View Full Version : PM/CM45 owners w/ 6 Round Magazines

05-18-2015, 08:43 AM
New Kahr CM45 Owner and I am fixing to order Magazines this morning and i was wondering how much the 6 round magazine(K625G) sticks out the bottom of the weapon. Feedback is great Pics would be better :)


05-18-2015, 10:46 AM
About like this:


I don't know why it put the picture on their twice.

05-18-2015, 10:57 AM
I had to take some pictures, but here's the 6-round and 7-round extended-grip mags in my PM45 DLC with NS and custom bike tube grip cover (1.75" tire size). I only use the 6-round extended for home defense and the range. The small gap has never been a problem with pinching.


And with the 7-round extended. I carry one of these in a holder opposite side for a reload. I always carry the flushest mag in the pistol for max concealment.


The two rounds shown, from left to right 230-grain Speer Gold Dot Hollow Point Short Barrel and the 230-grain Bonded Remington Golden Saber Brass-Jacketed Hollow Point. I carry the first in the PM45... shallower wider at the base cavity than the regular GD.

Wynn :)

05-18-2015, 11:16 AM
Here's the picture with my Kydex magazine holder and Mag UPLULA magazine loader:


Wynn :)

05-18-2015, 11:21 AM
Thanks for the Pics, I have ordered a 6 round with extension (K625G) and will use the 5 round for carry and 6 round for reload, I have a 8 round Kimber 1911 mag I plan to use at the range also. How do the 6 round 1911 mags look? If anyone has any Pics Post them. Also Wynn The Law is a GREAT read... Thanks for making reference to it.

05-18-2015, 11:36 AM
You're welcome. The Officer's 6-round, and some 7-rounders extend about a half inch below the grip and offer no support. I played around quite a bit with 6-8 different brands, and without modifying the follower, none would reliably keep the slide open on last round, so I kind of gave up. One of these days I'll get the P45 and get back to those for an extra round with flush fit.

I love the tiny PM45, but I like the P-sized Kahrs better. My main carry is the Mag-na-ported P40 with 6+1+7 for carry with 180-grain Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel ammo.

Those guys back in the 1700's and 1800's knew about man's need for government and how soon government becomes corrupted... with the politicians grabbing more and more money to buy more and more power and cement their position and office... by increasing taxation and growing the size and power of government... as our government has done in the last 230 years or so.

Wynn :)