View Full Version : Boomer's Back!

07-12-2010, 10:52 AM
I got notice from the head of Kahr's CS that my PM45 was on the way back... sent Thursday or Friday. It came in about noon.

It had the very weakly engraved slide where they replaced it on the last visit with failures to fire and c0cking improperly. They replaced the slide and test fired, then replaced the barrel as well and test fired it , lubed and test fired ok. KAHR Customer Support :third: :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

It looks great... BEAUTIFUL... and the night sights work, too.:) I need to get out and run some errands today, one of which is find an O-ring for my new CD Tactical semi auto. That should help it ejects rounds! I'm looking for a Skeet choke as well. I understand Remington chokes work with it.

Anyhow, I'm a happy Kahr owning camper and can't wait to feel Boomers kick again... and maybe the occasional "lovetap" as well.:D

I mentioned the "notch" problem and the department head was puzzled because the slides are made by CNC, not by hand and the latest ones he inspected were okay. I gave him some pictures and a few links to reports on this forum.
He said that the poorly engraved replacement slide shouldn't have been used at all, not even for a "Blemished" discounted gun with the "U" stamped on the trigger guard.


07-12-2010, 11:17 AM
Well Wynn, that's way more like it. I'm sure glad you persisted and got what you should have gotten in the first place.
Looks really good like it should. Now get out and shoot it like you rented it and make sure beauty isn't only skin deep.

07-12-2010, 11:56 AM
That's the best medicine, shoot it shoot it more, rinse and repeat.

07-13-2010, 11:40 AM
Boomer's back and pretty again, but still having problems with the slide lock backing out during shooting. I hope a new spring will help. I sent CS Dept boss many pix... just can't help myself... love my camera, too.
I'm behind of range pix and need to get to the commissary for groceries to feed wifey and myself these next two nights. Dang! I have to clean off my project table..., er, our dinner table, too.
I bought some plumbing O-rings at Lowe's to try on my Tactical Semi Auto. I finally decided it MUST need another O-ring besides the captured one on the barrel mounted part of the gas mechanism... one on the magazine tube to push up in there just past the gas ports. Maybe the gun will eject empties and I can shoot doubles tomorrow. I bought a pack of 10... needed 1" and not sure of proper diameter, but found 15/16" with 1/8" diameter... hope that works.
Got to get going here.

07-18-2010, 05:34 PM
This third trip to the range I even remembered to take my tripod so I could get video from the right side with the ejection port visible... and track those wayward ejected cases (love taps).:D
I paid attention to my grip extending my right arm straight from the shoulder and pulling back with my left supporting hand from the front.
Everything went well and I fired 40 Blazers with no problems. I had preloaded my magazines at home, requiring 37 rounds. The last three I fired at a big "+" and couldn't tell where the first round hit, so I fired the other two with one going 3" left and the other at about 11 o'clock at 1 1/4". This was after 37 at the 4" circle above, all at 7 yards or so. When I brought the target back I saw the first one at the "+" had hit dead center... if only more did that.:D

I then charged my magazines with 37 rounds of WW100Pack FMJ. Everything went fine until #36 when I had a stovepipe... 75 trouble-free shots up until then. I fired #37 and then 13 more for 50 of the 100 WW I brought to the range.

I then tried the Federal against a pie plate over the circle at 15 yards and fired the first 25 of 50 Federal (Wally World $15.97). On # 17 I had a stovepipe. This was the second malfunction, and at shot #107. I finished the 25 with 15 hits on the pie plate and then fired the second 25 Federal at 7 yards with no problems.

Then I decided I had enough testing and fired the 9 rounds of 230-grain Remington Bonded Golden Sabers that I had with me without problems... other than jerking one low... just at the bottom of the shadow. By that time my right hand was smarting a bit, especially my trigger finger. I had fired about 500 rounds in my 3 trips to the range since Boomer’s return on the 12th.

I have heard a lot about limp wristing and knew that I was pretty lax in my two-handed hold, allowing the gun to recoil and rise rather freely. This was not so bad when the original recoil springs were broken in, but the new ones require a FIRM grip. If I need to fire one-handed or with my weak hand, I'm screwed... after the first shot, my gun will be jammed. Maybe in time, the springs will weaken a bit and I can slack off a bit on my grip, but I need to stay focused and hang on to Boomer... tightly.:D

I video'd all of the shooting and was able to find the stove-piped ones and see that it was absolutely... no doubt... "limp wristing"!

I'll compare the recoil and gun rise/twist in the following pictures... finally....:typing::blah:

First, kind of my normal shooting... Blazers:

07-18-2010, 05:44 PM
Now the first stove pipe after 75 shots with no malfunctions. Note the higher rise of the gun and the twist to the left.

07-18-2010, 05:51 PM
On to the second stove pipe, shot #107 or #17 of the 50 Federal FMJ (Wally World $15.97). Again the higher muzzle rise and twist to the left.

07-18-2010, 06:17 PM
Did I mention there's no air conditioning and I was sweating profusely. Watch the upper center after the first frame. I caught the sweat pouring off my face and head as I straightened up.

07-18-2010, 06:54 PM
Dang! I had the target page already to save and oopsy daisy... closed the wrong window.

Bear in mind that I don't spend a lot of time aiming and like to alternate between jerking, squeezing, and squeezing rapidly as the muzzle gets near the target... quick and rapid fire mostly.:rolleyes:

First the 40 Blazer with the last 3 at the cross... the first I couldn't see until I reeled it in... dead center.

The next 50 Winchesters with 2 off the plate.

The first 25 of 50 Federal at 15 yards... 10 off the plate. The second 25 was at 7 yards with just one off the plate a bit.

And the fourth is the 9 bonded 230-grain Remington Golden Sabers that I use for CCW. Remember that I'm hot and sweaty and tired and my hand and trigger finger are sore. I still managed to jerk one off the plate at 7 yards.

Next some Golden Saber firing.

07-18-2010, 07:07 PM
Here are a few stills of the Golden Sabers I fired... tired, sore, and sweaty.:o

07-18-2010, 07:08 PM
And another GS sequence:

07-18-2010, 07:50 PM
Another self-induced problem I had was with my tire tube grip cover. I had put it back on very hastily, rather than doing a good job of it. I had a problem inserting a magazine and discovered the tube had drifted down so that it was overhanging the magazine well. I wrestled with that and then still had a problem trying to seat the magazine. I had covered the backside of the magazine catch. I trimmed that when I got home. Keep this kind of thing in mind, though, that not making sure the grip cover is on and fitting properly can cause you grief... maybe at an inopportune time!
I guess I've covered about everything but the "love taps". I think how you hold your gun is a major factor. Most of the shells flew up and over my head, but every now and then one would come back at my forehead. I polished the ejector just a tad, but I think that happens more as the muzzle is allowed to rise too much.
I still can't figure out the brass marks just forward of the ejection port on top of the slide. There's kind of a shark-bite looking bunch of brass marks... from the first trip to the range after getting the gun back this time... weird.
I tried bore cleaner, and oil, and then a brass brush... bad idea... had lots of brass smudge! I managed to get the brush marks or smudges off, but the "shark's bite" remains.
I noticed there was some of the DLC rubbed off the lower front of the slide just below the groove that the rails ride in.
Hmmm, Rockwell hardness near 90 loses out to polymer rubbing it. :eek: I don't want to rub the "shark's bite" too hard! The rubbed off finish is weird, but no biggie, it's stainless steel. I would like to safely remove the brass dings from ejected shells smacking the slide, though. I did a tiny bit of polymer removal near the rail and groove area, but it's a bit late for the finish there.:D

I'm glad that my Kahr's are all ready for CCW now. I'm still trying to test shoot my Charles Daly, and over at the Charles Daly Forum, they are not as responsive as you and I here. I've had a couple of posts asking for help or advice and my two posts... one an introduction... have gone unanswered and I've blundered along trying to figure out my CD Tactical Semi-Auto Shotgun. It didn't have an O-ring and I finally found a source from a posted URL at the CD Forum:

These guys have good prices and FAST service. I got my O-rings... heat resistant Viton... within two days by USPS! I'm glad that I found that post and didn't try to use the fat rubber plumbing O-ring. That would have quickly been a gooey mess, as those things melt as the temperature rise... and or blow out.:eek:

There is no schematic for my model and the regular Semi-Autos are different. KBI/Charles Daly folded earlier this year and I couldn't get any factory help.
I think that I have things sorted out now. I bought heavier loads to try, since this gun is designed for shooting buckshot and slugs for defense. Regular skeet and trap loads don't eject... the 3 Dram 1200 fps, 1 1/8 oz loads are too weak to cycle the gas action. I think I have some that will work now and want to get to the skeet range again. I also got my Brinley flush-mounting cylinder choke, so I don't have to use that bizarre door-breaching thingy that could be used kind of like a bayonet (more like a broken bottle, though :D) as a last ditch defense.
I had to take a little time out today and try to get some domestic chores done. I've been too busy shopping on the 'Net and trying to test guns, alternating between the PM45 and the shotgun.

Well, I need to get something to eat and try to get a bit more accomplished before Wifey gets home. I know she's tired of all of the gun-related clutter.

I'm really pleased with the help I've gotten from Kahr Customer Service and hope I can stop taking up their time and give them a chance to help others now.


08-12-2010, 10:59 PM
I have a two tone PM9 and P380.For the premium price they command the sure do have a lot of problems.I also had crappy slides on them I sent to have replaced.I think I could have got a better quality gun with another brand.Not wanting to bash Kahr but for what they cost they should have better quality control.I am thinking of selling both and getting another FHN or a Sig.I kind of regret buying them.