View Full Version : zimmerman is a douche

05-11-2015, 01:36 PM
enough said

05-11-2015, 01:41 PM
Sounds like it was just glass that got him. Maybe next time.

05-11-2015, 01:45 PM
He seems to be a magnet for trouble of any kind since he became famous.

Don't take much to be famous these days I reckon.

05-11-2015, 01:52 PM
An ordinary shlub got caught in a bad situation, had to kill somebody to save his life, then was royally f'd over to appease the mob. Now he's a mess. Not too surprising. Lotta haters out there.

05-11-2015, 02:23 PM
I've always heard you should avoid situations that might put you in a position where you may need to use deadly force. Chasing a black man into the shadows sure sounds risky to me.

05-11-2015, 02:34 PM
An ordinary shlub got caught in a bad situation, had to kill somebody to save his life, then was royally f'd over to appease the mob. Now he's a mess. Not too surprising. Lotta haters out there.

lets see...Since the SD shooting there were a couple of road rage incidents, a couple domestic violence problems maybe more than this has happened.....yeah he is a mess. That's for sure. Not a hater here. Just pointing out that this guy seems to find more problems than the ordinary guy. Perhaps he should seek help or fire the shrink he has now b/c it isn't helping.

05-11-2015, 02:40 PM
I've always heard you should avoid situations that might put you in a position where you may need to use deadly force. Chasing a black man into the shadows sure sounds risky to me.

Zimmerman was a part of a neighborhood watch. He wasn't chasing Martin when Martin attacked him. Why does being shot at in a road rage incident make him the douche? The way I see it the a-hole who tried to kill him in a road rage incident is the douche. Some day you may find yourself in a position to defend yourself. I hope that you remember your own words.

05-11-2015, 02:44 PM
enough said

Takes one to know one, or so goes the saying.

05-11-2015, 02:58 PM
Zimmerman was a part of a neighborhood watch. He wasn't chasing Martin when Martin attacked him. Why does being shot at in a road rage incident make him the douche? The way I see it the a-hole who tried to kill him in a road rage incident is the douche. Some day you may find yourself in a position to defend yourself. I hope that you remember your own words.

Fact is, he WAS following Martin when Martin jumped him. Neighborhood watch has a duty to report, that's it. I promise you, I will not be following a black man into the shadows, so I don't expect I'll be in that situation. As for the road rage, we don't know who started it, do we? Guess we'll wait and see.

05-11-2015, 03:11 PM
He likes to slap his women around....................for that, he is a douche...............................

05-11-2015, 03:19 PM
Fact is, he WAS following Martin when Martin jumped him. Neighborhood watch has a duty to report, that's it. I promise you, I will not be following a black man into the shadows, so I don't expect I'll be in that situation. As for the road rage, we don't know who started it, do we? Guess we'll wait and see.

Would you follow a white man into the shadows?

05-11-2015, 03:21 PM
Good point. I would cause I'm a sheepdog wannabe as I think Zimmerman was. I always believed he was just diligent. Not so sure of that now after all his incidents but at the time I was on his side.

Course now days I'd probably drive around to the other side and wait for em to come out, less work and I'm sometimes skeered of the dark.

05-11-2015, 03:31 PM
Would you follow a white man into the shadows?

Nope, I don't go out after dark. And I have no need to follow anyone anywhere, I stick to myself.

05-11-2015, 03:39 PM
Matthew Apperson(shooter) sounds kind of crazy too. I blame it on that Florida trailer park lifestyle, not as exciting as STL or E.STL, but interesting.

05-11-2015, 03:45 PM
Matthew Apperson(shooter) sounds kind of crazy too. I blame it on that Florida trailer park lifestyle, not as exciting as STL or E.STL, but interesting.

Yea, I here ya. I live in a trailer park in Florida. Up until I moved here, I didn't feel I needed a gun. Now I have 3 and need some more! Go figure.

05-11-2015, 03:50 PM
Zimmerman? Old news...I've moved on. Life's too short to waste speculating whether or not a douche is a douche. Just sayin'.

05-11-2015, 04:13 PM
15 minutes of Fame, that in this case, ruined his life.....

05-11-2015, 05:10 PM
The vast left wing, Obama led, racist, "I hate white" (Hispanic) people, get the gun nuts, liberals know better, conspiracy ruined the man's life because he had the gall to kill a thug that tried to kill him. I feel bad for the guy. He was caught in a landslide of media madness and political crap. Kill all the black babies in the womb you want, but save our young violent, drugged up racist thugs. Yeah... that makes a lot of sense.

05-11-2015, 05:21 PM
And ban them damn Skittles, too much sugar I tell ya, winds these kids up when it's far past they bed time.

05-11-2015, 06:14 PM
Fact is, he WAS following Martin when Martin jumped him. Neighborhood watch has a duty to report, that's it. I promise you, I will not be following a black man into the shadows, so I don't expect I'll be in that situation. As for the road rage, we don't know who started it, do we? Guess we'll wait and see.

Fact is he was returning to his vehicle as requested by the 911 dispatcher when he was attacked by Martin. Does someone following you give you the right to attack them. Zimmerman was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. The Chief of police lost his job, because he refused to indite him. Was he just another racist cop? Bull pucky, we all know why Zimmerman was tried. It's because he was a "white" Hispanic with a gun. You might be the next person that has to shoot in self defense. Then Knkali can call you a douche.

05-11-2015, 06:33 PM
He likes to slap his women around....................for that, he is a douche...............................

Domestic abuse charges against Zimmerman were dropped. He was never charged with slapping anyone. He was accused of throwing a wine bottle. A charge that couldn't be proven and which was recanted by his girl friend.

05-11-2015, 06:49 PM
Chasing a black man into the shadows sure sounds risky to me.

Aw c'mon, this was resolved at trial. Zimmerman didn't chase Martin. He did follow Martin and lost sight of him (as Martin came around the other side of the building) and was on his way back to his truck when Martin got the jump on him. If you look at the scene, at scale, from above, what happened is really quite clear.

05-11-2015, 06:54 PM
Why is all the news about Zimmerman and almost nothing about Apperson?

Seems to me Mr. A should be taking a ride to the stockade

05-11-2015, 07:00 PM
CJB, you have to understand that the facts don't matter in this case. It's the seriousness of the charge that's important. That's way most liberals think. You and I believe in presenting the facts and the rule of law. That makes us the odd men out. And you people call yourselves conservatives.

05-11-2015, 07:04 PM
Aw c'mon, this was resolved at trial. Zimmerman didn't chase Martin. He did follow Martin and lost sight of him (as Martin came around the other side of the building) and was on his way back to his truck when Martin got the jump on him. If you look at the scene, at scale, from above, what happened is really quite clear.

So the hunter became the hunted. Happens often in nature.

05-11-2015, 07:05 PM
Easy boys, easy.............................

I believe he was in the right, never should have been a trial and the chief made the right call.

All that being said he's still a douche from his pathetic actions since this whole story came to pass. Shouldn't even made the local paper let alone the national news.

05-11-2015, 08:06 PM
Yea, I here ya. I live in a trailer park in Florida. Up until I moved here, I didn't feel I needed a gun. Now I have 3 and need some more! Go figure.

opps, sorry. ( I hope your in a nice, retirement park and close to a range. if you read the news, or jokes about the news, trailer parks are kind of popular to pick on. in Arkansas, trailers blow up now and then from failed chemistry (meth lab) experiments. in Missouri it's usually a story about some grandma that took out a drunk badguy with her NAA .22lr. be alert, be safe.)

05-11-2015, 08:17 PM
opps, sorry. ( I hope your in a nice, retirement park and close to a range. if you read the news, or jokes about the news, trailer parks are kind of popular to pick on. in Arkansas, trailers blow up now and then from failed chemistry (meth lab) experiments. in Missouri it's usually a story about some grandma that took out a drunk badguy with her NAA .22lr. be alert, be safe.)

No problem. The manager corrects me when I call it a trailer park, she says it's a "Retirement Community", and that just means instead of a a bunch of young drunks around me, I have a bunch of old drunks around me. We have a lot of dead people hauled out of here. I've had dead people on every side of me since I got here 5 years ago. And I still call the cops on drunks outside. So it's a trailer park for old people.

05-11-2015, 08:18 PM
Actually there are very few trailer parks any more...most been locally zoned out. As they self deplete...no new incoming allowd.

05-11-2015, 08:24 PM
Actually there are very few trailer parks any more...most been locally zoned out. As they self deplete...no new incoming allowd.

That's true, but here in Pinellis County, there are still a whole lot of them. And this one ain't going anywhere, supposedly it's written in the wills and stuff. But, there will come a time when Walmart will need a parking lot, or some rich guy wants to build a condominium.

05-11-2015, 09:02 PM
I lived in a trailer park with my friends family as a kid.
My first wife and I lived in a few trailer parks.
My second wife too.

IMHO the old saying is true -
"You can take a girl out of the trailer park.
But you can't take the trailer park out of the girl"

05-11-2015, 09:04 PM
I lived in a trailer park with my friends family as a kid.
My second wife grew up in a trailer park.

I can tell you that the old saying is true -
"You can take a girl out of the trailer park.
But you can't take the trailer park out of the girl"

I started out in a trailer park, and I'm ending in a trailer park. So sad. Some good stuff in between though.

05-11-2015, 09:08 PM
I started out in a trailer park, and I'm ending in a trailer park. So sad. Some good stuff in between though.

I may end up back in one too.
But for now?

05-12-2015, 04:54 AM
I guess it's a good thing Kel-tec held off on that Zimmerman Limited Edition PF-9. ;)

05-12-2015, 06:12 AM
Not one of you have ever met George Zimmerman and the only things that you know about him came from the liberal media. How easily swayed some people are.

FYI skittles and iced tea.

05-12-2015, 06:31 AM
Pinellis Co. says it all.

05-12-2015, 09:03 AM
Domestic abuse charges against Zimmerman were dropped. He was never charged with slapping anyone. He was accused of throwing a wine bottle. A charge that couldn't be proven and which was recanted by his girl friend.

Actually, I've read several articles in which Mr. Zimmerman has had "run ins" with several women. He always seems to become violent towards women when there are no witnesses to help tell their side. I'm not saying that he is guilty of everything, or guilty of nothing............what I am saying, is that my Arsehole meter is pegged for this gentleman, and I don't have to meet him, to know it. I'll remain silent on the original shooting experiences.:p

05-12-2015, 09:14 AM
Zimmerman? Old news...I've moved on. Life's too short to waste speculating whether or not a douche is a douche. Just sayin'.

I suspect Zimmerman might get better it if everyone else moved on too. Problem is every time a black guy dies at the hands at somebody other than another black guy, regardless of circumstances, the haters crawl out. They drag up "poor Trayvon" along with all the other "victims," and spotlight Zimmerman again. I have no idea what its like to be in his shoes, and as Muggsy says I don't know him. But from the little I learned following the poor shlub's persecution, he doesn't seem like a guy who would have the financial, emotional or social resources to deal with this. By contast, cops who are being boiled in oil like Darren Wilson at least know other cops support them. Who has this guy's back?

05-12-2015, 09:44 AM
LOL at all you Zimmerman supporters. The Guy had several run ins with the law BEFORE the Trayvon Martin killing which include resisting arrest, assault, and Domestic violence, so stop with the poor, innocent, railroaded Zimmerman crap.

Next, Zimmerman was a part of the neighborhood watch, but he broke their rules by carrying a firearm, and he did more than "watching." He ignored the advice of the 911 operator, followed Martin, and Zimmerman, a guy with a prior criminal record, initiated an altercation with Martin, who had no criminal record. Martin did nothing wrong other than walking and minding his business up until Zimmerman chose to follow him, and it is not FACT that Zimmerman was attacked first. He was acquitted because there wasn't enough evidence to prove anything one way or another. One of the jurors even stated she thought he was guilty, but the prosecution could not prove it.

The guy is a violent thug who beat on women before and after anyone knew his name. He has a history of seeking out trouble. I just don't get how some of your are going off the deep end by rationalizing and making excuses for this idiot. The Liberal media isn't filing domestic violence charges, shooting at, pulling over, and/or putting Zimmerman in all the constant negative situations he's repeatedly finding himself in. If it's all because he's being singled out, why don't hear ANYTHING in the news about the other cops and people who controversially shot unarmed Blacks or minorities constantly being in other altercations? How many times have they, and how many people do you know have been accused of domestic violence against women on multiple separate unrelated instances? Food for thought...

By the way, you can be found not guilty of a crime because there's a lack of evidence either way, OR because it was proven that you're not guilty. Unbeknownst to many people, the former applied in the Zimmerman case, and in my opinion, rightly so. The only two people that knows what happened is Zimmerman and Martin. There's a possibility that he could in fact have had initiated the fight...

05-12-2015, 10:12 AM
what a load of horse crap

05-12-2015, 10:24 AM
what a load of horse crap

The part about him repeatedly being accused of violent acts and altercations BEFORE and after the Trayvon incident? The restraining orders and prior arrest? The fact that Martin didn't have a criminal record, and in fact was simple walking home from the store when he was followed? The fact that you all believe that Zimmerman is currently finding himself in constant negative situations because he killed an unarmed Black kid; however, ignoring that fact that others who were were in the news accused of doing the same thing oddly enough haven't experienced the same phenomenon? The fact that there were NO WITNESSES to what happened, and there for NO ONE KNOWS what actually went before the fight there for Zimmerman could be guilty or he could very well be innocent. Because there was NOT enough evidence to convict does NOT mean the Defense's account of what happened if factual OR that the prosecution's accounts were factual.. There wasn't enough proof to say that Zimmerman didn't act in self defense or that he acted in malice.

05-12-2015, 10:51 AM
LOL at all you Zimmerman supporters. The Guy had several run ins with the law BEFORE the Trayvon Martin killing which include resisting arrest, assault, and Domestic violence, so stop with the poor, innocent, railroaded Zimmerman crap.

Next, Zimmerman was a part of the neighborhood watch, but he broke their rules by carrying a firearm, and he did more than "watching." He ignored the advice of the 911 operator, followed Martin, and Zimmerman, a guy with a prior criminal record, initiated an altercation with Martin, who had no criminal record. Martin did nothing wrong other than walking and minding his business up until Zimmerman chose to follow him, and it is not FACT that Zimmerman was attacked first. He was acquitted because there wasn't enough evidence to prove anything one way or another. One of the jurors even stated she thought he was guilty, but the prosecution could not prove it.

The guy is a violent thug who beat on women before and after anyone knew his name. He has a history of seeking out trouble. I just don't get how some of your are going off the deep end by rationalizing and making excuses for this idiot. The Liberal media isn't filing domestic violence charges, shooting at, pulling over, and/or putting Zimmerman in all the constant negative situations he's repeatedly finding himself in. If it's all because he's being singled out, why don't hear ANYTHING in the news about the other cops and people who controversially shot unarmed Blacks or minorities constantly being in other altercations? How many times have they, and how many people do you know have been accused of domestic violence against women on multiple separate unrelated instances? Food for thought...

By the way, you can be found not guilty of a crime because there's a lack of evidence either way, OR because it was proven that you're not guilty. Unbeknownst to many people, the former applied in the Zimmerman case, and in my opinion, rightly so. The only two people that knows what happened is Zimmerman and Martin. There's a possibility that he could in fact have had initiated the fight...

Like button pushed. I agree. Some people will defend the right to shoot regardless of circumstances. Zimmerman was out smarted (not hard) by his prey. He should be in the ground.

05-12-2015, 12:22 PM
?.. He should be in the ground.

Dang! There's a harsh perspective there. Like I said, I don't know the man and I certainly don't defend him. But it's you guys I care about. You are my interweb friends. Maybe when you get as old as me you'll soften a little. :rolleyes:

05-12-2015, 12:46 PM
He should be in the ground.

Dang! There's a harsh perspective there.
Some people are just that way, which proves my point about what Zimmerman is dealing with. If there are people talking this sh!t and making up wild lies about him even here, imagine being in that kind of hatred out in the real world every day. Some people could handle it, but most.. I doubt it.

05-12-2015, 04:21 PM
You beat me to it, CJB. Zimmerman had a conceal carry permit when the Martin incident occurred and was lawfully carrying at the time. His first marriage ended in divorce after the couple endured death threats and a year long investigation and trial. Zimmerman wasn't a racist, lived in a mixed race neighborhood and tutored black children. He defended a black homeless man who was abused by Fla. police. Charges of domestic violence were dropped by his girlfriend and she recanted her testimony. There's a video of Zimmerman being pulled over by police after the latest shooting incident. Zimmerman appears to cooperate fully with the officers and his gun is returned to him after questioning. See the video.


05-13-2015, 01:57 PM
Hmmmm, seems to have gotten mighty quiet in here. Must have watched the Vid.

05-13-2015, 02:08 PM
Engaging in this conversation does nothing but elevate my blood pressure.

05-13-2015, 03:15 PM
That's why I stopped watching most talk radio, network & cable news and put an easy listening station on my Jeep radio. Life's too short to walk around mad all the time.

Just look at it as an entertainment.... then just look at the nice guns, cars, & pretty women.

05-13-2015, 03:22 PM
That's why I stopped watching most talk radio, network & cable news and put an easy listening station on my Jeep radio. Life's too short to walk around mad all the time.

Just look at it as an entertainment.... then just look at the nice guns, cars, & pretty women.

Yea. I just wish there was a gun forum that was just guns, everything else is deleted.

05-13-2015, 03:57 PM
We pretty much used to be but got derailed at some point.
The sad part is when you stick to just one subject and delete all else, things get pretty durn boring.

I like that we can share family stuff, health issues, good times and sad times like a big family. Creates a lot of new conversations.

Just seems like you can't talk about much of anything these days without politics rearing it's ugly head, especially guns.

Lets do try to stick to guns if we can, ok maybe guns and boobs, long as they ain't too big when Itxi is around.

Peace be with you........

05-13-2015, 04:11 PM
We pretty much used to be but got derailed at some point.
The sad part is when you stick to just one subject and delete all else, things get pretty durn boring.

I like that we can share family stuff, health issues, good times and sad times like a big family. Creates a lot of new conversations.

Just seems like you can't talk about much of anything these days without politics rearing it's ugly head, especially guns.

Lets do try to stick to guns if we can, ok maybe guns and boobs, long as they ain't too big when Itxi is around.

Peace be with you........

I prefer little ones, ABC, nothing bigger.

05-13-2015, 04:21 PM
Yea. I just wish there was a gun forum that was just guns, everything else is deleted.

It's called the Glock forum...............................

05-13-2015, 05:39 PM
No wonder so many of us here have been banned or not allowed to join over there. I think I solved one of life's mysteries.

How sad. How much is there to say about any one particular gun, kind of limits the flow of conversation.

05-13-2015, 05:48 PM
Could talk about cars, bikes, female celebrities, non-controversial stuff. Haven't been to the glock forum, heard nothing good about them.

05-13-2015, 07:36 PM
Could talk about cars, bikes, female celebrities, non-controversial stuff. Haven't been to the glock forum, heard nothing good about them.

Non-controversial stuff! Just try mentioning Hondas to Jocko. ;)

05-14-2015, 07:48 AM
Instead of bashing, or 2nd guessing the guy. I just pray I never find myself in a similar incident. It doesn't have to be a neighborhood watch, you could get jumped coming out of a Walmart by some punk that thought you were eyeballing him or something.

It's not gun related, but my daughter was just ordained as a minister, and I am going to be her first Baptism Saturday. I was sprinkled as a teen. I'll get immersed Saturday.
I guess now those inclined to do so can bash religion.

05-14-2015, 09:27 AM
Get video.

05-14-2015, 09:50 AM
^^^ good for you and your daughter Tman. Congrats to you both!

05-14-2015, 12:20 PM
Maybe we could get some discussion of transvaginal mesh issues .... might be just the ticket for some of the STP crowd here.....

05-14-2015, 01:06 PM
Maybe we could get some discussion of transvaginal mesh issues .... might be just the ticket for some of the STP crowd here.....

I'm afraid to ask, what's the STP crowd?

05-14-2015, 02:44 PM
I was gonna ask that too but I didn't want to look dumb. I do that naturally enough without effort without promoting it myself.

Used to be an oil additive, I'm sure it must have a new meaning these days.

05-14-2015, 02:46 PM
^^^ anything preceded by "transvaginal mesh issues" can't be good. I don't think I wanna know. :rolleyes:

05-14-2015, 07:40 PM
Congratulations, Tman. I'm not particularly religious, but respect mainstream religions that don't get overbearing. And I'm sure the Good Lord doesn't mind a few boobs here & there, since His Daddy had the artistic sense to make them so beautiful (for the most part). [wink]

05-14-2015, 08:43 PM
I'm afraid to ask, what's the STP crowd?

STP - Squat To Piss

mr surveyor
05-14-2015, 09:03 PM
STP - Squat To Piss

uuuhhhhh .... does that 3 am trip to the john in the dark count?

just asking


05-14-2015, 10:52 PM
STP - Squat To Piss

Like what choice do I had huh?

05-15-2015, 08:10 AM
Thanks b4uqzme and Armybrat. I think maybe you take religion more seriously as you get older. That's kind of how it worked for me. Although I was never much of a "bad apple" type.
And I don't see anything wrong with admiring a ladies body. Some are truly a work of art. But I have no use for nudity that's not tastefully done.

For a change in topic:
The M16 should be about due for replacement. What characteristics should it's replacement have? Is there anything available now that would be suitable to take it's place?

05-15-2015, 06:28 PM
LOL at all you Zimmerman supporters. The Guy had several run ins with the law BEFORE the Trayvon Martin killing which include resisting arrest, assault, and Domestic violence, so stop with the poor, innocent, railroaded Zimmerman crap.

Next, Zimmerman was a part of the neighborhood watch, but he broke their rules by carrying a firearm, and he did more than "watching." He ignored the advice of the 911 operator, followed Martin, and Zimmerman, a guy with a prior criminal record, initiated an altercation with Martin, who had no criminal record. Martin did nothing wrong other than walking and minding his business up until Zimmerman chose to follow him, and it is not FACT that Zimmerman was attacked first. He was acquitted because there wasn't enough evidence to prove anything one way or another. One of the jurors even stated she thought he was guilty, but the prosecution could not prove it.

The guy is a violent thug who beat on women before and after anyone knew his name. He has a history of seeking out trouble. I just don't get how some of your are going off the deep end by rationalizing and making excuses for this idiot. The Liberal media isn't filing domestic violence charges, shooting at, pulling over, and/or putting Zimmerman in all the constant negative situations he's repeatedly finding himself in. If it's all because he's being singled out, why don't hear ANYTHING in the news about the other cops and people who controversially shot unarmed Blacks or minorities constantly being in other altercations? How many times have they, and how many people do you know have been accused of domestic violence against women on multiple separate unrelated instances? Food for thought...

By the way, you can be found not guilty of a crime because there's a lack of evidence either way, OR because it was proven that you're not guilty. Unbeknownst to many people, the former applied in the Zimmerman case, and in my opinion, rightly so. The only two people that knows what happened is Zimmerman and Martin. There's a possibility that he could in fact have had initiated the fight...

Actually Mr Zimmerman was on his way to the store when he spotted Mr Martin and thus he broke no rules by carrying a firearm. According to my research on neighborhood watch there are no such rules, you were misled by the media. According to the 911 transcript/recording evidence presented he also didn't ignore any advice given. In fact he was asked where Mr Martin went when he lost sight of him, asked the address, that is when Mr Zimmerman got out of his truck. When the operator told him we don't need you to do that the sounds of him walking fast/running went away.

Check the map closely, Mr Martin went around the corner out of Mr Zimmerman's sight Mr Zimmerman ran/jogged/walked rapidly to the main street then turned back and was apparently attacked near that corner several minutes after losing sight of Mr Martin. You come to your own conclusion what that means.

What the media reported sure made it seem he was guilty but the evidence presented in court even from the girl who was on the phone with Mr Martin at the time doesn't.

Anything else he may have done is not relevant to my defense of him defending himself in the Martin case.. no different than the other stuff on Mr Martin has no bearing on my belief in the case. What matters is the evidence presented.

05-15-2015, 06:30 PM
Oh and by the way there is no evidence that I have seen that shows he did anything in the current incident, other than be on the road. You can believe the other guy if you like, I'll wait on some actual evidence.

05-15-2015, 07:41 PM
Like what choice do I had huh?

Youd stand if ya could Bman. No slight intended!

05-15-2015, 09:13 PM
And none taken. I squat but I got hide like a armadildo.

05-15-2015, 09:36 PM
A key take-away from the Zimmerman case is that if you use lethal force in defense of your life, even when the use of force is determined to be justified by a court of law, your life will never be the same.

05-15-2015, 10:49 PM

Longitude Zero
05-16-2015, 01:06 PM
Sadly his behavior is NOT UNCOMON. Once having survived a lethal threat encounter many folks, who do not know any better, want to relive that exhilaration of having faced eternity and winning. It I similar physiologically as to why a drug addict craves more and more and more.

05-17-2015, 01:37 PM
Now we're psychoanalyzing Zimmerman having never met the man. No one knows what's in another man's mind. Can you guess what I'm thinking at this moment?

05-17-2015, 02:04 PM
Actually I can, but forum rules don't allow me to write that stuff down.

05-17-2015, 02:04 PM
... Can you guess what I'm thinking at this moment?

I'll take a stab at it. See below. ;)

05-17-2015, 03:00 PM
"We have a system that increasingly taxes workers and subsidizes the 1%." Joe6Pack, taxpayer

05-17-2015, 03:48 PM
A key take-away from the Zimmerman case is that if you use lethal force in defense of your life, even when the use of force is determined to be justified by a court of law, your life will never be the same.

100%, spot on. On top of the personal trauma, and while found justified, very few local legal systems, whether small town or big city, will allow a person to defend themselves without major legal repercussions of one sort or another.

05-17-2015, 04:27 PM
"We have a system that increasingly taxes workers and subsidizes the 1%." Joe6Pack, taxpayer

Holy crap! I know we're off thread here but where did that come from? :confused:

mr surveyor
05-17-2015, 05:23 PM

Longitude Zero
05-17-2015, 08:06 PM
Now we're psychoanalyzing Zimmerman having never met the man. No one knows what's in another man's mind. Can you guess what I'm thinking at this moment?

With my expertise in this matter it is not psychoanalyzing it is educated belief based upon training and experience. I have it you do not. Do you want to cross sword over an issue again muggsy?