View Full Version : 0bama calls for gun control because of Charlston shooter
06-18-2015, 11:34 AM
Just heard it on the radio. He wouldn't comment till the facts were in, but he already has the solution. Ban guns like other countries (norway?).
why do I think this shooter was "programmed"?
Longitude Zero
06-18-2015, 11:45 AM
Typical DemoNazi/Libtard knee jerk response. Blame the firearm and not the shooter.
06-18-2015, 11:51 AM
Did anybody expect anything different? Typical libtard reaction. Address the result - never the cause. There is no value put on life anymore. Any nation that accepts wantonly killing babies in the womb proves it.
06-18-2015, 12:06 PM
Just heard it on the radio. He wouldn't comment till the facts were in, but he already has the solution. Ban guns like other countries (norway?).
why do I think this shooter was "programmed"?
We must think alike....That was my very thought after I saw Dylan Roof's picture with the same dead eyed, drugged out look that both Adam Lanza and James Holmes had....Makes you wonder don't it....
06-18-2015, 01:53 PM
On average, 2,700 babies are aborted every day in the United States (and that includes weekends and holidays). No outrage from the president there. Abortion clinics are a much greater danger to life than unstable people with guns.
06-18-2015, 02:44 PM
He wants to ban guns period. He wants gun free zones for your kids but his kids are surrounded by 11 armed guards. He's an idiot.
06-18-2015, 02:49 PM
Every person who voted for him should be slapped in the, really............................................ ...............
06-18-2015, 02:49 PM
So what else is new? A liberal calling for more gun control, how novel. That gun killed all nine people with no outside help. Never let a tragedy or crisis go to waste. Straight out of, "Rules for Radicals." :rolleyes:
06-18-2015, 03:46 PM
Let's see... China, the USSR, Cuba, North Korea, Cambodia, Nazi Germany, all were gun free zones. Let's ask the 20 million killed by those governments how they feel about stricter gun laws.
06-18-2015, 04:32 PM
Our next President jumps on the "Gun Control" bandwagon.....Never let a good crisis go to waste
06-18-2015, 04:37 PM
Probably closer to 50 million, but whose counting. Never let a tragedy go to waste, when you can call for more gun control. Perhaps it's not the best thing to give your son a .45 after he has been arrested for drugs, although they are not saying that was the gun used in the shooting. It's kind of sad to think that Churches are going to need armed members of the congregation, or hire security to be able to worship safely. But it looks like it may get to that point with Christians bearing the brunt of so much dislike and hate from the do whatever feels good anti-God left. This does sound maybe more like a race thing than an anti-Christian thing so far. Difficult to say. That's going by one lady who said a survivor said that Roof said something to the effect that "you people kill and rape my people, and need to be dealt with" or something to that effect.
Was he programmed to do this? That's a tough one, I'd think if he had been programmed he'd been killed, rather than captured where he might be able to tell police about it. It's still early, more facts will be coming in regarding motive, what events may have lead to his actions, what drugs he may have been on, etc.
06-18-2015, 04:40 PM
It would be newsworthy if he didn't say anything. Let's just grieve with those who mourn for now.
06-18-2015, 04:41 PM
I got a "hard truth" for her. Laws don't prevent murder.
06-18-2015, 04:45 PM
... Let's just grieve with those who mourn for now.
+1. Thanks Rev.
06-18-2015, 06:44 PM
I’ve been quiet for awhile but have to put my thoughts on this. This is tragic act and we should respect the ones that died but this is another excuse for obummer to start with gun control. A church for the most part is a gun free zone and in some parts the people in church do carry. So by gun control we take guns away from the people that pass all the requirements and are stand up citizens that want to be able to protect themselfs. So if we take the guns out of the law biding citizen the feds feel that it’s a safer place BUT the opposite will happen, we turn into the sheep that the wolfs prey on. It takes a tragic event then the feds come out waving the gun control flag when the people that carry are the most law biding. I’m sorry that not one of the people involved had a tool to fight back. Always have a gun on your hip is the way I look at it, may never need it but it is your back up. Unfortunately there are monsters among us and they look normal till the madness begins.
06-18-2015, 07:35 PM
"America must reckon with gun violence", well, I reckon I'll carry my gun just in case some nutbag wants to start shooting people.
06-18-2015, 08:03 PM
I live in Charleston, SC and i am very sorry for the victims and their family members. I really am. But just because one person shots people at a certain location. Its now a hate crime and we need to get rid of guns. He never said anything about gun control with all of the gang related shootings or when the terrorist (which had guns) were killed in TX at the rally. Why can't he state how many thugs and gang members are killed. Oh wait, i don't think that people would want to get rid of guns if the bad people are dying. I use my guns as a hobby not for criminal activity. The problem with gun control is that the thugs and gang bangers will still have the guns and there will be more shootings on law abiding citizens then there have been in the past.
It was a messed up situation here last night. I don't understand why someone would go into a church. I hope that person burns!
06-18-2015, 08:22 PM
Harrylee I was just fixin to send out a search party, you've been awol for quite a spell.
My fear in all this is kind of what you guys say, now the guys who do carry in church will probably have to rely on a security guard that nobody knows or cares about but not be allowed to carry a gun themselves.
Probably go through a metal detector to enter the church. Not good. The sheepdogs become sheep.
06-19-2015, 07:51 AM
it's easier to ban guns than it is to ban crazy people. there's probably a lot of folks who think the shooter is a hero, how do you ban that? is there anything new about this? looks like the SOS, different news cycle.
06-19-2015, 09:20 AM
What knee jerks they all are.
None of the proposed laws would have affected this situation at all. Background checks, private party or gun show restrictions? Father gave it to him. Assault rifles? This was a handgun. High capacity mags? He didn't have one. He just reloaded.
And yet the first reaction is - pass a law to make it harder for the law abiding to defend ourselves.
How about this? What if just one person in that congregation had been carrying? Might that have stopped him before he killed 9 unarmed helpless victims?
We'll never know, but at least it's something that might have helped, unlike a new gun law.
06-19-2015, 11:08 AM
While we were distracted by a drugged up hatebot murdering 9 people, the House voted to pass the TPA bill. Did anyone hear that on the news? I didn't, until someone mentioned it online.
It's actually pretty easy to ban crazy people. It's just not politically correct so we're afraid to do it. What does that say, when we're more afraid of being bullied by the left than being shot by a crazy person?
The psychologists have us believing that either everyone's crazy, or no one's crazy. We all have some kind of three-letter syndrome, and we're not allowed to judge each other on our syndromes since everyone has one, so they can't be bad things. That wouldn't make sense.
06-19-2015, 11:26 AM
Cigarettes kill more people, let's ban them. But, instead, the government allows cigarette companies to increase nicotine content increasing the addictive quality.
06-19-2015, 12:04 PM
Car, drowning and bicycle accidents kill even more. Let's ban them. Let's ban all personal freedoms and liberties. Then we can rest comfortably in Uncle Sugars loving arms. We are all wound about up about protecting the 2nd Amemdment. As many has claimed, it protects the rest. Why not get rid of all of them. We wouldn't need guns following this logic. Think of the money we would save!!!!
Longitude Zero
06-19-2015, 12:09 PM
Liberals never let a crisis go to waste in order to advance their agenda.
06-19-2015, 12:54 PM
Fox News(?) never let a crisis go to waste in order to advance their agenda. hmmm, 700 Club never let a crisis go to waste in order to advance their agenda.
it's been 6 years plus that the dreaded commie muslim has been in office, ya still got your guns and ammo(accept for .22lr) and the economy is rolling along (due to the efforts of business and not politics). if you'd been on vacation, you might wonder if Bush was still in office.
06-19-2015, 01:11 PM
What? Your rant is nonsensical marcinstl. Good try for a liberal I suppose.
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Longitude Zero
06-19-2015, 01:55 PM
What? Your rant is nonsensical marcinstl. Good try for a liberal I suppose.
And it shows a profound lack of awareness and education about reality. I hope he was being sarcastic and not serious.
06-19-2015, 07:11 PM
What? Your rant is nonsensical marcinstl. Good try for a liberal I suppose.
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He's always like that. He'll post something good in a while. I think it's a bi-polar tenancy.
I'm calling for him to resign over stupidity.
06-25-2015, 02:29 PM
Better outlaw Cars, alcohol, smoking, medical malpractice, and obesity, each kill more per year than guns. Also better ban hammers and things that can be used as a club, (Hammers, crowbars, baseball bats, ,Golf clubs, large wrenches, tire irons, etc). They kill a large percentage too. If you want to save the children, outlaw swimming pools, way more younger kids die from drowning than guns every year.
Here is what you get from banning guns:
In the 20th century alone, governments all over the world were responsible for the deaths of over 260,000,000 of their own people.
Stalin used government power to kill almost 50,000,000.
Hitler used government power to kill 11,000,000.
Mao used government power to kill between 30,000,000 and 70,000,000.
More people died as a result of their own respective governments than in all the wars of the 20th century.
- See more at:
That doesn't count all the "smaller" tolls like in Cambodia, Viet Nam, many parts of Africa during revolutions and regime changes.
06-25-2015, 02:35 PM
^^^ I'm OK with banning golf clubs...
06-25-2015, 09:29 PM
:Amflag2:Dictators always disarm the law abiding public.
Nuff Said...
06-26-2015, 06:15 AM
Obama needs to get upset about all the people getting killed but that involved black on black violence which his party feels won't be able to leverage to ban guns. White on black violence, no matter how small a percentage of total violence is must more sellable and enables him to ramrod his 2A agenda fine out throats.
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06-26-2015, 06:57 AM
:Amflag2:Dictators always disarm the law abiding public.
Nuff Said...
True, but not all places that outlawed guns became dictatorships. Australia, England, Mexico; those aren't exactly dictatorships. In Mexico's case, outlawing guns made it into a crime-ridden hell hole of a failed state, ruled by drug cartels. England is slowly inching toward becoming a Sharia dictatorship, and disarming the public is helping that cause. Australia, I don't know.
As long as American have guns, we're somewhat safe from Islamic takeover. They just need to take away our will to use the guns.
06-26-2015, 08:46 AM
Every person who voted for him should be slapped in the, really............................................ ...............
No, every person who voted for him should have their welfare taken away.
06-27-2015, 06:06 PM
No, every person who voted for him should have their welfare taken away.
We'd probably run a surplus then. :D
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