View Full Version : Crossbreed Pocket Rocket for P/CW380
06-30-2015, 08:26 PM
Anyone on here given a shot to the Crossbreed pocket rocket on a Kahr 380? Pocket carry is far and away my favorite carry method. It's just so comfortable as well as comforting that it makes sure I do it everyday. I have some pocket holsters that I love, but I'm always searching for a better mousetrap. Any experience with this from Crossbreed would be great. (I have 2 minitucks already, one for my 380, and one for my p9, so I'm really only interested in reviews on the pocket holster.)
I daily pocket carry a CM9 in a DeSantis. Recently I bought a no name rough-out pocket holster, a simple 2 piece of leather sewn together. Thinner than the DeSantis and also works fine. Doubtful it will hold up long term.. I did have a CW380 for a while, but my Daughter took it. I liked it fine with the DeSantis front pocket carry and also Uncle George back pocket carry. I had a Teltor ankle carry but did not have the opportunity to use it much. I found the CW .380 to be a little small for my business casual pants pockets and prefer to carry the larger CM9. I agree with you. With the clothes I wear, and my activity/life style, pocket carry is best. Looking forward from others in their experiences with different pocket holsters. I would think it has more due to the types of pants worn and pockets rather than the holster itself.
07-01-2015, 12:03 PM
I front pocket my PM9 and keep going back to using the deasantis superfly without the velcro flap. I am curious to see the feedback for these hybrids and am always looking for something better. wish some1 made a paper thin holster that was rigid enough on outside to mask the shape
07-01-2015, 01:29 PM
I own and use on occasion my DeSantis pocket holsters for both my P380 and CM9, but find them to be thick sometimes. I have also used Galco Pocket protectors, but in jeans the tab tends to mold inward toward the body and give away too much of the gun shape. My P380 has also spent a lot of time in a Stellar Rigs kydex which for me does better than any holster I've ever seen concealment in the pocket. Problem is that I have the night sights on my P380, and the Stellar Rigs doesn't cover the rear sight, which managed to dig holes into several pants pockets. Currently, both my pocket pistols spend most of their time in F3 kydex pocket holsters available for under $20 on ebay, direct from manufacturer. These cover the rear sight, and use a tab at the top of the holster where the rear sight sits to pull the holster free on the draw rather than a tab on the bottom in the empty corner left by an L shaped gun. My only complaint is that it's not always square enough in certain jeans to mask the shape enough.
No, I'm not switching to different jeans, I love the jeans I have. Same with my other work pants. (Work environment is business casual so it's normally jeans and a sport coat with button down shirt, or slacks and button down or polo.) I like the F3's a lot, but as I said, I'm always looking for a better mousetrap.
07-01-2015, 01:29 PM
Forgot to mention, I do front pocket carry only. Never got into the back pocket stuff.
07-01-2015, 01:34 PM
I like the Stays Put holster. I have used the Superfly. The closed muzzle end of the stays put keeps the pistol relatively lint free. It breaks up the shape of the gun, and as the name implies, stays there.
07-12-2015, 03:48 PM
I own and use on occasion my DeSantis pocket holsters for both my P380 and CM9, but find them to be thick sometimes. I have also used Galco Pocket protectors, but in jeans the tab tends to mold inward toward the body and give away too much of the gun shape. My P380 has also spent a lot of time in a Stellar Rigs kydex which for me does better than any holster I've ever seen concealment in the pocket. Problem is that I have the night sights on my P380, and the Stellar Rigs doesn't cover the rear sight, which managed to dig holes into several pants pockets. Currently, both my pocket pistols spend most of their time in F3 kydex pocket holsters available for under $20 on ebay, direct from manufacturer. These cover the rear sight, and use a tab at the top of the holster where the rear sight sits to pull the holster free on the draw rather than a tab on the bottom in the empty corner left by an L shaped gun. My only complaint is that it's not always square enough in certain jeans to mask the shape enough.
No, I'm not switching to different jeans, I love the jeans I have. Same with my other work pants. (Work environment is business casual so it's normally jeans and a sport coat with button down shirt, or slacks and button down or polo.) I like the F3's a lot, but as I said, I'm always looking for a better mousetrap.
I assume you have practiced fast draw with the F3 kydex. Have you had any instances where the holster came out with the pistol? I ask because I had that problem with a holster that had the hook on the bottom. It looked like it would never fail, until I wore a pair of pants with a large deep front pocket. I was surprised, but not as much as I would have been in an emergency. The tab at the top worries me since it just doesn't look like it would hang up "every" time. I guess I could make sure I never pocket carry in those pants again, but I'm looking for something foolproof.
07-13-2015, 09:22 PM
In jeans, I've never had a problem. In some of my loser fitting shorts with a more vertical pocket opening I've had to be more deliberate in my drawstroke. But if you flick your thumb at the top it pops off easily.
07-13-2015, 09:34 PM
I pocket carry in a kydex pocket holster I bought off eBay for $25.00. I love it.
07-13-2015, 10:35 PM
I've got Galco Pocket Rocket holsters coming for both my Custom MK40 and a newly purchased CT380. I've carried front left pocket for more than 20 years. I started off carrying a 642 Lady Smith (bought it for the wife but liked it so much it became my backup). I've been carrying my Custom MK40 front left pocket using a Desantes Super Fly since about 2010. The finger extension causes some issues and it prints a lot. I'm hoping that the Pocket Rocket will help with the printing. I should have them this week. Will keep you posted.
NOTE: Its the "CrossBreed" Pocket Rocket and not Galco. I looked at so many of them that I misspoke (or mistyped) the name. I have both holsters in hand and did a review in my post about the CT380 Night Sights.
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