View Full Version : Off track

07-13-2010, 04:09 AM
Thanks to my keen sense of perception,I`ve noticed that the forum is taking what I consider to be a wrong turn.There have been a few threads lately that tend to inflame our darker side and I hope that they soon stop.I know that all of us see things happening in this country that we don`t like, but I do not believe this forum is the place to quote the likes of Glenn Miller or those of his ilk.If you are upset with what`s going on,get involved politically.This forum is about getting good information pertaining to firearms and our love of them.It`s also about having fun and making people feel at home.I don`t think that people will feel at ease if they log into this forum and get an eyefull of what the Klan thinks.As those of you who have been here a while know,there isn`t any member who strays further off topic than I do but I do so in an attempt to entertain,not to anger anyone or to hurt feelings.Ladies and gentlemen,let`s remember that we are,first and foremost,ladies and gentlemen.Focus,please.Hugs,kisses and a big old wet willy for Bawanna.Dietrich

07-13-2010, 04:49 AM
I hope this is not the direction the forum is taking. All I know is when I found this forum awhile back it was nothing but friends helping strangers. I had a lot of newbie questions that anyone would know except for me, but never felt ashamed to ask them. Everyone made me feel right at home and this is how I have learned. I'm sorry I've been gone for a while. Sometimes Kids and work take up every second of my day, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope this will remain a friendly place for every stranger to meet new friends. Thanks Ditrich, Bawanna, Wynn, Jocko, I'm sure I forgot to thank someone. You have all made my Kahr ownership fantastic. Thanks KahrTalk.

07-13-2010, 05:06 AM
There are others missing from the forum who agree with Itxi.

07-13-2010, 06:08 AM
I too have seen these rumblings, and must say yes we all see things that we do not like, and tend to vent whenever possible. That said, I too love this forum, and would hate to see things go from what we have and pride ourselves on having. Let's get back to having some fun and discussing these sweet little pistols. I will do what I can to keep it there too.

07-13-2010, 06:28 AM
There are others missing from the forum who agree with Itxi.

Your post has set my mind to working.I miss Itxi and the others.One in particular.I wonder how much I have had to do with their leaving.If I have made anyone uncomfortable it was purely by mistake but I will be the first to admit that I sometimes go overboard.This being said,I`m going to kick back for a while.I`m in the middle of trying to get a house built,selling my present home and dealing with my sister who is slowly dying from a brain tumor so it`s not like I don`t have enough to keep me occupied.Perhaps if I shut up and just read the posts,some of the others will come back.Hope so.They are fine people.See you later.

07-13-2010, 06:37 AM
Dietrich maybe we should just ignore the rabble rousers here. I'll miss your brand of humor, but understand you have more bubble gum than you can chew right now. I too will be slowing down, for my own reasons.

07-13-2010, 06:47 AM
You are right, it is getting out of hand. I am fairly tolerant of political discussions as long as they are oriented towards supporting pro-gun, pro-democracy points of view. I personally believe that includes supporting politicians that are for us, and attacking those against gun ownership. However, I will not tolerate hate speech of ANY kind. I am a parent of "minority" children, and have zero patience for that. The appropriate action has been taken. When you see posts that are questionable, please report them using the report post feature so the mods can be notified. We all work full time jobs and have families, so it will help if you lend your eyes to the cause.

Thanks gang!


mr surveyor
07-13-2010, 08:16 AM
Thank You, JohnH

07-13-2010, 09:20 AM
Your post has set my mind to working.I miss Itxi and the others.One in particular.I wonder how much I have had to do with their leaving.If I have made anyone uncomfortable it was purely by mistake but I will be the first to admit that I sometimes go overboard.This being said,I`m going to kick back for a while.I`m in the middle of trying to get a house built,selling my present home and dealing with my sister who is slowly dying from a brain tumor so it`s not like I don`t have enough to keep me occupied.Perhaps if I shut up and just read the posts,some of the others will come back.Hope so.They are fine people.See you later.

Don't run off Dietrich, I know your busy with a loaded plate right now but your a 100% positive asset to this forum. Don't let anyone with less than 2000 post tell you any different.
I suspect there are far more that would prefer to exercise lynch mob mentality on me than you. And I would no doubt deserve it more too. We've all been run off before but we've also found that things get pretty quiet and boring when we're gone and the ones happy to see us gone usually aren't around if / when we come back. I don't totally understand why some have left, some I do understand, they have no time for anything but serious.
I know also that alot of new guys just come here for help. Their guns messed up or they got questions and thats fine, this is the place for that. The at ease goes away and we try to give them serious get it fixed help. After that they like it here and stay or they don't like it or they don't need us anymore and they are gone, and you know what? That's ok too.
I've been trying to maintain a slightly lower profile myself although I don't seem to be doing a very good job of it.

07-13-2010, 10:17 AM
I'm still too new here to know what all is going on, but I'll have to say that I was welcomed and feel "right at home", even as a n00b.

oh, btw, I hate politics. srsly.

07-13-2010, 10:24 AM
And you were and are a welcome asset right out of the box. You got a funny way of spelling and some seriously over my head abbreviations but I usually get the message when I give it some effort.
Don't run off, been wondering where you been the last few days already so you know we'd miss ya.

I guess I'm insensitive or something, but the thread that ignited all this really didn't hit me with any negative impact. But some were surely unhappy with it so that's enough for me.

So have you hugged your Kahr today?

07-13-2010, 10:27 AM
John H. seems to have a handle on this typeof stuff. If the "good" posters here would continue to just pass stuff like that to the right people, I more than likely will be stopped..

Political conversations are almost like religious ones, no one wins, lots of bad feelings afterwards, IMO bes to juwst ignore and let that one poster who feels the need to vent, vent alon e. It is only when we feed people like this that sh-it happens that again nobody wants either. BUT with the nature of the beast I and all of you have seen this before on other forums. It is the internet you know. I myself find myself wanting to reply but like Wyn, just not gonna do it, as it drags everyone down. Must be old age settingin, for not to many years ago I would not walk away from a good argument but today life is to short for this kids stuff...

Have a good one guys, It is rding season for jocko, so I am hit and miss.

07-13-2010, 10:39 AM
Not sure what sparked this thread, but too many trollers just want to rattle someone’s cage, makes them feel big as they hide anonymously behind the internet. I feel a little sorry for them, they don’t have a life. Just don’t give them satisfaction and they’ll move on like the bored little children they are. Glad JohnH is all over these guys.
When it goes political we all get wound up occasionally, but I usually only see some good natured jabs. That’s why I’m here and will stick around. I see no need to disrespect people on any forum. Those jerks will come & go.

07-13-2010, 10:56 AM
And you were and are a welcome asset right out of the box. You got a funny way of spelling and some seriously over my head abbreviations but I usually get the message when I give it some effort.
Don't run off, been wondering where you been the last few days already so you know we'd miss ya.

I guess I'm insensitive or something, but the thread that ignited all this really didn't hit me with any negative impact. But some were surely unhappy with it so that's enough for me.

So have you hugged your Kahr today?

awww, shucks. thanks :) It's nice to know I've been missed.

I've been busier than a 1 armed paper hanger at work these past few days. I'm working on finalizing the designs for 5 fiberglass tanks we will build that are going on crash trucks at the Malaysian airport.

07-13-2010, 10:56 AM
oh, and I hug both my Kahr's every day.

07-13-2010, 11:56 AM
Sounds like you may have built some tanks that I may have used, back when I worked water. Ever hear of a company called Water and Power Technologies?

07-13-2010, 12:18 PM
not that I recall. I've only been here 3 years though.

07-13-2010, 02:54 PM
What I've noticed is pretty normal. Of the hundreds of posts I read only an occasional couple get heated. Mostly when they get into certain topics it's just the same ole folks making their same ole arguments so I just scan and move on. There's nothing like the .45 vs whatever to put me to sleep.

The ones that do go balistic and need to be hosed off are generally dealing with subjects that start out or quickly become personal to the posters. We all live, work, marry, etc. those with different opinions yet learn to get along. Perhaps an argument now and then but so what. Life is much too short to sweat the small stuff - and it's all small stuff.

07-13-2010, 04:03 PM
:) HUH ? WHAT ? I must have missed something ?

Cause I don't have a clue what y'all are talking about.

Has it been erased?
I have yet to be offended by anyone or anything on this forum.:confused:

07-13-2010, 04:21 PM
I concur, let's stop the insanity. If someone really needs a need to vent like that, then make a super off topic thread that doesn't pop up in the active topics/new posts pop ups. Then they can post garbage there and we can just ignore that portion of the forum.

I love the useless/joke threads, but I can stop contributing to them if they are seen as a detriment. I really enjoy the situational awareness threads, gun articles posted, etc. I hopped on glocktalk once, sheesh, seems like a rolling dr phil epsidoe. I've enjoyed this forum as it stays fun, low key, non controversial and none of the personal attacks reserved for other places. Let's keep it that way!

07-13-2010, 04:26 PM
:) HUH ? WHAT ? I must have missed something ?

Cause I don't have a clue what y'all are talking about.

Has it been erased?
I have yet to be offended by anyone or anything on this forum.:confused:

Yup, erased seems like. The only remnant is a constant urge to hum Charlie Prides Kiss an Angel Good Morning. It's seriously stuck in my head. I loved that guy too.

Never been offended here?

Umm, hmmm, well crap I cant do it either, I luv you man!

07-13-2010, 04:33 PM
:) HUH ? WHAT ? I must have missed something ?

Cause I don't have a clue what y'all are talking about.

Has it been erased?
I have yet to be offended by anyone or anything on this forum.:confused:

Im with cartman... I mean Ryoung on this. I mean what has Glenn Miller and his orchestra ever done to us? Didn't he die in WW2? :D

07-13-2010, 05:12 PM
Thank god dietric had his radar on. Everybody needs to give him a big ole p.c. Slap on the back.! Thats what he was looking for anyway

07-13-2010, 05:21 PM
Charlie Pride was black? I guess I was focusing on the song and forgot but I think your right.

I had no issue with your original post and thought it was correct if not really the place to bring it up.

We'll see ya, I don't see you being here much longer. You've crossed over several lines and one of them was picking on Dietrich.

07-13-2010, 05:27 PM
Charlie Pride was black? I guess I was focusing on the song and forgot but I think your right.

I had no issue with your original post and thought it was correct if not really the place to bring it up.

We'll see ya, I don't see you being here much longer. You've crossed over several lines and one of them was picking on Dietrich.


07-13-2010, 05:30 PM
I would like to think by now that ZORN is history on this forum, and maybe one other.

Not good guys, just best to back ofrf on answering comments that will only lead to further negatives and then it turns into personal stuff and then John H. has to enter and then someone losoes every time.

07-13-2010, 05:32 PM
The second line you crossed Mr Predestyned was picking on JohnH. I wish I had the power to pull your plug myself and save him the troube. It would give me tremendously great satisfaction to give you the ole heave hoh! I'm sure he'll enjoy himself pretty well though too.

07-13-2010, 05:35 PM
I would like to think by now that ZORN is history on this forum, and maybe one other.

Not good guys, just best to back ofrf on answering comments that will only lead to further negatives and then it turns into personal stuff and then John H. has to enter and then someone losoes every time.

I think you misread Jocko, Zorn had a quote from predestyned. Zorns still on the side of goodness and right, near as I can tell but your right, I'm gone. I'll wait till the smoke clears and see whats left.

07-13-2010, 05:35 PM
I would like to think by now that ZORN is history on this forum, and maybe one other.

Not good guys, just best to back ofrf on answering comments that will only lead to further negatives and then it turns into personal stuff and then John H. has to enter and then someone losoes every time.

Really? I'll save you the trouble.