View Full Version : Girl gave me her number. What do I do next?

Night Owl
06-26-2015, 10:17 AM
Sorry everyone. I must come clean. You see... I, er, a-hum (clearing throat) am from California. I’m also pretty much new to pistols altogether. I have shot revolvers before and in fact own one. Yes. Surprisingly they are still legal in this state. But this will be my first go round with a semi-automatic. It’s called a PM9 or something of that sort.

I’m hoping to get very good at it because everything else I am good at is nearly worthless. I can hit a curveball, rollerblade while listening to itunes and solve crossword puzzles. My early years as a kid were spent trying to avoid raking the leaves off the ground.


Long walks on short piers.
Girls with no standards, morals or self-esteem.
Cinnamon flavored floss.
Playing ping pong by myself.
Carving novelty animals from root vegetables.
Knock-Knock jokes.
Losing track of time.


Balloon animals, it’s not a giraffe it’s a bent up balloon.
Materialism and not having enough stuff.
Double standards (I can have them and you can’t).
Kittens that come apart when you kick them.
Sunshine. I’m a Night Owl after all.
Barak Obama.

In all honesty I only joined because I was told that the top 25 posters on this forum were going to send me each 1000 rounds of 9mm ammo at no charge as long as I joined before July 1st. So...

06-26-2015, 10:39 AM
Because you're so honest, I just mailed you my wallet. Welcome to the forum.

06-26-2015, 12:23 PM
Don't kick the kittens!

06-26-2015, 12:39 PM
My grand enroute. FYI- I don't think honesty will get you anywhere one this forum. But actually I'm not certain, first time its happened.

Welcome, I think you'll fit in well.

06-26-2015, 01:25 PM
You make California sound not so bad...


06-26-2015, 05:18 PM
if you want to know anything about California or shooting, reloading, archery, dancing, watch this channel.
FC45LC lives east of SF and shoots up a storm, reloads(casts bullets, etc.) and seems to not be that hindered by Cal. gun laws.

06-27-2015, 09:45 PM
My condolences on living in Kalifornia.
Don't kick kittens.
Slut bombs are worthless.



07-02-2015, 12:13 AM
Drop kicking a kitten doesn't count, does it? I mean, if you place one on a tee then that would be mean. But drop kicking is okay, right?

Oh, welcome to the forum!

07-02-2015, 09:02 AM
The only thing wrong with California is its government and the crazy laws they come out with. The weather here is outstanding. Here on the Central Coast, the temperature hovers around 70 degrees every day of the year. Don't need air conditioning and very rarely need heat. I always tell everyone that you don't sweat in Lompoc unless you want to.

07-05-2015, 08:50 PM
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Kahr who?
Kahrn't you tell I have my girlfriend on my hip?

08-30-2015, 12:13 AM
born and raised in so cal and there is a huge hindrance there regarding to many things other than just firearms, fortune cookie is a trip and an avid caster but he can see/overlook the most obvious hindrance of all, his governing body.. if you however want freedom with firearms and your 2A rights along with many other things cali has governed than its not the place for you, or at least it wasn't for me and saddens me to see what its become in the 8yrs I've been gone...