View Full Version : CW380 Broken Striker

07-16-2015, 05:05 PM
I really do like my cw380 a lot, but, this has thrown a twist on that. I should say that I have dry fired it a lot. I've probably put 1,200-1,500 rds through it. Probably dry fired it as much. I had to replace the recoil springs after 1,000 rds, I ordered a striker and spring just in case a few weeks back. So I changed it out my self, no problem. I didn't notice anything abnormal in the channel itself, other than the striker broken at the same spot others had. I cleaned everything up really good and installed the new one. The striker spring was worn. I replaced that also. Now I'm wondering if I can trust this gun. Up to this point I did, not so sure now. It did start like some of the other people stated. A couple of light strikes now and again. Trying to recall, maybe 4 or 5 in the last 200 to 300 rds. Chalked it up to cheap ammo. I use mostly PPU 15.97 at wally world. I have heard people say that PPU has really hard primers, but come on, strikers shouldn't just break like that. I'm wondering if the striker for the P380 is exactly the same. Wondering if that would make a difference. Seems like it's only people with the CW380 that this is happening too. Any thoughts about that? My serial # starts with RH.

07-16-2015, 05:13 PM
I've looked at the parts, and it appears to me that the P380 and CW380 strikers are the same part. I can't see why one would perform differently from the other.

The light strikes are kind of interesting from an engineering standpoint. They could be a sign of deformation occurring. I would love to see one of the broken parts.

07-17-2015, 06:41 AM
They are the same parts. I have a P380 that has experienced 3 broken strikers. Before that I had a CW which had one break before I traded it. I'm about due for another break. Kahr has paid for shipping and replacement all 4 times.

07-17-2015, 04:14 PM
very very rare for a striker to break, no matter who makes the firearm. Kahrs are no different. But that being said kahjrs strikers are more than likely a vendor made part and sh!t happens. I keep a spare for my PMJ9 but have never had to replaceit in over 33K rounds.

If u loose faith, then peddle it but o guarantee the next gun u buy is gonna be ay different, or maybe that new gun might have its own little quirky sh!t that br eaks to. Doesn'thave to be a broken striker to put a gun out of business. i THINK THE CW AND P 380 ARE SUPER WELL MADE GUNS.

07-17-2015, 09:47 PM
I have not had a broken striker with my P380, but it used to suffer persistent light strikes until I finally fixed it by slightly modifying the striker foot. At least in case of my P380, the cause of light strikes was what is discussed here: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?26256-CW380-misfire-click-no-bang-issue/page6

07-20-2015, 06:34 PM

Some pictures of the broken striker.

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07-20-2015, 06:38 PM

Difficult to zoom in on it. These were all taken without cleaning it.

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07-20-2015, 10:44 PM
Where is the guide pin?

07-24-2015, 03:35 PM
I didn't take a picture of the striker spacer. It looked to be in perfect condition. Hard to tell from the pictures but one side of the striker was really dirty. The other side where it broke was fresh and clean. So it appears one side had been broken for a while. Who knows how long. I have had a few light strikes the last few times I went to the range. Maybe Kahr will make some better strikers in the future. I hope so. I like the gun.

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07-24-2015, 03:44 PM
I didn't take a picture of the striker spacer. It looked to be in perfect condition. Hard to tell from the pictures but one side of the striker was really dirty. The other side where it broke was fresh and clean. So it appears one side had been broken for a while. Who knows how long. I have had a few light strikes the last few times I went to the range. Maybe Kahr will make some better strikers in the future. I hope so. I like the gun.

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There is really very little load on the striker spacer. Now that you mention it, I can see on bright, shiny part of the break and other parts are dirty.

gun papa
07-26-2015, 11:17 AM
I wouldn't call a broken striker rare, at least not for the Kahr CW380. There are more broken strikers on the Kahr 380 series than in any gun I have heard of except for a CZ52.