned with the method. That event could have turned out drastically, tragically worse. Good guys lives were on the line too and the violence was invited... even expected...

True. This is deadly serious stuff.

But please also factor in the chance that as jihad wannabes they may have attempted something bad some other time at some other place. Given their prep, equipment and travel this seems likely. Wasn't this about as good a place and time as we could hope?

05-06-2015, 01:57 PM
Noted. They were probably just itching for an opportunity. And we gave 'em one.