View Full Version : Since President GHW Bush is in the hospital...

07-16-2015, 01:52 PM
.... here are some anecdotes about him & Barbara living in Houston that were posted by a fellow who ran into them twice:

He's a great guy.

I used to live around the corner from his place in Houston and run into him and Barb all the time. She is a complete hoot.

2 csb's:

CSB #1: One day I was filling up my truck at the diesel pumps at the old filling station at the corner of Sage and Woodway where St. Michaels is. Barb pulled up opposite of me to fill up her Mercedes station wagon. She had no SS protection around her (as far as I could tell). She swiped in her credit card, flung open the fuel door and started to pump in the diesel. She looked over at me and says something to the tune of "I wish George could do something about the damned high diesel prices!" Filled up her ride, got in and tore off. OK, see ya.

CSB #2: On a rainy Sunday, my wife and I went up to the old Blockbuster that used to be at Woodway and Chimney Rock. It was right when the joint opened up so I was the first customer. My wife sat in the truck as I went in to find a movie or two to rent.

I was walking around in the stacks and I saw 3 black Suburbans pull into the lot and back into the spaces right at the front door. Some old guy wearing fishing pants, a wore out Columbia fishing shirt and flip flops gets out of one of the Suburbans, stumbles in, slings his DVD's into the return box and wanders off into the stacks. Following behind him are 3 guys wearing dark sunglasses, ear pieces, slacks and blazers with very large bulges under the breasts of the blazers.

I realize that it's The Prez. GHWB collects a few DVD's and heads to the check out counter right when I was going to it. He was there before I was so I didn't get all up in his grill (hey, he had me outgunned).

He hands over his DVD's to the Asian guy working the counter. Said Asian dude was clueless as to who it was standing in front of him at the counter. GHWB pulls out his Blockbuster card (I guess President's have them, too) and the Asian counter guy runs it through the reader, hits a few buttons and says, "uh, you have about 20 sum odd dollars of late fees. You need to pay the late charges before we can release these DVD's." GHWB re-pulls his wallet and starts thumbing out a $20.

I look over at the manager who rolls his eyes and comes over and says to the Asian guy "we don't need to be charging this guy late fees" and cancels out the late charges. Asian guy never knew the whys or what fors. GHWB says, "hey, thanks," grabs his movies and hits the road with the SS guys in tow.

For the record, GHWB rented Best In Show, Shawshank and some action/adventure movie that looked like one of the Rambo installments.


07-16-2015, 02:30 PM
Why does a millionaire get a break like that, I don't care who he is? The $20 wasn't going to hurt him. And if I was offered that "relief" if I was a millionaire, I would have insisted on paying like everyone else.

07-16-2015, 02:30 PM
They get bashed for everything but personally I liked both Bush's myself. I'm undecided on Jeb but I was good with both George's and both of the wive's are class acts in my book.

Course we have nothing to compare them too since, probably not really fair.

07-16-2015, 03:47 PM
I like him. I've never been able to figure how why the voters threw him out of office for a creepy, lying rapist. He was, IMHO, the most qualified man to ever be POTUS.

Hope he recovers.

07-16-2015, 05:11 PM
Why does a millionaire get a break like that, I don't care who he is? The $20 wasn't going to hurt him. And if I was offered that "relief" if I was a millionaire, I would have insisted on paying like everyone else.

Possibly for the same reason the lady in the convenience refused payment that time I stopped in to fill up my FOP travel mug with coffee....some folk just appreciate one's service.

As to George and Barbara Bush...Wife and my goin' on 25 years, couple times a year now vacation spot is Kennebunkport, Maine. No one there has anything but good things to say about those two.

07-16-2015, 07:03 PM
Another anecdote from a different poster:

My grandparents are friends with the Bush's -- not best friends but pretty close friends. Their Astros seats have been about 8 feet away from theirs since the Diamond Level was built in the Dome in 1994. They go stay with them in Kennebunkport for a week pretty much every summer. They are damn fine people regardless of what you think of their politics. I rate him a lot better human being than I do a president, and he was above average as a president in my opinion.

I see Barbara out and about all the time. Once I saw her at the Target on San Felipe while she was standing in line at customer service waiting to return something. And she always walks at the park where my son has his baseball practices. She must really love baseball because she will stop her walk and sit in the bleachers for 30 minutes just to watch little 5 year old kids take grounders and BP.

07-16-2015, 07:38 PM
Not all President's can make everyone happy, but I never had a problem with either one of them.............................................. .

07-16-2015, 07:46 PM
Not all President's can make everyone happy, but I never had a problem with either one of them.............................................. .

and hopefully, we wont have any problems with Jeb when he gets elected.

07-16-2015, 08:22 PM
I think Perot was why he lost re-election. One thing is he was a real war hero and loves the country. Beats any democrap we've had in my lifetime.

07-17-2015, 11:11 AM
The President isn't there to make us happy...if he decided everything by consensus we'd be just like the UN which would be more FUBARed than we are now. The President instead need to lead us based in The Constitution. Congress, on the other hand, needs to do things that are a little more in line with public opinion but this too must've guided by The Constitution.

Leaders should never care about their likability or rating, but they MUST be respected by Americans and by our allies and enemies.

07-17-2015, 12:07 PM
The President isn't there to make us happy...if he decided everything by consensus we'd be just like the UN which would be more FUBARed than we are now. The President instead need to lead us based in The Constitution. Congress, on the other hand, needs to do things that are a little more in line with public opinion but this too must've guided by The Constitution.

Leaders should never care about their likability or rating, but they MUST be respected by Americans and by our allies and enemies.

Good point. Unfortunately the real world is just the opposite. Our representatives spend 99% of their time campaigning. Maybe we're lucky. That only gives them 1% of their time to fokk things up. :rolleyes:

07-17-2015, 04:34 PM
Not sure why anyone thinks a politician will do what he or she says...need to look at what the politician has done to determine their stance. That's why Senator Obama voted "present" at most votes so he could avoid taking a stance on anything.