View Full Version : CT380 Night Sights?

07-13-2015, 01:26 PM
Anyone been able to pickup some tritium sights for the CT380?

Will the CW380 tritiums as sold on the Kahr website work? I know that the CT380 sights have a higher profile than the CW380 but will they fit the rear dovetail and the front double pined front sight.

Front tritium sight for the CW380 looks identical and except for size appears very simular to a Glock.

07-14-2015, 04:50 PM
I have no idea. Seems that not many of us here have bought a CT380 yet (I did - it's my EDC now), so it may be a while before we hear some info.

07-14-2015, 09:19 PM
I don't think Kahr is doing a very good job of marketing the CT380. Glock is killing it with the Glock 42 yet the CT380 sells for about $100 less street price... has about the same length barrel... is significantly shorter, thinner and an ounce lighter. Though .25" taller the CT380 holds an additional round... 7 vs 6. Kahr is really missing an opportunity and should be doing an advertizing push on this gun comparing it to the Glock 42 because as every day passes more and more people are buying the Glock 42 and don't even know about the Kahr...

Now I'm a Glock fan... I occasionally work overseas as a military contractor. When a firearm is needed I say keep it simple and just get us Glock 19s and about 6 magazines and I'm happy. I carried a personal Glock 23 when a reserve deputy and I shot IPSC for many years using a Glock 17 or 22 (Mostly 22). I still own those three Glocks. But I carry an MK40 daily and have a beautiful Custom Kahr T9 that I take along as a car gun when traveling. But Glocks are a tool that always works. My Kahrs are more like a beloved extremely good watch that you want to pass down and show off when appropriate. But I must say though I bought it for the wife I'm really dig'n this little CT380. It feels GREAT in the hand and the trigger pull consistently gauges at 5lb even just like my MK40 and T9.

Well... the saying "build it and they will come" is true... But it should be quantified with "build it and they will come if they know about it". Once this little pistol gets the recognition it deserves both the public and... ""the accessory makers"" will come and then maybe guys like you and me will get the damn nights sights we want.

07-15-2015, 04:15 AM
I, also am surprised that no one is talking about this gun. Even though I only have 100 rounds through it, this is a smooth shooting gun.

07-15-2015, 04:36 AM
+1. I'd never considered another .380 but the CT has been calling me. It's one heck of a pistol.

07-15-2015, 11:47 AM
I was in gander Mt lat week and in the kahr case was a NEW PMJ9 blunt nose with a crimson trace on it, they wanbted a 1000+ $ FOR IT to. I have not seen a new PMJ9 blunt nose kahr in 4 years, so I ask the salersman if that was a new gun and he said sure it, why do u ask. I said well they haven't made that blunt nose PM9 in at leat 4 years, so IMO that gun is every bit that old. He had no answer. This ight be a new gun but it has been stuffed away somewhere, as I have not heard of kahr making that gun for anyone, when right next to this PMJ9 was a new odel with the beveled front nose slide. Just sayin.. the guy got alittle sh!tty with ol jocko and can u imagine that even???

07-16-2015, 12:55 PM
Jocko, why would you walk into a Goose Hill store anyway?

07-21-2015, 12:29 AM
Took my CT380 out to the range. Shot 160 rounds through it. 1st 150 rounds were reloads. I had two slide locks with rounds in the mag both with the second mag fired. I don't know if it was the mag that came with the gun or the second one I just received from Kahr as per their C series free mag promotion. The slide lock did occur one more time before 100 rounds. That could be me thumb bumping the slide lock but this little gun is a very soft shooter and that normally happens with heavier recoiling guns. Reloads (from Ultramax) were really dirty and smoky but I had only one failure to extract at about the 80 round mark. I was firing fairly fast and the little gun's slide was REALLY hot to the touch.

At the end of 150 rounds of reloads (I saved a box of 50 to familiarize the wife) I fired 5 rounds of Glaser Blue (normally use Glaser Silver or MagSafes but couldn't get either in .380). It shot directly point of aim and kept 4 out of 5 rounds in the bull at 21'. I think I pulled the 5th shot 2" low at 5 o'clock. I also fired 5 rounds of Underwood Extreme Penetrators +Ps and they shot about 2"s out of the bull at the 11 o'clock. Group was tight with all five rounds landing within an 1 1/2" of each other. The +Ps were real soft shooters in this little gun. When I buy some more carry ammo I'll get the 380 Glaser Silver +Ps.

I'm carrying it temporarily in a CrossBreed Pocket Rocket Holster in my left front pocket instead of my MK40 to evaluate it and until I can get the wife trained up on it. I'm using a mix load of 5 rounds of Glasers with 3 Extreme Penetrators following. My 2nd mag is loaded with 7 rounds of the Underwood Extreme Penetrator +Ps and is carried in my SnagMag (Great piece of gear but don't buy one... TOO expensive). It is one for my 6 round MK40 mag but is usable for the 380. Though loose it still keeps the little mag upright and in the holder and is real easy to quickly pull out. I carry it on the left side in my left back pocket.

Before I started carrying the little CT380 I was evaluating the CrossBreed Cargo Pocket Rocket for my MK40. Pretty big for the front pocket but it works. It definitely hides any gun shape printing but does look like a big phone. WARNING... these Pocket Rocket Holsters need to be practiced with quite a bit before you load your gun. I found that when drawing out of the pocket my middle finger went right into the trigger guard and on the trigger. Not good when trying to pull it out of your pocket in a hurry. That is due to how the gun is canted in the holster. But with a little practice I was able to train myself to keep that middle finger below the trigger guard during draw. That was more of an issue with the MK40 than the CT380 but still an issue with both. Just practice your draws before loading your gun or else you might need a new pair of pants and at least one shoe. The butt of the CT380 does stick out some from the stiff backing of the Pocket Rocket but it really isn't noticeable.

Bottom line is the CT380 is a great little gun that is still "very" usable for front pocket carry. It IS the perfect size for purse carry and resolves the excuse that it makes her purse too heavy. I will be carrying this little gun on occasion... but... I'm not ready to give up my custom MK40. I just trust the caliber too much and if I miss they'll still be taking the time to duck as it is a REAL flame thrower... especially with the mag-na-ports. I load the first two rounds with MagSafe Defenders and the rest including my second mag with Critical Defense 165s. I've chronoed these out of my MK40 and they are still doing OVER 1100fps form its 3" barrel. I've already been shot twice and am now having some significant difficulties from one of them although it happened many years ago. So I need to and do feel very confident in these two little guns but the .40 just makes me feel a little more so.

07-21-2015, 01:48 PM
Interesting stuff. But If I had been shot twice already, I'd be totin' a Streetsweeper. {wink}

07-21-2015, 07:19 PM
I do tend to have a firearm always close by. Looking to have surgery in a month or so to take out some lead that has moved about a foot over the last 30 years. Its now up against my spine and making my right leg go numb. I'm really hoping that all the horror stories about the VA are at least mostly just that... stories.

07-21-2015, 08:32 PM
Good luck with the surgery.
My Dad did fine with our local VA clinic.