View Full Version : New Glock G30S and Alien Gear Hybrid Leather-Kydex IWB Holster for 69th BD!
06-25-2015, 01:05 PM
Well I drove about 90 miles to meet a guy FTF from the Tallahassee area and bought his unfired G30S. Included in the deal were two optional 9-round, flush-fitting mags and a new Alien Ware IWB Kydex-hybrid holster! Evidently he needed money for other projects and hobbies and had way too many Glocks!
I wasn't really in the market for THIS pistol... but for $475 I was sold. I told him I wanted it and then texted the next day to say I couldn't get it as we were paying for our May road trip the end of THIS month. This was like Thursday, and Friday we got a check from Wifey's parents to use on our next visit there... a share of funds from the cell tower on their mountainous chunk of SW Colorado. Anyhow, I had a brilliant idea and asked Wifey about me borrowing some of that until the next month so I could get the pistol... a SUPER deal... for my birthday. She said okay, so I texted the guy and we were back on for the Monday FTF.
Tuesday I took both new acquisitions the G30S and the Noble .22 pump rifle to the range... 15 yards max.
The G30S shot well, but after one mag I put masking tape on my trigger finger and a little later found a Bandaid in my van to keep my trigger finger from BLEEDING! The trigger safety thingy sucks! I very lightly sanded that, but I don't expect that did any good. I'll need tape or gloves to shoot that pistol much. I did eventually put on my fingerless flight gloves, too, because my hand was feeling a bit of pain, too. I fired 200 rounds of 230-grain FMJ... Federal Champion, Selliet & Bellot, Remington, and Blazer Aluminum, with absolutely no problems. I used and broke in all four G30S mags, as well as four of my G21 13-rounders. The included mags were hard to load to capacity when starting out, but the UPLULA really helped, and all mags were easy to load with it after the range trip and cleaning the mags. I took those apart and gave them some TLC.
I have a whole list of stuff to get, yet, but did add an extended slide release before the trip to the range.
The gun shot well and I could get a few rounds right where I WANTED them once in a while... the rest I sprinkled all around the target and even a few off the letter-sized sheet of paper at 15 yards. :)
I only fired a few rounds of my defense ammo... 8 total of Speer 230-gr Gold Dots and 5 230-gr GDSB. I'll work with those more later... just wanted to break this in first trip. So I fired about 214 or so rounds total. I added a round or two FMJ besides the four whole boxes I expended.
I have three .45 pistols now... G21 SF, G30S, and my PM45 DLC. I took some pictures of everything and watched my videos and made a few stills from the videos. It will take a few posts to get to those.
I'm hoping to use the G30S for night carry or when I really want more firepower. My usual EDC is my Mag-na-ported P40 with the Big Dot front sight and the Trijicon 2-dot rear night sight. I will get the Trijicon HD NS with the Yellow FS on the G30S (as I put on my G21 SF and G23C), and plan on the Ghost 3.5 connector, extended mag release, extended slide lock lever, and a grip plug if I can find one that fits!
A few pix and then some more.
Pictured is a G21 13-round mag in a holder along with some defense ammo.
Wynn :)
06-25-2015, 01:28 PM
I videoed my shooting and tried to get the brightest flashes for stills and a few two-frame images to show recoil, but a few of those didn't seem to work... the images don't show properly(?)
I'll show the flashes and recoil frames where they came out okay. Recoil was about the same for all, I think. All of the flashes couldn't be captured and I was luck to get one or two each out of the four 13-round mags. I shot the Gold Dots for flash comparison and only caught one of the GDSB's I think.
All ammo I use is 230-grain... FMJ or bonded JHP.
Ammo used then Blazers(2) first.
Federal Champion and Remington.
06-25-2015, 01:36 PM
Now Sellier & Bellot (S&B) 2 pix.
Federal and Remington 2nd recoil images... first ones bad(?).
Then a picture with the Kriss 30-round mag... didn't test that combo this outing, but being able to use the G21 mags was a big plus for this pistol
06-25-2015, 01:38 PM
Happy B-day! :yo: Seems like you're doing it up right.
06-25-2015, 01:48 PM
Finally, the Speer 230-grain Gold Dots and Short-Barrel version as well... 2 frames each for recoil display and then the combined target for those 10 shots... the first Gold Dots marked by pen, then the GDSB.
Remember, I was just shooting for the photos, not tight groups... too slow! :D
Longitude Zero
06-25-2015, 03:24 PM
I love my 30S. Great shooter. I never had any issues with the trigger safety.
06-25-2015, 06:37 PM
Let me know how you like the holster, been kind of watching them, pricing is very attractive, but not sure about quality and comfort.
06-25-2015, 08:30 PM
Happy Birthday! No better way to celebrate it!
Looks like you got a good deal there.
06-27-2015, 01:08 PM
Let me know how you like the holster, been kind of watching them, pricing is very attractive, but not sure about quality and comfort.
It wouldn't have been my first choice, but it came new with the pistol, so I'll see if it works for me. I haven't had a chance to "evaluate" it, yet, but I did try it on. First try was awkward, but my CrossBreeds probably felt the same. I'll certainly check this one out before spending any more money on others. :)
I spent a bit online looking for goodies and found everything but a "butt plug" so far. It seems no one makes a grip plug for the G30S or the G30 SF... I think they're the same. Pearce stopped making them in favor of production for the 42 and 43 and others, so I hear.
I've already added an extended slide release, and have several other things ordered... ZEV Technologies Race connector(will use regular trigger spring to keep the pull closer to 3-3.5 lbs), Lone Wolf Extended Slide Lock, LW maritime firing pin spring caps(just in case I have to shoot a window out after driving into water, or something!), and the Vickers Tactical Extended Magazine Release... best fit, supposedly... not too big, but one of the costliest.
I haven't ordered sights, yet, but will probably go with Trijicon's HD NS with the yellow FS, as I have on my G21 SF and G23C. I can mount those myself with my Sight Pusher.
I'm glad that I "saved" a bunch of money on the pistol. I'm spending the savings on "accessories".
I ordered 2 more 10-round magazines, though I have plenty of mags, considering the G21's 13-rounders and my Kriss 30-rounders! I already have mag carriers for all of my Glocks... singles and doubles for 2" and my usual 1 1/2" gun belt.
Dang! My "cheap" deal is costing me a lot of money!
Wynn :)
06-27-2015, 01:14 PM
Dang! My "cheap" deal is costing me a lot of money!
Wynn :)
surprised? ;)
06-27-2015, 06:21 PM
No! I knew that I was going to spend over $200 on sights and upgrades, but it WAS a great deal for $475 FTF.
Wynn :)
Congrats! The 30S is sweet!
06-27-2015, 08:47 PM
Thanks. I thought it was time to get more firepower for CC, especially night carry... not that we go out that much.
I think that I'm close to $200 on upgrades and a few more mags... before $120+ on the HD NS. And... I still need to sort out holsters.
It's a good thing that I've been investing in over-sized polos for years. Those large shirts will be just the thing.
Wynn :)
06-27-2015, 11:13 PM
No! I knew that I was going to spend over $200 on sights and upgrades, but it WAS a great deal for $475 FTF.
Wynn :)
Gotta give you credit Wynn. When you do sumpin', you do it right.
06-28-2015, 10:44 AM
Excellent Wynn! Thank you for the time and effort involved to do such detailed posts:laser::photo::typing:
06-28-2015, 05:01 PM
Thanks, guys. I've been playing with the pistol and snapcaps trying to see how reloading will go. I really can't wait to try the Vickers mag release. The stock one is hard to manipulate! It really takes too much concentration... and with two hands sometimes.
I decided on the Vickers from the description and reviews... AND... because the regular extended mag release is too long without modification on the G21 SF and it's possible to release the mag accidentally with it... and it appears that the extra length could be a problem in some holsters, too.
I already had a Pearce grip plug for a G20/21 SF... and an extra one, since I have another on order. I tried it in the G30S and it will go into the slot but not fit flush with the bottom of the grip. My magazine swapping practice causes it to ride up from the fully inserted position, so this will need something to hold it in place... a screw or silicone or some kind of non-permanent "glue", but it will keep the crud out. I tested it quite a bit with the three different sized mags and found no problems... no interference with the magazine well and mag insertion.
I'm wearing my Looper gun belt and the Alien Gear holster with an extra mag in the Kydex holder around the house to see what that's like. I have a large T-shirt on and if I bring my hands out in front horizontal to the ground, there is printing and it gets worse if I reach up for something, so that's something to watch. I haven't tried with my favorite polos, but will get around to that before a "field test". :)
I envisioned this fatter pistol as an evening carry and want to get comfortable with it. Sitting with my back against a chair, I'm aware of the thicker mag and pistol, but short term, no problem... "... comforting, not comfortable." :)
Adding fully loaded mags +1 will make a difference, too, but I'm not ready for that around the house.
I'll eventually get around to some pictures and report on the holster, but I don't have time this evening... got to cook for us... two big Angus ribeyes that Wifey wanted to try... been watching cooking shows and thinks this may be better than her favorite tenderloin... don't think so, but two steaks over an inch thick and totaling just over 3 lbs bone-in ought to give us two meals with the leftovers... with nuked baked potato and green beans. I got those at the Commissary for $5.49 a pound... unreal.
Wynn :)
06-28-2015, 05:13 PM
The price is $35.88 plus shipping, so it's not an expensive option... neoprene, not leather, with options for different clips or hooks. Mine has the plastic clips.
Mine is backed with real leather, not the multi-layer with steel insert, so no stitching, and cheaper at under $30!
Glock - 30s Cloak Tuck 2.0 IWB Holster (Inside the Waistband)
Grand Total
Shipping & Handling (Flat Rate - Fixed)
06-28-2015, 10:02 PM
I loaded the spare 13-rounder and the 10-rounder in the pistol and have been wearing them for 5-6 hours now. I sure notice them but it's not uncomfortable.
Weights... the pistol weighs 20.35 oz. empty.
With 9-rd mag + 1 = 30.15 oz.
and with 10-rd mag + 1 = 31.1 oz.
The 13-round G21 mag weighs 12.7 full, plus about 2 oz. for the Kydex mag holder.
Wynn :)
The large ribeye steaks were okay, but I prefer the large T-bones, Porterhouses, and tenderloin. Last the best, of course. When I say large, I mean over an inch thick and well over a pound each.
06-28-2015, 11:34 PM
With that wide body gun Wynn you really out to look at a Mernickle PS6 OWB. He makes mid ride and low ride but I like the high ride myself. It's not a quick draw rig and if you have shoulder issues or anything it may not be a good choice but the gun rides real high and tight to the body.
I never wear just a T shirt over it but a button shirt or polo hides it just as well as an IWB.
I wear a steel 1911 in it and honestly have to touch it once in awhile to make sure it's still there.
Your back to lean and mean where I've already got enough of must me under the belt so sometimes IWB just doesn't work.
I was in Reno this last week and discovered that Mernickle was nearby in Fernley. Decided to make a run over and meet Bob and Sherry but had wife call and they were out of town at a show someplace so we went to Virginia City instead. Would have been cool to meet him and see his shop.
06-29-2015, 08:30 AM
This Alien Gear holster leaves me with a space between the inside of my shorts and my briefs big enough to put my hand in near the small of my back... weird, but not uncomfortable. A G21 mag in an IWB holder could fit there, but I think that would be uncomfortable when sitting back. :D
It sure made a difference when I loaded the mags... 10 + 0 + 13 just to wear those around the house and get used to the weight.
The pistol weighs 20.35 ounces empty and 31.1 ounces with 10+1. I think I'll carry it with the 9-rounder... 30.15 ounces and the extra mag, a G21 with 13 rounds weighs 12.7 ounces. I have a double-mag holder, too, but that seems to be too much on my belt. My single OWB mag holder weighs only 1.45 ounces and the IWB holster weighs 6.55 ounces.
So, 30.15 +12.7 + 1.45 + 6.55 = 50.85 ounces! For night add a light and then there's my knife and phone. I already felt like I had a duty belt and gear on!
Oh, this holster is made of leather and Kydex.
Wynn :D
06-29-2015, 05:38 PM
I just got back from some shopping and took off my P40 and replaced it with the G30S in the Alien Gear holster for some photos. I forgot the camera was in video mode and Wifey was trying to take pictures. I made still from ALL of the videos so she could get back to HGTV or FOX.
I have pictures without the gun, but with the holster and mag carrier on, but those are redundant, so I'll just show the shirt down and shirt up pix.
I'm under 150 pounds but still have a little paunch that I didn't suck in. Wifey was trying to take two shots of each pose and we didn't know the camera was just being switched on and off in video mode. :)
I wear Large tees and polos and have a bunch by Lands End and Duluth. The ones from Duluth, as pictured, are longer by a few inches... handy for covering stuff up.
Wynn :)
06-29-2015, 05:47 PM
I usually try to pull my shorts up so it's not so obvious that there's more weight on my carry side, but I also try not to do a lot of that adjusting in public... just when dismounting from a vehicle or getting up from a chair... to make sure the shirt tails are down and not caught on any "protrusions".
The mag is a G21 13-rounder in a Kydex OWB holder. I tried to get a shot of me holding my hands level to the front, but didn't catch that on one of the VIDEOS.
Voluminous shirts really help with reaching, but bending over at the waist would cause printing, I'm sure.
I'm still wearing the G30S and extra mag with ammo, but no chambered round to see how this combo will feel.
I still need to order sights... Trijicon HD NS with Yellow FS.
Wynn :)
06-29-2015, 06:20 PM
Lord have mercy Wynn, your looking vera vera fit. Gosh durned if you ain't better looking now than you was 5 years ago.
You go and find that fountain of youth and not bother to tell bawanna about it?
06-29-2015, 09:57 PM
Thanks! I'm keeping close to 40 pounds off for a few years now and trying to eat some healthier stuff. I still like my red meat and red wine, though. :D
06-30-2015, 07:04 AM
Congrats on the weight loss.
06-30-2015, 10:32 AM
Thanks! I was wearing that rig last night until we went to the living room and after sitting in my recliner, I decided that was enough testing for the night... too lumpy for reclining!
I'm listening to Alan Jackson via Amazon's Echo "Alexa"... pretty good sound and I love the voice control. Wifey's out shopping... thrift shops and antique stores... doesn't buy much, but it makes her happy... and gets her out of the house for a while. I can't listen to my music without a headset when she's here. :)
07-02-2015, 06:00 PM
Well, today I got most of my upgrades for my new Glock 30S. I got everything except the Trijicon HD NS Yellow, which may get here tomorrow or Monday.
I installed the Vickers mag release, marine firing pin spring caps, Lone Wolf extended slide lock, and the ZEV Technologies Race connector. I didn't do a thorough polish of the trigger parts, but I did run my fine sandpaper over everything and then used some Flitz on the parts... just rubbing it on and off with a paper towel... didn't get carried away with polishing. :)
I tried to knock the edge off the trigger safety a bit with an emory board and fine sandpaper. It did have a slight sharp edge.
I got two more 10-round mags and gave them some TLC and then loaded them to capacity. These new Glock mags loaded easily to 10 rounds and I left them to sit a while loaded, but as I said, they loaded easily with the Mag UPLULA, unlike the ones that came with the pistol. I had to really work with those. These seem to need no break in.
I've been practicing with snap caps and then my LaserLyte cartridge on the Reaction Targets. I still jerk too much most of the time. :(
When I get the HD NS I'll install those and check out the whole setup at the range before trying to CC with the G30S.
I checked the other holsters I have... the Glock cheapie and the hybrid MDJ Mini or Super Tuck copy that I got for my G23c/G19 and it fits, too. So I have three holsters so far that fit. I'll probably get a Dead-Eye Luke all Kydex one at the next gun show in three weeks or so. These others are a handful to put on and I want a quick on and off holster, too.
I'll have to add up all the costs for this pistol so far. Every new gun is a money project... pit! At least I can use my other Glock .45 mags with this one.
Wynn :)
07-07-2015, 11:16 AM
I got the new HD NS yesterday around 4PM. I had to wait all day and went ahead and removed the Glock standard sights. I used my Sight Pusher and mounted it with a small portable vise onto a TV tray. The vise mount wound not fit my usual work table... the all-purpose dining room table. :D
Getting the sights off was easy. I really like the "Glock Tool" with the punch and the 3/16" socket... the right depth and a magnet to hold that tiny screw for the front sights.
I had to watch a video or two on the use of the Sight Pusher. The slanted pusher is for the Glocks, but you need to use the flat part to get installations started, pushing against the base of the new rear sight to get it sort of flush with the slide, so that you can then use the slanted pusher for final positioning.
The rear sight required a bunch of preparation... didn't slide halfway in and it took a lot of filing and finally sanding, which worked better, to get the base to slide into the dovetail. I tried numerous times and finally just pushed the danged thing in. I lucked out and must have removed enough material that I didn't ruin the sight! I don't recommend this procedure for the faint-hearted! It easily took me two hours + to finally get that rear on. My dining room table was covered with all sorts of tools and stuff before I was through... and late for cooking dinner!
I used files, stones, and finally sandpaper to remove metal from the base and the sides of the base... very tight!
I just had to make one minor adjustment and the the sights seemed right on. I tested them a lot with my LaserLyte practice cartridge. I like the easy staging with the ZEV Race Connector and stock spring. I'm able to easily stage the trigger and get a smooth release. I don't have a trigger pull scale so I don't know what difference there is, but I like the trigger pull.
I still have to touch up the rear sight a bit with a bluing pen, but everything looks good. I even made a tube grip cover... took three tries... and it could be better, but I'll give it a try at the range today. I wish that I hadn't just read about the rear of the trigger guard causing blisters on the middle finger for some people. I might have to adjust that a bit with sandpaper wrapped around a Sharpie pen, but that can wait.
Some pix of the pistol and sights:
After the range test I'll have to see if I can CC this fat sucker. I don't think that will be a problem with my large polos and I will feel better with the increased firepower that might come in handy in the future. I'm planning on the 9-round mag +1 in the pistol for max concealment with either a 13-round or 10-round as a spare. That's a bunch of 230-grain Gold Dots... short barrel version. The barrel is 3.77"... still kind of short.
I guess that I've spent all of the "savings" from this deal and must have $700 involved with the upgraded parts, HD NS, and two more 10-round mags.
Wynn :)
07-08-2015, 08:45 PM
congrats! My son and I both own and carry the 30S. I love the pistol, though mine has developed an issue where it doesn't lock back on empty 10 round mags. Works fine on the 9 rounders I usually use. I carry
mine in a Garret Industries AIWB.
I usually get a few good range days a month and the 30S is primarily what I train with. However, my wrist cannot handle more then 100 rounds before I start getting pain. I was using a g19 for a while so I could shoot all day, but traded it in for a HK P8.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
07-09-2015, 03:06 AM
Thanks. I shot 10 rounds of Underwood +P 230-gr Gold Dots and that was enough of +P. I had to put a Bandaid on my trigger finger again. I almost put my fingerless flight glove on my gun hand, too.
I already have a G23C and a G21 SF, and I got my wife a G19... first a Gen 3, then a Gen 4 to get a smaller grip, but she says it's still too big. She liked shooting the G19 with the .22LR conversion, but she wasn't fond of the 9mm when I switched the pistol to that.
I did have one of the two 9-round mags give me a bit of a problem. Fully loaded with 9 rounds, the bullets rattled in the magazine... moving from front to back. I tested the mag many times and still had the loose rounds. I took a new 13-round magazine spring and cut one coil off. That was the only difference I saw... 10 coils on the 13-rounder springs vs. 9 on the 9-rounder. That stopped the cartridge movement and gives me two for flush-carry mags and 4 10-rounders now
One of the great features about the G30S is that it can use all of the larger double-stack mags... G21 and Kriss 30-rounders, too, though I don't foresee "needing" the latter, I do have some.
Wynn :)
07-09-2015, 12:03 PM
Targets from my second trip to the range with my new Glock 30S after installing Trijicon HD Night Sights Fellow Front Sights GL104Y, the same size as my G21 SF. The G19 and G23C use GL101Y.
I started out using a plastic rest... not the most stable. I wanted to see if the sights were POA=POI and if they needed any adjustment.
From the "groupings" or "patterns" it seems my shots are pretty much dispersed around the target and I couldn't see any need for adjustment, other than my trigger "technique"... more yanking or shoving! :D :laser:
07-11-2015, 04:49 AM
For those who were interested in the Alien Gear Holster, mine is a leather/Kydex hybrid with the plastic clips for $29.88, not the synthetic multi-layered models.
I'll add pictures front and back with my G30S. I carried it for about 5 hours today and it worked fine, not uncomfortable, though a bigger "package" than my usual P40 in a CrossBreed MiniTuck.
The holster weighs a little over 7 ounces and with pistol and ten rounds internal weighs 37.4 ounces, and the spare 10-round mag and holder weigh another 11.5 ounces, totaling 48.95 for the entire package. I could carry the G21 mag for an additional 3 rounds and two more ounces!
I'm wearing a Large Duluth "No Polo" with extra tail and I could carry an AK in there! :) This is the back after shopping and driving all afternoon.
No problem reaching high with this Duluth Polo:
There is a space in the center of my shorts in the back created by the holster pushing the shorts away... extra cooling, I guess... handy in Florida!
And a closeup of the holster... belt is a Looper Kydex reinforced gun belt, hard to beat for $50 or so.
I've found it easier to thread the belt, mag holder, and holster into my shorts BEFORE putting them on. I can step into my shorts with them rigged and loaded for CC... and I sometimes take them off that way and hang them up for later wear, with the gun and mag inserted.
I may have to try an AG holster.
07-12-2015, 10:03 PM
I don't see how they make money on the leather-backed one I got. There were a lot of spare screws and stuff with the holster, but I don't know if those were included with the holster new, or spares ordered then.
I certainly can't complain... I got the holster with my pistol. I'll still be looking for something that is quick on and off at the next gun show. This one takes too much effort if I have to remove the gun for some place while I'm out.
07-13-2015, 04:58 PM
Well, I'm about through accessorizing or upgrading my G30S. I'll enumerate my costs, so far. :)
NIB G30S Package with 2 extra/optional 9-rd magazines and new holster $475. I didn't include the cost of my gas for the FTF trip... about $30, so $505.
Upgrades from MidwayUSA:
ZEV Race Connector $14.25
Lone Wolf Extended Slide Lock $8.99
Vickers Extended Mag Release $16.07
Lone Wolf Marine Striker Spring Caps $7.21
Shipping for preceding $4.99 Total from Midway: $51.51
Local Gun Store:
Glock Extended Slide Release $17.99
Pearce Glock Plug(not correct size) $6.99. LGS with tax: $26.73
From CDNN:
2 G30-10 rd mags + shipping ~$48.00
From Botach/ Trijicon HD NS GL104Y $131.04
Giving a grand total, so far, of $762.28 !!
I wasn't even in the market for another Glock... but the price was so nice, especially with all of the extras and no tax and all. :blushing:
And... the weekend after next is our largest gun show... where I'll see if there any more goodies I might "need". I'm thinking of an easy on and off Kydex holster. I only have three holsters that fit this pistol, so far.
And, I expended over 400 FMJ, 25-30 SD rounds, and 10 +P SD rounds at the range testing the pistol and sights, but that was recreation and necessary familiarization with the new pistol.
Did I say this hobby... guns... is expensive... or CAN be!?
Wynn :)
07-14-2015, 07:39 PM
At least you had fun, I paid almost the same, slightly more for new brakes and bushings on my wife's car last year, and did not enjoy it one bit.
07-14-2015, 09:12 PM
"My usual EDC is my Mag-na-ported P40 with the Big Dot front sight and the Trijicon 2-dot rear night sight."
Got any pictures? I would like to see this sight combo .
FYI, I couldn't see ANY printing in all the pictures you showed.
Good job. And Thanks.
07-14-2015, 10:12 PM
I had a long post with all of my attempts to recreate the Trijicon HD night sights that aren't available for Kahrs.
There are a lot of pictures and comparisons. Here's one of the combo:
This is NOT a POA = POI setup. I nestle the Big Dot FS on the upper inside corners of the rear sight and cover the bullseye... pretty much... easy for me to shoot low, but for close range it works for me.
I have the HD's on my G23C, G21 SF and now my G30S. I did have them on my XD45 Tactical that I sold after I got the G21 SF. I would put them on several Kahrs if they were available. That's one reason I got the G30S, though it's a fatter pistol than I like, it holds more bullets and uses all of my Glock .45 mags.
07-15-2015, 12:43 PM
I had a long post with all of my attempts to recreate the Trijicon HD night sights that aren't available for Kahrs.
There are a lot of pictures and comparisons. Here's one of the combo:
This is NOT a POA = POI setup. I nestle the Big Dot FS on the upper inside corners of the rear sight and cover the bullseye... pretty much... easy for me to shoot low, but for close range it works for me.
I have the HD's on my G23C, G21 SF and now my G30S. I did have them on my XD45 Tactical that I sold after I got the G21 SF. I would put them on several Kahrs if they were available. That's one reason I got the G30S, though it's a fatter pistol than I like, it holds more bullets and uses all of my Glock .45 mags.
My Big dot nite sites finally puked out on me, and I think I am gonnna send the slide to Kahr and let them install the fiber optic sights. I just don't focus good with that big dot anymore, and I have fiber optic on my Glock and my utter gun and they seem to give me a better pcture. Age is takingits tole on my eyes, even at 10 yards...
07-15-2015, 12:51 PM
Hi! Glad to hear from you. Yeah, I've been noticing that things are too fuzzy... rear, front sights, and the target. I looked at some of my old posts with some 2-3" groupings and wonder how I did that. I can do it with the rest I used with this new pistol, but offhand I just sprinkle all over the whole sheet of paper. I really vary my "trigger technique".
The squib incident I just had was kind of embarrassing because I could see my crappy trigger technique as I was pushing the pistol forward and down on that squib click. I'm sure that Federal enjoyed that part, too. I sent them a copy of the video as well as still of the firing sequence.
"We received both the incident round and CD. The video was interesting to watch and incident cartridge has been sent to have metallurgical examination.
I sent them 10 other empty cases from that range session for analysis. I would have posted that video but my Canon software "can't cut the video"... used to be able.
Wynn :)
07-15-2015, 01:02 PM
My Big dot nite sites finally puked out on me, and I think I am gonnna send the slide to Kahr and let them install the fiber optic sights. I just don't focus good with that big dot anymore, and I have fiber optic on my Glock and my utter gun and they seem to give me a better pcture. Age is takingits tole on my eyes, even at 10 yards...
Well you learn something every day. Jocko has utters and carries a gun on them. On top of that he likes to dress like the Colonel. Just look at his new avatar.
Welcome back. I was just thinking about you the other day. You haven't bern around lately.
07-15-2015, 02:48 PM
While Jocko has full command of the english language and is a master of penmanship and sheep of course, he's avatar challenged.
He requested one similar to mine and in my laziness it occurred to me that this couldn't be more similar so I just put the same one in for him.
I'll make an effort to find a nice one to call his own so he can be his own man. I'm sure the suggestion that he likes to do anything like I do is revolting to him in a very large way.
07-15-2015, 02:56 PM
There I made him a better one. Went with a rear view, all the frontals looked perfect but figured they were too big for all parties.
07-15-2015, 05:36 PM
There I made him a better one. Went with a rear view, all the frontals looked perfect but figured they were too big for all parties.
When you said rear view i was thinking more like a pic of a pair of flag bikini bottoms that were quite full. I was going to make it mine but the wife saw it and didn't approve. :(
07-15-2015, 05:53 PM
There I made him a better one. Went with a rear view, all the frontals looked perfect but figured they were too big for all parties.
I like the rear view, as she is telling all thesxe PC politicians to kiss her a$$
First we lite up the white house with the gay colors and hell screw the fourth of July with RED White and Blue colors on the white house. Makes me sick to my stomach...
07-15-2015, 06:15 PM
If you throw up a little bit in your mouth, your stomach will feel better. Sometimes 20 or 30 times a day lately.
07-15-2015, 09:56 PM
Jocko, it's nice to see that you started shooting your PMJ9, or whatever you call it, again. You went a few years without changing the count.
I shot mine once in the last year and not much then. I have so many others that I prefer to carry. The PM9 did well and then I put it back as a hideaway backup in the house.
I carry the P40 most of the time and the P380 when on a short convenience trip or to a doctor's office, or any time I need maximum concealment.
I got this G30S for more firepower. If I need a gun, I want plenty of ammo and the .45, too, though the P40 is fine... just not as many bullets. The "little" G30S IS a fat sucker, though.
Wynn :)
08-10-2015, 11:26 AM
Congrats on a great deal, and happy birthday! I have a 30s also and like it a lot. I've never had a problem with trigger bite or hand discomfort; but I've never fired 200 rounds at one setting. Just got a CW45 and am very pleased with it; it's now my edc pistol. How is that holster?
08-10-2015, 12:21 PM
Congrats on a great deal, and happy birthday! I have a 30s also and like it a lot. I've never had a problem with trigger bite or hand discomfort; but I've never fired 200 rounds at one setting. Just got a CW45 and am very pleased with it; it's now my edc pistol. How is that holster?
Thanks. The CW is a nice size... my favorite Kahr size, but in the P-models. I really wanted a P45, but this G30S was such a deal that I couldn't pass it up, especially with the extra 9-round mags(better for CC) and the new holster. The holster is a leather/Kydex hybrid somewhat like the SuperTuck by CrossBreed, but less than half the cost... and free with the pistol. It works for carry and I didn't see anything at the last gun shows that I wanted to really try. There are shows the next two weekends, so I'll still look for a small holster with easy on and off... for when I could use it.
The G30S can use all of my Glock .45 mags, as well as the 9 and 10 rounders... a big plus. I haven't tried my Kriss 30-rounders, but I did try an SGM Korean 26/27 rounder that I had given some TLC and that was a big disappointment... jammamatic after a few rounds. I know the Kriss mags work, but certainly don't plan to carry them!
I've taken the G30S to the range 3 times now... the second time to test the new HD Yellow Front Night Sights, and the third just for practice with concentration on the front sight. I fired over 200 rounds on each of the first two trips and around 200 on the third trip, so I have over 600 through the pistol now. I like to shoot about 200 rounds and use new factory ammo... The Federal Champions and the Blazer Aluminum... all ammo is 230-grain. I also shot some defense ammo each time... Speer 230-gr GDSB and 230-gr bonded Remington Golden Sabers, as well as some +P 230-gr Gold Dots by Underwood.. I never had a problem except with the Korean mag, and that had Federal FMJ in it.
I've shot a mag at the beginning of each outing without tape on my trigger finger, but feel the trigger safety irritating my finger, so on with the BandAid... no problem then. The 1.75" bike tube grip cover keeps the nibs from giving me blisters, too.
I'm still practicing with my LaserLyte training cartridge, trying to focus on the front sight... and trigger control. It's hard to break old habits, though, and not have the laser dot jiggle at trigger break.
Wynn :)
08-10-2015, 02:59 PM
Jocko, it's nice to see that you started shooting your PMJ9, or whatever you call it, again. You went a few years without changing the count.
I shot mine once in the last year and not much then. I have so many others that I prefer to carry. The PM9 did well and then I put it back as a hideaway backup in the house.
I carry the P40 most of the time and the P380 when on a short convenience trip or to a doctor's office, or any time I need maximum concealment.
I got this G30S for more firepower. If I need a gun, I want plenty of ammo and the .45, too, though the P40 is fine... just not as many bullets. The "little" G30S IS a fat sucker, though.
Wynn :)
thanks, I have really slacked off the past few years. It rides in my pocket but I just don't shoot it like I want, so when I got my G43 and got it alltuner up, I took it and the K9 and the 43 to the range, . I just don';t shoot that PMJ9 well wyn, but I shoot the eyes out of my G43, . Makes me jealous. I have my PMJU9 slide at kahr now getting williams fiber optic sites onstalled, so right now my pocket is carrying my G43 and it does well in normal jeans with normal deep poclets. But I have a pair of designer jeans my son bought me for christmas that has shallow pockets and it willnot ride there at all. The PMJ9 wuld though, I have the PMJ9 lower at Taran tacxtical in komifornia getting a reedo over grip stippling lob b y them. They did such an awesome grip stipple on my G43 that I ask them if they could do a redo over an existing stipple job and they said sure. I had that stipple job done over 5 years ago by cylinder and slide and it was justy horrible, Hated it from day one. Not only ugly but also not a feel worth a damn either.
Anutter reason Ihad cut back is tha tnow I have to drive 15 mile sto an outdoor range that is open from wednesday to sunday and I try to go on wednesdays as hardly anyone is there, so I have the pistol range to myself. My local Izaak Wal;ton ragne pissed me off a few years ago when they told me I can't soot at 7 yards but must get back to 25 yards. I told them to go fokk themselves and never went back. They have since changed their policy . I will let u know how the williams fiber optics sites do for me. The big dot site puked out a couple years ago,. I had a set of dawson fiber optics put on my G43 and I luv um, so I fifgured I might like them on my pMJ9
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