View Full Version : CW380 Doubts

05-29-2015, 12:35 PM
Hi Folks:
I own a Glock 42 that's been a train wreck, and I'm considering replacing it with another .380 as my daily carry (It is my preferred cartridge). In any event, the CW380 impressed me the most after handling the usual *suspects* (Ruger, S&W, Kimber, Colt, Sig etc) at my LGS, but after reading extensively I'm afraid the Kahr is going to take me on a trip akin to my Glock. The fit and finish on the Kahr was terrific, but I'm still not sure. Any words of wisdom for me, as I sit squarely on the fence?

05-29-2015, 12:49 PM
I'm not a 380 fan. But I've followed the life cycle of the 380 in Kahr Land for quite a spell.

In the early days they had issues, no one would dispute that. Lots of issues.

In more recent times Kahr has figured them out and we seldom hear of any major or even minor issues.

Break it in some with decent quality ammo and I think you'll no longer sit squarely on the fence?

Train wreck with a Glock? Are you allowed to say that, I thought they was perfection?

05-29-2015, 01:11 PM
Lately the problems seem to be in 2 areas: the striker breaking and failures to return to battery. If you're willing to invest the time and money in break in and can be patient if it needs to go back to Kahr, you could end up with a great micro 380.

My personal story is that after 600 rounds and a trip back to Kahr, FTRBs were still a problem so I moved on to a Ruger LCP. While the LCP doesn't shoot as well as the Kahr, it is easier to pocket carry and has been much more reliable.

05-29-2015, 02:06 PM
Lately the problems seem to be in 2 areas: the striker breaking and failures to return to battery. If you're willing to invest the time and money in break in and can be patient if it needs to go back to Kahr, you could end up with a great micro 380.

I agree with this. I purchased a CW380 in April. I cleaned and lubed it well. Ran over 400 rounds through it and was never able to get through two complete magazines without a Failure to Return to Battery. Very frustrating. I sent it off to Kahr and got it back 11 days later. It has been flawless since it returned. I went from having a bad taste in my mouth to loving the gun. So if your willing to put in the time and effort then I say go for it. Also, remember, most of the people that come online to forums and such are looking for answers to a problem. Thus you will see many more people talking about CW380 problems than those who have no problems. For every CW380 that has a problem I bet there are MANY that work perfectly without a return to the factory.

05-29-2015, 02:29 PM
I agree with this. I purchased a CW380 in April. I cleaned and lubed it well. Ran over 400 rounds through it and was never able to get through two complete magazines without a Failure to Return to Battery. Very frustrating. I sent it off to Kahr and got it back 11 days later. It has been flawless since it returned. I went from having a bad taste in my mouth to loving the gun. So if your willing to put in the time and effort then I say go for it. Also, remember, most of the people that come online to forums and such are looking for answers to a problem. Thus you will see many more people talking about CW380 problems than those who have no problems. For every CW380 that has a problem I bet there are MANY that work perfectly without a return to the factory.

I don't think that's true. I've joined this forum and others because I have one of their guns, not because I have a problem. And I think most people joining these forums are like me.

05-29-2015, 03:54 PM
Well lets see.

Old- check
Fat- check

Yup, I'm just like you too.

05-29-2015, 04:04 PM
Well lets see.

Old- check
Fat- check

Yup, I'm just like you too.

:yo: Thanks for that, I was feeling all alone!

05-29-2015, 06:11 PM
I own a PM9, great gun, and a PM-45 another great gun, never a failure of any type.
Last Thanksgiving I got a CW380 for 249 from PSA (plus shipping , transfer etc..). It's been a problem child, in the beginning had lots of FRTB, did some polishing and fixed that, now the slide locks open ever 2-3 rounds, found out the slide lock is too long, rounds hit it on the way up, Kahr is sending me another. Since I have one on the way, I took the trusty dremel tool to the current one and "fixed" it. I took it to the range today and for the first time in history ran 6 magazines without any hitches what so ever. I may have a keeper after all. So...go for it, worst case you have to "fix" it.

For the record,
I may be old, depends when Old starts.
I am fat for sure.
Yes I am a guy.

Regular old fat guy?

05-29-2015, 06:18 PM
Hi Folks:
I own a Glock 42 that's been a train wreck . . .

I had the same experience with my Glock 42. Because our agency will not allow Kahrs to be carried as backups or CC, I bought the Glock, but it has not lived up to the Glock reputation for reliability. In all fairness, I have to admit that I've only put 50 rounds through it, so I'm hopeful that things will get better after after another box or two of ammo has been put through it.

05-29-2015, 07:55 PM
^^^ i gotta think Glocks are like Kahrs: with some effort even the bad ones can run well. Good luck there sffpne.

05-30-2015, 07:00 AM
I've got a CW380 that I've put 1100 rounds through. It had a couple of hiccups in 1st 100 rounds (not unexpected for any gun) but it has run very well since. The striker did break at 540, I had done a fair amount of dry firing early on. I didn't think it was excessive but may be it was. I had some snap caps it didn't like and wasn't using them. Kahr sent me a new striker, which is very easy to replace, and it has been fine ever since. Good luck with whatever you decide on.

05-30-2015, 08:04 AM
I'll chime in a bit as I feel qualified to do so. I own both the glock 42, and the CW380. The glock has been flawless, but I find it boring and senseless to carry due to its size compared to the CM9 I also own, which is actually smaller than the 42.

On the cw380...It was a rough break in for me. What I found is that it is really a picky little booger on the types of ammo used. I soon learned which types of ammo to feed it. HPR for EDC hollow points. PPU FMJ's for practice/plinking, etc work best in mine. When using HPR and PPU ammo, my CW380 has had ZERO malfunctions in well over 1000 rounds put through it.

It will not eat Fiocchi and Perfecta ammo at all. I've come to the conclusion to stay away from any ammo that has the crimp marks half way up the casing, or cheap cased ammo for that matter. Spend the extra $2 and save yourself lot's of frustration.

Keep it clean, feed it what it likes and enjoy it. I love the Kahrs. I have a CM45, CM9 and the CW380. Really pondering adding the CM40 to my collection too.

Black Train
05-30-2015, 09:22 AM
I purchased a CW380 a couple of months ago. I joined the forum to find out everything possible about my new pistol. There were a couple of issues during and near the end of the break in period. I am not sure that I could not have fixed the problems myself. The gun went back to Kahr. It shipped both ways on their dime. When it got back, it was running great. I had to tighten the screw on the slide lock spring. Afterwards I have had absolutely no problem with the gun. It is now my constant companion.

05-30-2015, 11:41 PM
I had the same experience with my Glock 42. Because our agency will not allow Kahrs to be carried as backups or CC, I bought the Glock, but it has not lived up to the Glock reputation for reliability. In all fairness, I have to admit that I've only put 50 rounds through it, so I'm hopeful that things will get better after after another box or two of ammo has been put through it.

A trip back to the factory, and 500 rounds later mine is not 100%. The failure rate is small, maybe 5%, but still...

05-31-2015, 10:23 AM
I'll chime in a bit as I feel qualified to do so. I own both the glock 42, and the CW380. The glock has been flawless, but I find it boring and senseless to carry due to its size compared to the CM9 I also own, which is actually smaller than the 42.

On the cw380...It was a rough break in for me. What I found is that it is really a picky little booger on the types of ammo used. I soon learned which types of ammo to feed it. HPR for EDC hollow points. PPU FMJ's for practice/plinking, etc work best in mine. When using HPR and PPU ammo, my CW380 has had ZERO malfunctions in well over 1000 rounds put through it.

It will not eat Fiocchi and Perfecta ammo at all. I've come to the conclusion to stay away from any ammo that has the crimp marks half way up the casing, or cheap cased ammo for that matter. Spend the extra $2 and save yourself lot's of frustration.

Keep it clean, feed it what it likes and enjoy it. I love the Kahrs. I have a CM45, CM9 and the CW380. Really pondering adding the CM40 to my collection too.
Your experience sounds exactly the same as mine with the CW380. Fiocchi is an absolute no go in this gun. I suspect they make the Perfecta as well.

PPU, Blazer Brass and PMC run great.

06-05-2015, 11:27 AM
Well, I decided to buy the CW380. I'm following the suggestions on the Tech Page, and with a little luck I'll post again after a successful range trip next week.
Thanks to all who responded,

06-05-2015, 12:05 PM
If you put a Fiocchi round next to other manufacturer's rounds, you will find that in many cases, the Fiocchi will be longer. I have used Fiocchi in .45, .40, and 9mm, and it works fine in all of my other firearms without problems. Due to an occasional jamb against the feed ramp, I quit using it in my Kahr.

06-05-2015, 01:24 PM
I have a new procedure for my 380s learned on another forum. I check each individual SD round in the chamber to be sure it drops in/out easily before loading it in the mag. I've not had a problem but it gives added confidence.

06-05-2015, 05:14 PM
Can't comment on other ammo brands, but my P380 has never malfunctioned with Atlanta Arms & Ammo (ball) or Hornady Critical Defense (HP) ammunition as long as it was clean and I used the slide release.

Unfortunately, after only about 450 rounds, I am on my third striker.

The P380 is very small / very lightweight / has good sights / has a nice trigger, but it is hard to have confidence in a self defense pistol that breaks the same critical part about every 150 rounds. And no, Kahr did not "make it right".

06-05-2015, 06:06 PM
A trip back to the factory, and 500 rounds later mine is not 100%. The failure rate is small, maybe 5%, but still...

the glock 42 has not been a perfect gun, tha tis for sure. to me it shows that when u start to get into these small ass guns, that things happenb that big gun don't do. Kahr cut their eye teeth on small ass guns. I dohave a G43 and it is flawless and very accurate, but a real sh!tty trigger compared to my PMJ9. the cw380 is alot smaller thaqnthe Glock 42 and do the propper prepping of the gun before shootingit and ur issues will never shw up . Just not alot of roo for error i these small fame guns, no matter who makes um. My P380 woud not shoot Remin 102 golden sabres , so I just move do to corbon pwer ball and never looked back. If one has a dremel and nice bore posishing will do wonders to reliability to. Kahgr does a great job on the feed ramp but the bore is not polished like u can do urself. Just sayin

If u follow the PROPPER PREPPING OF UR KAHR on this forum, U will elimiate alot of possable issues. I know many feel that they shyold ber able to take a new gun out of the box and go to the range and it be perfect. why chance it, why get pissed over it, why waste ammo. If u properly pre-prep ur gun (no matter who makes it) and then if u have issues, u know u have eliminated alot of "could be's" Plu8e u really get to knw ur gunb befor ethat firstr bang thing happens to. Just sayin

06-05-2015, 06:59 PM
^^^ a public thank you for authoring that "proper prep" thread. I have a whole bunch of guns of many different brands in that safe and I've never really had many problems with any of them. I attribute a lot of that to you teaching me how to properly prep and clean them.

Now when I get a new gun, the first thing I do is read the information on how to properly clean and lube it. The second thing I do is actually do it.


06-05-2015, 08:29 PM
Can't comment on other ammo brands, but my P380 has never malfunctioned with Atlanta Arms & Ammo (ball) or Hornady Critical Defense (HP) ammunition as long as it was clean and I used the slide release.

Unfortunately, after only about 450 rounds, I am on my third striker.

The P380 is very small / very lightweight / has good sights / has a nice trigger, but it is hard to have confidence in a self defense pistol that breaks the same critical part about every 150 rounds. And no, Kahr did not "make it right".

Hey, I'm in the three broken striker club, too. although I get a few hundred rounds in between. Kahr has paid each time for me to send it in. They replaced the slide after the second. They called be after the third to ask about ammo, but no solution. P380. It's a great gun and really fun to shoot. The guy at Kahr, Jeff, even commented how it was a good shooter.

06-05-2015, 09:27 PM
Hey, I'm in the three broken striker club, too. although I get a few hundred rounds in between. Kahr has paid each time for me to send it in. They replaced the slide after the second. They called be after the third to ask about ammo, but no solution. P380. It's a great gun and really fun to shoot. The guy at Kahr, Jeff, even commented how it was a good shooter.

Yep, it's a great gun and really fun to shoot if it goes bang when you pull the trigger. Not so much when it doesn't.

Pretty sure the only real solution is a better striker (either design or material), but I don't see anything to suggest that Kahr recognizes the problem or is doing anything to solve it.

06-05-2015, 09:28 PM
^^^ Give 'em time. It isn't like they can just snap their fingers.

06-05-2015, 09:48 PM
I have well over 500 rounds through my P380. No broken parts. Had some FTRB and FTE in the first 200 rounds, probably due to a non-broken in spring. And a lot of limp-wristing with it while getting used to such a tiny pistol. Last few times out, no problems at all. I trust this gun more often than any of my other guns due to its extreme ease of carrying. I may trust my other Kahrs more, but I trust this one more often. Best of luck with it in the future.

06-05-2015, 09:59 PM
^^^ Give 'em time. It isn't like they can just snap their fingers.

It has been two years since Kahr replaced my first striker; how much more time do you think they need?

06-05-2015, 10:18 PM
^^^ Maybe just a little more. :)

06-05-2015, 10:48 PM
I back burnered this because I had not heard about many broken ones lately.

I have a great design that is strong and won't hit the round below. Both the striker and spacer have to be replaced.

But. It is not cheap without building a bunch of them. Maybe it could be crowd sourced since the volume is such a question mark.

06-05-2015, 11:11 PM
^^^ Maybe just a little more. :)

Sorry. I didn't mean to be flippant. It's just that you and I don't know how long it takes to recognize a problem, confirm a problem, identify the cause, develop a solution, finance the solution, re-tool and deliver the solution.

Al. I'm sure your product is great but I suspect owners would prefer a warranty fix. Then again, if enough owners wanted to pool their resources...

06-05-2015, 11:36 PM
Sorry. I didn't mean to be flippant. It's just that you and I don't know how long it takes to recognize a problem, confirm a problem, identify the cause, develop a solution, finance the solution, re-tool and deliver the solution.

Al. I'm sure your product is great but I suspect owners would prefer a warranty fix. Then again, if enough owners wanted to pool their resources...

I agree. That is another reason I have have not made parts. But it was a fun problem to solve.

06-06-2015, 02:28 AM
the glock 42 has not been a perfect gun, tha tis for sure. to me it shows that when u start to get into these small ass guns, that things happenb that big gun don't do. Kahr cut their eye teeth on small ass guns. I dohave a G43 and it is flawless and very accurate, but a real sh!tty trigger compared to my PMJ9. the cw380 is alot smaller thaqnthe Glock 42 and do the propper prepping of the gun before shootingit and ur issues will never shw up . Just not alot of roo for error i these small fame guns, no matter who makes um. My P380 woud not shoot Remin 102 golden sabres , so I just move do to corbon pwer ball and never looked back. If one has a dremel and nice bore posishing will do wonders to reliability to. Kahgr does a great job on the feed ramp but the bore is not polished like u can do urself. Just sayin

If u follow the PROPPER PREPPING OF UR KAHR on this forum, U will elimiate alot of possable issues. I know many feel that they shyold ber able to take a new gun out of the box and go to the range and it be perfect. why chance it, why get pissed over it, why waste ammo. If u properly pre-prep ur gun (no matter who makes it) and then if u have issues, u know u have eliminated alot of "could be's" Plu8e u really get to knw ur gunb befor ethat firstr bang thing happens to. Just sayin

Thanks for the "prep steps" that you did for everyone...I am following it with my gun. I used your suggestion on the brake cleaner (works well), and then lubed the thing correctly. Now I'm in the process of dry firing it. The gun is definitely smoother after the really good cleaning and a couple of hundred cycles of dry fire. I figure it will take me a few days to get to 500 cycles...lol!

06-06-2015, 07:07 AM
Thanks for the "prep steps" that you did for everyone...I am following it with my gun. I used your suggestion on the brake cleaner (works well), and then lubed the thing correctly. Now I'm in the process of dry firing it. The gun is definitely smoother after the really good cleaning and a couple of hundred cycles of dry fire. I figure it will take me a few days to get to 500 cycles...lol!

if you're doing that I recommend using a snap cap. (btw, you don't have to completely eject the snap cap to re-cock so you can get away with just one)

06-06-2015, 10:06 AM
It's a lot more fun and productive to just go shoot the heck out of it. Get a lot more good mating and smoothing under actual fire than hand racking.

While I'm also a advocate of using snap caps in most all cases, it's really unnecessary on a Kahr.

I don't like dropping the slide full force on an empty chamber on any gun but really no harm there either on a Kahr.

06-07-2015, 06:36 PM
If only a handful of strikers broke with the thousand upon thousands of strikers that Kahr has manufactured what exactly do you feel that Kahr should do about it? I'd say that sending a free replacement striker should be good enough. I've run thousands of rounds through my Kahr pistols and both have the original strikers. If you've never experienced a broken firing pin you haven't owned or shot a lot of guns. Strikers aren't heat treated individually. They're heat treated in batches. One bad batch isn't a reason to re-engineer the striker.

06-07-2015, 08:07 PM
We're only talking about the 380's. Yes they can pop one in the mail for me but it is a personal defense weapon and I'd prefer not thinking about when the thing might break...of course, if it was an extended bad batch, then my confidence will be restored over time. This last one has a few hundred rounds on it and things are good. Actually, the p380 is running great. Oops, just jinxed myself!!