View Full Version : PM9 "melted" carry modification.

06-06-2015, 02:07 PM
Saw this on my local gun forum and decided to x-post it here. This is not my work so don't ask me questions about it. :)


Basically all he did was 'melt' the firearm to remove any edges and made everything a smooth curve. I think it looks great.

06-06-2015, 02:30 PM
I want this done to my T9!!! I wonder who out there would do this and how much it would cost.

06-06-2015, 02:53 PM
Mostly it just take the cajones to take a file to your gun. File anything off that feels sharp. I liked that one left in stainless myself.

Melt it, bead blast it to taste and call it a day.

That fella did a really nice job on it. Turned out really nice.

I like filling the grip too, just looks better. I use acraglas with the black dye and if you get lucky it even matches color wise.

Makes for a nice finished look too.

06-06-2015, 04:01 PM
This might be a worthy project for a CM9, but in my opinion the PM9's are good to go from the factory. While not melted, there aren't any sharp edges and corners. I would not waste the time and effort. Just my 0.0198,

I will admit it, I'm a gun snob. I am a member of the Dave Ramsey family. I am debt free.

So... I can afford a PM instead of a CM, while both function well, you can see what the extra money gets you, better fit and finish, rounded edges, less machine marks etc..

On hind sight I sort of regret buying a CW380 last Thanksgiving, been nothing but trouble, should have saved up for a P380.

06-06-2015, 04:47 PM
Debt free! Can you describe what that's like, I've tried to grasp the concept all my life, then got married and had kids and well that concept went plumb out the winda.

06-06-2015, 05:33 PM
Debt free! Can you describe what that's like, I've tried to grasp the concept all my life, then got married and had kids and well that concept went plumb out the winda.

Sell wife and kids, pay off debt. Buy a boat and some beer and do what you want. :P

06-06-2015, 06:30 PM
Another Dave Ramsey guy here! I'm a huge fan! Congrats on being debt free. Nice to know a good financial guy like Ramsey is also a gun nut.

06-06-2015, 06:31 PM
Sounds like heaven to me. What you figure is a fair price for wife and kids. I already got a boat, I'm ahead of the game I think. I always heard it cost a ton to get shed of em. They get the gold mine and I get the shaft kind of thing.

06-06-2015, 06:42 PM
Debt free! Can you describe what that's like, I've tried to grasp the concept all my life, then got married and had kids and well that concept went plumb out the winda.

If things work out I'll let you know what it's like in about 3 years. Ive been working at it for 2 years and am making progress. Of course by then crap will start breaking in the house and I'll owe again i guess. Getting my boys out of the house was a help. Now if daughter will get a job and wife will stop spending i can make more progress.

I agree about the married and kids. I cant believe how much money I had before getting married, but its all good I guess.

06-06-2015, 07:17 PM
This might be a worthy project for a CM9, but in my opinion the PM9's are good to go from the factory. While not melted, there aren't any sharp edges and corners. ...

I tend to agree.

06-06-2015, 07:28 PM
I'm amused that he melted the Kahr slide and left the cheese grater grip. I did the opposite.

06-06-2015, 10:44 PM
Hack job. Total amateur. A waste of bandwidth to see it, and a waste of time to do it.

06-06-2015, 10:47 PM
Let me add....Mr. Melt "rounded" what was already not a sharp edge, and LEFT the two actual sharp edges right there!

A clueless mall ninja type of zombie hunting amateur..... the net is full of 'em.

06-06-2015, 10:51 PM
Sell wife and kids, pay off debt. Buy a boat and some beer and do what you want. :P

Root be wise. Listen to root.

06-06-2015, 10:54 PM
Not my cup of tea but I'm happy for him if he's happy with it. I sorta liked the beadbalsted stainless pic too Colonel. I woulda stopped there.

06-07-2015, 10:41 AM
Let me add....Mr. Melt "rounded" what was already not a sharp edge, and LEFT the two actual sharp edges right there!

A clueless mall ninja type of zombie hunting amateur..... the net is full of 'em.

Could you tell us what you really think............................................. .......I do agree that it's ruining a fine firearm.

06-07-2015, 11:14 AM
Could you tell us what you really think............................................. .......I do agree that it's ruining a fine firearm.

I'm not sure how much or if there was any sarcasm involved, but since I employ its powers freely, no harm done!

Here's what. Consider why the melt in the first place? Easier, less snaggy holster insertion and withdrawal and to some degree no sharp edge to wear against one's skin, clothing, etc.

The front of the Kahr slide already has a generous taper, radiused edges too. Nice radiused edges on the back of the slide too. And top. Almost every surface has a nice radius, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TWO.

Those are, the rear of the ejection port, which doesn't really protrude but has little radius on the edge, and the front of the port, which can be really sharp where the two machined cuts meet. Those two edges are sharp, and should a person desire them to not be sharp any longer, they can be rounded with no ill effect on performance.

The other area on a Kahr pistol that is a minor snaggy one is the slide stop, which also can be smoothed and rounded at its front edge.

There is really no functional value in rounding what is already round and tapered nicely.

What was accomplished by Mr. Melt was for (his own) visual pleasure only. Very little... if any, added benefit from a less snaggy slide after his job was completed.

06-07-2015, 11:24 AM
I've seen a few firearms that could have used a little "melting" but I don't think a PM9 falls in that catagory. For that matter, I don't think that any Khar needs "melting", but that is just me. This is a matter of personal taste. If you like customizing your guns, then by all means jump right in and have fun. I love my Khars just the way they are.

06-07-2015, 11:31 AM
Quoting, under fair use doctrine:

Ryan (Mr. Melt) explains himself.....

"This will be my 4th handgun that I have customized with a "carry melt" which is basically just removing the corners, reprofiling a bit, making more comfortable for CCW and eliminating anything that might snag or get hung up on a holster or clothing"

Someone ask why do the melt, and user Easy chimes in.....

"Smoothing out sharp and rough edges for concealed carry. Easier on the hand, clothes and body. And it just looks cool too.

Easy has it right. But Ryan has it wrong, only performing the looks cool part (in his own eyes). Personally, I think he failed to get a good surface finish under that Duracoat. Looks like a rather pediculus job, in my own eyes.

I'm not against modifying to change the visual appeal. To each his own. But to fix something that ain't broke and call it fixed... I take that as a bit of a slight against the excellent Kahr design.

If Mr. Melt had just said.... hey I rounded out my Kahr because I think it looks better, I'd be sort of "ok, whatever...." about it, ya know?

06-07-2015, 01:36 PM
I'll admit ... I wasn't at all interested in what he had to say. I just looked at the pictures. Kinda like a Playboy.

06-07-2015, 11:13 PM
His, so I applaud him making it all his own. But I'm in the minority, I don't really like it. Stock is easier on my eyes.

06-08-2015, 12:48 PM
I can't see the point in dressing up a pistol that no one is supposed to see. If it improves the guns function I'm all for it, but if it's cosmetic only it's just a waste of time and money. To each his own.

06-08-2015, 01:29 PM
Looking cool is job one. And looking cool like beauty itself is in the eye of the beholder.

I used to wonder the point of putting chrome or aluminum valve covers on an engine that is enclosed most of the time and nobody can see?

This was always a mystery to me until one day "I got it".

A story I often shared with my little league kids to get them to look sharp in uniforms, ok we only had T shirts but still close to a uniform.

If you have a choice between a brand new Toyota Prius or a 56 Corvette with no engine, always, always, always take the vette.

Park it in your driveway, wash it when folks are driving by on the way home from work. Have friends help push it around to different spots, no one will know or care that it don't even run.

Focus on looking cool and all of lifes other little idiosyncracies will take care of themselves.

Now I suppose if your a Prius fan, well O'Dell had one but but he also had a couple cool rides to offset it.

Tomorrow we'll discuss my other motto. Do unto others, then split!

06-08-2015, 04:09 PM
Muggsy, why does your wife pretty herself up if you're the only one that needs to look at her? :cool:

06-08-2015, 04:26 PM
Oooooo good one John.

06-10-2015, 05:51 PM
"pediculus": Type genus of Pediculidae: true lice infecting humans. That's as close as I can get to understanding it.:confused:
And I agree with your assessment CJB.

07-02-2015, 08:13 AM
I agree.... Why fix what isn't broke? That only gets you in trouble. One other minor point. You are removing metal from the slide. That means, you are removing weight. The gun was designed to function with a certain weight slide. You change the weight and guess what....? You may have a problem. A gram or two is not going to make much difference but.... He took a lot of metal off. Ever see what happens if you "bob" a hammer on a revolver and do nothing else? That little bit of weight removed from the hammer may produce light hits or other related malfunctions. I have seen it happen. Perhaps, he will luck out and his gun will work ok. But like I said earlier, why fix what isn't broke?

Just my 2 cents.... :)

07-02-2015, 09:20 AM
Hey, its his gun and it looks great, but once I saw the word "dremmel" I cringed...experience talking here.

Wonder if his alteration has resulted in poor holster retention/fit.

07-24-2015, 12:04 AM
Speaking as one who has recently had a PM45 "explode" in his hand from an overloaded factory cartridge, I was damn happy that Kahr produced a firearm with what he considers useless metal. Gun destroyed, grip side plate blown off and 7' away. Mag blown apart, follower in 3 pieces and spring never found. Right lower side of slide below ejection port torn in two and nearly sheared off. Internals so badly jammed up and likely damaged the slide cannot be removed from lower. Hand slightly bruised and stung for a while but no cuts or broken bones. I LIKE THE WAY KAHR MAKES A WEAPON AND WOULD NEVER REMOVE ANY METAL. IT IS THERE FOR A REASON.

07-24-2015, 08:45 AM
Speaking as one who has recently had a PM45 "explode" in his hand from an overloaded factory cartridge, I was damn happy that Kahr produced a firearm with what he considers useless metal. Gun destroyed, grip side plate blown off and 7' away. Mag blown apart, follower in 3 pieces and spring never found. Right lower side of slide below ejection port torn in two and nearly sheared off. Internals so badly jammed up and likely damaged the slide cannot be removed from lower. Hand slightly bruised and stung for a while but no cuts or broken bones. I LIKE THE WAY KAHR MAKES A WEAPON AND WOULD NEVER REMOVE ANY METAL. IT IS THERE FOR A REASON.

Well said. Nothing better than the voice of first hand experience. I will take your advice to heart.