View Full Version : Rusting mag catch solutions?

06-25-2015, 02:37 PM
Hi Guys,

I'm getting tired of having to remove the mag catch on my CM9 and clean the rust off every week or two. I read through the handful of threads I could find on the subject and tried most of the given solutions without much success. Short of having it plated or re-coated have any of you found a good method to stop the rusting? I called Kahr and spoke with them briefly to see if there had been any "advancements" or factory recommended fixes for this issue and they, in not so many words, said, "Yeah, they do that." Hmm, I carry my XDs in exactly same make of holster and it doesn't have *one* part that rusts up weekly. :( It's not enough to outweigh the pros of the pistol but it is starting to bother me.

So: Has anyone come up with a good, easy fix? I'm going to try and find a local plater that can put some sort of more durable finish on it but if there's a better fix I'm all ears...

06-25-2015, 02:48 PM
Plating would probably be a good approach. Maybe a hard nickel or chrome. You could ceracote it afterwards to make it black again. It is a reasonably complex part. I put it into a solid model. But, I don't think there are many people who have that issue so it would not be worth making a run in a good stainless. If there was enough demand, it would still probably be a $40 part machined in small quantities. I know I don't have the problem. Would a different holster help?

Higgy Baby
06-25-2015, 02:57 PM
If Frog Lube, Hornady One Shot, or WD40 Specialist don't stop it- then its some bad metal.

06-25-2015, 03:07 PM
Here's the only thread I could find with an actual solution other than simply keeping it cleaned and oiled. Has a link to a refinisher. Hope it helps.


06-26-2015, 09:10 AM
Hi Guys. Thanks for the replies. I have not actually tried frog lube. I'd rather not buy it to try if I can get it plated for cheaper. lol. I've tried a half dozen other lube/clp products including wd-40. So far the longest lasting is to rub on a very thin coat of Lucas Red 'n tacky grease. I've been carrying IWB in a kydex taco with a sweat shield. The button is 3/4 covered and above my waistband. I supose I could try getting one that fully covers the release.

@b4uqzme: Thanks for posting that link up. I did actually find that thread in my searches and have tried calling the outfit listed a couple times but have not been able to reach them. Depending on their current price/turn-around time I might go that route. Still looking for a local coating solution as well...

06-26-2015, 09:54 AM
I recently bought a Frog Lube "Kit" from Amazon. I think it was around $34.00. It included FL Solvent, FL gel in a tube and FL paste in a jar as well as a few brushes and swabs and a big microfiber cloth. I had been impressed with the info in the link B4uqzme posted. The first time I use it I went through everything on my guns with the solvent and warmed (not hot) everything with a hair dryer. Then I lubed with the gel and wiped off the excess and rewarmed. Love that minty fresh scent! The first time I went to the range with my P380 and ran 100 down the pipe the soot and debris wiped right off with the microfiber cloth and everything felt nice and slick still. I dabbed on a little of the paste in the normal lube spots and was good to go. I was a bit of a skeptic at first but I'm a Frog Lube believer now. All that said...I've never had a rusty mag release on my CM9 that I carry in a Nemesis or P380 that I carry in an Uncle Georges, but both of those cover the mag release.