View Full Version : America is back!

06-11-2015, 12:03 PM

GDP up 1.9%.

(the buzz in farm news is that Monsanto is looking to merge with Syngenta. that would A) let the worlds biggest seed company merge with the worlds biggest pesticide company and B) let Monsanto move it's headquarters (incorporation and tax liability) to Switzerland. see, that's how a global economy works. )

06-11-2015, 12:51 PM
From the comment section:

If things were really good than why does Fed keep interest rate peg to Zero???

It's a house of cards that's making Wall street richer while the average Joe is worse off than ever with his underemployment.

06-11-2015, 01:01 PM
.........................and every time someone farts with a northern wind, the stocks go up, the stocks go down.......................pick some numbers that the public will believe, and we're good to go. When they finally do raise rates, the market will take a crap. They say the same thing about the housing market. Up one month, down the next. Like Global warming................it gets hot, it gets cold, it rains, it doesn't rain. Same S#!T, different dat.

06-11-2015, 01:58 PM
It entirely depends on which numbers you listen to...Per Obummer we are in the boom times with no inflation, no unemployment with jobs everywhere and the sun is coming up over the Big Rock Candy Mountain any minute now....

The real truth is that we have 48 million people on food stamps, inflation is up on most essential things we have to buy and wages are stagnant...Real unemployment is about 16% and well over 20% in the Black community...New jobs created are mostly part time minimum wage and lots of us older folks have given up trying to find work....The future doesnt look too good either...It has taken this President just 403 days to increase the national debt another Trillion dollars....Medicare is due to be insolvent in 2030 with Social Security in 2033 and NOBODY, Democrat or Republican has a clue how to fix it except to kick the can on down the road....

The Fed has said they are going to raise interest rates later this Summer and when they do the Stock Market is going to crash so if you have any stocks you need to move them into something safer NOW before it happens because once it starts it's going to snowball fast....

Folks we are in a world of hurt and the future doesn't look to bright either and our children are really going to feel the pain for this mess our government has put them in....If you really want to get mad and see where we are headed read this:


God Help Us

06-11-2015, 02:43 PM
1.9% isn't much to write home about, it's just more than the last report.

06-11-2015, 03:46 PM
1.9% is a stagnant economy. Even with the baby boomers leaving the work force in droves we aren't creating enough jobs for the young people coming into the work force. We still have 92,898,000 Americans unemployed. That's one in ten Americans unemployed. That's what you get when you have a community organizer with no leadership skills running the country.

06-11-2015, 04:03 PM
It's also what you get after five generations of cultural and educational sabotage so today's yoots are vitually unemployable. No wonder we have to import workers.

06-11-2015, 08:07 PM
what, GDP up 2% for the second quarter, no applause for american business? you guys wouldn't be happy if jaysus came back and had blond hair and double D's.

06-12-2015, 05:53 AM
American Business men know how to make a buck even with an A-hole in the oval office. No surprise there.

06-12-2015, 06:17 AM
We know that the government lies about figures like this, and that it will be revised in a month or two. It's not our first rodeo.

06-12-2015, 06:30 AM
what, GDP up 2% for the second quarter, no applause for american business? you guys wouldn't be happy if jaysus came back and had blond hair and double D's.
Correct, if he looked like Caitlyn.

06-12-2015, 10:02 AM
I don't think America is ever coming back. Too much industry has left for foreign shores, with less taxes and no EPA or OSHA and other Govt bureaucracies to drive the cost of doing business up. Not that I want to pollute the earth or have unsafe working conditions, but these agencies go overboard with their rules and regulations. Granted that most jobs are in small businesses, but it would be nice to see some of the factories and auto plants and steel mills and things come back to life. And starting even a small business is a nightmare anymore. I tried to run a small custom computer business for awhile, doing custom installations for small businesses, but the big boys were too much competition, even when I could provide a better customized product for half the price. Plus the paperwork was a nightmare, then my parts wholesaler shut down, and so I did too. I still build custom computers once in awhile, but not many people really need one, unless they are doing audio or video mastering, or something along those lines that an off the shelf computer doesn't quite work out. Most professionals like to go with Apple products anyway, which you can't customize very much, maybe add a hard drive or something. You can order what you need straight from them. I'm a PC person, but I admit Apple handles "artistic" type stuff better than the PC platform does. Although PC is getting better.

06-12-2015, 01:19 PM
We've been further down than this before. Never underestimate the power of American entrepreneurship. We did it before and we can do it again. (Say that might make a catchy little tune.) ;)

06-12-2015, 01:39 PM
here's a map of states resized to their GDP. is your sate a producer or consumer? some states like NM or MT look like they just take up space. look at the difference in MO and IL. (almost none of that GDP comes from "down state", it's all large metro areas). go Chicago. if it weren't for STL and KC, MO would be a blank spot on the map.
here's a question-- why do people in non-producing states, areas get to vote? why do the "down staters" even get a voice. buck up or shut up.

06-12-2015, 02:32 PM
I don't think MT or NM would be consumers really. Lots of wide open spaces, tons of common sense and folks just getting along.

You could break that down within state too. In my state of Washington most of the production is west the mountains. Busy roads, congestion, liberals and democrats behind every bush. The east side is like MT, more open spaces, kinder folks, little more laid back life style. I'll take the east side everytime myself.
Sadly I'm still on the west side with all the morons.

The east side votes usually don't count, just not enough folks. Heck King County pretty much decides what's what for the whole state. People living on top of each other.

Like to move to Wyoming myself, maybe Montana, Colorado.

Everybody pushing for 15 dollar minimum wage, who wants to start a business with that?

06-15-2015, 08:11 PM
Bawanna, Just got back from your state last week. Went to Spokane and saw a botanical park and Yakima and saw cherries processed accompanied by my cousins. Had no trouble on United with my PM45 in the baggage. Went to Port Gamble and Paulsbo. Saw Mt. Baker and Mt Rainier, which I hadn't in 1984, 2004 or 2005. Couldn't believe how bad the traffic was in Seattle. My cousin in Marysville says they have a good range there but had no time. My brother drove up from Fresno so we saw him in Edmonds and went to my cousin's house in Renton. If I moved back I'd definitely live in the Preston or Duvall or maybe Puyallup areas and stay away from Seattle as often as I could. Did I mention Couldn't believe how bad the traffic was in Seattle?

06-15-2015, 08:42 PM
Yes, I don't miss the traffic from the Seattle area. I only deal with it about 10 or 12 times a year now.

06-15-2015, 10:32 PM
Dude you were all around me. Duvall is 10 minutes away, I grew up in the Lynnwood / Edmonds area.
Hung out for years in the Marysville area too.
Did you know the traffic in Seattle really sucks! I never go there cept maybe to the airport to pickup or drop off now and then and that ain't often.

You should of looked me up.

Ron AZ
06-26-2015, 08:31 PM
And what % of GDP is government related?

06-26-2015, 10:02 PM
I do not mean to thread hijack, but please allow me to speak a second about unemployment, and the social decay we have experienced for the last 50 to 60 years, stemming from the union run schools and given the free ride by Uncle Sam.

The Unemployable Negroe, and those like him.

Well, I gotta tell ya folks, unemployment in the "black community" (and I hate that phrase) is not a racial issue, its a cultural issue.

A series of anectodal illustrations.

My good friend I.H. from Switzerland. Young lady, 20 years young. Speaks perfect English, with a hint of British accent, and of course, her native German providing its own lilt. She sounds better than any English speaking German from Hogans heros. Sgt. Schutz she is not. So, after a bit of cultural exchange, I asked her "How is it you speak perfect English?". Answer.... its required at all ages and levels of schools. Why is that I ask? Answer... because its the language of business. Ahhh. CJB's eyes were opened a bit. BTW, she's working in training now, trying to get her cuteness into some Olympic competition. I hope she makes it!

Illustration number two. Some folks here know I like to collect, modify, diddle with and otherwise molest Seiko watches. I have made contacts in Japan for parts and whole watches. My contacts speak, read, write... perfect English. I asked.... same answer - required study in school, its the language of business.

Illustration number three. We have at present, five black employees. Two can speak English. They have higher paying positions, one a managerial assistant, the other is a high level mechanic who must deal with multiple instances of communicating with manufacturers and customers trying to get engines repaired. The rest cannot speak English. They speak some sort of urban slurry. One of them is a shipping clerk, no outside interaction with the customers. One is a driver. One is a warehouse man. Low level positions. I'll add, that the driver and warehouse man are great guys. I don't know the shipping clerk all that well, so can't comment. The other two... we're good buds at work, always have something nice to say to each other. They just can't speak the language to a degree that is required to work with our customers.... so they have jobs that use the skills they have, and sadly, those are low paying jobs.

So somebody please tell me, how the Asians and Europeans have it figured out, and teach their kids English, while here in the USA we have kids going through school speaking (supposedly) only English and they can't speak it, or read or write... when they get out. And, those same folks, who cannot speak the native language of the country, have the unmitigated gall to say that they're being racially held back? I don't get it. What I do get, is a clear picture of any person with good communication skills, and even half a brain, getting a job, and those masses, that the education system gave a free ride to, who cannot speak, read, or write effectively... being on the public dole.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, and I yield the floor back to the thread in progress. Thank you.

06-26-2015, 11:04 PM
CJB, you're right. My wife is SE Asian and was taught english from elementary. The end.

Oh by the way, the wife said "Well said."

06-27-2015, 06:59 AM
Every city and state that is on the verge of default is run by liberal progressive socialist democrats. End of debate.

06-27-2015, 07:52 AM
Well beyond the fact that the Libs will eventually run out of other peoples money to spend, their real problem (and that of the Socialist, and Communist, and to some extend the Facist...) is that they try, and inevitably fail at changing human nature.

The sign at the park reads "Do not feed the wildlife". Ask the park Ranger why. "Beause they will grow used to it, and lose the ability to care for themselves". The same government that runs the park is the same government that hands food and shelter to just about anyone with their hand out.

My Liberal mother..... used exhort me to feed the birds, to put nuts out for squirrels, to be kind (aka "nice") to God's furry creatures who don't have enough to eat. That woman used to lay a guilt trip on me! How I crawled out of her womb... is a wonder to me, but I digress.

Well, the Libs do the same thing on a mass scale... but even worse. My well meaning mom never purposefully created entire populations of little furry creatures. The Libs have.

The Hon. Victor P. Esq. has it right: "Life isn't for everyone".

Some folks feel good when they feed the birds. Unload a little (ill placed) human guilt for eat'n em I suppose. I feed birds. Then I shoot 'em, clean em and eat em. I don't think my neighbors would like it though, if I stole their bread in order to feed the birds.

The lovely Barbara H. told me once that there's always room for God's creatures.... on the plate right next to the mashed potatoes. Maybe we'll get to Soylent Green one of these days.....dunno. I want mine with gravy on it.

06-27-2015, 09:07 AM
CJB, I'm with you brother.

06-27-2015, 11:31 AM
"The sign at the park reads "Do not feed the wildlife". Ask the park Ranger why. "Beause they will grow used to it, and lose the ability to care for themselves". The same government that runs the park is the same government that hands food and shelter to just about anyone with their hand out."

now is you talking about the lady driving away from the market in her Cadillac with the food stamp ice cream (recurring theme on trash conservative news) or are you talking about the bailing out of the to big to fail banks? are you talking about the real estate, mortgage industry? you talking about GM(gubmint motors)? if your in anyway implying that welfare(billion$ and Trillion$ of taxpayers money)for corporations has done anything but make this country a better place, then you don't know the difference between welfare and subsidies.
let me explain this-- the farmers get subsides, business gets bailouts(even with poor management and not a care in the world, they are kept afloat). the poor folks get the welfare and have just enough to buy stuff or get it free(gubmint cheese on food pantry bread makes a fine samich).
so there ya go, that's how the economy works. if your somebody who identifies with the former middle class, your focked. get on disability or hang on for Soc. Sec., then live the good life. trust me-- there's a dirt road and a trailer for every white american- enjoy.

(gotta love some Saturday sarcasm?)

06-27-2015, 11:40 AM
^^^ it don't matter who you are, subsidies, bailouts, welfare...it's all the gubmint dole...and it's all destructive to our economy in the long run. Economics 101.

P.S. I like the Ranger Rick analogy.

06-27-2015, 02:04 PM
Corporations generate jobs for the people, and prolonged welfare generates jobs for government bureaucrats.

Corporate "welfare"? That just tax relief on the revenue created by their their business activity.

Just like income tax cuts for the workers just means they are allowed to keep more of their own money. It is not the government's money to begin with.

06-27-2015, 03:29 PM
^^^ the ability to compete in free markets will benefit corporations more than any bailout could. Like you said...it's just giving them their own money. And no gubmint czar can duplicate a free market's ability to create wealth for individuals and corporations who actually provide value.

06-27-2015, 04:07 PM
We do have some very staunch and knowledgeable conservatives on this board. I'm proud of you guys. See you at the polls.

06-27-2015, 08:47 PM
" Economics 101."
let me guess, got your degree from Univ. of Chicago, School of Econ., Milton Friedman, et al ? and whatever trickles down Reagans leg is good?
if any of that crap really worked or people really believed it, than the banks and corps would have been left to fail, chips fall where they may, blood in the streets (actually a market traders dream). same old disaster capitalism that's made this country what it is today.
(anybody got a Colt Cobra or Colt Agent they want to sell?)

06-28-2015, 05:27 AM
What we need is some middle ground where badly run businesses die but people who can't help themselves are helped. Far too many handouts for under serving people and corporations currently.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-28-2015, 05:53 AM
" Economics 101."
let me guess, got your degree from Univ. of Chicago, School of Econ., Milton Friedman, et al ? and whatever trickles down Reagans leg is good?
if any of that crap really worked or people really believed it, than the banks and corps would have been left to fail, chips fall where they may, blood in the streets (actually a market traders dream). same old disaster capitalism that's made this country what it is today.
(anybody got a Colt Cobra or Colt Agent they want to sell?)

John F. Kennedy believed in that trickle down crap, Marc. But that was before the democrat party was taken over by liberal progressive socialists. If you're old enough to recall we had a booming economy under Kennedy and Reagan. "A rising tide floats all boats." "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." (JFK)

06-28-2015, 06:23 AM
... or people really believed it...

Exactly! ;)

06-28-2015, 06:25 AM
I really detest the phrase "jobs Americans won't do"

For those so inclined, please feel free to explore the social conditions of Rome before its fall. The "barbarians" were just folks from across the Alps... which were basically the proto-Germanic peoples. The Romans had been exploiting them as "slaves" (different than American slavery of the 1700's and 1800's). The Romans had been trading with those folks too. And... the Romans lost their will to stand up for what they had created. The fall of Rome was almost bloodless really. Amazingly so.

06-28-2015, 09:36 AM
I really detest the phrase "jobs Americans won't do"

For those so inclined, please feel free to explore the social conditions of Rome before its fall. The "barbarians" were just folks from across the Alps... which were basically the proto-Germanic peoples. The Romans had been exploiting them as "slaves" (different than American slavery of the 1700's and 1800's). The Romans had been trading with those folks too. And... the Romans lost their will to stand up for what they had created. The fall of Rome was almost bloodless really. Amazingly so.

Yep, the fall from within. I can see us headed that way if things don't change. Want to glimpse the future? Look at France.

06-29-2015, 01:03 PM
" Economics 101."
let me guess, got your degree from Univ. of Chicago, School of Econ., Milton Friedman, et al ? and whatever trickles down Reagans leg is good?
if any of that crap really worked or people really believed it, than the banks and corps would have been left to fail, chips fall where they may, blood in the streets (actually a market traders dream). same old disaster capitalism that's made this country what it is today.
(anybody got a Colt Cobra or Colt Agent they want to sell?)
Crony capitalism isn't real capitalism - and it owns the democrats just like it does the republicans. Obama/Pelosi/Dodd/Reid have given the Wall Street crooks more hundreds of billions than George Bush back to Reagan ever thought of.

I think many of the WS bankers should've been stood against that wall and shot. Instead they are wallowing in their money bins just like Uncle Scooge did in the comic books. Guess who has been in charge of that massive enabling for the past near 7 years? BHO owns it.

06-29-2015, 04:25 PM
1.9% is a stagnant economy. Even with the baby boomers leaving the work force in droves we aren't creating enough jobs for the young people coming into the work force. We still have 92,898,000 Americans unemployed. That's one in ten Americans unemployed. That's what you get when you have a community organizer with no leadership skills running the country.

Not meaning to be picky, but almost 93 million isn't 1 in 10 Americans.

07-05-2015, 10:44 PM
Okay - help me here, this is a Kahr site, right? We talk about quality construction of the best single stacked weapon manufactured in the world? A weapon people the world over would love to own? A tribute to American engineering, ingenuity, and an ability for an entrepreneur to start a company and create what we enjoy? I must be wrong reading these debates on the GDP. As my economics professor once said, "Want to know how the economy is doing? Go to your local grocery store and see how many people but steam. When it's one in four, were good. When it's one in ten, not so good. Really, it's that easy." I'm heading to the grocery store.

07-06-2015, 06:26 AM
...see how many people but steam. When it's one in four, were good. When it's one in ten, not so good...
Did I miss something here? :confused: