View Full Version : Put a Wolff 5lb Striker Spring Into My PM9

06-29-2015, 09:31 PM
This is a Kahr PM9 with the manual safety, LCI, enhanced trigger

Trigger pull before was spot on 5.5lb

Trigger pull after is 5.65lb

I didn't mind the trigger before, but I was ordering springs from Wolff for some other guns and decided to throw some in for my PM9.
The Wolff spring is longer than the stock spring, with coils spread further apart as well.

Not sure why I'm getting a heavier pull with a lighter spring, maybe my old one was just worn in? It's only had ~200 rounds through since new. I'll put a hundred rounds into this new Wolff spring and see where it ends up for trigger pull.

06-29-2015, 10:14 PM
It was the same for me and my PM45. I had a lighter end of the scale factory spring. The Wolff spring was just slightly lighter.

It will get a bit lighter as you shoot it some.

06-30-2015, 07:42 AM
Could be that a part of the trigger enhancement from Kahr was a 5 pound striker spring. Five pounds is as light as I would go in a carry gun.