View Full Version : What flush mag solution is best for P45?

07-04-2015, 06:12 PM
I thought I'd finally found a solution to the problem I originally posted back in Dec 2014...


But no such luck. I ran standard G.I. 7-round M1911 mags, slightly modified by removing
material on top to clear the slide per earlier suggestions in this forum. They feed 100%,
but every once in a while the follower slips past the tang on the slide stop and ends up ABOVE it
instead of pressing it up. Of course, the slide fails to hold open after the last shot, and the
mag hangs up on the slide stop and won't fall free. So I'm back to square one again.

Can anyone tell us which currently available Officer's Model mag works with the P45? Also
mention whatever spring/follower you found to be best. I specifically do NOT want a plastic
floor plate after the original one came apart at the seams, literally.

I really like the Kahr but am concerned about the number of problems I've had with use.

* Every 800 rounds or so the recoil spring must be replaced. I'll concede that really comes under
normal maintenance.

* Mag came loose during firing causing stoppages. At least partially a product of my
preferred grip which places my shooting hand thumb near the release. Solved that by
jigging up the receiver and countersinking the mag button opening, and shaving
1/16" or so off the button itself. No loose or dropped mags since.

* Slide stop retaining spring screw backing out, reducing the locking pressure on the
slide stop to the point it started working its way out, impeding the slide and causing
misfires. I worry about the number of times this screw can be re-tightened being
seated only in polymer.

* Original Kahr magazine self-destruct outlined in that previous post. I could replace the
plastic floor plate, but I wouldn't trust it. And you have to trust your carry piece.
Kahr needs to offer a simple metal flush floor plate for the .45 mags.

Are you listening Kahr? :confused:

07-04-2015, 08:31 PM
I've been running modified (tops trimmed) Metalform magazine tubes with Kahr followers and springs in my CW45 since 2010. I've not had a single issue with that combination.

This thread details what I did and what others found worked for them: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?3317-CW45-P45-Flush-fit-magazine-UPDATED

07-05-2015, 07:09 PM
I've been running modified (tops trimmed) Metalform magazine tubes with Kahr followers and springs in my CW45 since 2010. I've not had a single issue with that combination.

This thread details what I did and what others found worked for them: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?3317-CW45-P45-Flush-fit-magazine-UPDATED

Thanks for the info Greg. One bummer is I lost the spring out of one Kahr mag in the mud when it flew apart
so I don't have that one for a rebuild. Will figure something else out.

Another annoyance with the original Kahr mags is they rattle with most types of ammo I've tried, including
the Hornady 200gr XTPs I carry. Neither of the standard GI mags did that with any style.


07-05-2015, 09:13 PM
The MecGar Officer's mag works very well in my CW45 - just had to Dremel the feed lips a little bit (no changing out spring or follower):

