View Full Version : What am I talking about?

06-10-2015, 06:09 PM
Heard a guy on the radio yesterday subbing for Rush Limbaugh. He was saying there is a new law, well not really a law because it had not been voted on, passed, etc., so must be another edict or something from the White House. He was talking about the govt. going after gun talk websites and that they could arrest/fine anyone who posts/participates on such sites. I'm not sure WTH he was talking about. Is anyone aware of what I'm trying to describe?:confused:
Too scary for me to even think about!

06-10-2015, 06:44 PM
As I write this from the cage of my prison van I say horse pucky!

They'll never take me alive..........soon as I get out anyhow.

06-10-2015, 07:07 PM
Thank God that I don't visit any of those horrible gun talk websites. Just the good ones. I look terrible in stripes. Come to think of it I ain't so grand in polka dots, neither.

06-10-2015, 07:10 PM
Pulled this from another site. Fox News, for what it's worth.


And this


06-10-2015, 07:29 PM
Hey! I thought that I was the only one on this site who didn't know what he was talking about. You trying to steal my thunder, Baklash? I wouldn't worry too much about this legislation. It ain't gonna fly. If it passed the SCOTUS would strike it down as an infringement of our first amendment rights. Just another fart in the wind. Speaking of farts in the wind, I almost forgot about old Jocko as being another poster who doesn't know what the fokk he's talking about. Sorry for the omission, Jocko.

06-10-2015, 09:54 PM
Your tax dollars at work. If it passes it will be easy enough to get around. Take a page from the left wing libs book. Instead of guns we can call them Posies. They will never figure it out.

06-10-2015, 10:14 PM
^^^ violets. In honor of the Colonel. ;)

06-11-2015, 07:35 AM
Been thinking about getting anutter , maybe a Henry violet in 357 to go with the Ruger blackhawk.......or maybe a Tommy violet to compliment my Kahrs and Remington R1...........or should i get one of them new fangled AR15 violets? Decisions...............:D

06-11-2015, 07:50 AM
We're all safe, DHS is soliciting proposals to design social media skimming software that detects sarcasm, so they'll know who's serious and who's not.


06-11-2015, 11:30 AM
Yes Obama wants the State Deptartment to shut down any site that gives information on gun maintenance and repair, and any forum that discusses such things.
See: http://www.americasfreedomfighters.c...ternet-2a-nra/ (http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2015/06/08/alert-obama-writes-new-laws-to-throw-people-in-prison-for-talking-about-guns-on-the-internet-2a-nra/) and http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/nr...rticle/2565762
This way he gets to attack 2 amendments the 1st and 2nd at the same time.

Goodbye Kahrtalk, Glocktalk, the 1911 forum, and most other gun forums, since most give advice on keeping your guns running smoothly.

06-11-2015, 11:44 AM
588 more days with a saboteur at the helm. Amazing he hasn't sunk the ship already, but there's still plenty of time.
countdown-clock (http://ipadstopwatch.com/countdown-clock-embed-full-screen.html#date=1484884860000&title=Countdown+to+Obama's+Last+Day&msg=...just+can't+wait)

06-11-2015, 12:08 PM
It's sinking as you type...................................

06-11-2015, 12:20 PM
OK, thanks for the clarification. I sure wouldn't want to do anything that would upset my potus. Giving up my guns for gladiolas and geraniums. So if I plant some of my posies and violets, keep them well oiled, ah watered, and plenty ammo, I mean fertilizer, do you think they will grow well and reproduce???

06-11-2015, 01:18 PM
Get cha some of them miracle grow little blue pills and you'll be fine and dandy.

The cherry blossum trees are done blossoming, beautiful things, make a hell of a mess but right purty for a few days anyhow.

Oft time wish George Washington was around to chop down the one next to my van, city wouldn't like it much but George was supposedly good at chopping down Cherry Trees.

06-11-2015, 01:56 PM
The smells in the woods lately have been incredible........................................ ..................................

06-11-2015, 09:19 PM
Yes Obama wants the State Deptartment to shut down any site that gives information on gun maintenance and repair, and any forum that discusses such things.
See: http://www.americasfreedomfighters.c...ternet-2a-nra/ (http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2015/06/08/alert-obama-writes-new-laws-to-throw-people-in-prison-for-talking-about-guns-on-the-internet-2a-nra/) and http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/nr...rticle/2565762
This way he gets to attack 2 amendments the 1st and 2nd at the same time.

Goodbye Kahrtalk, Glocktalk, the 1911 forum, and most other gun forums, since most give advice on keeping your guns running smoothly.

And yet, they can't/won't stop, crash or close the web sites that are recruiting for fresh ISIS terrorists???

Funny stuff.