View Full Version : Do you think this was offensive?

05-06-2015, 12:08 PM

05-06-2015, 12:29 PM
The only group more misunderstood, bashed, lied about, and mocked than Muslims are those loyal to the Confederacy. The typical lib says, "They're all racists who want slavery!!!!" while demanding we tolerate and accept Muslims, many of whom are racists who practice slavery.

Longitude Zero
05-06-2015, 12:34 PM
Nope I do not.

05-06-2015, 12:39 PM
I'm not offended by it. Is that the question?

05-06-2015, 12:41 PM
it amazes me how the myth(s) surrounding that flag and the civil war in general are perpetuated.

05-06-2015, 12:42 PM
I'm not offended by it. Is that the question?
Yep but if anyone wants to elaborate on their position, they are free to do so.

05-06-2015, 12:47 PM
What IS bothersome is the trigger hygiene from the girl on the left

05-06-2015, 01:00 PM
The only group more misunderstood, bashed, lied about, and mocked than Muslims are those loyal to the Confederacy. The typical lib says, "They're all racists who want slavery!!!!" while demanding we tolerate and accept Muslims, many of whom are racists who practice slavery.

agree with u on that, and I'm a norrthern boy. Everyone is so fokking PC today that it makes me sick to my stomach, Fokk um if they don't like the confederate flag, then dn't look at it. Not rocket science IMO.

05-06-2015, 01:03 PM
What was offensive to me was the oddacity of these people who think we should be offended by such a picture.
Who are these people anyhow? Other than the finger and the need for Jenny Craig, it's a great photo.

Also the race thing was a secondary issue with the Confederacy, it was mainly people like the whiners here telling em what they could and couldn't do.

I live with the northern aggressors but my heart is and always will be with the south.

05-06-2015, 01:07 PM
hehehehehe, looks like a couple of the girls are already ready for marriage or being single motha's. the confederate flag is a relic of those who lost, why not fly the flag of the winners. guns at a prom? these kids graduated from high school? didn't learn much did they? if any of those kids expect to make money in todays economy in Colorado, they better get with the program and figure out how to take money off of the tourists that come there for skiing and/or weed. good luck.

05-06-2015, 02:03 PM
^^^ I need to practice up on my weed for whenever it comes to Ohio. Just a matter of time. :rolleyes:

05-06-2015, 02:39 PM
What IS bothersome is the trigger hygiene from the girl on the left

That was my first thought - then the second was.... in yankee Colorado? WTF?

05-06-2015, 02:51 PM
Texas Prom Night....


05-06-2015, 03:04 PM
Not offended in the least. What is offensive is MSN...:frown:

05-06-2015, 03:22 PM
One of my ancestors died fighting for the North in the battle of Atlanta, I'm a transplant here. From what I've read, the Northerners hated blacks as much anyone else. Maybe even more than blacks seem to hate themselves sometimes, it seems.

05-06-2015, 03:39 PM
Doesn't offend me. Too much "Political correctness" bull**** in this country...:mad:

05-06-2015, 03:47 PM
That's a pretty gal in that picture Armybrat, brings back many happy memories of myself running off suitors.

I run off my fair share for sure. My profiling skills really paid off. One of the run off ones is a frequent flier here at the department.

05-06-2015, 03:48 PM
I didn't find anything in the photo to be offensive. Only a liberal A-hole would find the photo offensive. Just sayin.

05-06-2015, 03:49 PM
I find photo's of liberal a-hole's offensive very much.

05-06-2015, 03:57 PM
I carried a gun at my prom. I thought that everyone did. You could have fooled me. :D

05-06-2015, 03:59 PM
^^^ I need to practice up on my weed for whenever it comes to Ohio. Just a matter of time. :rolleyes:

A long time I hope.

05-06-2015, 04:25 PM
^^^ I need to practice up on my weed for whenever it comes to Ohio. Just a matter of time. :rolleyes:
If the rest of this country would take a couple hits, and relax, we just might be better off.:cool:

05-06-2015, 04:32 PM
I carried a gun at my prom. I thought that everyone did. You could have fooled me. :D

What Muggsy isn't telling you is that he was 32 years of age when he graduated so he could legally carry a gun! ;)

(running and ducking!)

05-06-2015, 04:45 PM
I thought I was the only one that knew that, course Jocko told me....


(bobbing and weaving!) If he shoots like Jocko, probably best to just stand still.........................but he might get lucky.

05-06-2015, 04:56 PM
I thought I was the only one that knew that, course Jocko told me....


(bobbing and weaving!) If he shoots like Jocko, probably best to just stand still.........................but he might get lucky.

Don't believe everything that Jocko tells you. I was only twenty-five when I graduated from high school. Jocko's shooting improved when I told him that if you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time.

05-06-2015, 04:59 PM
Do you know what really offends me? People who have the nerve think that I should be offended by what offends them. Different strokes.

05-06-2015, 06:20 PM
PLEASE READ - Heres a different view from most on what the Confederate flag stands for .

THis is on a Black gentlemen in the Ashville NC area that carried the confederate flag and the gray soldiers suit often. NAACP Pres and member of the Sons of the Confederate Soldiers




05-06-2015, 06:49 PM
^^^ I need to practice up on my weed for whenever it comes to Ohio. Just a matter of time. :rolleyes:

Mo. is one of the biggest grower, wholesalers of premium weed (GrubvilleGold). is it leagal here? no, to many folks in the growing and distribution chain (county sheriffs) would be out of a job. STL to Denver is doable. CCW is good for Kansas and Colorado. dang, now I'm thinking about going, geez, some great greasy tex-mex restaurants out there.

mr surveyor
05-06-2015, 06:51 PM
the photo was great .... the (so called) journalism was offensive


05-06-2015, 10:23 PM
A lot of folks think Colorado was/is a Yankee state. Funny thing is, Colorado wasn't even a state during the Civil War. I had to tell that to a great number of folks when I lived in Mississippi and Louisiana. Yet, now that I'm back in my home state they all think I'm from the south because evidently I've got some kind of accent. I've lived in 10 different states over the years so I guess I might have a rather mixed up accent if any.

05-06-2015, 11:22 PM
More liberal msn outrage over things they have no clue about. What business of anyone's is it what props people pose with on their own time and property anyway?

05-07-2015, 02:19 AM
What's the purpose of the love affair some have with the Confederacy and the flag? Well over a century later, why would some have this nostalgic allegiance to a group of Americans that were pro slavery, sparked a civil war, AND, if it were up to them, would have destroyed the America we know today by seceding from the union? Am I offended, nope, but do I get it, not at all. In this day and time, why would some choose to display a Confederacy flag over an American flag? Also, the 100 ton elephant in the room, are we all going to pretend and ignore the fact and the flag is the historical badge of honor of many hate groups which is logically why some might be offended?

I see nothing wrong with people being offended, and, even though I don't get it, I see nothing wrong with people's obsession with it even if it is for all the wrong reasons.

05-07-2015, 07:23 AM
The war between the states was more about states rights that it was about slavery. Slavery and indentured servitude were a common practice in most countries of the world and the practice dates back to the time of the pharisees. (Not a bad comment for someone who didn't graduate from high school until he was twenty-five.) :)

05-07-2015, 08:57 AM
why would some have this nostalgic allegiance to a group of Americans that were pro slavery, sparked a civil war, AND, if it were up to them, would have destroyed the America we know today....................are we all going to pretend and ignore the fact and the flag is the historical badge of honor of many hate groups

The America we know today is BECAUSE of the civil war.

Cannot control the mouth breathing idiot haters that rally around that flag.

05-07-2015, 10:12 AM
I'd sure like to turn back the clock and see what the world would be like had there never been slavery at all.

Be quite different I suspect.

05-07-2015, 10:15 AM
For many people the stars and bars flag is a symbol of pride in their southern heritage. It has nothing to do with hate for most people, despite what the liberals would have you believe. Some groups do use it as a symbol of white supremacy, but I think they use the swastika and other NAZl paraphernalia more often, from the little bit I've seen of them.
The south was tired of having things dictated to them by the northern states, and decided to secede. It had nothing to do with slavery. Lincoln had no problem with slavery, he used the emancipation proclamation as a tool. It only freed slaves in the south that was out of the North's reach, and not in lands the North already controlled. He said if he could prevent or stop the war without freeing a single slave then he would do it. But as usual the winners get to write the history books. I think the southern states felt much like the patriots of the Revolutionary War, in being taxed and having things dictated to them, without having any say, due to being vastly outnumbered in congress, and not being able to pass any legislation beneficial to them. There is a LOT more to it, than slavery. which was actually a pretty minor issue of the war.

05-07-2015, 12:26 PM
For many people the stars and bars flag is a symbol of pride in their southern heritage. It has nothing to do with hate for most people, despite what the liberals would have you believe. Some groups do use it as a symbol of white supremacy, but I think they use the swastika and other NAZl paraphernalia more often, from the little bit I've seen of them.
The south was tired of having things dictated to them by the northern states, and decided to secede. It had nothing to do with slavery. Lincoln had no problem with slavery, he used the emancipation proclamation as a tool. It only freed slaves in the south that was out of the North's reach, and not in lands the North already controlled. He said if he could prevent or stop the war without freeing a single slave then he would do it. But as usual the winners get to write the history books. I think the southern states felt much like the patriots of the Revolutionary War, in being taxed and having things dictated to them, without having any say, due to being vastly outnumbered in congress, and not being able to pass any legislation beneficial to them. There is a LOT more to it, than slavery. which was actually a pretty minor issue of the war.

YEP you know your history

05-07-2015, 12:52 PM
Highly Offensive! What kinda stupid idiot takes a photo of an AR with an empty magwell?

05-07-2015, 02:16 PM
Highly Offensive! What kinda stupid idiot takes a photo of an AR with an empty magwell?


05-07-2015, 02:16 PM

michael t
05-10-2015, 01:17 AM
Doesn't bother me I have one in my house and one on my bike vest I live just outside the KY town where Abe parents got their marriage lic. .