View Full Version : Bore Snake Advice Needed

07-17-2015, 12:28 PM
I am meticulous about cleaning my handguns. I clean them after every range trip, regardless of how many rounds I fire.

I recently purchased Hoppes Viper Bore Snakes that I want to incorporate into my cleaning regimen. The rods, patch loops,patches, brushes and jags are getting to be tedious, and I'm looking for a simpler solution.

My question is, are these bore snakes intended to be used dry without any cleaning solvent, or would I spray down the bore with my cleaning solvent (I use mostly M-Pro 7) and then run the snake through?

I can't find this information in the instructions that came with the snakes.

I welcome advice.

07-17-2015, 01:30 PM
I usually just run mine through dry. I generally just use the bore snake when the gun is generally clean, but maybe I fired a few shots or haven't shot for a while and I just want to swab it out.

I sometimes use it as a final step in the cleaning process to insure the bore is clean and solvent/oil free.

That being said I use them alot. One trick somebody here shared was to run it up through the mag well and then down the bore (when the gun is assembled), this also cleans the feed ramp really nice.

Mostly I use mine on my 22 rifles or others than can't be cleaned from the breach end.

07-17-2015, 01:37 PM
I guess old habits die hard for me. I have a bore snake and altho I used it for a while, I quit. Tried it every way I could think of but didn't feel comfortable with the results. After a few uses it seemed awful dirty to be used to clean with. I also use M-Pro 7. Decided to put it in a small wash bag and have my wife wash it with a load of laundry. This was a few weeks ago and we are just now speaking again!!! Kids, don't try this at home!!!! As in so many things I think it's a matter of preference.

07-17-2015, 01:47 PM
It's really good for small bore rifles IMHO. I usually wet the first few inches with Hoppes then pull it through several times. Seems to work pretty well but I'm not sure if it's supposed to be used that way. I use brushes and patches for any large bores and for handguns. Good question.

Good tip on the magwell thing there Colonel. Thanks!

07-17-2015, 01:47 PM
I use a Q-tip to coat the inside of the barrel with solvent
I use a toothbrush and solvent to scrub the feed-ramp and breech face
I wipe the exterior of the barrel with a half-sheet of paper towel
I use the same half-sheet folded lengthwise and twisted into a snake and run through the barrel to remove the excess grime
I run a dry bore snake through barrel, repeat

The solvent breaks down the crud. The towel removes the bulk of the crud. The bore snake stays clean and lasts longer.

07-17-2015, 03:06 PM
what the colonel siad is what I alwAYS DO. i RUN IT UP THE bottom of the grip and then thru the barrel, this will dlean the ramp sp;iffy clean. If I am home I usually put the metal end peace in my vise and thenI can really stroke the barrel back and forth with ease and speed. I do put a drop of oil on the snake to cover, as I just don';t clean it with #9 like I should I have been using the TICO rod on my shotguns for over 25 years. Best cleaning tool I ever have had. comes apart so stores with my side by side ad to me cleans as good as anything I have ever had.

Can u get a handgun cleaner with solvent and brushs? Probably so, but IMO a waste of energy. try the vise methond if u have one, it will reallyclean fast and when u hit that brush part inside the bore snake u can then continue to go back and forthg where utterwise, it is very hard to do that manually trying tohold on the the weapon and and work the snake back and forth..Best damn invention since condoms. Just sayin

07-17-2015, 03:25 PM
what the colonel siad is what I alwAYS DO. i RUN IT UP THE bottom of the grip and then thru the barrel, this will dlean the ramp sp;iffy clean. If I am home I usually put the metal end peace in my vise and thenI can really stroke the barrel back and forth with ease and speed. I do put a drop of oil on the snake to cover, as I just don';t clean it with #9 like I should I have been using the TICO rod on my shotguns for over 25 years. Best cleaning tool I ever have had. comes apart so stores with my side by side ad to me cleans as good as anything I have ever had.

Can u get a handgun cleaner with solvent and brushs? Probably so, but IMO a waste of energy. try the vise methond if u have one, it will reallyclean fast and when u hit that brush part inside the bore snake u can then continue to go back and forthg where utterwise, it is very hard to do that manually trying tohold on the the weapon and and work the snake back and forth..Best damn invention since condoms. Just sayin

I hadn't thought of that, but isn't the snake designed to be used sequentially in one direction? I know I'm probably over-thinking this...

07-17-2015, 03:28 PM
I usually just run mine through dry. I generally just use the bore snake when the gun is generally clean, but maybe I fired a few shots or haven't shot for a while and I just want to swab it out.

I sometimes use it as a final step in the cleaning process to insure the bore is clean and solvent/oil free.

That being said I use them alot. One trick somebody here shared was to run it up through the mag well and then down the bore (when the gun is assembled), this also cleans the feed ramp really nice.

Mostly I use mine on my 22 rifles or others than can't be cleaned from the breach end.

No chance that the brass bristles on the brush portion of the snake could scratch or otherwise damage the highly-polished feed ramps on some guns?

07-17-2015, 03:58 PM
Usually the bristle part doesn't even contact the ramp as you pull enough slack to get the brass end started down the barrel. If it did contact it certainly wouldn't damage the feed ramp, it's not that hard and your not able to put that much pressure on it.

I've never tried Jocko's patented back and forth stroke method with the bore snake. Being it's soft I wouldn't think it would do any harm. Especially in a pistol. The barrel so short most folks clean from either end without thought.

When I'm solventing and brushing I go back and forth. When I get to patches I try to stay one direction to push the bad stuff out and not drag it back through.

07-17-2015, 04:53 PM
I only use bore snakes when I'm at the range. After a session, I run a bore snake through while everything is still hot, using the through the mag well method. Works really well when every thing is still hot. I started doing this with my carry piece, after a range session, I would run the snake through then reload with SD ammo, re-holster and good to go, at least until I got home for a real cleaning. This worked so well, I do it with everything now. I still use the patches and jags at home, but it doesn't seem to take as many passes to get a clean witness patch.

07-17-2015, 09:31 PM
Stick to one direction. Reversing that brass brush insert in the snake while in your barrel can create a lot of problems. I usually pull from chamber to barrel end, several times for good measure. I also put several drops of oil on the tail end of the snake.

I find that the snakes work best right after your finished shooting. I snake my barrel before I pack up at the range when the barrel is still warm. I always carry a rolled up snake in my bag.

Snakes don't replace a good cleaning, but makes cleaning a lot easier.

07-20-2015, 07:24 PM
Stick to one direction. Reversing that brass brush insert in the snake while in your barrel can create a lot of problems. I usually pull from chamber to barrel end, several times for good measure. I also put several drops of oil on the tail end of the snake.

I find that the snakes work best right after your finished shooting. I snake my barrel before I pack up at the range when the barrel is still warm. I always carry a rolled up snake in my bag.

Snakes don't replace a good cleaning, but makes cleaning a lot easier.

"create a lot of problems." Like what?

07-20-2015, 09:42 PM
"create a lot of problems." Like what?

You reverse a brush in a barrel you have a really good chance of it sticking. You will have to pull pretty darn hard to get it out and Ive seen strings break during the attempt. If the string breaks you are going to have one heck of a time getting it out of your barrel.

07-21-2015, 03:12 AM
My pistol barrels get a direct spritz of Hoppes Elite cleaner in the chamber, which I let set for a few minutes. Then I run my bore snake through a few times. Long barrels don't receive a even spritz as well so I apply some cleaner directly to the brass scrubber portion of the bore snake and run it a few times. Works great! I use both .223 and 9mm bore snakes.

The Lula loader and Bore Snake are the two best inventions for shooters ever, IMHO.

07-22-2015, 06:49 AM
"create a lot of problems." Like what?

There are hundreds of threads in various forums concerning Bore Snakes becoming stuck in barrels. From there, it gets very ugly.

My .38 cal snake easily runs through my revolvers and my Sig.226, but really is a chore to get it through my Kahr PM9 and Glock G19, (both have polygonal rifling) and I suspect, but do not know if that may have something to do with it. I no longer use the snake in those two guns but that is just me.