View Full Version : "Top Shot" season two casting already

07-14-2010, 12:13 PM
Hey, for those of you who have been watching "Top Shot" on the History Channel, apparently it has been enough of a success already that they've decided to do a second season. And they're casting right now.

Pilgrim Films & Television - The largest reality television production company in Los Angeles, CA (http://pilgrimfilms.tv/casting/topshot/)

Those of you who are great shots (leaves me out) and have big personalities (again not me - I'm really boring) ought to apply. Certainly someone from KahrTalk ought to qualify...

07-14-2010, 12:21 PM
Hopefully ole Colby will loosen up a bit as time goes by. He sure imitates the host of Survivor with almost every word out of his mouth. I like the guy, seems like a real standup guy but has to take hosting to the next level or get voted off.
It's a pretty good show, I only saw a few, kept forgetting and missing. The shooting part is really good, as usual the game play and strategy stuff takes away from it.
I would love to do that zip line shooting they did, that looked like it would be a blast. Now I know what Zena was talking about doing in Idaho. Never seen it before and even a derelict could do that one.

07-14-2010, 12:33 PM
Dang! I have to look for re-runs. I missed that one.
Top Shot Pilgrim Films & Television - The largest reality television production company in Los Angeles, CA (http://pilgrimfilms.tv/shows/top-shot/)

"Producers are looking for anyone with mind-blowing shooting skills and a big personality to take on exciting physical challenges with multiple guns and mystery projectile weapons.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a professionally trained shooter or a self-taught average Joe (or Jane!). As long as you’re in good physical shape, have mastered a firearm and can adapt to new weapons and demanding physical situations, you could be America’s next “Top Shot.”"

Dang! Too many requirements! When Survivor first started, I was interested, but I couldn't imagine 39 days without soap, tooth brush and tooth paste, etc., etc., for a maybe chance at being # 2 because I pissed off too many of the other whoosies. And, as I'm a mosquito magnet, the getting eaten by bugs part was not inviting, either. NO GUNS, either.:mad:

07-14-2010, 12:40 PM
I used to want to play Survivor too, for some reason I'm addicted to that show but every season I say no more but I still watch. I have to wonder where they find these losers. Most don't belong anywhere without walk and don't walk signals let alone sidewalks.
It also has nothing to do with surviving of course, it's all popularity. I loved Rupert first time out, but not the second, go figure.
Don't know how I'd play it now. If you fly under the radar your not contributing, if you exercise your skills and try to help your bossy and a threat. I doubt my charm and natural good looks would get me through although I might live off the magazine and TV appearances at least for awhile.

07-14-2010, 01:32 PM
My wife and I finally got tired of the same old clueless people and all of the crybabies. We stopped watching it several years ago. I did meet and talk to Gretchen (first show) at a Home, Garden, and Patio Show within a year or two of the show's start. She had been an instructor at the USAF Survival School at Fairchild AFB up there. I was an alumnus from 1967... before she was born... maybe. We had a nice talk about that and the show. She had a huge "bodyguard"... ex-football lineman type, but nice. Those original cast members got used as ambassadors at shows and stuff like that. I think "Rudy" when I visualize Jocko. :D

A real low point in that series was when they had two women at the end and to win, one had to start a fire... with the magnesium fire starter (I never saw that used correctly... just as a spark device!) and a knife. They both went to using short rapid strokes on the "flint"... pretty ineffectual. One long hard stroke would have worked, not to mention scraping some magnesium off to catch the spark and ignite with a 4000+ degree flame! AFTER A FREAKING HOUR, Jeff, disgusted, gave them both a BOX of MATCHES! That even took a while with one gal running out of matches and the other just barely getting a fire going with her LAST match. That was the deal where the fire had to burn a rope in two above the fire.
That's the most frustrating show I ever saw, because they were so clueless about starting and building a fire for the purpose at hand. You would want a quick-catching fire with kindling and light stuff to get the highest blaze in the shortest time... not a freaking long-lasting bonfire with heavier wood!
There... another rant!

07-14-2010, 01:46 PM
Funny the Rudy = Jocko comment.

I'm gonna go wash my mouth out with soap now.

There certainly have been a string of helpless people on that show. Sadly the cute ones always seem to be the first to go.
I laugh, the girls here at work call any of them that are better looking than them which is about every single female on the show a bimbo.
They say if you use your duff or rag or whatever that team thing is as a top your a bimbo. I've told them (at great and grivous risk of course) that if they lost 50 pounds they could probably wear a hanky for a top too. I wasn't popular for at least 15 minutes.

07-16-2010, 08:06 AM
Great show!! Even my wife watches, perhaps a tradeoff for me sitting through yet another episode of "Bimbo Housewives of Sheboygan." Loved the Kentucky rifle episode ... agree that the host has been watching too much reality TV, but I'm cutting him some slack ...

07-16-2010, 08:38 AM
As long as you’re in good physical shape...

Rats. Probably disqualify me on that one. Have not been there since some health problems developed a few years back. Not a couch potato by any means, but will not be running any marathons. Oh well, at least I am famous on the Internet.... :D


07-16-2010, 10:43 AM
As long as you’re in good physical shape...

Rats. Probably disqualify me on that one. Have not been there since some health problems developed a few years back. Not a couch potato by any means, but will not be running any marathons. Oh well, at least I am famous on the Internet.... :D


Yeah, count me out too. In my head I could give em all a whoopin they wouldnt soon forget but alas I'm not the lean mean machine I was in my youth. I've often dreamed of getting out of this wheeled contraption and getting in shape again, along with getting a whole lot of fixing up around the homestead done, then sit down again and try to maintain it more. Mileage is a terrible thing.
You are indeed famous though, so you can scratch that off the list.
I always hoped to be famous but so far I haven't pinned down what I want to be famous for, and the clock it ticking.
Wonder if Jody Foster is still available?

07-16-2010, 11:39 AM
BAWANNA, you crack me up with your daily rants. I guess none of us are as good as we once were. It sure is hell getting old especially when you still feel young at heart & mind.
I sure wish I could turn the clock back to my early twenties and know what I know now.........................;)

07-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Wish I had a dollar for everytime I've had that very same thought. Early 20's knowing what I know now. Hmm San Quentin, Sing Sing, Attica, Rikers. Why do these words suddenly swim around in my head??:confused:

07-16-2010, 08:16 PM
That's the part that's intriguing... going back with all of your current knowledge, not countin' that Alzheimer old age stuff... CRS and the like... what were we talking about?

07-16-2010, 08:21 PM
I was thinking more of the 50's or 60's. Can you imagine going back to Grade 0ne or so with all of your present knowledge? Boy, would I get in trouble... playing doctor or gynecologist. Dang, did I spell that right? Plus, I could probably make a bit of money in the stock market and real estate.
Wynn:D DYM or DYB, vs. DOM.

07-17-2010, 05:02 PM
I just wish I had my 2 1/2 year old daughters energy and resiliency. I could conquer the world with that. I agree Wynn, I think we would all get into lots of trouble. As for the shooting in Top Shot, that's the easy part, I already have done that and more. I just don't have the personality to make it on one of those shows. My uncle and brother are the same way though. We would be able to do all of that or the stuff from Survivor, until it came time to vote then, we would be gone after they were all fat and comfy.

07-17-2010, 06:23 PM
Yeah, count me out too. In my head I could give em all a whoopin they wouldnt soon forget but alas I'm not the lean mean machine I was in my youth. I've often dreamed of getting out of this wheeled contraption and getting in shape again, along with getting a whole lot of fixing up around the homestead done, then sit down again and try to maintain it more. Mileage is a terrible thing.
You are indeed famous though, so you can scratch that off the list.
I always hoped to be famous but so far I haven't pinned down what I want to be famous for, and the clock it ticking.
Wonder if Jody Foster is still available?
Bawanna you are famous here that's for sure, it ought count for something don't you agree? :cheer2: