View Full Version : Video - Things I hate about Kahr pistols

07-12-2015, 12:26 AM
Being a new Kahr owner, I watched this video when I bumped into it, while searching for information on Kahr products. I watched it three times, because it talked about the long pull on Kahr triggers, and the long reset. I wasn't particularly impressed with what was being said, because I don't advocate light triggers for duty, or for self-defense weapons in any environment. Stock triggers can be modified, but light triggers don't belong in high adrenaline scenarios, IMHO.

What caught my attention and held it, was the so-called "instructor" was discussing a scenario where you have a perp in front of you, holding some sort of deadly weapon, and how you should prefer the Glock trigger because you can ".....take up the slack until you feel the break point" and hold your perp at bay in that trigger condition. That you can pull back to the break point and feel it is true. But would you do that and stand there with your gun pointed at a perp until you pulled it off without intending to do so?

I've been retired for seven, almost eight years. I've owned and carried Glocks since 1991, and trained other personnel in the use of Glocks. I've been through transition training and have successfully qualified with Glocks for years. That would include Tuller drills for exactly the scenario being discussed. A LOT of Tuller drills.

I have NEVER heard an informed Glock instructor advise a class to "...take up the slack" on a Glock trigger, when you have someone at the business end of the barrel. Unless you are going to take them out for sure.

Instead, I've listened to warning after warning about the effects that adrenaline can play in an unexpected discharge situation. In fact, I have a wounded dining room table because I didn't keep my danged finger out of the trigger guard. My son will never sneak up behind to surprise me again, as long as he lives. And my wife will never quit telling my screw up to the world. She liked that table.

So, have I been out of the loop too long? Is what this guy is selling the currently accepted technique for holding someone at gunpoint? If so, please let me know. I would hate to think that I'm politically incorrect.

By the way, the CW45 is terrific. Not broke in all the way, but so far, so good.

07-12-2015, 02:58 AM
So, have I been out of the loop too long? Is what this guy is selling the currently accepted technique for holding someone at gunpoint? If so, please let me know.

Your technique is still 100% valid, sir.

The only thing this video proves is that anyone with a camera, a computer, and an Internet connection can upload to YouTube.

Caveat Emptor.

07-12-2015, 06:13 AM

Welcome to the forum.

07-12-2015, 07:37 AM
Just another opinion, like a-holes every one has one....I say everyone's needs are different, whatever works for you is good.

07-12-2015, 09:03 AM
I've seen that same video, well, part of it. I could tell right away he was an idiot, so I didn't see the whole thing. People that believe what they have to say is gospel, are idiots.

07-12-2015, 11:12 AM
Anyone with a utube name like his should be banned....but I guess its because he has thousands of views and everyone trusts his opinion...lol

07-12-2015, 12:10 PM
The long trigger pull is one of the reasons I like the Kahr pistols for SD. I'm older and have muscle spasms and I don't want a gun going off when I don't intend it too. A high adrenaline situation such as holding someone at gunpoint, could cause a cocked revolver or single action trigger, or one pulled back to the break point to go off unintentionally with my condition.

Covert Kahr
07-12-2015, 12:41 PM
Found the video. Dude has issues, thinks that people can't pull a kahr trigger fast enough compared to the glock. If you can't pull any trigger fast enough to stop an attacker that doesn't have a weapon raised and you start with your finger on the trigger (this was his scenario) then you are doing something wrong. First off, if you are worried enough to draw and aim your weapon and to put your finger on the trigger and take up the slack you should be shooting, not waiting for them to rush you or raise their gun or raise their machete. Indexing is important if you aren't ready to shoot. If you have the gun out but aren't prepared to shoot your finger shouldn't be taking up the slack. All it would take is someone yelling "boo" at you to put someone in the morgue and possibly/probably you in jail.

07-12-2015, 12:54 PM
The long trigger pull is one of the reasons I like the Kahr pistols for SD. I'm older and have muscle spasms and I don't want a gun going off when I don't intend it too. A high adrenaline situation such as holding someone at gunpoint, could cause a cocked revolver or single action trigger, or one pulled back to the break point to go off unintentionally with my condition.

I don't get the long trigger pull thing. I haven't been around guns for quit some time, but just before I got my Kahr, I had a S&W Bodyguard. THAT, was a long pull. This Kahr seems to be at least 1/3 less travel than that damn S&W.

07-12-2015, 03:36 PM
Staging the trigger is great for the range...but has no place is self defense IMHO.

08-18-2015, 02:05 PM
I don't care how short the trigger reset is you still have to recover from recoil.

08-18-2015, 02:30 PM
Ridiculous. Sounds like a guy with zero experience ( ie has no idea what he is talking about )

When is was trained in LE we used revolvers. They have a very similar trigger. We never had an issue. I'd suspect that pulling to the break point is asking for a ND. Unless I am shooting my finger is indexed

09-21-2015, 12:49 PM
There are a lot of so call "gun experts" on You Tube who don't know what they're talking about.

09-21-2015, 01:14 PM
The Kahr DAO trigger on my CW40 is the reason why I replaced my M&P shield 40 as my EDC.

09-21-2015, 02:05 PM
Love the Kahr trigger, but then I don't stage the trigger.

09-21-2015, 09:47 PM
No matter which gun is in use the rule is: FINGER ON TRIGGER, GUN GOES BANG!

Very simple really! Any "instructor" that spouts anything else is an idiot!

09-21-2015, 11:31 PM
I've used my Kahr MK9 in an intermediate defensive pistol course.

Granted I am a GLOCK guy, but I really wanted to see what the little guy could do, and he it did not disappoint.

Gun preformed flawlessly, great groups, zero issues. The instructor had never seen a MK9 in his class before (Suarze) but loved the gun and was ready to recommend it to anyone willing to put the time in to learn the fundamentals.

99.9% it's the shooter not the gun.

10-21-2015, 06:17 PM
The revolver like trigger pull was a major selling point for both my wife and I.. We both traded over to Kahr CW 45s to replace the revolvers we each have carried for 40 years.

10-21-2015, 08:51 PM
The revolver like trigger pull was a major selling point for both my wife and I.. We both traded over to Kahr CW 45s to replace the revolvers we each have carried for 40 years.

That's why you never see a revolver with a safety...the trigger is the safety, and that's what I was looking for when I found the P380.

I have and carry a Glock 30, I replaced the trigger spring with the heaviest available just for the added safety.