View Full Version : What pisses me off....

07-03-2015, 08:56 PM
You can call my ol lady ugly. Thats fine.
You can call me fat. Thats fine.
You can say I can't ride worth a tinker's dam. Thats fine.
You can tell me I throw a baseball like a girl. Thats fine.
You can say I can't hit a bull in the ass with a shotgun from three feet away. Thats fine.
You can call me lazy. Thats fine.
You can call me a F'n packer. Thats fine.

In fact you can say most anything. Most. But not all, not everything.

It really pisses me off when someone gets to kvetchin' like a bagel jockey at a pushcart in Time's Square, all pissy and whiney like one of Arnie's described "girlymen", and they just straight up tell you stuff that ain't so.... AND... you try to explain, try to show the how and why, fill in the missing details.... and they restort to name calling (from list "A", above), as well as retorts that are filled with niggardly quips of logic and truth.

All righty then! I'm over it!

07-03-2015, 08:58 PM
You can call my ol lady ugly. Thats fine.
You can call me fat. Thats fine.
You can say I can't ride worth a tinker's dam. Thats fine.
You can tell me I throw a baseball like a girl. Thats fine.
You can say I can't hit a bull in the ass with a shotgun from three feet away. Thats fine.
You can call me lazy. Thats fine.
You can call me a F'n packer. Thats fine.

In fact you can say most anything. Most. But not all, not everything.

It really pisses me off when someone gets to kvetchin' like a bagel jockey at a pushcart in Time's Square, all pissy and whiney like one of Arnie's described "girlymen", and they just straight up tell you stuff that ain't so.... AND... you try to explain, try to show the how and why, fill in the missing details.... and they restort to name calling (from list "A", above), as well as retorts that are filled with niggardly quips of logic and truth.

All righty then! I'm over it!

If I knew what that meant, I might understand what you said!

07-03-2015, 09:36 PM
Well here's what it means....

Iffin' you ever been to Time's Square in New Yawk Zity, you no doubt noticed the abundance of push cart type food vendors. They sell hot dogs, knish, bagels, rolls, pretzels.... all sorts of stuff. And, they got an opinion about EVERYTHING... all of it about as rancid as the sauerkraut that was fresh on Tuesday... last month.


07-03-2015, 10:32 PM

Never wanted to go to NYNY so what the idiots are doing in time square, or are talking about there is the big zero to me...

Of course I have run into the odd Yankee-come-to-Texas who will speak rubbish and when you call him on his BS simply repeats the same trash talk in ever increasing volume. Had to tell one last year that I was in disagreement with him... not deaf.

I figure its bad genetics.:p

07-03-2015, 10:47 PM
Inbreeding in the tenements no doubt.

Well its not those folks, but folks who act LIKE those folks that really get to me....

Could be about polytix, or could be about guns, or could be at work when customers call for help then tell me how I need to fix things....

07-03-2015, 10:52 PM
I get it. Me too.

07-05-2015, 11:20 PM
Attitude - everyone needs one so you can use it or ignore it in others.

07-06-2015, 08:51 AM
I must need more coffee , maybe less . I can't make hide nor hair out of cjb's rant .

07-06-2015, 09:39 AM
I must need more coffee , maybe less . I can't make hide nor hair out of cjb's rant .

Simple really. Conscience and the law having frustrated cjb's need to stuff somebody head first into the nearest porta-potty, he's using the forum to ventilate while sparing us the idiotic details.

07-06-2015, 05:52 PM

07-06-2015, 08:14 PM
CJB is saying what pi$$es him off is loud mouth stupid people that wont shut up and try and impose their whiney idiotic beliefs on you and wont listen to a thing you have to say and when they realize you are right they resort to name calling like a spoiled brat of a child.

And I 'm with you brother. As hard as it is just remember they're stupid and try not to let it ruin your day.

07-06-2015, 08:56 PM
More "touchy feely logic" than loud mouth.

Their logic, as presented by Arthur, King of the Britons. "Everyone knows that witches are wood, and wood floats. Ducks also float, so if she weighs as much as a duck, she's a witch!".

You can go into density and mass and displacement of water and all sorts of things that are real and beyond contestation, but... that gal and the duck weigh the same, no matter what the real world says.

07-06-2015, 10:11 PM
More "touchy feely logic" than loud mouth.


Oh man, thats even worse. My wife's female hormones start that on some occasions and its all I can do to keep from rolling my eyes. However she is open to a well thought out response and will agree with logic. That said at times when it comes to dealing with the necessities of life she's hard core realist and don't mention Jesse, Al, or "O" to her because she'll fly off in a fit of rage on what people need to do to achieve success in life and what real racism is. Me, I'm generally logic all the time without much feeling at all (see problem, make a plan, fix it, done, move on, enjoy life...) Guess it wouldn't for both of us to be like that.

I think she's bipolar. :rolleyes:

07-07-2015, 04:57 AM
What the Hell were you, doing in A) NYC and B) Times Square? Unless you tell me you went to see a Broadway show. If you don't know the City, never have conversations with waco locals, that reveals that info.
Next time call me, re NYC, I know it inside out worked it for over 25 years, for better or worse....

07-07-2015, 05:18 AM
I am surprised you found someone in NY city that spoke English! Like all major cities nowadays, they are turning into "other" countries. Needless to say, I am not a fan of cities even though I was born in Boston, MA.