View Full Version : Bike gang shootout in Waco restaurant

05-17-2015, 07:26 PM
"Twin Peaks Massacre", some media types are calling it. 9 dead - 18 wounded. And 12 Waco police officers, plus DPS troopers and BATFE agents were also on the premises when the fisticuffs & shooting started - they had been tipped that the rival gangs were meeting there:


It is Texas law that members of gangs are not allowed to own firearms. Guess the bikers ignored it..... imagine that.

Wonder if Jocko knows about some good deals on Harleys that suddenly came on the market in Texas?

05-17-2015, 07:34 PM
Yes sir, voluntary genetic cleansing! :boink:

Longitude Zero
05-17-2015, 08:04 PM
1% Scum. Thankfully the only folks who died were Outlaw Biker SCUM!!!

05-17-2015, 09:50 PM
Yeah, We do everything bigger in Texas... Sigh.

The Austin anti gunners are racing their hybrid Hondas to the scene now. We'll have to listen to a lot of hysterical "if only they hadn't had guns..." interviews for a while now.

Never mind that the rest of us understand the exact meaning of the term "biker gang"...

05-18-2015, 06:52 AM
You meet the nicest people on a Honder. :)

05-18-2015, 07:51 AM
I'd probably get shot on sight by those characters just for riding my old Honda (CT110):


marshal kane
05-18-2015, 07:53 AM
. . .It is Texas law that members of gangs are not allowed to own firearms. Guess the bikers ignored it..... imagine that.
Pass another law that says it is against the law for gang members to ignore the first law. I think I could run for the Texas State Legislature under that banner and get elected. More people than you would care to count have been killed after a judge has issued a restraining order. All of this shows laws and restraining orders are just ink on paper. If perps are going to disobey, likely they will do it.

05-18-2015, 09:00 AM
I used to know some of the local outlaw bikers. They aren't nationally known or anything. The president was the only one that had a lick of sense, I think the rest rode the short bus to school. They used to show up at parties that a band I helped out threw. They idea of fun was to get drunk and fight. Didn't matter if it was against some others or amongst themselves, as long as fists were flying. I usually managed to see the violence coming and would skip out before it got started, and would hear about it later. They ruined several cool parties where me and my friends were jamming. The president used to like to come in and unplug my bass and plug his in and try and play bass. (He owned some of the equipment we were using, so I guess he had the right to do that) I'd hang out for a little bit, just to watch the stupidity go on with the members, then get out before the fists started flying. Not a lifestyle I had any interest in. I imagine down in Texas by the time they take all the stolen parts off the bikes, there won't be much left to sell.

05-18-2015, 09:01 AM
I'd probably get shot on sight by those characters just for riding my old Honda (CT110):


Lucky! Mine was only a 90. Rode that thing into the ground.

05-18-2015, 09:23 AM
Lucky! Mine was only a 90. Rode that thing into the ground.

My son still has mine - under a tarp out by his backyard shed. It's a 1980 model with less than 3,000 miles on it. I used it to commute to work for one school year, but quit after nearly gettin' run over several times by blind old geezers.

Saw this comment about the Waco shootout:

"For there to only be 9 deaths, 18 wounded, 100+ weapons, 192 arrested, in what amounts to close quarters..
Are they bad with guns/knives or did a bunch of them have cold feet?"

05-18-2015, 09:32 AM
Since there were already a dozen Waco PD cops, plus some State DPS troopers, McClennan County deputies, and one local game warden on the premises (they knew ahead of time the gang meeting was taking place - it was on the statewide biker organization website calendar), I wonder who actually shot whom. Bet the LEOs had the biggest tally.

It's going to be interesting in Austin next month, as the annual ROT (Republic of Texas) Rally is scheduled. It's kinda like a mini-Sturgis - tens of thousands of biker riders congregate for various events. Wonder if they'll be hosting any shootin' competitions this year? lol

My son's FIL ( a rancher from NE Texas) usually rides down for the ROT Rally, but somebody stole his Harley before Christmas.

Trouble is, most folks don't know the difference between motorcycle clubs & the known criminal outlaw biker gangs like the Bandidos, Cossacks, Scimitars, etc.

Longitude Zero
05-18-2015, 11:36 AM
Armybrat part of the problem is that the non 1%ers dress, talk and many times act just like the 1%ers. If they do not want to be associated with Outlaw Biker scum I suggest they first change how they dress and act. Another thing they can do is to REFUSE to pay for and wear the Confederation of Clubs patch. That is just a money source for the outlaw organizations. It is amazing how uneducated many law abiding bike riders are about the 1%ers. Folks that ride bikes need to pull their heads out of their keisters and pay attention. The 1%ers make a big splash for Toys for Tots and other charities but it is only to appear to be legitimate and con folks into not seeing the truth about their degeneracy.

05-18-2015, 12:51 PM
used to own a honder, wish i had a pic. of mine, but this ones close, mine was dark blue with black chrome, not a bit of the shiny stuff.
As for biker clubs, never was and never will.
If i ever have enough $$$ me thinks a black Harley would be real nice.

05-18-2015, 12:55 PM
You're pretty smart for a Sooner, LZ! (wink)

But yes you are absolutely correct. The knowledgeable locals here have known what a bunch of criminals the Bandidos have been for 40 years. Drug dealing, drug smugglin', working with the Mexican cartels, prostitution, & human trafficking. What's unusual about this is they usually do their killing out of the "public eye".

The club hobbyist 99%ers need to distance themselves from the criminal element and any state or nationwide organization they belong to.

Say, has ol' Jocko been around since yesterday?

Longitude Zero
05-18-2015, 03:05 PM
You're pretty smart for a Sooner, LZ! (wink)

But yes you are absolutely correct. The knowledgeable locals here have known what a bunch of criminals the Bandidos have been for 40 years. Drug dealing, drug smugglin', working with the Mexican cartels, prostitution, & human trafficking. What's unusual about this is they usually do their killing out of the "public eye"

Thanks. As a general rule you are right. However the Big 4 Hells Angels, Bandidos, Outlaws, and the Mongols have been getting a lot of pressure from other outlaw lesser gangs in the last decade or so. There was a big brouhaha in a Vegas Casino a few years ago. As the lesser gangs are encroaching the Big 4 feel the need to exert their dominance and do it whenever necessary. This sounds like a "dis" that got out of hand. Whatever match lit the fire it cannot be tolerated. You can bet the patched members of al clubs will be laying low in the public eye for awhile.

05-18-2015, 03:37 PM
Ship them all to Ramadi.

05-18-2015, 03:53 PM
Too bad they all didn't get shot and die.....

05-18-2015, 04:33 PM
Let me see.... cops there. Already saying they shot AT the bikers (no telling on hits and or casualties).... yet they blame the owner of Twin Peaks as the cause, saying he could have heeded their warning and not allowed them to enter. Seems a little lame to me.

Gents, there's more to this story than is being reported. And there is obvious slant in the reporting from Occifer Friendly. We have reports of fists, knives, chains, clubs, baseball bats, swords and firearms.. oh and brass knuckles. I for one do not know of one single 1%er that carries a sword, or baseball bat.... on their bike? Really... chains? This is Hollywood reporting. No need for that sort of thing when perfectly good furniture is available, and everyone's packin' anyway.

05-18-2015, 07:12 PM
I'm bettin' that some of the two-wheeler gentlemen raced outside to get their guns from their bike bags, and when the LEOs saw that, the turkey shoot was on.

BTW - the local LEOs impounded at least 100 hogs and dozens of cars from the combatants. They will be sold at auction with the local law enforcement agencies gettin' a pretty good windfall. 170 bikers were arrested, all are being charged with organized criminal activity and capital murder. Everybody's bond has been set at $1,000,000 each

The ensuing legal circus is gonna provide us with entertainment for years.

05-18-2015, 08:14 PM
Kind of puzzling to me why people like the group - mob - gang mentality. I am 71 years old and have been riding Harleys all my life. Never belonged to any group, whatever it may be. Hair cut short and regular clothes. I am not a yuppie just to darned independent. Makes me wonder what they are trying to prove. Don't like people telling me what to do I guess.

05-18-2015, 08:17 PM
Kind of puzzling to me why people like the group - mob - gang mentality. I am 71 years old and have been riding Harleys all my life. Never belonged to any group, whatever it may be. Hair cut short and regular clothes. I am not a yuppie just to darned independent. Makes me wonder what they are trying to prove. Don't like people telling me what to do I guess.

They like being a part of something. I ride too, alone. Don't need or want anyone riding with me. But these young guys want to be tough and they get that from the group, then they get old and don't know any better. Money is good too, dealing is quite profitable. And the women. The ones that tell you they don't like the a-holes, but then they shack up with them anyway.

Longitude Zero
05-19-2015, 05:28 AM
Too bad they all didn't get shot and die.....


05-19-2015, 10:37 AM
The guys I ride with don't wear no patches or anything that could be construed as 1% garb. We won't ride with anyone that does wear that type of crap.
Some of the Christian outfits do wear patches but they are pretty obviously Christian patches and I've never seen them get any flack.
The local AA biker gang DOES wear the patches, but many of them are former clubbers. And they can take care of themselves. My brother was a charter member of the local chapter, but he retired when the jailbirds got into offices and started running it. Back in his day they weren't trying to look all outlaw and crap like they do now.

I imagine a lot of the shooting was done from behind cover holding the gun up in the air and just blasting away. Most of those guys aren't as brave as you might think they are, many are more like bullys that will stomp you when it's 10 to 1. Most of the ones I've known have been pretty chicken sh*t. A couple were ok, one was actually an ok dude, but the rest can go to hell. Funny though, they will fight somewhat on equal terms with other gangs.

05-19-2015, 05:08 PM

05-19-2015, 07:07 PM
Too bad they all didn't get shot and die.....

I've been sorta silent on this - but Mr. Downtownv, you are a pimple on the dick inside your father's rectum.

WTF man... ? You wish lots of folks got shot and died? I cannot back down on that statement.

05-19-2015, 07:34 PM
I'm writing this down for future use. you are a pimple.............................

That being said lets stay focused here, not get too personal and forgive ones statements wrote in the throes of passion.
Throes of passion, crap I might be the next Mickey Spillane and didn't even know it.

05-19-2015, 08:08 PM
Hot dam - I can't believe Mrs. Armybrat missed the $5-$2-$5-$1 sale at Bed Bath & Beyond!


Longitude Zero
05-20-2015, 08:39 AM
Agree with Bawanna. The aforementioned post was highly inappropriate.

Longitude Zero
05-20-2015, 08:40 AM
hot dam - i can't believe mrs. Armybrat missed the $5-$2-$5-$1 sale at bed bath & beyond!


05-20-2015, 09:36 AM
I used to ride with a group of guys, it was called AMA Class C. we'd all head down the straight and then turn left, repeat, repeat. yeah, I was the guy near the back on a BSA. sometimes we even got to run on road courses(left and right hand turns, oh, my). I had my fun on murdercycles, all way before cellphones and texting. you couldn't get me on one these days. always has been and always will be a large group of motorcycle dorks, "loud pipes for jaysus" and all that. if your still riding, ride safe and "when in doubt, screw it on!"

05-20-2015, 12:56 PM
I was a flat tracker in an earlier life for many years. Rode side hack on a half mile TT track a few times. That was a work out and scary too.

05-22-2015, 08:08 AM
so anyway, back to the Waco shootout. I see on the news that black folks who are supposed to own the thugs and ghetto lifestyle are getting some laughs from all of this, wondering when them white folks is going to get a handle on them white thugs and the redneck lifestyle. this could be more than just a Texas problem?

Longitude Zero
05-22-2015, 08:54 AM
It is a NATIONWIDE problem. Outlaw Bakers are making a quiet resurgence. Other than their obvious appearance they work very hard to maintain a low profiles.

05-22-2015, 10:05 AM
It is a NATIONWIDE problem. Outlaw Bakers are making a quiet resurgence. Other than their obvious appearance they work very hard to maintain a low profiles.

Those Outlaw Bakers making nasty buns and cakes??????????????????????????????????:p

05-22-2015, 02:02 PM
Those Outlaw Bakers making nasty buns and cakes??????????????????????????????????:p12622

05-22-2015, 02:12 PM
It is a NATIONWIDE problem. Outlaw Bakers are making a quiet resurgence. Other than their obvious appearance they work very hard to maintain a low profiles.Yah one of 'em was dealing torillas out the backdoor....Seriously, for those who have postulated on the supposed activities, lifestyles and goings on of so-called outlaw Motorcycle Clubs, you havn't got a clue. I sit and read this thread... shaking my head. No F'n clue at all...comments about as right as **** on a turnip.

05-22-2015, 02:53 PM
Yah one of 'em was dealing torillas out the backdoor....Seriously, for those who have postulated on the supposed activities, lifestyles and goings on of so-called outlaw Motorcycle Clubs, you havn't got a clue. I sit and read this thread... shaking my head. No F'n clue at all...comments about as right as **** on a turnip.

Enlighten us.

05-22-2015, 04:45 PM
here is some enlightenment-- https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/05/22/atf-report-warned-military-government-membership-outlaw-motorcycle-gangs/
this would indicate a farther reaching problem and who is a member or supporter. this ain't Marlon Brando and Lee Marvin in the Wild One.

mr surveyor
05-22-2015, 05:25 PM
I would prefer enlightenment from someone with direct knowledge myself


05-22-2015, 09:10 PM
I would prefer enlightenment from someone with direct knowledge myself


start hanging out in biker bars