View Full Version : Picked up a Glock 42 to go with my 43

07-24-2015, 04:04 PM
Not sure if I needed it but 345 out the door including the extra mag with pinky rest was too good to pass up. (Blue Label)

I thought about a CT380 but the 42 fits my hand perfect. Ironic as I detest the grip angle of regular Glocks


07-24-2015, 08:46 PM
150 flawless rounds through it tonight. Recoil is zilch. It shoots softer than my SR22. [emoji106]

08-03-2015, 11:10 AM
I haven't tried one yet because that gun seems to fit right between my Shield and PM9 for carry. I am still just a bit leary if a small striker fired trigger system with no safety as a carry gun.
Which model Kahr do/did you carry before you bought your G43 and do you prefer the G43 over Kahr?

08-03-2015, 12:37 PM
I haven't tried one yet because that gun seems to fit right between my Shield and PM9 for carry. I am still just a bit leary if a small striker fired trigger system with no safety as a carry gun.
Which model Kahr do/did you carry before you bought your G43 and do you prefer the G43 over Kahr?

I have the G43, what an amzzing gun NOW THAT i HAVE HAD A TRIGGER JOB DONE TO IT BY tARAN tACTICAL iNNOVATIONS. i SUPPLIED THE ghost connector to them when they did the trigger job. I now have a 3.5# trigger and no staging at all. smoother than glass, never as smooth totally as myt PMJ9 but this gun in my hands outshoots my pMJ9 two to one and I attribute the shorter trigger stroke for that. I have coming in today tHE SIDERLOCK trigger coming in today, and if u never aeen it, go to SIDERLOCK.COM.. I have one on myt G19 tuned also beforeit was tolen. damndest trigger I have ever had. and a safety where it bleon gs IMO and certainly needed now that y G43 is down to 3.5#+. just to hairy for pocket carry with glocks SAS trigger. The G43 is about a cuntest hair bigger than the G42,. I can pocket carry it as easy as ,my PMJ9 even in the same uncle mikess #3 pocket olster. I have had the barrel magna ported, and the grip combat stippled b y Taren Tactical, which I have had alof of guns stippled but there work is not only super in feel but actualy accvrtactive tyo look as. My kahr PMj9 is goin g to \them as soon as I get my G43 back from getting the Siderlock installed. Theyare going to restipple the sh!tty job that CYLINDER KAND SLIDE DID ON MY PMJ9 5 years ago.Ihgad a set of Dawson fiber optics put on it by ol jocko and and extended slide release, along wityh TTI 1 round extension floor plate, which is the same for the G42 also. This extra round set up that is all mavchin ed by TTI is maybe a 1/4" longer than the glock factory floor plate but one exrtra round. I alsobought the two roud extra TTI floor place for the spare magazine. They are all machined floor plates, no cvheap sh!t with Taran. I would highly recommend them if u want a super trigger job on any Glock. The GHOSE glock connector fits the G42 and G43 also. Difference of nite and day to. No offense on the G42 but apples and oranges in a 380 and 9mm..
I am in the process of sending my PMJ9 slide to kahr anbd having them take off my ex big dots and installinbg the fiber optics. My nite glow in the bi dots finally puked out and I feel I can sdhoot my PMJ9 even better with the fiber optics. Ti me will tell. More PMJ9 will remain my24/7 pocket carry---I THINK. Just sayin

I know this is a kahr forum and I are a big time kahr fan,but this G43 for ol jocko is a real shooter

08-03-2015, 01:25 PM
That Siderlock trigger is pretty clever. Is disengagement pretty natural Jocko?

08-03-2015, 02:05 PM
I'm Glockless at the moment but I want to play with one of those Siderlock triggers. Looks really good.

Not quite as convenient to dissasemble perhaps but maybe not so bad either.

Definitely needed for sure.

08-03-2015, 04:57 PM
I'm Glockless at the moment but I want to play with one of those Siderlock triggers. Looks really good.

Not quite as convenient to dissasemble perhaps but maybe not so bad either.

Definitely needed for sure.

I got my siderlock today in the mail, and being a lefty I was able to change it around myself, not recket science even. all machined , no plastic and thge fokker works greast. The 42 and 43 glocks are a tad bit diffrent inside, so I let a glock armorer instll the trigger. I took it down two bours ago and he just called and said it was done and he had never seen one before and said itwas the damdest trigger set up he has ever seen. they are gonna stock that siderlock for people .who feel uncomforatable with the glock SAS system. I had my G43 tnedby Tarar tactical Inovations in komifornia and it was a tad bit under 4# trigger and I just felt veryuncomfortabl;ewith it in my pocket and I had a siderlock on my G19 before it was stolen. It works great ande u still have the option of having that safety off and using the glock safety system. IU have IMO the best opf both worlds. It is a drop in trigger also, no mods needed. One size fits ALL GLOCKS. I am not a macho type personb and kahrs looooong trigger is a good safety, but glocks are not loooong trigger systems and there forer like the enhqanced trigger kahrs, there is a safety. When we sold guns in te past 40 years all guns back then had a safety, now it seems we are pussiesw to have a safety on a gun..course I like *****, so screw u macho giuys..

08-03-2015, 05:06 PM
First thing I wondered was if it was reversible for derelicts. Course that would be a bad thing if a normal person ever grabbed your gun by mistake and pushed it off instead of on.

I would certainly not put any glock in my pocket, no way no how and I wouldn't be warm and fuzzy doing it even with the siderlock to be brutally honest.

I do agree (heck, is this the second time) that it is the best of both worlds. Use it or don't, nice to have.

Only other issue I can see especially when it hits Law Enforcement and I'm sure it will is training to work it without fail.
Always assume that it is on even if it isn't so it works if they need it.

We had a similar issue with Beretta's, some officers carried with the safety off ready to fire, totally safe in a duty holster and properly trained trigger fingers but hand them a gun with the safety on and they balked.
Finally went to pushing the safety off regardless to cover such situations.

Reminds me I gotta hit a Glock class and get the paper, deputy chief found out I don't got a current piece of paper. Waste of time and money to me but he's a liability worry wart.

08-03-2015, 05:14 PM
First thing I wondered was if it was reversible for derelicts. Course that would be a bad thing if a normal person ever grabbed your gun by mistake and pushed it off instead of on.

I would certainly not put any glock in my pocket, no way no how and I wouldn't be warm and fuzzy doing it even with the siderlock to be brutally honest.

I do agree (heck, is this the second time) that it is the best of both worlds. Use it or don't, nice to have.

Only other issue I can see especially when it hits Law Enforcement and I'm sure it will is training to work it without fail.
Always assume that it is on even if it isn't so it works if they need it.

We had a similar issue with Beretta's, some officers carried with the safety off ready to fire, totally safe in a duty holster and properly trained trigger fingers but hand them a gun with the safety on and they balked.
Finally went to pushing the safety off regardless to cover such situations.

Reminds me I gotta hit a Glock class and get the paper, deputy chief found out I don't got a current piece of paper. Waste of time and money to me but he's a liability worry wart.

therre are many officers who are very shy in matter between their ears. The option is nice to have for a civcilian, no doubt Police dept persnal are macho and feel no need, therefore when u own a glock, expect to see toiltes blow apart in the department sh!tters., or holes in the cars floor. If glock is proud of their SAS system so be it. Just IMO not a safe system for pocket carry but this siderlock if u ever seen one bawanna u would say it is good to go. alot of glock accidents inside police buildings kad all due to carlessness...I remember when the Smith 39 came out and Illinois was the first to have it in the state boys holsters. It had a safety1911 boys guns have safety's... again at least you have a choice with the siderlock. Thank you for the derelect compliment colonel. One of the nicet things u have said about ol jocko in ovber 2 years.

I know ur following the MR. ROGERS SLOGAN "wonut u be my friend". ur trying at least.

08-03-2015, 05:18 PM
First thing I wondered was if it was reversible for derelicts. Course that would be a bad thing if a normal person ever grabbed your gun by mistake and pushed it off instead of on.

I would certainly not put any glock in my pocket, no way no how and I wouldn't be warm and fuzzy doing it even with the siderlock to be brutally honest.

I do agree (heck, is this the second time) that it is the best of both worlds. Use it or don't, nice to have.

Only other issue I can see especially when it hits Law Enforcement and I'm sure it will is training to work it without fail.
Always assume that it is on even if it isn't so it works if they need it.

We had a similar issue with Beretta's, some officers carried with the safety off ready to fire, totally safe in a duty holster and properly trained trigger fingers but hand them a gun with the safety on and they balked.
Finally went to pushing the safety off regardless to cover such situations.

Reminds me I gotta hit a Glock class and get the paper, deputy chief found out I don't got a current piece of paper. Waste of time and money to me but he's a liability worry wart.

actually when the safety is on u can feel it when u touch the glock safety trigger thingy. It won't move, a signal that the safety is one, again not rocket science. I don't think it is allowed in the state of washington from what I read they are not intellegent enough to know when it is on or off. Just sayin. they seem top like those 1911 triggers that are so sensitive that if a fly sh!ts on the trigger a bang thing happens. Just sayin

08-03-2015, 06:16 PM
I'm hurt, hurt I tell you!

08-04-2015, 08:04 AM
I would certainly not put any glock in my pocket, no way no how and I wouldn't be warm and fuzzy doing it even with the siderlock to be brutally honest.

I am with you on that statement. I also have strong concern for any serious alterations on my carry gun. I join with Massad Ayoob on that thought.

My brain says I will not be thinking how great the trigger job is on my SD gun in the event I need it to save my life.

08-04-2015, 09:25 AM
I am with you on that statement. I also have strong concern for any serious alterations on my carry gun. I join with Massad Ayoob on that thought.

My brain says I will not be thinking how great the trigger job is on my SD gun in the event I need it to save my life.

same here. I upgraded the sights but it's a stock G19. Not messing with anything, especially the trigger. I always carry in a proper holster so it's safe, trigger finger (primary safety) can't get anywhere near the trigger unless it's out of the holster, no pocket or purse carry for me.

08-09-2015, 05:42 PM
I don't mind the stock trigger on either the 42 or 43. The 43 packs more of a punch but the 42 can't be beat for follow up shot placement staying on target.

I mean the recoil is virtually non existent.

Picked up a Crossbreed at an LGS


08-09-2015, 08:13 PM
I have the G43, what an amzzing gun NOW THAT i HAVE HAD A TRIGGER JOB DONE TO IT BY tARAN tACTICAL iNNOVATIONS. i SUPPLIED THE ghost connector to them when they did the trigger job. I now have a 3.5# trigger and no staging at all. smoother than glass, never as smooth totally as myt PMJ9 but this gun in my hands outshoots my pMJ9 two to one and I attribute the shorter trigger stroke for that. I have coming in today tHE SIDERLOCK trigger coming in today, and if u never aeen it, go to SIDERLOCK.COM.. I have one on myt G19 tuned also beforeit was tolen. damndest trigger I have ever had. and a safety where it bleon gs IMO and certainly needed now that y G43 is down to 3.5#+. just to hairy for pocket carry with glocks SAS trigger. The G43 is about a cuntest hair bigger than the G42,. I can pocket carry it as easy as ,my PMJ9 even in the same uncle mikess #3 pocket olster. I have had the barrel magna ported, and the grip combat stippled b y Taren Tactical, which I have had alof of guns stippled but there work is not only super in feel but actualy accvrtactive tyo look as. My kahr PMj9 is goin g to \them as soon as I get my G43 back from getting the Siderlock installed. Theyare going to restipple the sh!tty job that CYLINDER KAND SLIDE DID ON MY PMJ9 5 years ago.Ihgad a set of Dawson fiber optics put on it by ol jocko and and extended slide release, along wityh TTI 1 round extension floor plate, which is the same for the G42 also. This extra round set up that is all mavchin ed by TTI is maybe a 1/4" longer than the glock factory floor plate but one exrtra round. I alsobought the two roud extra TTI floor place for the spare magazine. They are all machined floor plates, no cvheap sh!t with Taran. I would highly recommend them if u want a super trigger job on any Glock. The GHOSE glock connector fits the G42 and G43 also. Difference of nite and day to. No offense on the G42 but apples and oranges in a 380 and 9mm..
I am in the process of sending my PMJ9 slide to kahr anbd having them take off my ex big dots and installinbg the fiber optics. My nite glow in the bi dots finally puked out and I feel I can sdhoot my PMJ9 even better with the fiber optics. Ti me will tell. More PMJ9 will remain my24/7 pocket carry---I THINK. Just sayin

I know this is a kahr forum and I are a big time kahr fan,but this G43 for ol jocko is a real shooter

Is that a new unit of measure? Would a " Red Cuntest Hair" be even smaller?......:cool: