View Full Version : Zew Jersey logic at its finest

06-21-2015, 02:23 PM

A man in southern jersey has been denied a permit to buy replacement guns for himself and his son to target shoot because his wife has felony convictions. Here is the part i need help with, please explain, if you can:

The man (apparently) already possesses firearms that he and his son use for target practice. This permit request was for replacing those "antiquated" firearms with new.

If he already owns firearms, apparently kept in his home, where presumably his wife lives, how can a court logically conclude that these replacement firearms would "create an unacceptable threat to public health, safety and welfare":confused:

Another article states that he was arrested for domestic violence and acquitted.
Apparently an arrest record, even being acquitted, is enough to deny his second amendment rights?

Of course anyone that knows Zoo Joyzey knows most of their gun laws are a bit "off" to put it mildly, and that the second amendment is actually a privilege, granted only to a few.
Ps: i have no known connection to these people, dont even know their names.

06-21-2015, 03:00 PM
I was denied my CCWP due to a felony arrest in 1972 in NYS. The final result was a misdemeanor. I had to jump through some hoops, like requesting a records review from NY, and then forwarded it on to the state of Florida. I was granted my permit. The guy should appeal and do what I had to do to clear his name. But, since the wifey is a felon, firearms are not permitted in her household. I think that is federal, not state, but I could be wrong on all this, except my experience.

06-25-2015, 02:15 PM
It looks like federal law would be ok with it, if the guns were kept in a safe in a part of the house the felon did not have access too. So this is probably more of a New Jersey law.
G Gordon Liddy used to talk all the time on his radio show about the firearms his wife owned, since he was a convicted felon and couldn't own any.

06-29-2015, 08:55 AM
Hmmm. I kind of agree that the law should apply to residences though that's not a practical way to police.

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