View Full Version : CM9 Aftermarket Guide Rod

07-29-2015, 11:14 AM
I've put around 600 rounds total into my Kahr CM9, and I took it to the range last night and noticed the guide rod cap (nut) flew out. When I disassembled the gun, the guide rod fell apart! I called kahr and they said they usually dont cover guide rods and will ship me a replacement one time only. What the heck? Isn't the guide rod part of the gun??!? Anyways, is there another aftermarket guide rod i can use? This is my CCW firearm and it is not easy getting a new ccw firearm in California... So I have to try to make this one work.

07-29-2015, 11:57 AM
Sorry for your problem. I have not found a good after market replacement for Kahr's "Captured" spring assemblies. I wouldn't worry too much. The problem you had is not common. I have never had a problem with the one in my PM9. I did try to replace the one in my MK40 simply because I didn't like the way the nylon guide and button looked. That didn't work out too well so I reinstalled the original. I've never had a problem with the original. Good luck with your replacement part.

07-29-2015, 12:14 PM
Yes if is a rare happening. I wouldnt worry about it too much.

07-30-2015, 11:57 AM
I've put around 600 rounds total into my Kahr CM9, and I took it to the range last night and noticed the guide rod cap (nut) flew out. When I disassembled the gun, the guide rod fell apart! I called kahr and they said they usually dont cover guide rods and will ship me a replacement one time only. What the heck? Isn't the guide rod part of the gun??!? Anyways, is there another aftermarket guide rod i can use? This is my CCW firearm and it is not easy getting a new ccw firearm in California... So I have to try to make this one work.

well quite ur gripping, they are sending u a new assembly. It is a rare occurance but it happens. There is no need to take that assembly apart to install that inner spring, so what I would do to be 100% sure it never happens again is to buy locktite GREEN That stuff will penetrate into the threads aqnd no need to take that end cap olff to locktite it. Mind u, this stuff is the tffest of tuff, so u won't get it off either but u don't need to worryt about that either. Just replace the outter recoil spring which u can buy from wolff gunsprings alot cheap er thaty at kahr and no hassle either. ur cm9 takes the same outter spring as the PM springs listed on the wolffs site. buy a 3 pak and they will even send u a new striker spring..

I have called two glock dealers and ask for a price on a recoil assembly (captive similar to kahrs)_ for my G43, rto have a spare around. both quoted me 75$. WTF

07-30-2015, 01:43 PM
I have called two glock dealers and ask for a price on a recoil assembly (captive similar to kahrs)_ for my G43, rto have a spare around. both quoted me 75$. WTF

Kahr is very reasonable in having pretty much every part available and at fair prices. Not all manufacturers are that way...